Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Blind Item #10

Apparently this A++ list celebrity was confused last week at a very formal event when he remarked to this former B- list celebrity that they had sex a couple decades earlier. The woman was standing alongside her A+ list husband and denied the pair had sex. She was not angry, but stating they hadn't. The A++ lister than right there started listing three or four women who were all exes of a foreign born A list musician that he had sex with and said he tried to have sex with all of the exes of the musician so he must have had sex with her. She then said who she was the ex of and that the A++ lister got the two confused. The A++ lister than said, "Ohh, yeah, I could never have sex with as many women as he has. I wouldn't have time for anything else. I remember one time back in ________ we were in _______________ together and he must have had sex with a dozen women that weekend." The woman then said, "I was living with him then, but it isn't a shocker."


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Was Trump anywhere near Shannon Tweed and confusing Gene Simmons with someone else?

    1. Definitely thinking Shannon Tweed and Gene Simmons pretty much has to be the ex. Could the A++ be a Rolling Stone? Not many A++ outside of govt and royalty still alive.

      It seems odd to think of Trump trying to compete that way with a rock star.

  2. Good Lord who walks up to someone with their significant other standing there & has that convo? That idiot ought to be grateful hands weren't thrown.

    1. An idiot like Trump. All money no class.

  3. Were Carla Bruni and Nicolas Scarkozy at the Trump French state diinner last week?

  4. President Bill Clinton

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Carla Bruni/Nicolas Sarkozy
    Mick Jagger
    maybe mistook her for Lisa Barbuscia?

  6. He is SO repulsive!

  7. The musician can be Clapton, Jagger
    The life and loves of Carla Bruni. You know you are getting old when the President of France is going out with Mick Jagger's ex-girlfriend. Carla Bruni, 39, the supermodel-turned-pop-singer and lover of, among others, Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton and Donald Trump, is the new woman in the life of Nicolas Sarkozy.D

    1. Bruni has been married to sarkozy since 2008

    2. Carla Bruni has emphatically stated that she never hooked up with Trump, not that he didn't aggressively pursue her. He also lies a lot so you have to take everything he says with scepticism.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I remember Trump calling Entertainment Tonight or some other rag to spread the rumor about him, Karla and Marla. Karla denied it of course and was seemingly upset.just thought what a strange man he was and still is. I think Vanity Fair exposed him.

  8. Clinton at Barbara Bush's funeral?

  9. Jerry Hall and Rupert Murdoch (married) were also at the state dinner.

  10. Trump to Jerry Hall, Rupert Murdoch's date to the French State Dinner, re: Mick Jagger.

    1. @Missy Yep. I think you got it. I went off on a wild goose chase thinking Gene Simmons for the ex.

  11. There's no way Carla Bruni is 39.

  12. Mick jagger makes me vomit...props to jolie for ditching that old bag.

  13. Trump admitting that someone could do something (or a bunch of someones) he couldn't? No way.

  14. Bruni is 50 and married to sarkozy for 10 years

  15. Kids, Sarkozy isn't President of France, it's Macron. Try again.

  16. "Clinton at Barbara Bush's funeral?" this is what I thought too!

  17. There are two different A list musicians in the blind. Mick is the 2nd one, but who is the first one he confused him with?

  18. Trump and Jerry Hall.

  19. Obviously Bill Clinton

  20. @More Cowbell

    You got it. Forgot Jerry and Rupert were there last week.

    Clinton never brags. Trump brags, constantly and mendaciously. The BI fits him to a Tee.

  21. @Poppyman,Sarkozy was at the State dinner for Marcron. Trump has reportedly dated Bruni,when both were single. She may have denied it to save face. Who could he confuse Jagger with Steven Tyler? The conversation is likely BS, but I imagine the talk was awkward. Sunnybrook forgot the Quotation marks of an old story.

  22. Trump could confuse the two rockers because he's really not very up on things...he isn't really on top of it, if you know what I mean.

  23. The flippant answer though sounds more like Jerry Hall,though and the B.S. conversation more likely in front of Murdoch,who also isn't having sex with Jerry Hall.

  24. I think he's just confused period.

  25. Plus Trump would want to be perceived as having slept with Jagger's/Murdoch's wife more that Sarkozy's wife, I think. More cache.

    1. Karla and Mick were a hot couple and dhe blows Jerry out of the water. She has got flawless skin!!

  26. Carla Bruni ran around with Mick Jagger while he was with Jerry Hall, but I don't know if you'd call her his girlfriend. She was just one of many side pieces he had going at the time behind Jerry Halls back.

  27. Sarkozy was NOT at the state dinner for Trump. Unless he and Carla crashed it. He is not on the official guest list.

  28. There are five people in this blind
    1A++ (#1)
    Foreign born musician 1 (#2)who is ex of B- celeb (#3), now married to an A list celebrity (#4)...musician has an unbelievable number of sexual encounters on a regular basis
    Foreign born musician 2 (#5) who is NOT ex of above B- but who reportedly has a number of exes that the A++ hooked up with.

    Our A++ (#1) was attending at least one event where musician 1 (#2) was known to have had sex with at least 6 women.
    Person #1 did NOT hookup with #3

    Still think Trump is #1 and that he was bragging in chitchat at an international state dinner, with his wife....about having tons of sex with rocker babes?

    Who then, is the foreign born musician (#5) whose exes he did skank on?

  29. Trump and Jerry Hall. She and Murdoch attended the state dinner. Who did Trump think she was the ex of?

  30. Trump as the douche
    Jerry Hall as the woman
    Rupert Murdoch is her husband
    Mich Jagger as the ex.

    Where Trump and Mick were at: Studio 54, Hamptons,Cannes,Kentucky Derby, rehab, hell

  31. Definitely Trump. Was Melania standing there too? With all that woman has to put up with, she deserves a Yachting Lifetime Achievement award.

  32. "I remember one time back in ________ we were in _______________ together and he must have had sex with a dozen women that weekend."

    1.) Djibouti
    2.) Your Booty

  33. Wow. Famous, seriously damaged people and their conversations. Oy.

  34. Clinton famously has a mind like a steel trap and Trump is famously confused, so this is 100% Trump. Jagger, Hall, Murdoch was the right guess. No real clues about musician 2, other than Jagger contemporary.

    1. Kind of like the Steven Tyler guess - they've both got the frog mouth thing going on.

  35. I don't buy it's Trump. No way he says something like this and it doesn't get reported on immediately. Clinton is a much more believable candidate.

    1. If he said it to Murdoch and Hall they're not going to run that on Fox.

    2. Also, who is more likely to be hanging out with Murdoch, Trump or Clinton?

  36. Maybe Rod Stewart for the other musician? He’s always famously had tall, blonde, model type wives/girlfriends so that could fit with the Jerry Hall confusion.

  37. If this is true and if it is Trump's first State Dinner, the only person on the guest list who fits the bill is Murdoch's latest wife, Jerry Hall, previous married to Mick Jagger.


    Trump was probably referring to Rod Stewart, or maybe Ron Wood? Both have been tied to some pretty beautiful women, including centerfolds like that other woman from Playboy Trump got tied to.

  38. Jerry Hall was a B- model back in the day and probably slept with quite a few rockers. Could be Eric Clapton for the other one that she denies. Clapton did have a fling with Bruni.

    And Kryptos, to be reported, one of the parties to the convo would have to go on record. You really think Murdoch wants to look cuckolded or Jerry have the muck raked over? No way they want that conversation made public. Which is why Trump knew he could get away with it.

  39. Trump is so disgusting. What a dumbass. And he is friends with pedo Jeffrey Epstein. Both like them Very young. Lock them up!

  40. Agree that Trump knew he had license to get away with saying anything, no matter how outrageous. Respectfully disagree that Jerry Hall was a B- model. That tall drink of Texas tea was A all the way in the day of Studio 54. She was also engaged to musician Bryan Ferry before leaving him for Sir Mick, leading Bianca to file for divorce. And now she’s traded her disco platforms for flats as Murdoch’s walker/wife. Trump mistook her for Rod’s wife, Penny?

  41. Jerry Hall was stunning but only had a few bit roles as an actress. She and Trump both have Studio 54 in their histories, so maybe that is where the confusion is from. But then again, she may only have denied it to save face. The blind says she was not angry, maybe because she knew it was true?

  42. This is so brutish and off putting and coarse that it must be Trump.

  43. Whoever these people are, I love this blind. It is really funny!

  44. CLearly Trump and now I need to wash my brain with bleach 🤮

  45. I'm making up a drinking game for my cdan perusal moments. Every time I read the word Clinton, gotta take a drink. Every time I read the sentence "Don't believe the hype", gotta chug a whole beer.

  46. This sounds like something Bill Clinton would say. I've heard the rumors about him and Hurley from Tom Sizemore. The former Prez seems unhinged when around his adoring base of supporters.

  47. "No way he says something like this and it doesn't get reported on immediately. "

    There were no press or Democrats at this state dinner. Who is going to report it?

    "Jerry Hall was a B- model back in the day"

    A list. She was the first model to do "bits" on the runway not walk down and back like an automaton.

    "This sounds like something Bill Clinton would say."

    It sounds exactly like something Bill would NOT say under any circumstances. Bill always thinks image first.

  48. If it was Jerry Hall and Murdoch, Trump said it to let Rupert know that he could embarrass them in the press if he wanted to. Say, if Fox news turns on him. He likes to hold things over people to ensure loyalty.

  49. Excellent point Lulu!

    Trump was a thorough disaster on Fox and Friends last week. Being a guy who is offended easily, he might have been threatening Rupert to pull in his underlings.

  50. This isn't Bill Clinton, he's nowhere near this coarse and crass and disgusting in public. He doesn't talk like a pimp. Trump does, all the way. This has to be Trump with Jerry Hall. What a party that must have been. I hope Macron wasn't nearby, he's a guy with some actual class and intelligence.

  51. Do you libtards ever tire of the President living rent free in your heads?

  52. Michael Lance +1

    Trump derange syndrome is a real thing. JFK used to fuck anything that walked, brag about it and get openly high fived.

    Besides, Trump can't even fart, or eat a cheeseburger in bed, without the media going hysterical and putting all over the front pages. I don't see him saying this to anyone at the moment. But Clinton has nothing left to lose, and doesn't seem mentally sound lately. I totally see him getting drunk, red-faced and saying shit like this to re-live his glory days.

  53. This has Mike Pence written all over it.

  54. @bored

    You are lecturing others on derangement, sweetie? I suppose you would know...

  55. So...if this is Trump, Jagger and Jerry Hall. I guess that means that Trump and Jagger indirectly had sex with each other. Interesting.

  56. Or it means that Trump is bragging again about events that never happened, like he does his wealth that doesn't exist.

    Or, as Lulu suggested, Donny is angry about the Fox and Friends cutting him off, mid rant, when he did an interview with them last week and the only way that deranged and petty man can think to avenge himself is to claim he slept with Jerry in front of her new husband Rupert. That one wins my vote.

  57. "about Fox and Friends"

  58. Eric Clapton is the other famous foreign musician. Dated a couple of models including Carla B and the south American woman who was the mother of his little son that died in NYC when he fell out of a high-rise window. And Jerry Hall was absolutely a famous A+ model back in the day--I'm old enough to remember all of that even if Trump can't!

  59. (lost the) plot is such a sad little insignificant nothing. It's amusing watching this ass-clown choking on his hatred of The President...
