Sunday, May 27, 2018

Blind Item #12

This foreign born singer who was not in an earlier blind item about a foreign born singer is way more famous than she probably should be based on airplay and record sales. She has made news recently because she has apparently compromised her political beliefs for the sake of some publicity and money and a thirst for more fame. Actually though, she does share some very racist points of view with a person close to her.


  1. Replies
    1. Or maybe Camilla Cabello and Tay?
      Aren’t they a kind of thing?

  2. Shania Twain? But I don't know who the other is.

  3. I am a little perplexed did this person compromise her racism for money or did she compromise political beliefs that have nothing to do with racial issues for money?

  4. This is an Entern trying to connect Camilla and Taylor to a rascist comment Camilla made about her former bandmates.

  5. What was the so called racist comment this person made?

  6. Rita Ora got into some shit with her new song maybe her? She's definitely more famous than her record sales and airplay indicate.

  7. i think this blind is about camilla cabello and the previous blind was rita ora.

    camilla and taytay for the racist busom buddies. also camilla foreign born in cuba.

  8. Going with Lorde & Taylor Swift.

  9. Where is the proof that Taylor is racist? Just another lie made up by people who don't like her. It's disgusting you can dislike someone without having to make up things about them to justify it.

  10. So according to this blind, the singer in question compromised her racist beliefs for non racist one? isnt that nice?

  11. It’s Grimes. She was a staunch leftist but she started going out with Elon Musk so her fame shot up even though her music isn’t that big(notice the airplay andrecord sales comment so it’s not anybody with hits). She had to compromise some of her political beliefs

  12. @Funeral, if its Grimes, then this blind is insinuating that Musk is a-okay with her racism. He's from South Africa, I have a hard-time believing that he's racist as well, but who knows, nothing surprises me anymore. Pretty shocking seeing them all freaky on the Met gala red carpet. I'm sure his Board of Directors were clutching their pearls.

  13. It's been years that I have been reading about white racist celebrities. They are always white. It's almost as if there is no such thing as a non-white racist. Which is peculiar, because some of the most racist shit I ever heard in my life came from non-whites.

  14. Excuse me? a white guy born in 70's who's dad owned a mine doesn't have nefarious attitudes towards black poeople!?! this is grimes and musk. His twitter meltdown into the alt-right over the last few weeks is a joy to behold. Grimes is/was hipster famous in the pitchfork sense, i have her albums and have seen her live before.

  15. i think its rita ora.i mean she got a lot of flack from her song 'girls' and i think she was born in kosovo.Grimes was born in canada btw.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Just a round-up of taylor's "reputation" on here. Y'all need to fucking stop. None of those things are true.

    I agree with the Grimes and Elon thing. Grimes sure gets fucked over by her personal relationships a lot..

  18. PoC think Taylor is racist because she's White, pretty, blonde and blue eyed. That's literally all it takes to be accused of being racist. PoC can say any nasty, ignorant shit about White people though. Like when they were justifying the torture and rape of working class White girls by Muslims. Something all humans share is that EVERYONE, regardless of race or nationality, have had Empires, invaded other countries, enslaved people. In fact, historically speaking, PoC have actually have committed the most slavery, the most genocides and the most attrocities, but they get away with it while White people are portrayed as demons.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Viking, baby you stay at it don't you? I don't know too many POC who think Taylor Swift is pretty, and who the hell is worried about her eye and hair color?

    Historically people of color have committed more atrocities? The latest issue of Storm Front must be a fucking page turner, huh? And I'm curious, what languages, cultures and religions have POC, especially Black people since that's who you're really trying to finger, forced onto all of these folks that they conquered, colonized and enslaved? Which African languages, customs, religions etc... do you or your ancestors now practice as a result of this enslavement?

    Do you have a last name that came from these African slavers and are you clueless to where on a continent your ancestors hail from your true family name? Did they make it illegal for you to be able to learn to read and write the language they forced you to speak as the beat any and every vestige of your true ancestry from you? Did they in turn, once your people were free enact all sundry of law and legislation to keep their heels on their necks? Like owning land, voting, where you could work, live, or go to school? Yeah, I didn't think so either.

  21. I do NOT think this is Taylor Swift this is obviously about Elon Musk. I know my comment is not PC but I always give a side eye to white South Africans. I have a hard time a white person born and raised in South Africa never had racist beliefs or been around it. South Africa is still one of the most racist countries on earth. Even though Apartheid ended over 25 years ago. White South Africans still have a lot of privilege and power. Americans complain about USA racism but South Africa is much WORST.

    1. Does anyone here even realize no one lived in Rhodesia (South Africa) before the dutch etc made it lush and green? No one stole land ... Funny how media is mum on the rapes and murders of whites in South Africa right now. If you honestly believe the crap about the origins of South Africa that the media feeds you, at least ask yourself then if two wrongs make a right.

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  23. Open a history book, Bubbles, and look up the Egyptian Empire that enslaved the Hebrews for thousands of years. Look up the Mongolian Empire which enslaved and killed a third of the world's population. Look up the Ottoman Empire, or the Barbary slave trade which enslaved White Europeans which went on far longer than the transatlantic slave trade did. Look at the atrocities that are committed in Africa, the Middle East, India and Asia on a daily basis as they always have been. Look at the slavery going on in the Islamic caliphate which none of you give a shit about. PoC have historically enslaved the most people and have committed the most atrocities. That is a fact. As for whether PoC find TS attractive or not, we don't give a shit. You all think you're hot with your fake nails, fat arses, fake hair, caked on make-up, but most of you are fuck ugly, to be honest.

  24. This is about whoever runs this blog apparently compromising their principles to pander to pizzagate 4 chan trolls but obviously if "entry" really had a problem with racism they would have dealt with it by now.
