Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Blind Item #13

This permanent A- list celebrity was a reality star on multiple shows and still makes me shudder at how popular she was. Anyway, she recently discovered that a STD she picked up years ago is the probable cause for why she can't have children.


  1. Paris is perm A?!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Anal Warts are no laughing matter

  3. Parisite. Thank Cthulhu for evolution.

  4. Hold on she's knew about the STDs years ago 😣 this can't be any news to her she would have been aware of the consequences

  5. Anonymous11:56 AM

    snooki has kids.

  6. That STD is permanent A+++ list.

  7. Gross. Was Paris on multiple shows?

  8. EVERYONE knows Paris has herpes.

    If she can't procreate, that actually restores my faith there is a G-d.

    1. It’s linely HPV (I think that’s the one or one , at least, that causes infertility)?
      She’s a smorgasbord of disease😰

    2. Herpes won’t keep you from getting pregnant. Has to be something else.

    3. Hpv is not a STD its from skin to skin contact and is linked to some cancers. Smokers are higher risk

    4. Intercourse is the most common way people get the virus.

  9. Yes remember something called My New BFF?

  10. Thank goodness. Not only is the gene-pool safer, but Paris doesn't seem like someone who could be trusted to look after a child. Her history with her pets is awful and probably would have been indicative of her parenting abilities. Now if only this would have happened to Kim, Kylie, and the other Kardashians.

  11. Remember when some guy bought her storage container when she didn't pay the bill and tried showed some of the contents before she got it shut down. There will bottles of meds for the herp.

    You play you pay. Plus, I bet she won't have a kid with the actor. She will try to trade up for a surrogate baby.

  12. Hopefully she can afford surrogate.

  13. Oh no, poor Tinkerbell will have to be the repository for all that "motherly" "love" with nowhere else to go

  14. You can have a baby with herpes and hpv.

  15. This is gross, but this is a gross post so I'll chime in. Likely not herpes -- everyone already knows Paris has that -- but more likely HPV that's invected her cervix. If so, she's probably had some surgeries to remove lesions. Or even more like, chlamydia. My sister broke up with her jerk boyfriend and didn't have sex for five years in her early 30s. She went to a new gyno who insisted on testing her for all STDs and she found out she had chlamydia all that time. No symptoms at all. So the gyno told her she was probably sterile from it.

  16. Are we surprised??!!

  17. She will still find a way to have one. They all do

  18. She's a firecrotch too huh? They are sooo messy

  19. In advance stages Chlamydia can cause infertility, it can also "hide" in the vag an remain undetected for prolonged periods of time. Thus causing infertility.

  20. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Prolly chlamydia gone untreated.

  21. Warts cause cancer. Chlamydia can be cured with antibiotics if caught early. I'm sure she has terminated a few pregnancies also. Hope not though!

  22. This is actually a kindness blind/PSA. If you’re sexually active and plan to have kids someday, you should be screened regularly for the silent but deadly to your fertility STI’s; chlamydia and gonorrhea. These can be passed around like a Costco size bag of chips.

  23. I'm not a Paris Hilton fan, but I don't think this is her. She has enough money to go to good doctors and get antibiotics for any bad STD.

  24. Some women need to have a hysterectomy after herpes or hpv infection, depending on the occurrence of outbreaks and the size of warts/blisters. If she needed to have a hysterectomy then she can't have a baby. She could use a surrogate though.

    1. You don’t need a hysterectomy because of herpes.

  25. And this is a bad thing?

  26. Holy shit enty! You may have just proven the existence of GOD!

  27. Just to clarify- HPV is the one that can cause infertility. If it goes untreated too long- there are growths that occur on the cervix...

  28. Not wonky mcvaltrex!?!

  29. Irish - HPV is definitely considered an STD. "HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). HPV is a different virus than HIV and HSV (herpes). ... There are many different types of HPV. Some types can cause health problems including genital warts and cancers."

  30. I think you can just chalk it up to an STD cocktail in this situation.

  31. There is some really odd misinformation in this thread. Herpes Simplex both genital and otherwise is an incredibly common infection (Imimagine half of Hollywood has it) and does not cause infertility or the need for hysterectomies. Hysterectomies are usually done because of cancer, fibroids, uterine prolapse, not STDs. Maybe in some third world shitholes some women get their innards burned out by untreated infection, but generally in the western world this is not the case, especially amongst the rich with the best private doctors and regular health checks a phone call away.

    Chlamydia is the main STD that can lurk asymptotically for years and cause tubal scarring that can prevent conception occurring naturally. It's pretty common among males and females and is probably the reason for someone you like or love being unable to conceive too. Still other ways to conceive though.

    Someone with excess money can always afford endles rounds of IVF, a surrogate, freezing their eggs or even multiple adoptions, foreign or domestic so it's not like whoever it is is definitely not going to have children if they desire them.

  32. A friend of mine that was a surgical nurse said there was a patient that was opened up in the OR. Said the abdominal cavity was full of web-like stuff. Said it was from an undiagnosed chlamydia infection. Patient had no idea and had it for many, many years.
