Friday, May 04, 2018

Blind Item #15

Our favorite former tweener turned adult actress/singer recently tried to kill herself.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM


  2. Please don't let this be Selena.

    In other horrible abuse news, buzzfeed has almost outed Brian Singer as a monster, look at the 6th paragraph:

    1. My problem with thus article is hiw they say the agents "wanted someone edgy, but then he spiraled". More accurate is that they chose him expressly FOR his problems, so that when he inevitably spiraled, they could blame it on his pre-existing problems, not on the regular abuse he suffered in Hollywood.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. “In every city, we contacted sources like Jesuit Priests, alternative schools, and police departments” Mali Finn. Translation, we tried to find young kids whose parents wouldn’t care what we did with them or to them. I want to vomit. She pretty much puts the entire industry as predatory towards minors. They’re all pigs.

    4. Thanks for that link. Brad Renfro’s story is so sad.

  3. Since we're dealing with ex-tween bitches did y'all see Demi Lovato cut down her bff yesterday? It was a tweet something like "you f*ck me, you're dead to me bitch."

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    @sandybrook, yep saw it. her bestie marissa or something.

  5. Um, Enty?

    former tweener turned adult actress

    For the love of God, we ought to change that to grown-up actress, because "adult actress" SCREAMS porno actress.

    1. Why? They're all whores anyway.

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    all because demi didnt go to her birthday party lol

  7. Let's be honest, Selena is killing herself every day with her lifestyle.

  8. There's a group of young ladies who will be joining the 27 Club.

  9. She could go to school, become an accountant. Or take her money, buy a little house someplace, and do yoga.

    A choice to do otherwise, with bad consequences, isn't something I'm going to lose sleep over. Too many people __without myriad choices__ suffering in this world.

  10. Anonymous12:39 PM

    That compulsive lying Selena, as if we are to feel sorry for her, I obviously sure as hell don’t. Poor poor Selena. She can just do down in history with the Netflix movie 13 Reasons, which was auctually really good. Cry me a river lady, again Justin Timberlake did a really good remake on the line.....

  11. @La-J, read the article, seems like Buzzfeed is competing with People for the kneepads trophy. They repeatedly paint Brad Renfro as a troubled young drug addict who did everything of his own free will and that Hollywood let him down by not doing enough. Uh no, Hollywood f*cked him in every sense of the word.

  12. Could it have been Taylor Momsen?

  13. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Selena's only hope seems to be someone outside of her family and social circle. She needs a healthy adult to take her under her wing and lead her.

  14. A beautiful, famous and rich woman who needs to date a stupid teenager really can not be normal, it has to be problematic.

  15. what a fucked up thing to report on a gossip site.

  16. Is this Demi?Enty calls Selena a bad actress,but Demi doesn't act much. Is Selena in the hospital or rehab? I doubt they would release Selena from the hospital.If they do they need to change them in her death. To be honest,I'm surprised they are still alive.

  17. Sad, and she needs help.

    But also sad, is that if she ever does kill herself, Enty will suggest she was off'd by The Church, or saw too much, or was about to out a pedophile, or saved a dancing boy, or refused to screw a ME sheik, or maybe she was a spy or was developing a biological weapon in some shithole country, yadda yadda ya...

    AND everyone here will be SHOCKED and appalled! But, I will know it was the doings of Hillary in just another Arkancide

    1. ... however, it might just be that she has mental health problems. But that would be too logical. And like Avicii the scandal will be spread far and wide in the name of entertainment for the bored...

    2. Yup. This website has to sensationalize. Apparently nothing happens normally. There’s always some massive conspiracy. Never a simple reason like we see in real life every day. Oh.. and every male celeb is gay and every female is a yacht girl.

  18. i believe that blind that was titled "counting down to 27" was about her.

  19. Selena Marie Gomez (born July 22, 1992). If one considers the 27 Club only those that die while they are 27, then she has a year and a few months to go. For those that consider it "27 and under" or "around 27", then TICK TOCK she needs to be on suicide watch.

    Here's the previous blind.

  20. If this is SG, then way to go, asshole. What a waste of a kidney.

  21. And no. The 27 Club is reserved specifically and only for people who died at age 27.

    There's no almost 27 club.

  22. If this is Selena it is such a shock. Whenever I see her photo in US Weekly she looks so healthy and gorgeous. It's hard to believe she is a drug addict and suicidal. If this blind is about her I really hope she gets the help she needs.

  23. @Megley

    There was no kidney transplant.

  24. I hope she gets the help she needs and become sober somehow.. Really not classy to go on about "JUST DO IT" like come on.. have some class

  25. If even a small part of the other blind is true,Selena needs to be committed,stat. And others will be in part to blame.If a team of people are making her fake lupus,maybe even the transplant,than this is a sick bunch. Maybe the reason she did the 13Reasons show is because she is crying for help herself.

  26. this is gonna sound bad, but in a way, it might be good if selena just croaks. she clearly doesnt give a damn. people die every hour from not having a kidney. see how she's treated it?

    some people just dont deserve to be alive. it might be best to just let her end herself.

  27. @TW,I wonder why you think that.I get that no one believes it is from Lupus,but that is one major hoax to live with. @bebopcowboy, mental illness is just as real as cancer, I live with a person who survived several serious suicide attempts, my mother was Schizophrenic, no one needs to read comments like yours, their lives are just as important as yours. Suicide ideation is something that takes over that person, it isn't I don't care or having a bad day. With all the people you hear about here and elsewhere,Selena Gomez doesn't deserve to live?

  28. @guesser

    and what if I told you I was mentally ill too?

    ppl die because they dont get kidneys. she's showed she doesnt give a damn about the miracle she got.

    dont blame mental illness on this. thats like blaming a shooting on mental illness. just bc you are mentally ill, doesnt mean personal responsibility doesnt factor in. what she did w/regard to the kidney and the treatment of it is despicable, just like an alcoholic getting a new liver.

    people like that shouldnt be here. sorry if that hurts, but its the truth.

  29. @bebopcowboy,she didn't get put to the head of the line though,it was voluntary. Some people don't believe there even was a transplant. I didn't hear people speak of George Lopez this way,he was known to drink and take drugs after his kidney transplant. I assume it was because it was a voluntary donor. Selena has always seemed to be at the receiving end of hate, even before this happened.

  30. I thought a lot of people here were of the opinion that she's lying about the kidney(?) Pics I've seen lately show no scar.

    Also, I can't help feeling bad for her. She's been on camera since she was a kid. If all the blinds about her are true, I see her as a girl that's been taken advantage of in so many ways and doesn't see a safe way out. And again, if the blinds are true, she likely doesn't have as much money as we assume. And she doesn't have some sweet suburban family to fall back on, so she can't just bail. Idk, I've known some damaged girls in my lifetime and her behaviors mostly make sense to me.

  31. American Idol renewed for another season...
    How many times has Ent assured us this most definitely would NOT happen...

  32. Hey. Off topic but there is a really disturbing rape story on reddit that involves and 80s band and a teenager. I really Home this scumbag gets caught!

  33. Weird. Selena Gomez never looks messed up. There are no tell tale signs that she is addicted to drugs. Her skin is always flawless, she always seems composed and mature.

    Enty wants us to believe she is on deaths door, but i need something more tangible that rumours. No proof as of yet.

    1. Exactly. She’s looking the best she’s ever looked. No bloat, glowing skin. I don’t buy her joining the 27 club. I’ll bet anyone that she doesn’t.

  34. Miss Gomez, if you feel your life is that worthless, then I ask you for one final act of kindness and allow me an evening of using your body for my sexual gratification. Possibly, after I show you the pleasures to be found in buttsecks, you will have something to live for.

    1. Resurrect her will to live through her holey stigmata stinkeye

    2. Anal is thr only way to fuck a broad's brains back in.

  35. Selena and Demi are both 25..they are on the path to go before that...I don't think either will make it to 27 with they way they are acting...

  36. Selena Gomez.
    Seems to be a seasonal ritual by now for her.
    She has to wait two more years to join the 27 Club.
