Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A- list mostly television actor who stars in a decent hit pay cable show is not looking forward to the press for the new season. Our still beloved by former teens and young adults everywhere says he needs to lose 20 pounds because the producers are starting to whisper he looks nothing like his character this season.


  1. Pacey now on The Affair ??

  2. +1 sandy, Joshua Jackson was good on that but I stopped watching after the second season.

  3. The Affair actually becomes better over time. The first season was such a pretentious snooze.

  4. Leave Pacey alone! You’d put yourself to sleep with Ben & jerrys everynight too if your girl dropped you to screw on Daryl Dixon’s bike

  5. Josh is alright in my book. Good guy.

  6. LOVED the second season of The Affair. Did not like the third season.

  7. Joshua Jackson was just pictured the other day with Andrew Garfield. He looks skinny. Definitely doesn’t need to lose 20 lbs. Cant be him unless he has an eating disorder .

  8. I cannot find a Pacey on the cast list on The Affair is this an injoke?

  9. Pacey is the name of Jackson's character on Dawson's Creek. He was extremely popular.
