Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Blind Item #10

Often, celebrities will invite paps on their vacation or tell them where they will be. Vacation pictures sell well. This former box office champ/singer is not one of those people and has tried to have security get rid of all paps on her vacation. The other day she yelled at a pap and kept saying what the pa was doing "wasn't cool."


Tricia13 said...

Jessica Simpson

sandybrook said...

Yeah the non photoshopped bikini pictures of her bloat don't look as good as the photoshopped ones she did willingly in her house and gave to kneepads.

La-Juice said...

Babs? Baba? Barbra?

Simon said...

Yup, those pics in DM not a good look at all

gabthetired said...

Was thinking Jessica Simpson but ... box office champ? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

"box office champ" no.

La-Juice said...

see, when I saw "box office champ" I immediately thought of Barbara Streisand in "The Main Event' and then I thought of Yentel. So its probably not Babs. plus she'd be A+++ Permanent, right?

Don Kieballs said...

Same regarding Box Office Champ

sandybrook said...

The movie was #1 in Mongolia or someplace like that, that's why Enty always snarks her like that.

Tricia13 said...

Kinda feel the same-pix not terrifically flattering.if there was a caption it would be”I’m eating an effin 🌮taco ,drinking a pitcher of margaritas and taking a selfie— get out of my face”!

Brayson87 said...

Does yelling at a pap ever work?

Flashy Vic said...


Anonymous said...

Her husband the box office champ? Of Jessica? My guess is Jessica Simpson and she still looks good, great boobs. Wish mine weren’t to the floor with age n kids.

SteveD said...

Box office champ is a Jessica Simpson hint/joke. Her movie Blonde Ambition while bombing everywhere else infamously opened as the #1 movie in Ukraine.

gauloise said...
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Unknown said...

Oh please. Jessica Simpson's family was said to have paps on the payroll. She wasn't that talented to be in half of every magazine. she just looked bad in those pics.

Mad Hominem said...

kept saying what the pa was doing "wasn't cool."

Is that a meaningful mistake? 'Cause when I think of Jessica Simpson's "Pa," I think of behavior that "isn't cool." (Remember "you can't cover those suckers up?")

Guesser said...

Newcomers are not aware of the inside joke about Jessica Simpson,a movie she did was a hit in the Ukraine,I think. Pay the paps,Jessica.

Guesser said...

@Sorry,SteveD, didn't see your post. I am having problems with the site.

kiki71 said...

OMG in what alternative universe was Jessica Simpson ever a box office champ who wasn't down for FREE PUBLICITY!!!!!???????????

Gigisnap said...
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MichiganMama59 said...

That movie were Clint Eastwood and the boxing chick . . .

Anonymous said...

I get back pain just looking at Jessica. Ouch!!!

Sd Auntie said...

Jessica looks terrible and bring really short, 10 pounds is 20 in pictures.

IanPhlegming said...

When she was in her prime, Jessica Simpson had the best body in Hollywood. Absolutely spectacular.

Anonymous said...

I prefer to remember Jessica Simpson as daisy duke therefore I wont look at these said vacation photos.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Not to defend paps, but your thirsty blabbermouth “friend” is a gajillion times more dangerous than a containable pap.

See: Paris Hilton and her BFF Kim Kardashian, et al.


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