Thursday, May 03, 2018

Blind Item #11

This one of what seems like hundreds in a family of reality star isn't going down with the sinking ship. She wants a career in front of the camera more than anything else. She is setting things up to try and walk away. I think she found out about her husband's hookups with other men and how that will play out with what he has said and how this will affect her career.


  1. Now I ain't sayin she a gold duggar...

    1. Ha! She is though, cause she wants to keep a money train going. Can't blame her though, she really doesn't have any skills.

  2. @Adrian Grimples - I almost spit out my water! lol

  3. Jill Duggar. Her hubby Derrick is always saying something homophobic/transphobic and getting called out for it.

  4. I say Kim K.. I think she would walk away in a heartbeat if Kanye keeps actin' the fool. And we all know he has his male sidepiece(s).

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      @cathy Cooper I think you got a Cathy. I read the blind as saying the person isn’t willing to lose being in front of the camera because of her crazy husband.... which if Kany keeps up Liberals will totally turn on the Kardashian‘s

  5. +1 Sandybrook

  6. @Cathy Cooper

    Kim K. already has an established career in front of the camera. Kanye claimed he wanted her from the moment he watched her sex tape.

  7. Yeah, Kanye wanted her all hook him up with Ray Jay

  8. +1 Montana and sandy

  9. It’s always the ones that protest the loudest

  10. Kim K wouldn't be described that way, nor do I think any of Kanye's hookups were ever a secret to her.

  11. This is Jill Duggar. "one of what seems like hundreds" indicates a LARGE family (made larger with the spouses now.) "Sinking ship"...Duggars are on the outs. The Counting On show is the only one they have now, I think.

    Although I totally agree this is Jill, she's a part of the Jim Boob cult, and walking away is simply not an option for her. She only gets out through death, so Derrick Dullard better watch his back!

    I wish this BI was about Josh "I'm a turd" Duggar's wife Anna. She's drunk too much of the kool-aid, but if only she would realize how much $$$ a publisher would send her way for a tell-all book! She and her 5 kids would be set for life.

  12. Definitely Jill. She probably found out about the men in Central America or wherever they were, and knows that it will probably come out and they will look like huge hypocrites, so if she leaves him first it won't be as bad. Idk how she is gonna convince daddy duggar to let her divorce, though.

  13. If anyone read Sara's link to Radar, Jill is not breaking with her dim husband in any way. Jill has the personality of a turnip. She isn't going to get her own show and she will never divorce. They are certainly hurting for cash right now but Dim has a college degree in accounting. He could get a job.

  14. I think it's a Duggar but I'd say Jessa. If anyone in that family desperately wants fame, it's her. People who worked on her show called her a total bitch. She'd leave her husband in a minute if it means getting her own show.

  15. Totally Jessa, I just don't know any info about her husband, but she is the one who wants to be famous & have her own show.
