Friday, May 25, 2018

Blind Item #10 - The Missing

I don't know where all 1,500 missing migrant children are, but I do know the feds are talking to this foreign born movie/television mogul who has ties to capitals all over the world and a network actress all of you know. between the two of them, and the production companies they control, they somehow managed to be the "sponsor" of about 100 migrant children. I don't know if they are the same ones who are missing. What I do know is that this mogul and his partner are in production on almost a dozen shows in various countries and that these children they sponsor have been sweeteners if you will to get the deals done. Ostensibly, the children are to be "adopted," but in reality are probably being forced to be household slaves or sex slaves.



  2. The feds sure are busy. It'd be nice if they could get some of these cases on to the next stage, maybe even complete a few.

  3. So you are causing Eva Longoria and her tv guy billionaire husband now Entern?

  4. Man oh man oh Manny Lee this is some dark shiitake.

  5. F*cking scumbags, justice is a lie they feed the masses to keep them mollified.

  6. I'm really hoping to see a random with the right answer pop up if the rest of us can't figure it out.

  7. Maybe someone needs to look in Crooked hillary's or podesta's basement or how many have already been turned into adrenochrome cocktails?

    1. Baby doll...yess x1000!

    2. +10000000. They can also ask clintons friend Laura silsby since she has a history of being caught trafficking children from Haiti

    3. @Baby Doll
      You must be onto something because your comment is very bold.

  8. Google "Podesta art collection"

  9. Shot in the dark: Frank Giustra

    Better guesses anyone?

  10. They have been getting away with it because CIA/FBI uses this stuff for blackmail/info.

  11. Given the recent implications of most of the recent "blind items" that have been posted here, it would be Haim Saban for the mogul.


      AMERICAN, Mexican, central, and South American projects.

  12. Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein for the pedo abusers.

    1. How convenient that you forgot to mention bill and hill, afterall you must know that they (not Trump) have been logged flying on Epsteins "Lolita express". Does your hatred for trump actually overshadow the hatred you should have for actual pedophiles? Sick!

    2. @Remie Ross
      Trump has also flown the Lolita Express, multiple times. He has been entertained, haha, by Epstein in his Manhattan home and been photographed many times together. He's not unfamiliar with the services of one Jeffrey Epstein.
      We have Trump haters and we have Clinton haters here but neither negate the truth.

  13. Sick sh*t. Jesus take the wheel and drive fast. This world we live in is so twisted.

  14. No one besides me thinking Sir Kenneth Branagh?

  15. I have heard nasty stories about Eva Longoria. I can see this being her & her hubby.

    1. What stories? Genuinely interested.

    2. @Amy Casey

      Prostitution, swinging, human trafficking, drug trafficking

      That is what I heard, not what I know. Take care.

    3. Isn't she 'great' friends with Victoria Beckham too? Makes you think but I am probably looking into it too much. Thanks @T.W. I had no idea.

  16. It's all connected to the Clintons, XVIM, Podestas, Epstein.

  17. Sofia Vergara for the actress, no clue about the producer.

    1. Sofia Vergara, Luis Balaguer and Emiliano Calemzuk Launch Latino Digital Media Startup Raze 2017

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Low Key😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣!

  19. Yeah, I knew our Enty would take full advantage of those 1,500 kids missing from the HHS database.

    Could be a multitude of explanations there (not the least of which is the correct names were not recorded.) But of course Enty and Qanon are going to throw it on their shit pile of pizzagate conspiracy stories.

    1. Guess you missed the part where he narrows it down and discusses only 100 of those "1500" missing kids. Obviously there are lots of reasons for why the kids may seem like they are "missing", but this type of system with gaping holes is ripe for abuses. But you knew that I'm sure!

    2. @Plot
      Yeah, they were just overlooked, lost in the shuffle or any number of reasonable theories, in your mind.
      You might want to read other responses before jumping to Pizzagate conspiracies as the only answer to an obviously fake blind or, should I say, the only possible reason the blind was posted in the first place.
      They're all out to get you, Plot.

  20. +1 plot


    etc etc etc.

    Nice weekend, all! I'm going to go pick up my Woody Allen/Geffen/THE JOOZ/Michael Jackson shill paycheck right now!

  21. What is the exchange rate for 30 pieces of silver? ;)

    1. All he gotta do is deliver the savior
      Right on Bergen St. from bad luck to good luck
      My cup runneth over, pass it down, guzzle up
      The time has arrived, the prophecy will manifest
      I saw death, I got scared, butterflies on my chest
      Father if possible, pass this cup before me
      Yo it's too late, I chose my destiny in Gethsemane

  22. Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, we got this:

  23. this political trolling....enty can you ban the crap out of these people or what? the blind comments are just not fun anymore. theyve even driven tricia away!

  24. its amazing how ALL of the comments above are just pure political trolling. they take up space and ruin it for the people who actually want to focus on the blinds. seriously, do you fucks have anything else better to do? answer: No.

  25. Brit mogul Mark Burnett and his actress wife Roma Downey ?????

  26. Why do people say Trump when they really mean Clinton?

    1. @Brondie63
      For the same reason they say Clinton when the really mean Trump and because some people refuse to believe or admit that there is corruption and evil in both parties.

  27. @Schneiderisnext
    I saw a photo of Sofia pictured with some drug cartel kingpin from way back in the '80s. Same goes for Eva Mendez, and both paparazzi-type shots. Interesting.

  28. @Remie

    "this type of system with gaping holes"

    Yeah, that's why there are 1500 migrant children are missing. What I'm not understanding is how Eva Longoria and José Bastón signed up to be sponsors (correct? that's what the BI says) but subsequently the kids are missing. 100 kids last known contact after the immigration facility were Eva and José, or even just 5 or 10 kids - it doesn't matter how many. How do Eva and José get away with saying "oopsie! The little darlings just disappeared! Who knows what happened?"

    If Eva and José took those 5-150 kids, and trafficked them, that's a clear line to known persons, not fake named traffickers or traveling foster homes. According to this blind, these are two well known people who put their names on the dotted line and sponsored kids. Don't you think that's a little stupid if this couple wants to sell those kids or gift them????

    The Feds are probably talking to anyone who had contact with migrant children at all. Eva has been known to give a lot of her time and money to latino kids in immigration centers. It's a big deal for her, has been for a long time. I don't see her being cool with her husband trafficking kids like that.

  29. @mary

    "They're all out to get you, Plot."

    Who? What is this all?

  30. Here's another thought! What if Eva (or whatever luminary Enty wants to besmirch today) called the investigators herself, hm? What if her experience with immigrants, particularly children, made her want to discuss the missing kids and see if they were at all connected to anyone she knew? So investigators gave her an interview.

    How about that?

  31. 800,000 kids go missing EACH YEAR. NCMEC doesn't give a Damn.

  32. @Pattyyy

    800K children go missing each year? Okay, do you mean that Emergency Services country wide receive 800K calls about missing children, who might be down the block, or hiding in the garage or picked up by their custodial parent after visitation?

    800K kids are currently missing in our country. 800K kids VANISHED!

    That's a nice chunk of the 18 and younger crowd. How do you figure everyone has missed this, including their families and guardians?

    800K, where did you get that figure?

    1. No, but still a LOT.

    2. “According to the FBI, in 2017 there were 464,324 NCIC entries for missing children. Similarly, in 2016, the total number of missing children entries into NCIC was 465,676.”

    3. It was on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's website, I screenshot but don't know how to post it. I see the number includes everything from family abductions etc; wasn't trying to exaggerate it. Just mean it's much much more than 1500. I'm in a large border city; we see and hear things personally that support an exponentially larger number was my point. The foster facilities report children lost every day from their facilities alone, not including those lost from foster families. The families don't report them for weeks. I could go on, provide links etc; not sure if you really wanna know.

  33. When I saw headline about 1500 missing children, I had a feeling that some of it could be tied to some politics/entertainment industry sex ring..


  35. Maybe you can help me. I'm not seeing if that 400K+ number for those years are that many new calls, new cases, or overlapping cases. It states that repeat calls are counted separately. I'm not seeing figures there to parse out the meaning of that number.

    It looks to me, with a cursory glance, that 91% of those kids are runaways and 1% are stranger abductions.

    Here's this quote which doesn't quite line up with all their numbers -

    "Of the nearly 25,000 runaways reported to NCMEC in 2017, one in seven were likely victims of child sex trafficking. Of those, 88 percent were in the care of social services when they went missing."

    So how does this comport with the 400K figure above?

    I'm not doubting these figures, mind you, I just don't see how they connect or how they were derived. Get me?

    Okay, let's say that roughly 3000 runaways a year fall into sex trafficking. Do you get that same amount?

    My thinking is that we have to pay attention to the kids here, provide them with something as a choice other than living on the streets, drugs or the sex trade. We can't force them into foster care or back home. They have to be able to begin judging situations as to their best interests by the time they are teenagers and we have to make that choice explicitly available to them through multiple sources. Most often, that's all runaways are looking for - a choice in the matter for some control over their own bodies and lives.

    We aren't going to end predation by punishing predators (if that worked, there would be no more murders because we punish murderers, right?) They deserve punishment and to be excluded from society, for sure, but that's not going to end the problem. We need to give runaways and children abused inside their families/friends/foster care a set of options to attain an environment of safety and let them know it exists.

  36. I came to guess Mark Burnett but was beat to it...

  37. I recall reading a news article a few years back which stated that 10,000 unacompanied minors (refugee's appearing in Europe) had gone missing over a period of 2years, seems easy enough for the low lives to just collect them up on the streets than leave 'paperwork' trails.

  38. @Pattyyyy

    If you could just provide a link, I'd be extremely interested. Yes, I'd like to know.


    Yes, unaccompanied Syrian children have disappeared in Europe and new prisons have opened up to house criminals involved in the trade of these kids or stealing from Syrian families.

    This is one glaring reason why we can't keep promoting war as any sort of alternative in the world any longer. It's not a solution. It turns the most vulnerable members of society into victims of terrible things, while the big generals and the big leaders get to land on aircraft carriers to fireworks and cheers.


    Federal Agencies Lost Track Of 1500 Migrant Children

    Almost 1,500 Migrant Children Placed in Homes by the U.S. Government Went Missing Last Year

  40. Yeah, I know.

    I was looking for Pattyyy's links, not those.

  41. Berlusconi owns a lot of TV networks and production companies, and Italy is where all the migrants come in.

  42. Wow, interesting guess, gauloise!

    Would USA LE be talking to he, and whoever his partner in crime is, though?

  43. plots goto insult after being proven completely full of bullshit, is to accuse commenters of being Q-anon 4chan users. Every fucking time. It's like clockwork. Like reading a script.

    It's like they're trying to fine tune the AI for their Shill Bot, but haven't put enough verbiage in the response genator yet.

    This BI must be serious because they busted out the new Pizzagate phrasing.

  44. According to this immigration attorney they’re not missing at all That being said I find it funny that if they were missing due to be separated at the border by the heartless policies of the Trump administration this somehow could be blamed on the Clintons or Podesta in the eyes of some nut jobs on here. How prey tell would that happen exactly? Would the Trump administration have no part in that at all? He is running things now is he not? People are nuts.
    Btw I don’t think we should just be letting everyone in who wants to come in. We do have a refugee process but I do think it’s inhumane to separate children from their parents. Either send them back together or detain them together. Separating them is terrible.


  45. @Geeljire


    Turns out, you were right there dude! Congratulations! See the link above.

    @Original Unknown skeptic

    "Separating them is terrible."

    It's sadistic and displays the basic nature of our Fuhrer, his cabinet and his followers. They enjoy causing others pain. Leadership, to them, is all about the ability to make others suffer.

  46. 1500 migrant children are not “missing”. Has anyone seen any actual proof of this missingness, or are people just believing BS and rumors that the propagandist press passes around? There were also 4600+ missing/not missing migrant children during the Obama administration. Were you also whining about that? Furthermore, if thousands of “migrant” children are going missing, why are their sh*tty-a$$ parents still trying to break into the US? Cripes, you people, settle down.

    However, what is REALLY worth looking into are the HUGE numbers of missing children from the DC area, and also there’s the matter of @Remie Ross’s pointing toward Laura Silsby’s Haitian child snatching, which I think is far more likely because it’s a proven thing. There’s literally pics of her with Haitian kids, while in the very act of trying to smuggle them out of Haiti. And not just orphans, either. And not likely the first batch. And also the *cough*Clinton Foundation connection*cough*. Haitians will readily tell you about these things. Go ask some.

    And also, @Baby Doll: Funniest comment I’ve seen all day re:adrenochrome. Well, it *would* be funny, if it weren’t likely to be true. The gubmint got the goods on *that* little operation before they collapsed the tunnels under Epstein’s island. You might’ve seen the gross and incriminating Rachel “Ray” Chandler Instagram pics. I really hope that one day I tead about the Podesta brothers in Gitmo, those sick f*cks. But there’s lots more, and other just as sick operations worldwide.

  47. The practice of separating illegal alien children from their illegal alien parents started during the GWB admin and was continued by the Obama admin. The DM had an article about plot people yesterday. Something about a study that showed that people who like to think they know it all, don’t know shit! Plot triggered. Toodles.

  48. @Weak

    So the DM had an article that made you feel smart. How nice for you.

  49. @weekittylass that is absolutely untrue and you have no clue what you are talking about. Once again you people get your news from sources who love to spin shit to come to conclusions that just aren't correct. The Bush Administration did not separate parents from children at the border and neither did the Obama Administration. The fact that you call them "illegal aliens" says everything I need to know about you, your education, and the media you consume. They are asylum seekers and they are presenting themselves at our border, legally, according to our laws, as they are supposed to. You need to look further than Infowars and Faux News if you want to learn anything. Funny that you say Plot doesn't know shit when everything you said was a load of shit.

  50. Awww Plotty! Is that the best you have? Well bless your little heart.

  51. Too scared to respond to Original's post, darling? Might dislodge something in the grey matter?
