Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Blind Item #16

A member of this foreign born manufactured singing group that no one really follows on this side of the pond is hooking up with a soon to be celebrity groom. As in, she traveled across the world to a country to hook up with him days before he is supposed to get married. Apparently they met a couple of months ago and she convinced her boyfriend to take the last minute trip which is even more crazy. 


  1. Brody Jenner and ???

  2. Is this someone from Little Mix?

  3. More than likely so maybe that Perrie girl.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It's Leigh Anne Pinnock I think, she's in Bali w/ her boyfriend.

  6. Brody is absolute trash. Always has been, always will be.

  7. Two celebrities both in Bali at the same time with pictures in the DM obviously must be having an affair even though there is zero evidence they've ever met. How would she explain her disappearance to her boyfriend, unless he's closeted because of his football career and was there with his boyfriend. 😜 you can have that one for free for tomorrow save scrolling through the DM for the thirteenth time for inspiration.

    1. I'm just old. What is DM? Thought it was "direct message".

  8. @leanne

    you must be new.

    fyi to all the people that are either new or still dont get how this site works: please sit down, shut up and watch. clearly you havent figured it out yet.

    1. +1 notthisagain

      I forgot to say to @leanne that we know Enty & the Enterns get stories from the DM. This has been going on since day one.


      You reveal yourself as a newbie when you complain about Enty getting stories from the DM.

  9. @leanne

    Are you using mobile to view this site? If so, you can't read the disclaimer. Everything here is "fiction" and posted "for entertainment purposes only."

    It is "coincidence" when it comes out that some of these stories are true. Some are revealed to be true years later.

    In any case, just enjoy the insanity that is CDAN and do not become insane yourself.

    Bye now!

  10. Wait, he gets stories from the Dungeon Master, is that RDJ? ;)

  11. @Brayson87,no,that would be Himmmm.

  12. @notthiagain and @T.W
    Firstly most of my comment was sarcastic 😱 and no I'm not new, I don't post on most blinds because I'm a terrible at guessing, somebody else beat me to it or it's a teen mom/real housewife blind.
    The DM blinds seem much more frequent than before but maybe that's just me. I am using the mobile version and the disclaimer is still there at the bottom of every blind.

    I suggest you point out the "fiction" and " entertainment purposes only" to others who seem eager to convict people of the most heinous crimes based solely on the word of Enty when they've never even been publicly accused.

    FYI I'm already sitting down but I won't be shutting up.

    1. those guys haven't bitched about the Dm connection..

  13. @Guesser, wait I thought Himmmm was the guitarist from Depeche Mode? ;)

    Aww sh!t, now some wack job will hassle Martin, joking people joking that's not Himmmm.

    1. Naah himmmm is the drummer from Spinal Tap ;)

    2. REALLY??? Everybody knows himmmm is Deepak Chopra.... jeez

  14. @Leanne,
    I've lurked here on and off for years. I agree that there are now a lot more blinds that are obviously ripped from the DM than there used to be.

    One of the Little Mix girls was my guess for this too. I don't know which one though. Perrie always gets pushed as the "it girl" of the group, but two of the other girls are, in my opinion, much prettier.

    1. I thought Little Mix as well but know nothing of them to answer this beyond that

  15. Some of you people on here are in desperate need of an intervention.

  16. Brody is a handsome guy, I think people like him should just enjoy life to the fullest. The marriage in today is so banal, people used to marry knowing that they would be together for a lifetime.

  17. Brody Jenner.

    Probably why Caitlyn is skipping the nuptials.
