Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Blind Item #14

This widow is relieved that people will never get to see certain pictures because it wouldn't take them long to put two and two together.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think normally it's "the widow" not "this widow" so it's probably someone different than CC's.

  3. Courtney Love and Frances just successfully sealed the KC death scene photos for forever evidently. This is her.

    1. And yesterday she was asking on twitter if Chinese Food was OK for breakfast

  4. Courtney Love.

  5. Courtney Love and Frances Bean win legal battle to deny access to Kurt Cobain’s death photos

  6. Another hit disguised as a suicide dropped into the HOLE forever, brought to you with (Courtney) LOVE by GEFFEN ENTERPRISES

  7. What don’t they want known? Yes, I’m new here... and completely fascinated by all of this and how you experienced commentators can keep up! Also... I literally can not watch any show or movie, or listen to any music without thinking about all this crazy stuff that goes on!!!

    1. @Kitchensink

      When this happened everyone, and I mean everyone said Courtney killed Kurt. I was a kid then but even us kids said the same. There were news reports about the position of the weapon, length of a shotgun, and the room the death allegedly took place proved murder, not suicide. All this info came out then. Courtney is counting on people not remembering this info.

    2. Ok got it. Damn. But I’m not surprised.

    3. There's a documentary about it ...

    4. @kitchensink not to mention, its been proven NUMEROUS times that he would of not been able to WALK, let alone operate a firearm with the amount of heroin in his system. Nick Broomfield's documentary is def worth watching. Sickening, thought provoking and shows just how vain & narcissistic Courtney Love was/is!!

  8. Me too kitchen too...especially stuff with kids in 😥

  9. There is a theory that Courtney killed Kurt (or had him killed) He was planning on leaving her and she would be out the money. The movie Kurt and Courtney by Nick Broomfield goes into it.

    1. As does Soaked In Bleach. Even the police chief at the time thinks the case needs to be reopened as a murder investigation.

  10. @Kitchensink,welcome, and like your name,you will get blinds about everything but the kitchen sink. We expect you to know all forms of music,movies TV,almost tv, politics,and conspiracy theories. I'm sure I left something out.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Yes, stuff like his suicide note was actually lyrics, the private detective hired to find KC when he went missing had suspicions, etc.

  13. Oh yeah, that even for an experienced heroin addict, he had so much heroin in his system he shouldn't have been conscious let alone be able to move to shoot himself.

  14. The lack of gunshot residue on Kurts hands and feet prove he did not pull any trigger.

  15. If Frances Bean saw evidence that her mother (who she has had public problems with in the past) murdered her father (who is beloved and who she is probably sad that she doesn’t remember), why would she help cover it up? If the photos were so obvious that any Schmo off the street could “put 2 and 2 together” how would police and detectives at the actual scene not do the same and subsequently build a case against her. Is this whole website a CIA experiment in exploiting paranoia? (She said paranoidly.) The Public doesn’t have a right to any private moment or dead body, no matter how famous a person it belongs to, and they probably just don’t want you freaks’ lasciviously morbid attention on their loved one.

  16. Def Love.

  17. one of the girls he abused hired someone to do the deed?

  18. I was in the early years of my career working with the music business when Kurt Cobain was killed and everyone knew he was murdered.

    No one has ever stopped thinking he was murdered.

    No one has ever started thinking the murder will be solved, and today is another example.

  19. @kitchensink


    The CDANers have long memories. There is always someone to fill in the blanks.

  20. I read daily and don't always make comments. Yes I am that sad but CDAN has taught me so much and most of it fits. I love the comments more then anything and people's knowledge of everything is fascinating to me. It started with me reading about Corey Haim and River Phoenix and led me here....however I never read the reality 'star' blinds. No interest in them but thank you all for brilliant comments and obviously I have my favourite commenters but I won't divulge! Always a great read.

    1. Hi Amy!

      While a lot of things said here are true, it is wise to take them with a grain of salt.

      As someone else said, the comments tend to be the best part. Some people like Count Jerkula make outrageous comments to prove a point. Some have a bad day, folks are mean, some folks are unhinged. Don't feed trolls, stay out of arguments, you will be fine.

    2. Thanks T.W for a lovely comment. I don't believe all I read but usually find the comments lead somewhere else and then I find out something I never knew before. Thank you for entertaining me. I always have a little giggle too while reading. It's my guilty pleasure!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @CreamSoda

      I'm not sure if your comment is serious.

      Everyone blamed Courtney from day one.

      I don't think CDAN was around when Cobain was murdered.

    2. Courtney is much more intelligent, ruthless and manipulative then people realise. I wouldn't put it past her.

  22. Watch the film Soaked In Bleach. Includes recorded audio of CL by a private detective she hired.

  23. @Kitchensink

    Don't buy into everything. Blind Items are not meant to be taken as fact. Sometimes Enty and the Enterns write a blind based on a single photo over at the Daily Mail. Sometimes they write cryptically about something that is common knowledge. Sometimes they have a scoop but a whole lot of the time they print bullshit.

    It doesn't kill the commentary around here, which is the best part.

    BTW, Courtney didn't kill Cobain. He was fixated on suicide, tried to commit it a few times, and finally managed it.

  24. Soaked in Bleach is very eye opening! I have long believed that Courtney had Kurt killed. The last four lines that were added to the letter to make it look like a suicide note and was not in Kurt's handwriting. The letter was actually a retirement note. Kurt wanted out and was saying goodbye to the fans. Kurt had enough heroine in his system to kill a horse, which means he couldn't have been conscious, let alone hold a shotgun in that way. It is suspected that while he was unconscious from the heroin,that he was shot,and the gun placed by his body. I always thought that the quote "friend" who helped the private investigator look for Kurt at the house and purposely avoided telling him about the guest house where Kurt was already dead was the one who did it. I believe that once Kurt left the rehab center and came back home, the friend came over and brought Kurt some heroine, maybe a "hot shot;" which rendered him unconscious and helpless. Then, he shot Kurt and wiped the fingerprints from the gun, which explains why there were no fingerprints on the gun. A dead man cannot remove his prints, so why was there none?

  25. The public loved Kurt but Kurt hated y’all, sorry. Y’all won’t even give his dead friggin body a break. And honestly, who had the most to gain? GROHL! He was just some goofy band mate and now he’s a leading man! Honestly I’m just kidding, I know it’s hard to accept but someone whose life you wish you had hated it. Kurt had depression and felt trapped by fame and addiction, and every theory (like that heroine addicts couldn’t build up such a strong tolerance) have been debunked. (To address another “fact” mentioned above, like no, “Courtney sweats empathy and ambition” is obviously not song lyrics, it’s a suicide note and he was trying to protect his wife but y’all can’t respect his wishes and yer really not the stans you think you are.) Love is easy to hate and her killing him is the public’s popular opinion but it’s based on bias not facts. Cultural bias once considered racial eugenics a respected science, like, people will always find “facts” to support the opinions they want to believe anyway.

  26. Yes TW I was being serious because you and others are acting like deteqtifs (say detective but with a snooty French accent) for repeating commonly spread public rumors and acting like 10 year olds absorbing culture and repeating conspiracies is some sort of proof that they’re true. I actually deleted my comment before I saw you responded because I read it and realized it was vague so I decided to expand on my opinion to clarify it btw, I’m not trying to hide anything.

  27. @Plot, normally I agree with you, so it pains me in this one instance to have to disagree on this.I am not one to buy into a lot of conspiracy theories, but I have long held the belief that Kurt did not kill himself because the science just doesn't add up. The private investigator that Courtney hired was a retired homicide investigator who was startled several facts of the case. For instance, who was out spending money on Kurt's credit card when he was already dead, just not discovered yet. Not to mention the fact that there was no fingerprints on the gun, or reside on Kurt's hands.

  28. @LadySabreX

    Disagree with me as often as you like! I'm used to it. ;D

    I don't believe Kurt was murdered mainly because I can't make it fit with any scenario. I don't know how true the credit card thing is, nor the lack of fingerprints on the gun, but I'd love to hear some independent verification on both. The one scenario I toy with often is that Kurt may have hired someone to shoot him after he injected enough heroin in his body to pass out close to death (but being an addict could take quite the dose.) If that were the case, then the CC use and the wiped gun make sense.

    But I can't tell how Kurt's suicide would have benefited Courtney at all. Some say money, but she had a kid with him and would have had a nice monthly check if they divorced, possibly even ownership of royalties which is more than she received after his death.

    Where Enty loses me on this particular BI is how does he know what is in the photos? Did he have a special viewing? The fact that both Courtney and Frances want the photos kept out of public means Frances is also sick of the cult around her father's death. I've read her comments on Kurt and she thinks he's a asshole for abandoning her through suicide. THAT, to me, is the final judgement, in this case. Frances knows he committed suicide and she has probably seen everything at this point.

  29. Lest we forget, he is maybe the rapist of a child. So whatever. Still dig the music and I need DNA to believe anything. NEXT

  30. @CreamSoda That's... just kinda how CDAN works, dude. Either you're onboard for wildly varying levels of truth, and conjectures that range from dead-obvious to implausible to psychotic ramblings, or you're not. You'll learn pretty quickly who's reliable, who's fascinating, who's good for a laugh, who thinks they're witty but aren't. Not actually being able to prove anything here is part of the territory; feature, not a bug.

    Just imagine it's a high school cafeteria and you'll either find a table you wanna sit at or use the senior open campus rule and go to Burger King.

  31. Kurt was an obsessed with death junkie.
    As much as I love a good conspiracy theory I don't buy that Courtney had him killed.
    Everyone knows he wrote the first Hole album that made her famous. She knew she was sh*t without him.
    He hated the world, he hated life, his whole image and persona was depressing. In fact the whole grunge scene and music that came along with it was depressing. Great tunes but look, they are ALL DEAD from drugs and/or suicide.

  32. Everyone realizes Courtney is ambitious which is exactly why ppl think she’s ruthless, manipulative, and capable of murder. Like... that’s the point of the accusations? To debunk another “fact” A) The gun was not tested for fingerprints for a month but B) they did find fingerprints however they were no longer usable. His gun was NOT wiped clean.

  33. @PoorMick I hear ya, dude. I guess this one is just getting me heated because usually at least the insanity is somewhat of a fresh take and this is just so tired.

  34. I'm surprised the photos never got out

  35. @MichiganMama59

    I know! One honest PD where no one sold the photos to TMZ or the DM. That's extraordinary.

  36. I have seen the photos. He definitely did not pull the trigger. I have no way of knowing who did; it would be strictly conjecture.
    So who had motive and opportunity?

  37. Why does it not surprise me at all that Plot-TWISTED is here to tell us no, Kurt didn't kill himself and Courtney Love is just poor and misunderstood.

    Anyone who spends a half hour researching the Kurt Cobain death knows there are far too many unanswered questions and weirdness. He was murdered.

    Did Courtney Love do it? Dave Grohl? Several of them in tandem? Probably. Many people had much to gain, as he was about to break up with Love and leave Nirvana.

  38. I remember when he passed. Almost immediately the police were brought in and then quickly dispersed. If I remember correctly, there was one cop that wanted to stay on the case but was not allowed too. Similarly to Biggie and Tupac. RIP. It has always been widely reported that he was killed himself. Couple of years ago some photographs were shown of the crime scene but I can't find them. If I remember correctly it was police crime scene photos.
    This is completely out of left field, but all 3 deaths happened around the same time and maybe it's the benadryl, but could KC, Biggie and Tupac be related? Never thought of that before.
    Oddly, Love was the one that outted Harvey initially.

  39. Dead rock stars are more valuable than live ones.

  40. The FBI covered up Tupac's murder because there was an agent or informant involved somehow with the murderer.

    Suge Knight ordered Biggie's killing.

    Cobain committed suicide like so many of the grunge musicians.

    All three held a powerful sway over the public, though, not like today's condiment music. Still, Ice Cube and Dre are still alive. So are Eddy Vedder and Dave Grohl. The Beastie Boys made it to middle age. So did The Clash. Bob Dylan will outlive us all and Mos Def is living a nice private life. If some secret force wanted to take out important musicians, they missed a whole lot of them.

    1. +1 all these famous murders had contaminated murder scenes. People claiming to know who killed who might be 100% correct based on what they think the facts are... unfortunately who knows what the real facts are.

  41. The amount of stupid in these replies is staggering. Courtney couldn’t figure out how to get toothpaste out of a tube without help, but she engineered the crime of the century without getting discovered.

  42. NateInSoCal, yeah Courtney couldn't possibly have done it, but Kurt - who was loaded up on heroin - was able to load, point, and fire a fatal shotgun blast at himself. Riiiiiiiight. Way more believable than Courtney doing it!

  43. So the police were in on it? Coroner etc? If we could put two and two together just from the pictures then why couldn’t they? I don’t know much about the case, so I think i’ll check out the documentary too.


  44. There are a lot of questions people still have in these comments. Kurt and Courtney was good, although some of the things reported in that documentary turned out to be incorrect.

    However, Soaked in Bleach will answer those questions - and offer enough to have you asking more. There are things the public didn't know, and there is evidence that points to this being a homicide. It doesn't point directly at CC, but there's definitely complicity.

    Skepticism is healthy. We should all be - of many things. But not looking at ALL the pieces of the puzzle before making judgments based on "media reports" is willfully ignorant.

    The truth is based in fact. Facts are presented in SoB.

  45. One thing john lennon, KC, and chris cornell all have in common is david geffen

  46. @Kikibunny, +1. And as long as we have people convinced the only person who could have killed him was Courtney, they will not solve this. Geffen made Billions off of dead rock stars.

  47. When Ian Curtis killed himself, the fans blamed his poor wife (thanks to the very nasty Peter Hook). Her only crime was to fall in love with Curtis and say "yes" to his marriage proposal. The blame is always allocated to the Mother or Wife. It's sad, but true. Has anyone actually considered that someone else may have killed KC? I don't think CL killed KC, but I think she enjoyed the notoriety from people thinking she did it.

  48. There was a journalist in the house at the time, everett true and he's never mentioned anything that shady happening.

  49. @CreamSoda

    +1 Forgot to tell you how much I liked yr post yesterday.


    That documentary is going to have to convince me that Courtney had any motive for killing Cobain, though. I just don't see it.

    @Viking Song

    " I don't think CL killed KC, but I think she enjoyed the notoriety from people thinking she did it."

    Now THAT is an interesting theory. She, in her perversity, may have liked the brouhaha about his death.

  50. Anyone who worked in the music biz 91-94 will tell u the truth. Fruciante killed Phoenix with a lethal dose @ Viper Room-Def American Records babysat him as he drowned himself in heroin with guilt. Courtney had Kurt offed & conducted an in ur face affair with Evan Dando while touring months b4 Kurts death.(I had the misfortune of interviewing him while she kept interupting with her insecure crazy ass & have pics. Tongue all down his throat-sharing lollipops.) Geffen is a pedo..on and on.

    1. You should write a book. I'd definitely read it.

  51. The motive is simple and as old as time, pure greed. It was well known that Kurt was going to divorce her and while she may get child support, she was going to be cut out of his will and lose out on a lot of money why settle for peanuts when you can have it all upon his death. It happens everyday. There are many many unanswered questions. The retired homicide detective whom was hired by Courtney would have no reason bone to pick with Courtney and motive to believe that things he found made him question suicide. Yes Kurt was depressed and even suicidal at some point, bu that doesn't mean a suicidal person cannot be murdered. The used credit card is a fact not in dispute.

  52. Yabbut, Courtney could have received much more through a divorce then she ultimately received as a widow. She could even have gotten a cut of his royalties, half the houses and apartments, a nice child support payment, alimony, it all depends on what lawyers she hired...and no lawyers were hired by either Kurt or Courtney to prepare for a divorce, right?

    As a widow, she was bound to preserve an estate for Frances, which is why Frances could kick Court out of the house in LA. Frances owned it as it was purchased by the estate.

    Some of her power as the widow was blocked by Grohl and Novoselic who did tremendous things for Frances in the long run.

    As a divorcee, there was nothing anyone could do to yank Courtney's chain or prevent her from spending her settlement any way she liked. And she could keep fighting for more money, year after year.

    Courtney is not the brightest of people. She is histrionic and egotistical. But I think she would have realized that Kurt's death wouldn't have been that good for her. I don't know, maybe not. Maybe she thought afterwards everything was hers.

  53. @Lady

    Do they know if that particular credit card was on Kurt the day he died? Or was it kept in the house?

    Could he have given it away as one of those suicidal gestures?

  54. It could be possible that when Kurt was partying and and getting high with friends before he died and someone stole it. They know he purchased plane tickets on April first and someone attempted to use it after the 5th or so, which was after his death It may also be possible that someone in his entrouge had the card number and was trying to take care of something for him. Anything is possible but there was certainly enough things that bothered Tom Grant who seems very smart and credible.i hope people are wrong and it was suicide and not murder because it is awful when a parent robs their child of another parent, famous or not.

  55. There are three causes to unnatural death: Murder, suicide, and accident. Clues left at the crime scene usually point to which of the three are the cause of death. Even amateur investigators can do this.
    I believe KCs death was a suicide.I do not say this with certainty. I have unanswered questions that crime scene photos can answer.
    BTW: there were rumors that KC was murdered at the time. The story was that KC cheated a drug dealer and the dealer off him.
    Truthfull, the widow, and the guys in the band have no reason to kill him, but a disgruntled drug dealer would.

  56. Drug dealers don't kill off clients, though. That's killing off a money source. Even if the addict is behind in payment, the dealer doesn't kill him/her. Dealers find someway to make their client profitable - through prostitution or stealing or transporting drugs or whatever...but they don't kill clients.

  57. Plot:
    True enough. The exception is if the dealer thinks the addict will turn him in to the police. In this case, it is simpler to off him.



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