Thursday, May 24, 2018

Blind Item #13

Apparently, this former actress turned bride invited a whole slew of A+ list celebrities to her wedding she had never invited because she wanted to meet them all. They are the same celebrities who would never have given her the time of day previous to this. Most of the people she invited said no because they thought it was weird to be invited if they had never met either person. One of those people is this A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee who showed the invitation to friends.


Anonymous said...


Eowyn said...

Meghan Markle, of course.

MontanaMarriott said...

I was leaning towards MM but thought to myself that no way would the Queen have allowed this. She seems very much in control of everything.

Brayson87 said...

Sheeit, I think if most of us had a choice we'd rather stock our wedding with big celebrities than distant family members and randoms from our past. And let's not forget she had a little extra room on her side of the aisle anyway.

sandybrook said...

I haven't got a fucking clue who this could possibly be😮😮😮

Unknown said...

Obviously, MeAgain. A friend and I were wondering if she secured her mom’s interview with Oprah by giving Oprah a seat in the nave, even though Oprah probably hadn’t even heard of MeAgain until the engagement.

GeeWallyThatWouldBeWrong said...

I'm glad we don't have a Queen.

Brayson87 said...

@Gee, oh honey we have plenty of them ;)

LooLooEasy said...

Reese Witherspoon for the A+er who showed her friends.

J said...

Meghan Markle marries Harry Farkle.

Flashy Vic said...
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Flashy Vic said...

Blogger Lonely Bastard said...
Do you really think that even those most vociferous of Hollyweird liberal spunkwastes wouldn't eat their own dope ravaged kids to be seen at the globally televised society event of the year an hobnob with real royalty?

Next you'll tell me the duplicitous pervo cunts believe all that white guilt butt hurt drivel they constantly puke out of their hypocritical maws.

SDJ said...

Come on - who would have said "no" to an invite to this wedding?

I don't believe she invited celebs because she wanted to meet them. I do believe that she invited some heavy-hitters though to help flesh out her side of the Church. If you can't have your crazy relatives, then major celebs are a decent substitute.

I think that I would have chosen a different combo of celebs though. NOT the Clooneys or Oprah. I probably would have invited a bunch of my favorite musicians. I would have seated Elton in first class. Celine would have been diva-licious at the wedding.

IanPhlegming said...

Quite the insight to her character. Even as she marries into royalty, she feels she needs the approval of Hollywood.

I'm liking Reese more and more, the more I read this site. Even those sexy selfies she sent weren't bad at all compared to a lot of what you see, and she seems to be doing a good job raising her daughter.

Mr Selfdestruct UK said...

I'm telling you the queen will make it look like an accident! Ha ha ha

Unknown said...

Some of the celebrities that were invited knew Harry. I do believe she wanted Amal and George to come because she wants to be friends with Amal. The Beckhams went to William’s wedding and as for Oprah they say she and Doria attend the same church in LA. I’d rather invite tons of celebrities I don’t know than a “family” like she has. They’re horrible af

MichiganMama59 said...

Oprah's outfit was horrid.

Bonnie said...

Jennifer Aniston? (friends might be a clue)

Now! said...

You have to wonder if Beyoncé was invited, although I’m not sure if she would have accepted.

Lauren said...


Eejms said...

I don’t see Reese turning down an invite to the Royal wedding. She debuted her daughter at the deb ball trying to hook an heir no doubt. If even a fraction of what’s said about MM is true, I’m not shocked she went for A Listers - they’re likely hooking for parts and she doesn’t have to any more.
Also, anyone else having trouble posting?

Eejms said...

Not a nominee, nor an A + lister (surely?)

Unknown said...

Did Betty White recently marry? This sounds like her....

Unknown said...

It's going to be funny to see Meghan try to use this to social climb and see it not succeed.

Unknown said...

Lol, jokes on you. The whole point is... her climbing days are over. Now she just gets to enjoy the view from the top.

I'm sure some invites were to break the ice with ppl she likes and some were to rub salt in the wounds of the self-appointed entitled snobs

Eejms said...

Yeah, she doesn’t need to climb anymore. And I’d agree with the gloat/make friends thing.I bet she didn’t really want to invite the Suits mob but felt obliged to.

filmfanb said...

MM and Jennifer Lawrence

nonyabusiness said...

Who really cares at this point. She's at the top and has access to whatever she wants, when she wants it. She can now make all the rich and powerful friends she wants if she sucks up to them enough.

kbeveryday said...

If there were invites to celebs neither she or Harry knew, my guess is it had to do with connecting them to their contacts they invited from the charitable world. They also could have been previous donors to those charities. I really don't think this about inviting random A listers to look popular

cupofteaandsliceofcake said...


Unknown said...

And she’s a peach?

Brayson87 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brayson87 said...

Celebrities hating on the new Duchess of Sussex, please. Hey she's never going to have to couch for a job again, can they say the same?

mike m said...

What does it mean when you call a woman a dolphin?

Leanne Norman said...

Most of the celebrities know Harry and he invited them with the exception of the suits cast and Oprah. But let's not let the truth get in the way of an opportunity for people to bash Meghan another thing you've copied from the Daily Mail.

nonyabusiness said...

Exactly LEANNE. People here love to bash her like she's personally harmed them/their friends/family members. There are plenty of people who are social climbers who have done the same thing she's done and probably worse. Why people act like she's killed someone I'll never know.

ventilatte said...

Just wonder why Markle has no apparent black relatives except her mother. No black cousins, uncles, aunts, nothing??? Very suspicious. Can't stand this phony no talent social climber using the race card even though she only hangs out with and marries white people.

Elamina said...

THANK you!

Elamina said...

Yes, I posted under one blind and my comment showed up under a different blind.

Elamina said...

The problem is she's not at the top on her own merrit. She needs powerful friends and allies of her own. And how will she ever know who to trust? Another thing, if she is not liked, will her husband stick by her side at the risk of his own popularity? Imagine Fergie was once where Meghan is now.

Anonymous said...

Bet Goop is the actress who showed her friends. Since GP is getting hitched this summer too, there was no way she was going to go and invite comparisons.

MichelleJ817 said...

We all know the bride is Meghan. When I seen "Hollywood royalty" showing up at the wedding all I could think was ummm she never even met these people, why would they've gone. I'm wondering who the actress who showed the invitation to her friends. I'm guessing Halle Berry

Unknown said...

+1 Lyla

Fifi LaRue said...

Bunch of jealous, do-nothing, down-on-their-luck posters. Jeesh!
Get a life!

The Dark Side said...

Lotta haters in here today. God if I was MM I would do the same thing. It's a once in a lifetime event - why not invite some people that inspire you that you would never get a chance normally to meet. I would have done the same thing.

Who would you have invited if you were in her position?

The Dark Side said...

Also this "unknown" person that posts on here constantly calling her MeAgain has been all over youtube saying the same things. The thirst is real. When you are hating to the point it's taking over your life, time to find a hobby love.

Biden is a Pedo said...

MM as an A+ list actress is a joke. I could see A list celebrity, but even that is a reach.

Unknown said...

MeAgain is actually a really common nickname for MM. I have never posted on YouTube, and I’d never want to be stuck with a balding ginge for a husband or with Camilla as a stepmonster in law.

Aoife said...


Haters gonna hate.

plot said...

Why not? She can invite whomever she wishes but I don't believe for a second that she invited A Listers neither she or Harry knew. There is no A list actor on the planet who wouldn't have gone to that wedding. Every publicist would have killed for an invitation. It's free exposure across every form of media worldwide. No celebrity worth their paycheck is going to refuse that.

No buying it Enty, but nice try.

Now! said...

Nice to see that the Dutchess of Sussex now has a substantial fan club, both volunteer and paid.

I wouldn't agree that her climbing days are over, however.

There's a large club of discarded European royal spouses - from Fergie and Mark Phillips in the UK to Ari Benn in Norway to Alexandra Manley in Denmark to Phillipe Junot and Daniel Ducret in Monaco to Princess Tessy in Luxembourg, now in the middle of an ugly divorce.

Interestingly, most of the divorces seem to come among couples that *do not* include an heir to the throne - second or third sons, or women not in line to be queen.

Maybe if you're the heir there are more roadblocks to a divorce.

Now! said...

Popbitch, the reliable UK gossip source, reports that one of the guests at last weekend's wedding was Fiona Shackleton, the attorney who handled both Prince Charles' and Prince Andrew's divorces.

(And Paul McCartney's; Heather Mills famously dumped a glass of water over Fiona's head.)

Anyway, Popbitch suggests that Fiona was probably involved in crafting a pre-nup for Prince Harry.

plot said...

Both parties would be stupid, in this case, not to sign a prenup.

It isn't always about protecting the larger fortune, ya know.

Now! said...

Oh, sure. I'm sure there's something about child custody in there as well, particularly since we're dealing with a couple that has two different citizenships.

I would guess that Prince Edward, who married in 1999, probably had a prenup too - that was after the two big divorces in the family.

Would be interesting to know about William and Kate. I would assume yes, considering what happened to William's parents.

Evela said...

The Megan haters are simply jealous and resentful. Millions upon millions of women would trade places with her in a heartbeat.

plot said...


For shits and giggles, could you explain why The Firm set up a marriage with a US American, then? It seems rather an odd choice for the royal family, if it wanted to produce a British reality show.

Tell us.

Gylly said...

How much higher can she get though?? She is laughing now. Her kids will be royalty.

longtimereader said...

The middleton's are total social climbers. Meghan's idea would be to marry a top hollywood producer, becoming a royal is totally left field for someone like her. Even if the marriage goes downhill, she would be then be valuable arm candy for every other LA billionaire/mogul.

plot said...

"Didn't they try to sell us on what a beautiful love match it was between Charles and Diana"

Yes, but the problems with that situation don't automatically transfer to the latest marriage. So again, tell us why the Royal Family would pick a US American for what you call fakery. A US American with some real trashy relatives and a sexy TV show, to boot, why her?

Unknown said...

Read the blind again, Biden.

Unknown said...

Oh please, these people will freely exercise (however carefully) their right to snub Meghan and whomever else they deem insincere. It's a great card to play, and certainly a righteous but also deserved response. MM will be getting snubbed by RF (already happened, see wedding pics of Royals looking glum and away from MM).

If you think she will get respect and acceptance and an equal place at the table, then you are naive. Even if MM had never engaged in sleazy activities (which she most certainly did repeatedly, google it-don't ask me to do your work for you), she would still get snubbed as she is common (vulgare in Latin) with common ways and the harder she tries the more chuckles from the court. She will never attain grace and elegance in any sense. That ship sailed honey when you showed your udders to the world to see. You weren't ahem, minding your own business sunning yourself on a boat whilst a photog with a super-double extra overtime long-range lens snaps your unwitting picture. You wanted the world to see what you got all along, actions begat consequences no matter pretending otherwise. And You don't get to then project any moral authority and expect respect from me instead of a snicker or two. It doesn't work that way no matter how we wish it did. If descretion were an anvil, it would crack in two on her head. MM has no concept of it in her world as do her sycophants.

She is about on the same level as Katie Price or lower, just sneakier. And Harry in Vegas lowered his respectability meter, he will never be taken seriously.

Unknown said...

Harry's interests will come first of course.

The shtf when Harry starts traveling alone while Meghan is 'busy' with her own engagements. WOC are very keen to relationship chicanery lol and this will not fly. Cheaters will always cheat and anyone who believes Harry will pass up the opportunity is crazy. They are both incredibly immature spoiled asses, so the fireworks of the impending fallout should be gloriously and side-splittingly entertaining.

plot said...


" she would still get snubbed as she is common (vulgare in Latin) with common ways"

Liz, the Queen Mother of the current queen, was a commoner. So was Kate Middleton. So were both of Princess Anne's husbands (I think.)

Meghan has good company there.

"She will never attain grace and elegance in any sense"

The British royals have rarely achieved grace or elegance in their long history. We're not talking Parisian ballet companies here.

"That ship sailed honey when you showed your udders to the world to see."

She was preceded by other royals before her in that, too.

Unknown said...

NO. I would not want anyone I know to be like Meghan. I estimate Hag will last maximum 11/2 years until separation.

Unknown said...

Doesn't make it ok just because everyone is doing it, and what other Royals? You want to equate Kate getting papped by a telephoto lens way out on a boat minding her own business to Meghan shoving her udders and ass to the world? Ok, sure lol. So who would you be referencing, Fergie lol? Meghan is in great company there, were it not for the fact Fergie will snub her too.

I did not say 'commoner' I said common as in "vulgare" as I stated. You could look it up to educate yourself, or not...

So when was the last time the queen or Kate or ??? posed nude, spoke in vulgaritys or sex acts (that's what it is) for acting money. Harry may qualify, but he cashed out his respect card, too. And did I say the Royals are to be admired as role models? Nope.

A gold ring in a hogs snout; your idol.

plot said...

No, I'd rather equate you with a vulgar commoner, resident of a decaying trailer, for calling any woman's breasts "udders".

That's not a sign of education, sweets, but it looks like you really want to project the image of what your profoundly lack.

Jyar said...

Nicole Kidman would absolutely be flashing that invite!

NicQuerica said...

Treat your obvious jealousy the same way you'd treat your hole-ridden underwear: Keep it hidden or throw it out because it sure looks gross when you let it show. Fuckin hater. It's not like Harry would ever be coming home to your ass every night. You mad?

NicQuerica said...

Most of the people bashing her don't even know her personally, they just jump on the bandwagon like fucking sheep. Much of has to do with jealousy. Like "what's this mutt have that was so special to land herself a PRINCE? Waaaah I wanted to marry a prince it's so not fair!" You notice how it's mostly women bashing on her? Fucking catty bitches.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

She’s actually INVITED people who would have never given her the time of day?! If I were in her position, I’d fucking snub them back... And never let them forget how they treated me when I was a nobody. “Pretty Woman” style. “Big mistake. Big. HUUUUGE.” 🛍🖤🔥

You’ve just completely wasted and missed out on an opportunity for some sweet revenge, Meghan... SMDH. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Most people who don't fawn over mediocre MeAgain Sparkles aren't jealous, but rather astute observers, who'd rather be free to lead the lives they want.
As long as this ridiculous marriage will last, she won't be able to wear what she wants, say what she wants, go where she wants, or do what she wants. Ever.
Her entire existence will be scrutinised under a microscope and every minute of her married life will be controlled and imposed on her. It's a life in a golden cage, with golden shackles and a golden tiara made of thorns.
She sold her soul and doesn't even know it yet, because she's not that bright.
She only had to be smarter than Harry, the Idiot Prince.

And please don't compare Kate, a girl who knew her husband for 10+ years before marrying him, knew exactly what she was getting herself into, did it for love, and who has shown nothing but class, dignity and self respect, to this talentless, average-in-all-ways, d-lister.

plot said...


"Most people who don't fawn over mediocre MeAgain Sparkles aren't jealous, but rather astute observers"

Or so insecure they need to flatter themselves.

"who'd rather be free to lead the lives they want. "

Who imagine, in their inebriation, that Meghan Windsor prevents them from doing exactly that. Paranoid much?

gauloise said...

Just cause someone marries to the top doesnt mean the other women at the top accept her w open arms. Old money society can be really closed to women like Meghan

Even celebs and famous people know when they are being used, and I can totally see them turning down an invite to the wedding, which a lot of people really dont care about

Anonymous said...

The wedding was held on Malcolm X’s bday. Not a coincidence. Not about romance. This was as a political event as it was a ‘royal wedding’. Day was chosen even though no British royal has married on a weekend incl Charles. That is another reason (in part) why Ms O was there and the preacher, choir etc. Put into context with the British Empire’s history and slavery etc incl Queen Victoria’s role. There were also many hallmark elements of a true Royal event missing. If you choose to believe it was by choice, fine. As for MM (née Markel) there are many proven/reported inconsistencies in her/ their stories. To not see this or ignore is hard but nice if you wsnt to believe in Pretty Woman/ Cinderella fairytales. Accusing all who are not fans or questioning a narrative being sold doesn’t prove they’re wrong only that you’re willing to defend a total stranger. Time will tell. Truth always has a way of coming out...even when you Mi5 is tasked with scrubbing your past.

plot said...

There are inconsistencies in EVERYONE'S stories, no matter who they are, top to bottom. That doesn't make this marriage suspect.

"questioning a narrative being sold doesn’t prove they’re wrong only that you’re willing to defend a total stranger. "

Or we simply disagree with the uber-conspiracies. Why claim the emotional attachment of those who, like myself, don't see much more than a nice wedding? Is it a case of projection on your part, where you are emotionally wedded to your stance and wish to impugn us with the same fervor?

No matter what date Meghan and Harry Windsor chose, it could be connected to the magical threads of conspiracy. History is so layered at this point that no date escapes the spinning zealotry of Alex Jones or Qanon.

"if you wsnt to believe in Pretty Woman/ Cinderella fairytales."

Which is doesn't seem like anyone does here. Are you familiar with the straw man fallacy? Fabricating an opponent out of whole cloth because you can't argue with your real opponent's stances?

"Truth always has a way of coming out."

And when it doesn't the Pizzagaters and Qanoners will invent a fiction of Outrage!

Anonymous said...

Markle invited Hollywood actors? LOL
It's like she has lived on some other planet, and has no clue of our power structure here.

plot said...


If Meghan Windsor sent invites to Hollywood A Listers, which this BI claims, they would have rushed to attend dressed as smartly as possible. Free publicity, donjaknow.

It's doubtful that she sent out any.

bob said...

Oprah attend the same church as Doria, Megan's mother and has known her for some time.

Bowiemom400 said...

In what way did she use the race card?


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