Monday, May 07, 2018

Blind Item #12

They must have an open relationship because this A-/B+ list actor/nightly network mainstay does not even try and hide hitting on other women even when his long time girlfriend is present.


Tricia13 said...

Fred Armisten

Tricia13 said...

The GF is still Natasha Lyonne I 🤔 think

Sara, Making It Work said...

Dude is 12 kinds of creepy. But Natasha has probably seen it all at this point.

sandybrook said...

Trevor Noah?

MsDrtMover said...

No wonder Fred's been married/divorced 3 times!

Tricia13 said...

Still in shock he’s straight.

notthisagain said...

He’s not. His regular hetero facade is misogynistic jerk. He is closeted 100%

sandybrook said...


Sd Auntie said...

Is that why my ex has been a 2x loser soon to be 3🤣🤣 maybe

gauloise said...
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Sara, Making It Work said...

No gay. Pansexual. If it breathes, it's fair game.

gauloise said...

isnt armisen mostly a comedian, and not really an actor?

ReallyDonna said...

James Corden fits the profile

Tricia13 said...

Yeah that’s what I thought- he’s probably orificesexual... if there’s one present-he’s in!

Tricia13 said...

Or “”ori-sexual”

Sara, Making It Work said...

Could also be Reggie Watts. I could see him being in an open/poly relationship.

PhyllisWhitweed said...

After a previous blind about Fred Armisen, now every time I see him on screen I imagine him saying "I have a present for you, in my car."

Dusty Fairy said...

+1 for all the things said about Fred. I cannot believe Natasha is with him, nor can I believe that she is straight (but I know an ex BF of hers, so apparently, she’s at least BI).

Kate k said...


Brayson87 said...

That's pretty classless even for an open relationship, unless they're sharing partners.

just sayin' said...

There's a lid for every pot. Sounds like they're happy with their arrangement, so good for them.

Nature Girl said...

again, my age is showing i guess but is NO ONE even remotely faithful today...i'm an aging old hippie from the 60's and 70's but my friends and my husband and i were faithful to our spouses and significant others once we grew up and married...sorry, guess i'm just an old fogey now.

Brayson87 said...

You don't walk into McDonald's with a Whopper. Sure they know you aren't loyal and get around, but you don't rub their face in it.

CourtD said...

Orifice works, too, oddly enough! "If there's a hole, there's a goal!"

Mango said...

Pity about Armisen if this is true. He was often brilliant on SNL.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Strong possibility there. Especially if Fred/Natasha.

Poppymann said...

Did you actually read the blind? It says "nightly network mainstay." Does Fred A have a show on every night? No. So it's not him. This is Trevor Noah. He's on The Daily Show each night and has been with his girlfriend since 2015. Assuming CC is a network and "long-time" means more than a year.

MelRose said...
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