Monday, May 07, 2018

Blind Item #10

This A- list singer who dabbles in acting was going through severe withdrawals while recording the other day and finally had to give up and just lie down and wait for the drug dealer to get there. She is in bad shape.


  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    F drugs!


    Bitch where? She's recording music and looking great on insta. She didnt do posts when she felt really bad cause of fibro and now she's better again.

    Also didnt enty say everyone would find ASIB terrible? The people who saw the trailer sounded quite different.

    Stop dragging gaga through the mud for no reason.

    1. you must be new. try blending in next time.

    2. Gaga is in the recording studio. Lots of addicts are also productive and highly functioning... especially when you have a lot of money to pay for your habit. And most Instagram accounts are made up entirely to make your life look great! Everyone knows social media is not an accurate representation of how someone's life is going!

    3. So the spirit cooking isn’t helping?? Shame

  3. Anonymous11:26 AM

    People actually follow a grown woman who goes by "Gaga", and admits publically that she belongs to Satan.
    Maybe need to examine your life. smdh

  4. No way not Gaga. Don't you people know anyone else besides Gaga & Selena?

  5. @mercyprosperity

    Well, there's quite a lot of people out there that don't actually follow Gaga but admit in public that they belong to this man called Jesus.

  6. Selena is not A list

  7. Mariah! Let’s hear it for “Glitter”!

  8. Meh; this could be most of us/other people. I'm a pretty upstanding citizen, as far as most things are concerned, and became addicted to benzos , bc death, divorce,, etc. all at the same time. Worked for a while and then didn't work as intended. Anyway. Coming off of that stuff is *haaaaaaaaard*. My closest friends legit thought I was crazy. Except for one; she said "You are too skinny and don't go out anymore. What's up?" and I was like "I'm detoxing. Cold turkey" and she was all "So, it's like 'Less Than Zero' for you right now." And that was the kindest thing anyone could have said. Because it was. Hallucinations, weird electric zap feelings, floating teeth, all of it. Cannot imagine working through anything like this on a LITERAL STAGE.

    1. Thanks for sharing. My worst years of addiction was while working on my Master's and LCSW. Go figure. I dressed and spoke the part so no one was the wiser. And yes, benzos withdrawal is hell on earth. I'm glad you had someone who "got" it. And fellow internet stranger, I sincerely mean it when I say you're still here.

    2. Cold turkey from benzos actually makes me legit crazy when I go through it. First time I went through xanax withdrawal I was too young and dumb to realize that's what was going on and legit thought I was going insane myself

  9. don't have a clue ....could be any of them, but it's so sad. people making fortunes off someone's child, parent, sibling, friend's misery, pain and often death not only in entertainment sphere but everywhere. drugs have ruined my city and State and so many kids have lost one or both parents often dying right in front of the kids. grandparents having to raise the kids who have been through hell and not nearly enough foster homes although most of THOSE would do God knows what to these kids.

  10. YES GAGA is still great!

  11. JFC don't all singers dabble in acting nowadays? It's like the only job besides politics where you can get a job with zero skills or experience. "Here, recite these lines like you really mean it and on your way out blow the producer, total natural."

    1. Reminds of the line from "Don't Be A Menace to Society while Drinking your Juice in the Hood", when the main character has a crying fit because "😢All the rappers are getting all the good parts, wah, wah wahahhahhh😭"

  12. Halsey. Isn't she making a movie about her life?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Used to work in a detox. 30 days for alcohol and drugs except benzos. 6 weeks for them ...need a taper. Can have seizures if you stop abruptly, depending on how much and how long you have been on them.

    Can be serious.

  15. If this is GaGa, anyone who's watched her 5'2" documentary had seen how she's still in deep pain from an injury, in her hip/back. If drugs are the only relief she has for that, I can't blame her. I can't imagine what it's like being in chronic pain ALL DAY and having the added pressure of needing to be "Perfect" in the eyes of the public.

  16. I would love to know Gaga's cure for fibromyalgia because she'd be the first to discover it.

  17. Have you ever tried withdrawing from an SSRI? Brain zaps, dizziness irritability, increased depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. Of course, PHARMA tries to call them "discontinuation symptoms" but a stinking rose by any other name.
