Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blind Item #13

This A- list reality star who used to be famous for something else in his life should be on the lookout for that coke filled sex tape he probably doesn't remember shooting. It will end whatever career he has left, which shouldn't be any after his past actions.


  1. Replies
    1. He just reeks of grossness!

    2. I know it’s pretty insane that he got away with as much as he did. As much as I love the show/cast as an ensemble-he’s gotta get the eff up otta there.

    3. Agreed. That show is a guilty pleasure but T-Rav is off the rails. The gaping cracks to his veneer must be tough to edit around. He just appears to be a shallow, entitled, vindictive man-child.

  2. +1 Tricia


    "In June 2007, Ravenel was indicted on federal cocaine distribution charges by US Attorney Reginald Lloyd."


  3. Raping nannies, slinging sugar, he must think he's running a plantation over there.

    1. Sad but true I think the scum bag actually does..
      Oh and he’s an entitled ,privileged raging alcoholic πŸ‘€

    2. He’s like 95 years old yet still a mysongistic perv. This is why insurance shouldn’t cover viagra

    3. @mo FYI age is NOT the only reason viagra is prescribed moron. Cancer/cancer treatments can wreak havoc on a sex life so

  4. Bible thumping, politician, AND reality TV??

    Damn, that's like the trifecta of A DOUCHE BAG!!

  5. I can believe it, every now and then you come across degenerates who actually look and act like degenerates.

  6. Who here doesn't have a coke fueled sex tape from back in the day tho?

    No one ?
    Oops me neither

  7. Thomas Ravenal bottoming in a gang bang? Might create a career for him - in porn. Lots of people would watch that.

  8. Is he the one that had babies with the vapid red-headed chick oozing jealousy over the airheaded one? Sorry - I have only seen a handful of those shows but the red-head is psycho and might as well have JEALOUS on her forehead in sharpie. Meanwhile the rest of them get chilly from the breeze flying out the airhead's ears - I think her name is Landon. Honestly, if I had to get stuck in a room w/Thomas, Red or Airhead - I'd take airhead. Thomas seems like he's low-key shocked that anyone still wants him but tries to outwardly be coy and that he can't believe it's such drama. Maybe I need to stay in my lane since I'm not a regular watcher but... that's insight from someone who's seen about three episodes total.

  9. Remember that scene with Ravenel's dad when the dad said something like, "I'll use this $5 bill for the tip. Don't want to walk around with any photos of Lincoln in my pocket"?

    1. Thorne I missed that episode?
      Honey Bunny you mailed it pretty accurately... but Red Head is sober now so way less psycho in her defense (I rather detested her butvnow in light of much I have some empathy)

    2. Kathryn was very young when they got together and he was always messing with her mind. Hell he is still trying to this year with the flirting but she has gotten a bit wiser. He's also stringing this new chick along. I can totally see him doing the things he is accused of. He acts like he is above everyone.

  10. I was thinking Stevie J....known as a producer in the 90s mainly and we know he likes that substance. With recentinfo, Ravanel fits too.

  11. If it is Ravenal he just got accused of sexual assault by the nanny.

  12. ROSIE - LOL

    And I hope I don't.

  13. Randaleese is right, in fact more right than she knows: viagra was invented as heart meds and is still prescribed as such

  14. Why do they never discuss the medical issues of Rav's son. Is it Down syndrome? Were his week,coke damaged swimmers 2 blame?!!!
