Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Blind Item #17

It is very interesting that yachting photos of this former actress turned future bride popped up out of nowhere. There are way more detailed photos out there which are no big deal in the grand scheme of Hollywood things, but would be a very big deal to her future husband and his family, especially considering she hasn't told any of them about that part of her past.


  1. Meggy you naughty girl, lol, I can't see Harry caring to be honest.

  2. Except for the BI that had her yachting with somebody Prince Hot Ginge knows well, nobody except us CDaNs know she yachts, was a stripper, and part time whore.

  3. Your Royal Ho-ness

  4. There would have been a deep, deep dive into MM's history by British spooks before a union was permitted. The family knows everything, a lot more then Harry ever will.

  5. To save face they’d still go through with the wedding

  6. I'm beginning to suspect that the MM marriage is being foisted on the Royal Family through blackmail. Prince Andrew spent a lot of time on Epstein's pedo island, where cameras recorded everything that went down.

  7. I've seen photos they leaked in March just do a Google search and scroll through the results.

  8. Oh please, Harry knows and doesn't give a shit.
    As we shouldn't either.

    1. Yeah why should you care AmericanPanda, for your name says it all. However, I'm English, and I don't like paying my taxes for Minor Royals and their fun bits to jolly off around the world.

  9. My money is on Harry’s pal letting it slip during a drunken moment on Harry’s stag weekend that he paid Markle for sex. However, the only thing that Harry can do now would be to not sign the marriage certificate and quietly annul/separate in a year or two. Of course, if he refuses to sign, fireworks will kick off.

    1. Who cares!! The royal family is a freaking mess, I’d stay far away from those Satanist....get out Meghan

  10. @SDaly, that's similar to what I heard somewhere a few months back, which was that they wouldn't be allowed to "accident" her. I guess there could be different theories as to who laid down that law.

  11. What, it was just three pals on vacation, her, her friend, and whoever the third person was who took all those pics of the other two where you can see their hands.


  12. Show me the pics or it didn’t happen. It MM and harry knows. But no one seems to care anymore. Bad signal
    To young girls though, shag your way to success through lots of men and eventually you get a shot at a royal. Who needs education and self respect ?

  13. Not sure this blind is talking about girly holiday snaps. Also the photos in that DM story have been on a few websites already including Cosmo and in fact the Tig site and those two IG pages. JM still there apparently.

  14. MI-5 & The Queen know all about this.

    Something about this union is off.

  15. She'd have had extensive background checks done then dating Harry, I'm quite surprised the marriage has been approved by the queen

    1. Unless she's been arrested whats going to show up? You think she's reported her whoring income to the IRS? I think they all know including Harry. He must have something on all of them to be able to get his way in all this.

  16. I agree with Bobious. You know the Royal family had her quietly checked out the minute Harry introduced her to the Queen for tea, before he proposed.

    Honestly, after a CDAN BI a week or so ago saying Duchess Catherine had her baby by surrogate, I now know that an awful lot on this site is purely made up for entertainment value. I'll still check it out every day for sh!ts and giggles, but I won't believe it all.

  17. Okay so what. They both have a history of naked shenanigans. Also, there is no way that family did not have her checked out thoroughly before marriage was proposed.

  18. Mischief Girl, the Blind was about a royal couple popping out a third baby. My money is still on Andrea Casiraghi and his wife (RF of Monaco) because they were much more adamant about avoiding the limelight and live abroad (much easier to carry off a fake pregnancy/have a surrogate).

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  20. She wants so bad to be famous, and every boring basic girl in the world loves to see a boring basic girl win the prince. Can't see how these two will ever be married.

    1. Jeesh I'd love to see what you look like lol

  21. That is disappointing if its Megan. But its interesting that the Royal Family has approved anyway.

  22. Saw a photo of her Yaching with George Soros's son at some weird event. In the background was a body on a gurney being carried. Looked like some sort of occult themed thing. She is a dirty whore.

    1. Hi Chase. If that’s the pic on google when you put Alex Soros name in it’s a girl that looks like MM but you can easily tell it’s not her, very tall for one. Yes some weird stuff happening in the background in that photos. Unless it’s a photo not On Google images

  23. There is no way the Royal family hasn't had her investigated to find this stuff out. It's not possible that we "know" this about her and they don't.

  24. These Megan Markle blinds kill me because all of them imply that she isn’t good enough to be a member of a family full of liars, cheaters, degenerates & deviants. I can’t help but think that what doesn’t make her good enough in people’s minds is the color of her skin....

    1. Hi gossipgal. For me at least I don’t agree it’s anything to do with skin colour. You’re right for sure that many in the RF are cheaters and various deviants etc but they don’t stand any of that from outsiders - look what they did to Diana and Fergie. I think we accept all the RF deviancies because it’s in our DNA (as Brits at least) to think they are better than us, throw back to feudal times I’m sure. But we want the outsiders to join to be perfect. The Swedish princess who did a bit of soft porn in her younger days was ripped apart by the press when she got together with the Prince , and she was a Swedish national.

    2. Of course, let’s pull out the race card. She’s half white in case you forgot.

  25. RUN, Harry, RUNNN!


  26. Diana was not an outsider by any means.

  27. Gossipgal, if you honestly still think that it’s about race, then you’re perpetuating a nonexistent problem. The thing about Harry is that many people still see him as the little boy who lost his mom in a terrible car crash, which is a very sympathetic character that ought to be protected from being screwed over. Plus, the British people have always disliked divorcees marrying in, and it doesn’t help that Meghan is American (look at the precedence set by Wallis Simpson).

    1. How does one perpetuate something nonexistent?

  28. People do go on holiday without being involved in prostitution. So much dislike for a woman most had never heard of before she met him now everyone thinks they know some dark secrets about her.

    The Royal family are in no position to judge anyone about anything with all the scandals they've had throughout the entire history of the monarchy in Britain.

    So she's divorced, so are half of the royal family. Charles is gonna make his mistress queen so they can hardly object and she has some less than desirable family members who she's not in contact with anymore, they have a few of there own. Everything else is all unproven gossip,spread by people with an agenda against her because she's not a daughter of some aristocrat and doesn't for their idea of what a member of the royal family should be.

    I think the major difference is Harry is marrying someone he loves not someone suitable that only leads to misery just look at Charles or Margarets marriages.

    They love each other, they're getting married whatever anyone else says or makes up.While all the haters will be drowning a sea of their own tears they'll be busy being happy.

  29. The Anti-Meghan crowd is composed of seething jealous bitches, male and female, and anti-American knobs with a light sprinkling of actual racists (some of whom are ingrown like that grotesque prehistoric bat who wore the Sambo brooch to meet Meghan).

    1. I was upset to see that Harry and Meghan will have to live practically on top of that bitch.

    2. I think it’s important to note that racism is nuanced & complex. It can be patent & latent. There are those who are blatant, unapologetic racists & there are those who stereotype, generalize or think slightly (or a lot) less of people of color & may not even be conscious of it.

    3. Another race card carrier. The only ones making it about race are the ones bringing it up.

    4. Have you seen the size of the Kensington Palace complex? It’s the size of a large village. Princess Micheal of Kent is irrelevant and rattles as she walks there are so many skeletons in her cupboard. Her children are have always been close friends of W&H

  30. They'll be fine. If it was me I'd find a way to mercilessly taunt this silly old biddy. What's she gonna do?

  31. @LEANNE That's just the thing. We generally believe that MM is taking advantage of Harry, and that he will not be happy. It doesn't matter that she's American, divorced or biracial. It matters that she's a gold-digging climber.

  32. ".... way more detailed photos out there...."

    When will they drop? In days? After the wedding? Two years down the line? Never? I always had a feeling this wedding wasn't going to happen, maybe this is the harbinger. The topless voyeur shots with her friends are no big deal, but what if there are full frontal or oral performance pictures?

  33. Hey @chase maybe don't call women whores. It's such a vile word.

    1. "Whore" is a cdan favorite @dark side
      Its where they giggle and blush and commend themselves for being *so edgy* the whole while thinking it's a super original word. Or naughty. Maybe both ?
      but stick around, you'll see it used a lot. Each time just a little more fucking edgy than the last

  34. You have robbed me of the joy of watching a royal wedding, CDaN.
    I needed this, but how can I be happy for them when I know the marriage will be like Andrew and Fergie on crack?

  35. Meghan is a scrawny ho. Kudos to her though. She bagged a dim witted, wealthy,balding prince.

  36. @Cee Kay your entitled to your belief as am I that I think she genuinely loves him and there is no great scandal out there. In every interview or tv show I've seen her in she comes across as a genuine, warm and lovely person I thought that before I knew about her and Harry, I saw her on a cooking show with Haylie Duff she came across as a quiet, fun, friendly sweet woman, nothing like this master manipulator that so many are painting her as.

    Harry knows her better than any of us so it's up to him, he's not a child and I'm sure the spooks at MI5 or MI6 have better information than a gossip site.

    Did any of you who suspect Meghan offering a gold digger think the same about Kate? Do you think she would have waited around while William kept her dangling if He wasn't a Prince?

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  38. don't they investigate people around them, before letting them in their circle?

  39. Damn...that’s some bull crap. What hat did you pull that out off..she hangs out with the wife of Ben Mulroney. If she was what you allege she is we would have known..Lainey would have printed a blind awhile ago.

  40. who cares at this point? she's still going to marry him and live a life of luxury off of the backs of the british taxpayer. her yachting/pimping herself out has paid off.

  41. I would love to see Harry find happiness, and have a family full of love like his brother. But that is not up to me, it's between him and his bride to be, as it should be.

    But that family of hers, I would not wish on anyone. Hopefully after the wedding they will all crawl back under their individual rocks, never to be heard from again.

    As far as the yachting, or whatever, I take whatever I see on many gossip sites with a HUGE grain of salt. I read this stuff for fun, and for the comments. The comments are more fun than the blinds. I get a good laugh from the comment sections sometimes.

    If there is anything about her to be found, the British Intelligence knows it, the Queen knows it, and Harry probably knows it too. There really isn't much that gets past these intelligence agencies. They know more about most of us than we think.

    Marriage with anyone is more or less a crapshoot. Magnify that about a billion times for marrying someone royal. May the force be with them.

  42. If you read up on European Royal history (the 1920s onwards was especially fun/scandalous and well documented) this isn't new behaviour it's just before those outside of their social circle would have been completely unaware.

  43. Racist, my ass.

    How many people even knew she was half black before she became the future wife of Harry? She looks Italian to me.

    1. Many Italians ARE Black. The Moors are not fictional characters.

  44. Pretty sure the current generation of the Royal family is savvy enough to keep up on internet gossip so this is not new information to them.

  45. This is Markle's 3rd marriage. She's no innocent. A desperate Z lister who landed the acting role of her life.

  46. Is whoring more acceptable as a career if one does it only part-time? I somehow believe that our present day 'Jean Harlot' and future Dutchess-to-be was VERY busy selling it full time. Harry won't care, he loves strippers and ho's.

    Enty you mentioned these secret photos before. I thought that some sleazy website had bought the pics and was going to wait until just before or right after the wedding to publish them. No?

  47. I'm no fan of Megan Markle, simply because I view her as superficial and fake (that describes pretty much all actresses out there.:) )
    That said, as much of a supposed "catch" as Harry is, I wouldn't wish him on woman. You just know in your gut Harry is going to cheat on her left and right. He's a playboyl! After a few years, Megan will have to learn how to put up with the cheating or file for another divorce.

  48. That's probably the way they met, but they use a different story...just sayin'

  49. I dont know, I am glad they all found love, but one has to wonder what is the point of supporting the monarchy when they arent even glam or special anymore

    it is a lot to ask the average taxpayer to shell out their hard earned money so some boring basic girl can live a life of massive, insane wealth and luxury cause she won the marriage lottery.

    1. She’s hardly “basic”

    2. "Exceptionally basic" then

  50. For everyone crying “racism”, remember when Meghan Markle was “white passing” with two white parents in When Sparks Fly? Isn’t pretending to be white instead of embracing her biracial heritage/identity a no-no?

  51. I went to have a massage in a local sauna in london a few months ago. The lights were a bit dark, but I think it might have been Meghan Markle giving me the rub down. When she offered me a happy ending I declined out of respect for our Queen. ;-)

  52. I like Megan, I like Harry, I like them together... I hope they find a ton of happiness. I’m rooting for a fun love story.

  53. @Connie Courtney .......try googling before you spout nonsense Meghan has been married once not three times. When you get something so basic wrong all your comments begin to look like attitude rather than opinion.

  54. @S DALY - I think you're right. Pushing the Karligi plan/globalism, maybe?

    And might I add, fresh blood w Flava will do TRF some good, AND they have the same nose, however something is definitely off w this whole thing.

    Just my opinion.

  55. Me-again Sparkle is highly unlikeable, and it has absolutely nothing to do with her skin colour.
    It has everything to do with her fake AF personality, atrocious lovey-dovey acting, and general smugness.

    I venture the reverse-racism guess, that THE ONLY reason some people like her, is BECAUSE of her skin colour, and not content of her character.

  56. Who are they to judge anyway? Maybe everyone should their research on the so call ROYALS

  57. I am sure the Royal Family on knows. It is naive to think they haven't done their homework on Markle... Instead of a wedding, there might be a funeral. There is no way they would allow Megan into the family.. No way.

  58. She doesn't even look half black and I never would have thought that unless someone told me.

    Who ever got offended at the word "whore" needs to hang out more and meet our Count

    I think Harry and MM are a good match. He is lost and likes whores, she is a whore who is able to tell him what to do. He will cheat and she won't care. I think they will be happy and she will grow on us.

    Remember how much everyone hated Kate Middleton? Venom! But now we adore Duchess Catherine.

    And hey, if it doesn't work out, it'll be another fun trainwreck for us to observe for years and years. For the rest of our lives.

  59. Re MM marriages. She has one recorded marriage and divorce but a tabloid is claiming that there was an earlier marriage which was annulled. That would make Harry number three. The most interesting point was when the tabloid asked the Palace about this the Palace denied an earlier marriage but then phoned back to ask the name of the man. So much for background checks by MI5 etc.

  60. The royal family of Britbong land won't last longer than the first chime of the death knell of the Queen 'Hand me that child to eat' Windsor.

  61. As someone who doesn't know what she looks like, the race angle is weird. I see people saying, "Stop claiming she's mixed-race, you lying racist!" Then I see people saying, "You only hate her because she's mixed-race, you racist!"

    The weird part? They seem to be the same people.

  62. Anonymous6:34 AM

    As for yachting, international waters... it's not illegal.
    It's a non-story; and they are well aware of it.
    I tried to move to LA once. Do your research... the cost of living is prohibitive. People get creative.
    No, it's not her secrets that are the issue here...

  63. I doubt the Royal family knows anything about the yachting. The people paying for the hookers are likely also paying people off to conceal the activities. And illegal or not, it certainly doesn't shed any positive light on Meghan. I doubt the fact that she is older is even going to matter in the end. I don't think they will end up married long enough for babies to be an issue.

  64. Still don't see what the Royals get out of this. Why are they letting it happen?

  65. Sal,

    As far as I can guess, Betty and Phil figure they ain't long for this world, and it's gonna be Chuck's problem after that. Remember, they let Andrew date a porn star, and that was back before the whole clan less Eddie got divorced. Harry's far enough from the throne that they figure there's no danger of the Yank scrubber getting a crown.

    Megan may resemble Wallis a lot in terms of similar histories, but since Harry won't be getting a Roman numeral, it doesn't matter like it did with Ed VIII.

  66. What I find truly amazing about this is the sheer volume of comments on this BI... lots of feelings re PH, MM and the RF...

  67. @potpourri That's how a lot of famous people meet each other, believe me.

  68. @Urban Rosebud. I had an Italian friend years ago who told me the same thing, that that's where the olive complexion often comes from.

  69. Imagine this: it’s all correct

    Harry mentioned thinking she was hot and he watched Suits. She was friending up and getting to spend a month living in London as her ex husband mentioned she has always wanted.

    He realizes they have a connection or a connection was made. She booked yachting with that time scheduled for London. It wasn’t a true blind date, they had been texting or whatever app.

    She was having the chef move out of her townhome around this time. Did he know? Did she just take a chance but think she could smooth it over if it didn’t work out with harry?

    Probably. Was someone paid for this intro? Probably.

  70. Poor Harry. Good luck, guy.

  71. Good Luck starting off the marriage with this hot mess...

  72. Oh and I'll never forgive him for not being adult enough to handle Emma Watson.

  73. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Of course they know about yachting.She has been thoroughly vetted. They check out everything. They started digging from the moment Harry made his "leave her alone" speech .
    People with secrets are very careful about who is hanging around, no?

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  75. It’s tough to compare MM and Kate when they got engaged as they were both at very different stages of their lives. Kate had been with W since 18/19yrs old it so, certainly from her early 20’s when thing we’re going toward marriage she was restricted what she could do as a Queen Consort in training. From the lessons learned from Diana I believe the Queen asked them to live together and make sure a marriage would work because another divorced king would be too much. For security reasons and the way press chased her she could get a regular job and do a train commute each day. She didn’t really have a chance to build her own wealth for that reason. MM at 35yrs has had freedom and lived her life, built career. You can’t really compare the two.

  76. Kate Middleton and her family were trashed by the U.K. tabloid media. She most certainly was portrayed as a gold digger and so were her relatives ! They were called social climbers and much, much worse.
