Sunday, May 06, 2018

Blind Item #1 - Reader Blind Item

This comedian, speaking on the record, has been strangely contrite in recent days. He now seems unsure of a verdict he used to joke about on a weekly basis. The truth is it's all a publicity stunt. What he has been telling former colleagues from his long running gig, and others he knows in town, is that he wants to lure the celeb in question onto his new show, hoping he'll finally confess. But even if he didn't, the comedian knows it would be ratings gold. For all the sanctimony about what happened, it's kind of surprising he would want to give a platform to someone so notorious. Anything to become famous again, I guess.


  1. Hannible Buress? His Cosby comments, maybe?

  2. James Corden and OJ. And yeah he's dreaming, no one gives a fuck what the little fat sperg thinks

    1. +1 So random. What’s he going to do, put OJ in carpool karaoke with child proof locks on and not let him out til he sings?? Maybe Marcia Clark will jump in the back at a stoplight.

  3. James Corden is a smug fat cunt that needs his ass kicked!

    1. What has james Corden ever done to you that you would like to beat him up Mr E. Spumonkey? Or just hate fat people? Like to see what your mug looks like!!

    2. I'm British and loathe James Corden. He is not liked over here that much anymore due to his massive ego. I could add a joke about his weight but I won't. He is a smug pr**k. Enough said.

  4. Letterman and OJ?

  5. He said "new show". Any Comedians had "New shows" lately? The only one I can think of who can pull shit like this- is Bill Maher. He`s the ONLY one who gets these scatchy charecters for raiting and buzz and "Huffpost" articles. But he doesn`t fit the "New show" thing.
    But anyway my guess is Bill Maher and Cosby.

    1. I can't imagine that piece of shit ever being contrite.

  6. Norm Macdonald has a new talk-show on Netflix and used to joke about OJ on a weekly basis as the anchor of SNL's Weekend Update

    1. Has he been "strangely contrite" lately?

  7. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Yep. Norm McDonald.

  8. I am guessing it is Norm and OJ as well. I think Norm is so counterculture punk rock, that he might actually say he thinks OJ is innocent as a joke.

    What would be even better is Norm and Hillary. She would never go for it though.

  9. He was decent in Gavin & Stacey, but all of Britain side-eyed you lot, when he suddenly became a late night star across the pond. He's absolute rubbish.

  10. I loved Norm’s humor back in the day
    But time Marches On
    and The Netflix show
    reflects that
    Hang it up

  11. If this is about Norm then it absolutely could be a wind-up for a bit. Not that he always makes it the easiest to tell since his affect almost never changes, but it's just as likely that the whole thing is him trying to do some insane "gotcha" shit.

  12. Well I googled around and it`s probably Norm. So I guessed wrong.
    I think alot of Comedians from "his era" kind of found their audience in Podcasts. They can speak freely (90`s Comedians are all about the un-PC), They have alot of young and older fans, why bother with Late Night shows ?
    Those few who managed to cross over and still holding are rare cases. Or their humour wasn`t that edgy to begin with.
    Give it up Norm. Go back to the Podcast.

  13. I haven't seen the new Netflix standup, but I usually find Norm McDonald pretty funny and daring. His notorious appearance on "The View" is really something to see. Something weird did seem to happen to his face a couple years ago. Norm McDonald vs. OJ would be intriguing.

    1. Again another bit where he was just trying to piss them off and was intentionally trying to get a rise out of Joy and Whoopi and no one got the joke. You gotta know Norm’s humor. There were a ton of liberals who hated him after that appearance who actually thought he believed what he was saying and a ton of lunatic 4channers who loved him who thought the same. They were both wrong, it was performance art. Norm couldn’t give two shits about politics outside of just saying things that will get a reaction for laughs. This O.J. article was him being sarcastic, something that seems completely lost on most people.

  14. Did JC shit in Trump's cereal or something? If you don't like an entertainer then don't watch them.

  15. Norm MacDonald was pretty funny on SNL, and Don Ohlmeyer was a jerk.

  16. I don't remember his OJ jokes, but I definitely remember his recurring joke that Germans love David Hasselhoff.

  17. I’d love to see Cosby on Eric Andre’s show.

  18. Seinfeld and ? Comedians in cars with coffee or some crap

  19. Letterman also has new(ish) show on Netflix.

  20. +1 for Melvin - I read that story about Norm MacDonald last week and something felt "off" about him suddenly doubting the verdict.

  21. @SD AUNTIE, like you he is a smug smarty cunt that talks a lot of Shit and thinks he has something witty/intelligent to say when he never does. And Yes, I Hate people. Hence you should both do the world a favour and Fuck Off and Die!
