Monday, May 14, 2018

Blind Item #14

Look for this alliterate A- list mostly television actress to be called out for behavior she is accusing others of.


  1. I've never watched the show, and I know that it's the character she's playing, but a woman her age in ponytails or pigtails and the goth look, makes her seem kinda off balance...

    1. She'd been playing that character for sooooo long, starting in her 30s, which is questionable anyway. I can't believe they didn't tone it down gradually over time.

  2. well wow, I am older than her, and when i go out, i am often dressed a bit goth, especially when I go to metal concerts, I enjoy my look and being who I feel, i do not care about my age. every other day of the year I am a professional with a long term job. I guess i am a bit off balance, i had NO idea there was an age limit on what I should be like.

    1. @Truthseeker

      I think Sara is saying Pauley's character should have matured and dressed more appropriately at work and do full Goth on her own time.

      I can't stand NCIS but I have seen it. Sara is right, that character was immature.

  3. Anyway, she always seemed sketchy even back in the day as an MTV VJ.

  4. @ Tricia +1- definitely PP. Now she's "hinting" of being physically assaulted and bullied on set... IMO she's trying to spin it so she's the victim again as she did with her ex and the stalking, most of which has now been refuted- witness testimonies even from someone who knows her well says was manufactured by her... IMO she's got NPD..

    1. One time on this site a looong time ago I guessed Mark Harmon for a blind. Another commenter said that Harmon is "such a straight arrow he doesn't even pee in the shower." That's always stuck with me. If true, would he allow this on set?

  5. She had that weird homeless guy episode where she seemed a bit unhinged.

  6. Everybody could use a little goth in their wardrobe.

  7. I'm a 52 year old former skate punk (ow my back.) I still wear clothes that some might deem inappropriate, and I still don't care. Why do you care if she wears goth stuff at her age? Plus, who are you to judge someone as unstable, especially if you don't even know them?

    1. @Poppyman

      I have seen the show through the years. That character was "unwell."

  8. I'd hang out with Truthseeker and Brayson.

  9. The ending with her and Gibbs was a classic - the hatred between her and Harmon was brilliantly illustrated with the coy waves from afar, and the dogs barking in the background

  10. My guess? Everyone's favorite victim of depression, the sadly hilarious Louise Lasser.

  11. More like BPD then NPD, to me. BPD tends to worsen with age, I think I remember reading.

  12. BPD is more just like crazy intensity and emotion. NPD is playing the victim, bullying others, projecting blame onto others, just vile maliciousness, destroying people so that you look better, and overall lack of empathy. BPDs can have empathy and can feel regret. She sounds like NPD for sure.

    In any case, she sounds vile, but I support her right to dress any way she wants. She looks a lot younger than her years (which is prob why she gets the hate). We are living longer than ever, and the idea that people have to go out to pasture around 45 is really disturbing and toxic.

  13. Doesn't she have a bunch of restraining orders out on people she used to go out with or was stalking? I remember a story from a few years ago.

  14. PP seems like a total weirdo who likes to claim everyone is after her, stalking her, etc. Don't give a shit what she wears, but I would give her a wide berth because of her crazy bullshit. And yes, she probably just mails in restraining orders because she's that familiar with them (on both sides).

  15. She might be crazy but I always thought she was hot!

  16. I dont think its Pauley. Sounds like Stormy needs to sweep some rock off of her own porch.

  17. PP is screaming that she is a victim of an unfriendly work environment on set. its best to start screaming at the top of your lungs before others jump you. the "others" are now on the defensive.

  18. @truthseeker
    Preach!!!!! I'm singing in your choir girl!

  19. I know Angie Harmon is a major Republican

  20. As far as the goth thing it's just that not only is she a bit old for the look, she dons it in a professional setting. Highly unlikely but whatever. I wonder how much anyone can believe a word she says, as she seems like the girl who cried wolf.

  21. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Hillary "Back Brace Girl" Clintoon!

    One of the first (yachting) schonner/skiff/tugboat/oil barge/ sexcort. She especially likes women (or very, young, prepubescent girls) of Middle Eastern descent with power, prestige, money and strong ties to CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood!

  22. Pauley Perrette. Just saw it on HuffPo

  23. Married to Coyote Shivers is not a good sign.


