Monday, May 07, 2018

Blind Item #13

I honestly didn't even think this foreign born A- list celebrity who is only that high because of marriage drank. It is kind of surprising in the context of her relationship that she wouldn't, but I had never really heard anyone talking about it. Last night though, she got hammered. Absolutely hammered and she was delightful. Her husband wasn't thrilled, but who cares what he thinks at this point. All that covering she does for him all the time.


  1. Just to get it over with and out of the way--Melania

  2. I hope this is Melania. Run girl!

  3. +1 she sounds like a fun drunk

  4. But would the current FLOTUS only be A-list?

  5. I actually think this is Amal
    (w/covering for closeted/Rande Gerber f**king/“I have high ranking pedo pals” Clooney)

    I’d think Melania would have a higher ranking.

    1. Did you see the "Happy Birthday" post. They aren't even trying to hide their relationship anymore.

  6. +1 They celebrated George's birthday yesterday.

  7. NTA - I like your guess better than mine. Event being Clooney birthday

  8. Dont blame her one bit I'd drink heavily on a nightly basis or go on major shopping sprees!

  9. The blind isn't about Trump, if so it would say 2 term president and future Nobel prize winner.

    In other news someone stole the newspaper off my front porch this morning, that was probably Trump as well!!

  10. +1 notthisagain, who would have guessed she'd be the cool one in that couple. She's probably not allowed in the child dunge uh wine cellar.

  11. I am guessing Amal too.

  12. if i was married to him i'd drink a fish...stay hammered...

  13. Amal the clue about drinking in the context of her relationship given her husband owns a tequila business.

  14. Tis Melania. We should all be in awe shes only hitting the sauce and not booting black tar herion, (which wouldnt we all be if married to the orange one?)
    BE BEST! Sounds like what a drunk would come up with after being hounded by staff to develop a platform. "Mrs. Trump, flat out, what is your message to Americas youth?"....

  15. Amal

    She's finally figuring out what she got herself into. Just trying to forget for a few hours.

  16. Yeah, it's Amal, not Melania. Also Amal is Muslim, which would account for the "didn't think she drank".

  17. Melanie has been ArmCandy for the Donald for a decade or two. It’s the Yuuuge National spotlight
    VS. the NewYawk attention she can’t handle.
    It’s Amal.

  18. Leaning more toward Amal than Melania but why would George be less than thrilled, he is commonly known to get plastered himself. I was in a restaurant in Italy , where he was drunk and swinging a golf club around, Bill Murray was there as well as his usual guy posse. Donald on the otherhand is a teetotaller and would be more likely the one who wasn't pleased his wife got plastered.

  19. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I'd love for this to be Kate Middleton!

  20. Amal is actually a pretty big drinker!
    There have been a few blinds on her about getting wasted. But I guess if you are that wouldn’t take much!!!
    Good for her.

  21. Actually saw Biel on set of S02 of The Sinner today. Best news in a month.

  22. George probably isn't thrilled bc of loose lips PLUS she might still be 'pretending to breast feed lol like they both pretend to give a crap about having kids (they had for show or politics or HETERO proof.) I am not even a Clooney fan but his being the biggest liar phony in Hollywood is sad. I'd expect that from dead eyed glassy Ellen but George did have that ho hum regular guy appeal. Oh well.

  23. I wonder if the comment about surprising in the context of their marriage was a reference to George, Rande etc selling their booze brand.

  24. I think this is Hugh Jackman and Deborra-lee Furnessj, she deserves to have some fun :)

  25. Anna Wintour has gone on record saying she will no longer give Trump an invitation
