Monday, May 21, 2018

Blind Item #17 - BBMA

This foreign born A- list reality star from a very hot reality show confided to a friend last night that she is losing her hair and has no idea what to do about it. The reality star says it has started falling out in clumps as of late. 


  1. Damn. That shit isn't funny.

  2. If there's no medical issue then it might be time to cut back on the drugs.

  3. ACD allergic contact dermatitis. Likely a new shampoo.

  4. Eating disorders cause hair-loss too.

  5. Aww hopefully that person goes to a dermatologist and gets checked out

  6. Alopecia. There's a drug for it.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Works slowly. Stress, insufficient dietery minerals, pulling the hair from wigs and extensions.

  7. That's just sad. Happened to me in my teen years for some inexplicable reason. I heard that hair loss can be stress induced.

  8. My hairdresser said that we tend to shed more this time of year. I was freaked out from losing tons of hair, it’s stopped now.

  9. Iron deficiency and anemia cause hair loss, too

  10. I love we keep talking about random reality stars instead of you know, entertainer and singers. Oh and there's the Disney stars anyone barely gives a fuck about.

    Where's the REAL Gossip??

  11. Geeljire's ex
    I am on fire today

  12. I've heard of adderall causing hair loss before too.

  13. Oh, My God!
    Her too!

    My hair has been falling out for years -- but it's sneaky. And, right behind my back!
    And, turning gray, too!

    And, this morning while shaving, I see that my 21 year old face looks just like a 60 year old man!

    What to do? What to do!

    And, I don't do drugs, OK?!
    Well, I drink maybe a bit more than my share.

    But I am still fit....for a 62 year old man!

    Did I just say that?


  14. Thyroid deficiency also causes hair loss.

    1. Underactive thyroid here.FUCKING SUCKS!!!

  15. Jada Pinkett Smith

  16. Bless her heart. That’s no laughing matter for women!

  17. I thought Lisa Vanderpump looked like she was adjusting a wig, wearing a headband to hide the front of a fall on the last reunion installment. Maybe she caught it from Giggy. (Relax, alopecia experts, that was a joke.)

  18. Was Lisa Vanderpump really in Vegas in the middle of dealing with her brother's death?? I doubt it. It's not her scene even without a loss in the family.

  19. Mine fell out when thyroid Rx needed to be adjusted. The plumber pulled out a big clump of hair and I did not know!

  20. Lunesta, taken longer than 3 weeks will do it. My aunt, when she developed type 1 diabetes in her 30's had huge bald patches. It resolved. Big stressors, be it metabolic (diet change), hormonal or psychological can do it.

  21. Jada pinkett Smith came out talking about her hair loss today but she was born in Baltimore and isn't a reality star from a hot show.

  22. Injury or surgery can alsu cause it. It's usually temporary, but can be alleviated by taking prenatal vitamins.

  23. Not sure if it counts as “Reality” but she’s launched that show where she interviews people in her life; like Will Smith’s first wife.

  24. I hope she gets better whoever this is.

  25. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Hair= Cosmetic. Not important.
    Get a wig. There are celebs like Dolly and many male entertainers who have worn wigs/hairpieces their entire careers.

  26. Pain pills causes it, too. I had a hip replacement and was on them for about 3 years before the hip replacement. As soon as I got through the surgery and stopped taking the pills, my hair grew back just as thick as before. It actually made my eyelashes break off, too. But, they grew back as well.



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