Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Blind Item #14

This A- list mostly television actor who has some decent film roles to his credit is best known for one big hit. Anyway, this past weekend, he was drunk and made some very inappropriate passes at this married reality star/celebrity offspring


sandybrook said...

Nicole Richie and Rob Lowe?

Stephie said...

Matthew Perry and ?

Newbomb said...

Matthew Perry fits.

Chug ChooChoo said...

Oh no, is Matthew off the wagon?

alan said...


Sara, Making It Work said...

Jon Hamm going after a Duggar girl.

... I got nothing.

Brayson87 said...

Wasn't that half the plot of Mad Men?

Casting Girl said...

Teddy Mellencamp?

Jennacheryl said...

Tory and...

HoneyRyder said...


Dusty Fairy said...

Michael C. Hall.

More Cowbell said...

I at first thought Matthew Perry, but I like the John Hamm guess!

IanPhlegming said...

I thought no one could turn down the Hammaconda!

TexRose said...

Taylor Kitsch or Adrian Grenier/Teddi Mellencamp at Kentucky Derby


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