Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blind Item #12

It is now an annual tradition that this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who seemingly only works in a long long running movie franchise is back yachting. Her only rule is there has to be at least one other woman involved.


  1. Michelle Rodriquez

  2. Nice rule, now that is a professional yachter.

  3. I wonder which end of the camel she gets?

    1. Which end of the camel @Brayson? who cares as long as she gets two humps?

  4. Fast and Furious XXV: Ménage a Shiek....

    1. Resident Threevil....

      I tried.

      She was in at least 2.

  5. Haha you win this one Tricia ;)

    1. 🙏🏻Coming from you I am most appreciative ❤️

  6. I know Tricia's guess is correct, but wouldn't it be epic if this was Emma Watson?

  7. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Hillary "Back Brace Girl" Clintoon! The women MUST BE of Middle Eastern descent with strong ties to CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood!

    Sorry Amal, Kathy N and Huma - NO sloppy seconds!

  8. Why do ppl look down on yachting in Middle East countries? Have you seen the price of gas lately? Good to see someone's bringing some of that $$ back home! Viva Camel Toe

  9. Is it because she offers some kind of a discount? does the outrageous? she is not attractive.

  10. I tried that rule. My wife called me an idiot.

  11. Rag heads LOVE their anal... and you know she can work that ass....

  12. Can someone please explain to me why these famous actresses and models who make MILLIONS are selling themselves?!? Serious question because it makes no sense to me

  13. @Unknown it's because they do not make "millions." They make maybe low to mid 6 figures, maybe a little higher. They might be paid well but the work isn't always consistent and there is only so much work they can do. It's also taxed, have to pay agent, keep up their looks, image, appearance of success, if they own a home, home in NY or California probably not very inexpensive. You can go years without working as an actress or model. Very very few actresses or models male or female are making millions or remotely close to being millionaires.

    1. And there is tremendous pressure on celebrities that have supposedly "made it" in Hollywood to upgrade their addictions from crack and meth to high quality cocaine... and that shit ain't cheap these days w/ all this border wall talk and such!!

      Whores are gonna whore.... how u think they got where they are today?

    2. That just sounds insane to me.. and quite disgusting. If your job isn’t to literally be a sexworker this doesn’t make sense. I remember reading Sofia Richie used to do the same which didn’t really make sense because she has access to millions, she still lives at home and her father still supports her. This really made me sad lol

  14. @questioning Unknown, wait how many of you folks do we have on here? Yes, unless they came from a connected family, they most likely had to get on their backs to advance their careers in the first place. So they were already selling themselves, these are just more direct cash transactions. It's probably more honest than what they have to do normally.

  15. So is "yachting" code for whoring in these blinds? I see it ALL the time.

    1. @Jesse Rice

      Yes. A specific kind.

  16. Is it Michelle Rodriguez? Looks like she's got a couple new movies coming out.


    I'd presume Goopie is still A list, maybe perm? Not sure who else has a long running franchise that's A-/B+. That chipmunk-faced girl who had the terrible cosmetic surgery?

  17. Oh man, where do I sign up?

    @Jesse. yes, and specifically on the yachts of the rich and famous around Cannes, the Riviera, the Mediterranean, and also the Middle East.

    1. Ahh ok thanks. And why are movie stars stooping to this? Is sex always involved or just "being there" typa thing?

  18. @Brayson true. It's probably a lot more luxurious of an experience than anything they'd get on the casting couch for sure.

  19. @Epilectic- she's Puerto Rican

  20. I wonder what her reasoning is for this? so she's not alone? so she's less with them and more with the chick? makes it hotter for them so boat docks early? I wanna know this .we need more . enty give us more. we are kinda demanding it

  21. Is Cannes like NBA weekend for yachters? They're so obvious in the photos. Carla Bruno and Naomi look so old and used in recent pics

  22. For those of you new to the concept of "yacht girls" this kind of filth is pretty much de rigeur for Snapchat and Instagram THOTs that sell themselves to filthy rich arabs.



    1. @cadmium 77. I read this couple of years back and am truly horrified. Pictures are somewhere on the web. I really feel sorry for wives, concubines, maids and any one that crosses their path. Ewww

  23. @Unknown,you are ignoring the low self-esteem and drug addiction of most of these women. Sofia Ritchie is supposed to be a heroin addict, I doubt her family gives her access to millions. Look at who she dates. With all the older ,more successful models and actresses doing this, it leaves the young ones thinking this is somehow normal.

  24. I thought Michelle Rodriguez is gay?

    Speaking of old and used did anyone see a face forward picture of Rihanna at the Met Gala?


  25. Aoife, the point of yachting is that she doesn't care about the guy on the yacht, she cares about the cash. She could well be gay off the boat and straight on board.

  26. I wonder if these men fancy older women as notches on their bed post. Would Goldie or Meryl earn a lot of money if they were interested, or is it only young girls?

  27. @rocky619ca Puerto Ricunt.

  28. Even lil Goopie and Angie from acting families said Harvey harassed them, it’s not only the nameless aspiring starlets who get this treatment. I feel like once you make that compromise to achieve your dream it doesn’t seem like you have anything else to lose when you just need the money. Coupled with the normalization whoring out in the entertainment industry (tho not only, politics is just as guilty but way less glamorous) and the commodification of everything including your body and identity under capitalism, it makes sense that it would become a booming market.

  29. Anyway, it’s probably less scary to share some strange mega wealthy prince’s dick with another woman. You’re always a few minutes away from getting Natalie Wooded out in open waters.

  30. Nice, if that is her only rule, then anak and ATM are on the table.
