Friday, May 18, 2018

Blind Item #11

Whenever this couple gets papped as happened this past week, it can mean only one thing. This permanent A list mostly movie actress who was A+ list for almost two decades got busted cheating again with a co-star. Our actress then goes into loving couple mode and hey paps even though you never can find us, here we suddenly are so take your photos to see how loving we are.


  1. Were they papped recently??

  2. Dermot Mulroney for the costar??

  3. she loves to cheat...some people never change

  4. looks like an alternative universe ending to My Best Friend's Wedding

  5. @notthisagain or Closer

  6. Does anyone with more than two working brain cells actually *believe* what celeb couples are trying to shill with pap walks? More often than not, what ends up in photos is proof that the "happy" couple is, at best, cool toward each other, and more often obviously miserable to be in each other's presence.


    Just get on with your lives. People deserve to be happy.

  7. I've heard a lot Julia Roberts dirt alluded to, but no specifics, what deeds has she been known for?

    1. I can tell you that her neighbors in Malibu all hate her. Rude, vulgar, many confrontations and law enforcement involvement.

  8. @Snifter - particularly true for poor Chris Cornell

    I never liked her or her smile.

  9. But Dermot Mulroney is hot imho

  10. @Digitalis - we saw how well that turned out too.

    Just live your lives, people. Be happy.

  11. I never heard Julia was a serial cheater. Who says you can't learn anything here LOL!

  12. Allegedly the only thing Julia is faithful to is herself. Cheated on Keifer with Jason Patric, cheated on Lyle Lovett, cheated on her husband with Clooney on the Oceans 11 set, and those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I've also heard she is pretty much a terrible person all around and not nice at all if you can't help her career.

  13. Jessica Beal and Justin Timberlake, who used pap services to sell their relationship to the public, are still together.

    Julia is a very strange person. She's probably not a serial cheater, but she probably really enjoys the drama of cheating when she does.

  14. Julia Roberts cheated on Benjamin Bratt with George Clooney. She's the middle aged skank who just can't be loyal to anyone.

  15. She also cheated on Liam Neeson with Kiefer

  16. I've always prided myself on the fact that I have never watched Pretty Woman.

  17. She did NOT cheat with Clooney, that PoS is en fuego

  18. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Not a fan of hers since Pretty Woman, but I give her kudos for keeping up with her male counterparts. Why should guys be the only dirtbag-cheaters?

  19. Pretty Woman.....I hate that movie and its absurdity. A streetwalker who isnt doing coke in your bathroom, but flossing a strawberry seed out of her teeth? Lol. And he's cool leaving her in his room taking baths and charmingly singing "Roxanne" off-key? And if your tricks friend made moves onher, like she's not going to arrange a hook-up later? She's a street whore who's known him 2 days.....bllleeeccchhh!!! Now let me tell you how I really feel....😋

  20. Anyone who has power can cheat all they want. So, Julia must have a ton of power: beauty, money, talent, money, money, money.

  21. Digitalis said...
    @Snifter - particularly true for poor Chris Cornell

    I never liked her or her smile.

    She is so damn fugly. Forget Harvey's abuse....Hollywood inflicting Julia Roberts on the American and world public for decades is the real abuse. Horrible.

    Pretty woman my ass. Vomit inducing.

  22. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Her career can be summed up in three words:
    Garry Marshall/ Couch

  23. @Brayson87

    I have heard the following about Julia Roberts

    1. She intentionally sabatoaged her brother's career despite the fact he gave her a big break

    2. She is the reason Kiefer Sutherland is an alcoholic

  24. J. Roberts is another one who pretends she is this perfect, great mom, who balances work & family with ease.
    I remember reading something about how she stormed in & cut to the front of the line at a bakery. Demanding special treatment bc she
    was supposed to bring cupcakes to an event for one of her kids.
    She went out of her way to publicly embarrass her BF’s wife & later his family, bc they stayed friendly with his ex.
    Her own sister said she bullied her & then, later she committed suicide.


  26. Anyone remember Julia's speeches at the Oscars? Oh brother...

    And jumping on Denzel's back? Embarrassing...

    Kiefer is a big boy though. If he's an alcoholic, that's entirely his choice.

  27. Eddie Cibrian and Leeanne Rhimes just to be different.

  28. Julia is the worst. Haaaaaaaate her.

    She only married Lyle Lovett because her slut/ homewrecker rep was set to destroy her career. (Although, isn't that why anyone in Hollywood gets married?)
    Lyle is the best, and deserved better.

    1. I worked back stage at an event once and I met Lyle Lovett and he was genuinely nice person. Very sweet.

  29. Can't imagine Lyle having anything less than gentle manners and a generous spirit.

  30. Julia & Eric have been fully estranged for decades.
    He is well liked by virtually all who work with him.

    1. Fair is fair. Julia had a problem with Eric because of his decades-long active drug addiction. She also was very involved in helping his daughter Emma because of it. An addicted family member is hell.

    2. Emma is a big time coke addict and allegedly had an altercation with her Brit BF. She is hell to work with also. Eric got the shaft while his sister had all the breaks. She was a bitch to her sister prior to her suicide. And don't forget her stealing hubby away From 1st wife Vera. Julia then wore that tacky tshirt that said a low Vera. Who does that??

  31. Don't forget Owen Wilson!

  32. Didn't Julia's sister actually leave a suicide note that specifically called out Julia for being a terrible person, and partly responsible for the suicide? Yeah, she's all kinds of awful.

  33. What?! These comments are crazy!! Julia Roberts?!?! Why?



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