Monday, May 14, 2018

Blind Item #11

This former A list reality star was on a hit show and has kind of revived that hitness. Always a jerk towards women, apparently much of that jerk attitude stems from the fact he has performance issues from the drugs he takes but always blames the women in his life.


  1. This Ronny again?
    Jersey Shore..... or Mike the situation

  2. Replies
    1. The Situation is closeted...would explain the performance issues!..

  3. One of the Jersey Shore dirtbags

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM

    raaaaahn staaaahp

  5. this is def rahhnn and the coke + roids.

  6. Has to be Raaaan. He’s the only one with rage towards women.

  7. Sitch is supposedly sober, and probably being drug tested regularly as he is awaiting sentencing on his tax evasion charges. He'd be stupid to be doing anything illegal.

  8. Anonymous11:47 AM

    the situation seems to be doing really well now.

  9. Most don't realize steroids reduces the size of one's penis. The testosterone doesn't get to where it's needed. I worked in a hospital for years. In an ICU. We'd get them in there when their lives were hanging on a thread. Can't tell you anyone of them lived. They all died. Their penis was the size of a small piece of cheeto. But, hey the rest of their bodies were all pumped!!

  10. Yeesh what a freak show.

  11. Mike The Situation appeared on Celebrity Big Brother here in The UK a few years ago. He seemed madly attracted to a very pretty woman called Danila I think, whose profession was 'rinsing' men. He really seemed into her and was upset she hooked up with another guy on the show, so I'm confused if he's closeted.

  12. I think Sorrentino is legit sober now. I think this is Ron. He’s the only one of the lot that hasn’t matured or grown one bit. Probably because his brain hasn’t had a chance to recover from all the partying.

  13. Ron's ex posted a coke baggy on her instagram story so obviously Ron is doing drugs. Mike has been sober for 3 years, so don't think this is him

  14. I think Steroids are the wonder drug cure-all 'the man' is keeping suppressed. The only victims are anecdotal. I had a ear infection once that was not responding to multiple treatment regimens, yet steroids cleared it right up in a couple of days.

    Athletes use them all the time to help speed up recovery times, without any physical issues or side effects; probably like most drugs there are side affects from over abusing them.

    Any body else get treated with steroids for weird shit?

    1. Vet gave my 16 yr old dog steroids for lymphoma he became energetic and happy for 2 weeks then died...i think taking steroids is like taking a loan out on your lifeforce...u gotta pay it back sorry....nasty shit!

  15. I’ve been on prednisone on and off since birth for asthma, sinus issues and steroidal epidurals for back issues. Recently I’ve been given methylprednisolone which has significantly less bad side effects for me. Prednisone so makes me a weepy angry and hungry mess if I’m on it for too long
