Thursday, May 03, 2018

Blind Item #13 - Mr. X

Which A+ list daytime talk show host has a way her booking office gets all the A-list guests on her show and leaves her competitors high and dry with big name guests? Well for one thing, the production conglomerate behind her show need some puff piece questions when said guests come to promote their movie. Unlike other talk show hosts, she is on very good terms with PR people and agents (you know, in case the star needs to make an appearance to do some damage control) and sends them gifts as a thank you. Celebrity guests, for the most part, dread going on her show because they know she's an uber-bitch behind the scenes and just plain don't like her. That's why the green rooms are stocked with a bar. Oh and did I mention that she has several deals with some celebs that they only appear on her show and no other daytime shows.


  1. Capt. Obvious is X's alias off site

  2. Well that explains why all her guests have regret written all over their faces, and the bar explains the dancing.

  3. People who wrote dystopian novels/movies back in the day thought things would be much more heavy-handed than they are.

    You don't hypnotize the audience with monotonous calls for unity, you do shitty awkward dancing and painfully forced, mawkish 'sincerity' until their brains melt.

  4. +100000000000000^10000000000000000000000th power.

    Ellen Degenerate...hopefully her operation mockingturd arse will be slow fed into an industrial waste shredder in the near future

  5. If the tabloids are to be believed this is Ellen & her marriage is a joke.

    Everyone knows what Wendy Williams is like so not her.

  6. That little blonde dude.

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      The best line on this thread

    2. Justin Bieber?

      She's always awkward as fuck and unfunny. She does the Jimmy Kimmel thing of "get a cute kid to do/say something funny" rather than actually being funny herself. Just cringe all round. I dont know why people watch her...

  7. Smellin' DeGenitals.
    Vile in every way.

  8. I'm so surprised about Ellen. My guess was going to be Kelly Ripa.

  9. It is well known that Ellen is incredibly mean to her staff, epecially her writers.

    Louis CK talks about Ellen's cruelty here:

  10. I was thinking Kelly Ripa first but Ellen makes more sense. Ellen has always given me a bad vibe. Something behind the eyes doesn't sit well with me. Also, my bff from high school loved her and she was a moron with horrible taste.

  11. +1 cheesegrater, it's totally her eyes.

  12. If you watched An Open Secret, the actual footage they show from the DEN productions had commercials featuring Ellen. The ads were for an LA center for gay youth. I guess my protect-the-kids radar has been up ever since finding this site but it bothered me.

  13. Ellen is old school like Jay Leno or David Letterman. She thinks the only way to win is to destroy the competition.

  14. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I caught Ellen in Provincetown before she was famous. The mullet gave her away: butch lezzy.

  15. Sounds similar to Rosie - sweet on her show, mean in real life.

  16. I went to a taping of her show last month and her staff seemed be enjoying themselves (laughing at jokes, and having fun behind the scened) and even had the chance to talk with an intern and he made it seem like he was living the dream. I just can't get behind negativity surrounding Ellen. At least she's doing good for the world with the platform.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Ellen is a bitch?! Wow! She seems like she’s the nicest person. But then again you don’t get to that level, by being the nicest person on the block.

  19. Well they sure turned out in their numbers for her bday party. We're they forced to go.

  20. Don't buy it. I know people who have worked on the Ellen show and none of them has said anything about her being an uber-bitch. Driven and exacting but generous and fun place to work.

    Sounds like someone is jealous that Ellen and her crew bust their asses to get all the guests. How can someone say people hate going on her show but they get all the guests? Sore losers from another production team?

  21. Maybe if she ate more she wouldn't be such a bitch.

  22. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Cold-as-steel Ellen.
    Ask yourself how she got there ...much the same as Oprah...

  23. Ellen lost me many years ago when she gave away a dog she adopted to her housekeeper in total violation of the rescue's contract. When the rescue called her out on it she (a) sicced her fans, etc. on the rescue and badmouthed them - a very reputable charity with a great reputation - and (b) Portia tried to pretend like she didn't understand how contracts work.

    I have zero use for them ever since then. True colors.

    1. On they’ve said she’s pawned her adopted animals off multiple times to her staff.

  24. Ouiser B, I had a friend work for ELLEN too and utterly dissed her after leaving. She was notoriously awful to her writers during their strike. And gossip sites abound with her PRESSURING her employees to adopt pets they don't want, literally thrusting them upon folks, while she has questionably gotten ride of pets, all while claiming to be a huge advocate. I don't buy her phony bit for a second.

  25. lived in montecito - heard about her awful treatment of humans from random clients (that were her staff) - they said Oprah wasnt mean like Ellen. unsolicited - random - they said no-one is as mean as Bruckheimer's wife in Ojai

  26. I can't stand people who brag about hating children, while they cry and squeal at the sight of a puppy.

    I like dogs too, so do most people. It doesn't make you somebody kind or righteous, Hitler loved dogs.

    But what kind of a person are you when you openly admit to hating kids?
    Also one of the many many reasons I despise Chelsea Handler.

  27. I love children AND dogs. It's everyone else I hate.

  28. Pretty obvious who this one is!

  29. She knows her audience and she panders to them. She continually helps out celebs in a bind spin pr positively ( Bieber) and helps build and maintain people's closets fairly well. Aka having a closeted actor/singer on there and going through a list of what female celebs he wants to date. She's on top because she gives her audience the happy fluff they want.

  30. Look at all the PR silly shilling shills putting on their kneepads for Operation Mockingbird (TM) asset Ellen Degenerate!

  31. After all these years and now Ellen is being unethical in her guest booking? This is BS. Ellen is a national treasure to me. She doesn’t deserve any of this hate. Y’all are wrong.
