Friday, April 20, 2018

Your Turn

Have to ask this today. Do you smoke pot? Do you think it should be legal?


  1. Silly rabbit, pot is for kids.

  2. Yup and yup, next question?

  3. longtimereader: There is no next question. Maybe you need a break from the electric lettuce... :)

  4. I used to all the time but not anymore. Yes I think it should be legal.

  5. Nope certainly not down here where the county commissioners are trying to derail or completely railroad all the medical marijuana facilities that the voters passed in the 2016 elections. Unfortunately whether they like it or not, they are state constitutionally obligated to allow these facilities to open.

  6. Half-tried once. Was not affected. Should most definitely be legal. The fact that alcohol and tobacco are fine and marijuana is not makes no sense.

    I believe big pharma is the main reason it hasn't been legalized on a national level.

  7. Used to, but I work for a company that pulls random testing once a month, and I like to pay my mortgage and eat, so I had to give it up! Yes, most definitely it should be legal!

  8. Yes and yes. My alternative (prescribed) med is xanax and I hate it. It kills me that a doctor will prescribe xanax when pot will do a much better job for panic/anxiety and with no awful side effects.
    As I am now living in Florida instead of California, I have no choice but to take xanax and suffer.

  9. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

  10. I can't remember.... LOL

  11. No, and no until they can properly test for OUI. We have enough Massholes on the roads who text, drive drunk without adding stoned to the mix. Of course its legal here...

  12. Yes (not for much longer, I think about my lungs) and yes.
    Way safer than alcohol and has more uses.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Yup. Just picked up my goodie bag with an extra two cookies included. Love to eat the baked goods. Stronger buzz and lasts longer. One hitter quitter will spare your lungs.

    2. That's right, @Derp.

  13. Love it !
    It's very legal and socially accepted here
    Everyone is responsible of course, and I think most assume everyone does it or would if they could
    Actually just walking through town and markets, all over you see it or smell it.
    Super cool

  14. Sure do, and I LOVE it. I've been smoking almost daily for 28 years. Despite the negative stigma attached to its usage, I've managed to hold great jobs over the years. I make 6 figures and have an excellent credit score. I've owned my own business, have great friends, get along with my family. I'm happy, healthy, and sane (which is actually kind of hard to come by these days). I've accomplished a ton while being a stoner, even ran a marathon (and had a great time) while high. It just works with my body chemistry. Alcohol, on the other hand, just no. I rarely drink and when I do, I have terrible side effects like hand and face swelling, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, etc - and these last for days, sometimes even a week, even with a small amount of alcohol. Booze makes me feel awful; weed is pure joy.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Too bad we’re not related

  15. I have smoked pot in the past. Decided it was not a good thing. I do not think it should be legal.

  16. no and don't care tbh

  17. Do I smoke? No.
    Would I occasionally smoke if legal? Probably.

    Also, being the sole caregiver to my mother (81) after heart surgery, the rehab let her develop pneumonia so bad she was back in ICU for two weeks.

    By the time she was out of medical facilities, i moved in to take care of her full time for almost 4 years. Dealing with feeding, carrying her up and down steps, bathing, monitoring her meds, etc, a full time job. She also had osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, so the percocet flowed like candy. She hated it, and they tried several other pain meds, but none were as effective. Continual use of percocet has LOTS of side effects.

    If at the time legal pot was available, I am POSITIVE that her health and quality of life would have been better by magnitudes.

    And I always told my kids, I'd rather they lit a joint on a Friday night than start smoking (cigarettes).

  18. I have but don't currently, probably should give it another whirl since it's good now and not something one of my friends grew in a ditch. I think it should be legal and support it for medical purposes 1000%.

  19. Yes and Yes
    If cigarettes and alcohol are, pot definitely should be

  20. Yes, but not nearly as much as I used to and that's good. In my youth, there are segments where I probably spent entire months stoned. "Wake and Bake," as we used to say.

    I think it should be legal, but don't want to see it mass produced by corporations. Co-ops, grow your own, that sort of thing I'd prefer to see. I don't trust the government doing it right. I realize, of course, this is a pipe dream. So to speak.

  21. As my user name implies..yes & yes. Born on 4/20!

  22. Don't smoke - should be legal.

  23. No and yes. I do think legalizing it will come with its own problems that people aren't anticipating. We tend to swing back and forth on vices in this country, between prohibition and legalization, and the grass always looks greener on the other side -- see also gambling. But given the additional power the drug laws give our increasingly militarized cops, I'd rather take that away. Laws that we don't really mean tend to get enforced only when there's an ulterior motive.

    Ideally it would be legal, but it would also be okay to refuse to hire or rent to people who use it. Maximum freedom for both users and those who think it's a bad habit.

  24. Smoked it twice, but it didn't really do anything for me. It should be legal and everyone in prison for non-violent drug offenses should be released immediately.

  25. Oh, and of course it should be medically available already, at least with prescription. Far more dangerous drugs are, so to ban that is so silly it makes you wonder about old conspiracy theories involving the paper industry.

  26. Yes, smoked all through college and for years & years after. Can't now due to being under the care of pain mgmnt people who test, and I fully respect the responsibility they take for my care, as I NEVER want to be an addict. Sadly don't think it would help the kind of pain I have. (Being an OLD hippie kinda sucks, but I still rock until I can't anymore.) Enthusiastically support legalization. Never had a bad experience.

  27. Donna, do you have any idea how difficult, time consuming, and expensive it is to grow your own pot? Assuming you want to grow a product that will actually get you high, you need a grow room, tons of lights, humidifiers, testing supplies to check for nutrient levels, etc. You need to be able to determine sex of plants. Everything needs to be run on timers. And on and on. Anyone who thinks "growing your own" is an easy task knows nothing about marijuana horticulture. Gardening is one of my favorite pastimes and I wouldn't even take on one plant.

  28. Yes and Hell yes!

  29. No and yes, 100%

  30. Anonymous10:49 AM

    1-no, I didnt like it. I tend to pass out very easily and I get sick around smoke.
    2- Yes, marijuana should be legal for anyone who benefits from it.
    Alcohol should be illegal. I lived with the dysfunction of two full blown raging, active alcoholics for 35 years.
    Alcohol makes depression worse.

  31. I do, but only occasionally. I'm more into tinctures and edibles nowadays. I absolutely think it should be legal.

  32. Yes and yes. Natural medicine should never be illegal.

  33. I don't remember and yes to the 2nd question. Whatever it was.

  34. Geeljire, you don't need to smoke it to enjoy it. I solely vape and eat it. Highly recommend the cookbook The 420 Gourmet: The Elevated Art of Cannabis Cuisine. Bon appetit!

  35. going out to blaze right now!
    happy 420 y'all!

  36. It's the only thing I would do (out of booze, legal illegal drugs, over under the counter, etc), I'm just choosinh not to do so at this moment (and, legally it's still more reprehensible in my state than that of an adult found to have sexual relations w infants, toddlers and children).

    Now, should it be legal? ABSOLUTELY! And, across the flipping board (recreational, medicinal, industrial - everything w get from black oil, we can get from hemp).

  37. I love that jazz cabbage, devils lettuce, dank.

  38. I don't as much as I want to/should and it should most definitely be legal. #WomenxWeed

  39. 1. No.

    2. No. I have been around second hand pot smoke. It makes me hungry & my anxiety levels go off the charts. I hear pot makes people mellow so my guess is I am allergic to it.

    Why should people who want and/or need to be drug free be subjected to second hand smoke?

    3. As for medical marijuana, CBD oil should be made available and used. There is little to no benefit from smoking pot. The bad outweighs the Good when smoked.

  40. Never liked it -- my anxiety level is high enough, thanks. But hell yes it should be legal and all convicted re pot released from prison, unless the crime was violent.

  41. I don't smoke it and don't think it affects young people all that positively but I think it should be legal. A lot of wasted time and money spent trying to keep something away that people who want it will find a way. It's like prohibition all over again.

  42. Nope, and possibly. There are too many valid medical uses for it for me to say 'no.

  43. Let me state, under oath and for the record: "I never exhaled".

    Uhhh...oh, wait.
    I think I meant...uhh.
    It's that damned Reefer Madness people!

  44. I do not smoke it, but I do think it should be legal. My husband has BPD and PTSD with severe anxiety and insomnia, of course they gave him 4 2 mg tabs of xanax a day for many years, Xanax is horrible. For him, it made him very agitated, and building up a tolerance, he self medicated as well. It was a very hard few years. After finally getting him to realize that I was not some evil person out to demonize him for taking medication, and that they really affected him negatively, he quit taking them completely and smokes. He is pleasant when he smokes, there are some times he gets a bit agitated, and if he is out of smoke, it gets ugly, but there is a definite benefit to it.
    So even though I am not a fan of it myself, its a natural product, and as long as it is a natural product, it should be even more legal than alcohol.

  45. Mixed feelings. But that's neither here nor there.

    I just want to say that should it be legalized, don't assume that your neighborhood backyard grower will be able to sell to you, or that you will be able to grow your own.

    I highly doubt that the US government will legalize without regulating the hell out of it.

    100% chance that there are big pharma type corporations working on developing strains (to be patented) and once they are ready to go, then and only then, will the push be made to legalize.
    DON'T THINK FOR A MINUTE that lawmakers will push to legalize until they can grab some of that sweet lobbyist money first.

    Sorry to bum y'all out, but that is how it is.

  46. I had a major problem rolling out of bed at night. My doctor prescribed marijuana and it didn't help at all. He then prescribed viagra and I haven't rolled out of bed since.

  47. No, yes. But I think people should be way more aware of the effects (which are much, much worse than advertised) and the fact that the only reason it gets legalized is because state governments are looking for another funding source. Smarten up, potheads, you are paying huge price for a little security. It's not a victory.

  48. 1. Yes, I've tried it, but not in the past 20 years.

    2. No, but it's hard to argue that when people don't even think it's addictive.

    Oh, by the way, this ought to explain that the original ban
    on marijuana was motivated in large part by overt racism:

  49. Just to an emergency social worker I spent many a night sectioning kids and young people under the Mental Health act due to skunk induced psychosis...not nice.

    But hey smoke away...Enjoy, it's only brain damage to worry about.

    1. Marijuana induced psychosis?

      Is that in any DSM Manual? Sounds like reefer madness.

    2. Hahahahaha. This is ludicrous

      "Cannabis Induced psychosis"

      It's only in the DSM-V which nobody takes seriously. Everyone still uses DSM IV

      The DSM V also classifies "Oppositional Defiance Disorder" as a mental illness. Which is treated by drugging kids with add/adhd meds

      (stimulants definitely lead to psychosis later in life btw)

      But God forbid anybody ingest marijuana.

  50. Consumables, not smoking occasionally. It's legal in my state, and I'd rather put up w/ a stoner, then someone drunk or a cokehead or a meth head.

  51. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Look at my user name and take a wild guess.

    The most violent thing a pot smoker will do is rip open a bag of chips. Legalize.

  52. Yes and yes. I have been in massive pain 24/7 for over a decade, chronic migraine and tremors. People saying cannabis didn't work or that it's bad for society don't know much about the drug. I have a deadly allergy to opiates, this is the only thing I can take. The side effects are far less than other pain meds and you can't die from overdose. Studies indicating a link with psychosis found correlation, not causation, meaning if you're prone to psychosis it can be a trigger. And for the brain damage warning, there's zero evidence of that. And more testing is needed, but illegal until its declassified as a schedule 1 drug. Some of us absolutely need it...but keep away from kids. Lock up your weed. I also use a bag vaporizer to save my lungs.

  53. No. But it should be legal, taxed, regulated, and available in recreational, medicinal, and prescription forms and derivatives. And legal to own and grow.

  54. More info:

    Sativa makes you high in your mind and can come with anxiety. "Daytime weed"
    Indica makes your body more stoned, makes you hungry and sleepy, kills more pain. "Nighttime weed"
    Hybrid is a mix of the two.

    If it didn't work for your pain or psych symptoms you may have tried the wrong one.

    In states where it's legal you can often see test certificates so you know there's no mold or other harmful additives.

    The only reason big pharma hasn't released a strain is they're bad at growing potent strains consistently. Multi-generation growers have the most success usually.

  55. I love the people who don't smoke, but then go on to lecture about the side effects. Sorry, but if you don't use it, you don't get to tell people what it's like because YOU DON'T KNOW. That's on par with a man explaining to a woman what childbirth is like. And if it "causes brain damage" then I must have been at Einstein level intelligence in my pre-stoner days because even after almost 3 decades of regular use, I am still smarter than most of the people I run into on a daily basis.

  56. Helps the pain, it's been legal here for a while

  57. Yes, but I have mixed feelings about legalization.

  58. 1. No, I did try it a few times, but the paranoia and anxiety it caused me was not worth it.
    2. I would have to say yes to legalization to avoid being a hypocrite.

    Will be legal here soon.

    Live and let live.

  59. No and yes. In fact, legalize (or at least decriminalize) all of them.

  60. "You eat, you taste, enjoy when we allow you to
    Relax, you sleep, you feel, when we force you to "

  61. Yes, and yes! (Legalization coming soon here, all across Canada.)

    @Geeljire My pharmacist says vaping is much safer, and I keep meaning to go that route myself but I really like the ceremony. The chopping, the rolling, the I guess my lungs will just have to suck it up for a little while longer. :)

    Marijuana can cause anxiety and paranoia. And yes, even psychosis in a very few individuals (it can also "flip the switch" for schizophrenia). I know of one guy in my whole life who really got in a rage when he smoked it but sorry, I'm highly doubtful that this has happened to multiple teens in @Ally's world.

  62. Anonymous3:05 PM

    No but it should be legal

  63. No (although I used to as a dumb ass teenager), and most people that do piss me off because they act even stupider than drunks. Yes to legalizing only because it's legal here and the stoners that moved here just for the weed have RUINED the state. And have caused my car insurance to triple because these dumb fucks drive high and crash constantly. Legalize it so these morons can stay away from here.

  64. No. Everyone I knew who really hit pot hard say age 15 to 22 became a schizophrenic.

  65. Very Rarely. Definitely should be legal, but not corporate controlled.

    Dad was an aerospace engineer, built holographic simulation models and for dew's among other black projects in the 70's - 90's. Smoked pot every day of his life.

    Problem is big pharma would lose billions on meds that cause more harm than help. Antidepressants, anti convulsants, anti anxiety meds and narcotics would be the first to become questioned and rejected by patients. The latest research findings and older studies that were once classified have been very revealing. It's been shown to heal and reverse some chronic medical conditions.

  66. +1 Velora. Imagine how Big Pharma must feel about a drug that replaces much of the need for opiates and other pain killers, among other purposes, that you can grow yourself at home for free???!!!

  67. I do not smoke pot. However, I do believe it should be legal.

  68. My brother developed bipolar and my son developed schizophrenia as a result of smoking pot.

    A met a lady. Her 18 wear old son sent camping with friends. Smoked pot for the first time.

    Hung himself at the camp site.

  69. @ atoukzug: Thanks for the informative post. And, I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that my sincere condolences for your loss are in order. I'm truly sorry.

    My mother is nearing the end of her life, and it never occurred to me that being an inveterate pothead myself could help her if she suffers from pain. My main purpose in life is to be here for her when she can't take care of herself anymore. If it all gets too heavy, I'll do my best to hook her up with some truly dank weed.

    Unfortunately, there's a very harsh dynamic in play right now: when doctors in my state prescribe opioids, the patient has to be monitored for cannabis use, despite the fact that cannabis use can reduce the needed dosage of opioids. If I give her weed, I will endanger her access to opioids. I'll have to give it a lot of thought and balance things carefully. I want what's best for my mum. I'm just thankful, on this blessed day of 420, that I still have access to some truly dank-ass weed.

  70. No and no. Or more precisely, no and definitely no

  71. I tried it twice in my 20's and had horrible experiences both times. I just got insular, dry-mouthed, and paranoid.

    It's not my bag, but I have no problem with other people doing it or it being legal, as long as people don't drive while high. There are enough bad drivers out there already!

  72. Spent several years of my life fundraising for the marijuana legalization lobby...punishing otherwise law abiding citizens for smoking weed is a CRIME...the politics surrounding the issue are ridiculous. I can take it or leave it, but the idea of anyone sitting in jail or losing their kids, job, assets etc makes my blood boil.

  73. No, no, yes. In fact I want to open a store when it becomes legal in my state.

  74. Don't smoke but it does wonders for some people and others become slugs. I do plan on using oil for lung issues since I have been advised that it works wonders for wheezing. Always have a blast with my stoner friends.

  75. I have tried smoking and it has the opposite effect on me. It makes me so anxious I cannot wait to come down. Tried it in high school and then sporadically over the years but the effect is always the same.

    I do think it should be legal. I am interested in trying medical marijuana. From reading various articles it seems fewer people get hooked on opioids (sp?) when medical marijuana is offered as an alternative.

    Also I would trust a small business way more than Big Pharma.

  76. Nope don't smoke any more i got popped for misdo. Possession and I'm now on probation I neber thought it would so hard to quit until I had to after smoking for 20 years ...Nope I don't think it should be legal for recreational use it's a mind altering substance and very addictive

  77. Replies
    1. And legalization 100%

      Drug laws = drastically racist conviction rates

      Drug laws = prison overpopulation

      Quit trying to cast your personal convictions into legal stone.

      I personally don't support widespread/frequent marijuana use. Especially in adolescents.

      But to all the fascists. Quit sticking your business into the personal affairs of private adult citizens.

  78. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Watch out! The Weed today is genetically modified with opioids and other nasty soul stealing crap. You think the country would legalize a plant that stopped a war? Thats not what they are legalizing today. And the spray all the fields with this seed.
    These are sad times. Don't smoke that poser.

    Another fun fact: Did you know that more then half of the meat we consume has human DNA?

    Also, to the spirit loving hippies: When you 'connect' with the spiritual herb, and then flush the roach down the toilet, you're sending a part of your soul with it. How can you treat the being that elevated your spirit like some trash to be flushed?

    Paranoid yet? Plunk the Twanger!

  79. Definitely yes on both fronts, always read blinds stoned, the detective work leads to some strange rabbit holes and very wrong conclusions... Which is why I lurk and don't comment 😉 but entertaining certainly!



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