Thursday, April 12, 2018

Your Turn

It's national grilled cheese day today. Why is yours the best? Mine is because I put mayo and butter on the outside. 


  1. I used to breed dogs. Until Wolfie pointed out they can breed themselves.

  2. Gruyēre and bacon on marble rye

  3. Mine is best because I make it in the waffle iron instead of in a frying pan.

  4. I butter the outside, add some Lawrey's and fry it up. If you have a nice tomato add that After the grill.

    And you can always add BACON.

  5. Sounds delicious Entern. Not really favorite grilled cheese sammitch is a tuna melt with tomato

  6. Onions and mustard on the inside.

  7. I would press down on mine occasionally with the spatula while they're in the pan, not as pretty but tastes better. I don't care for those ones that are more fluffy "toast with cheese."

  8. Butter and mayo outside? Can u please elaborate?

  9. I prefer a calzone over a grilled cheese sandwich.

  10. Swiss cheese and bacon.I can't believe Enty didn't say bacon.

  11. That sounds like an edible heart attack Enty! 👀 I think I might try it next hangover.

  12. A fat blunt shared before serving compliments all grilled cheeses

  13. Use mayo instead of butter on the outside.

  14. Dark Russian rye, but the smaller bits to make grilled cheese sliders.

  15. Mine's just plain old cheese with dill pickle and tomato on the side so mine's certainly not 'best' worthy except to me. I don't eat meat so bacon's out although when I did eat meat, I loved BLT's with mayo. Going to try the mayo and butter on outside though. Now I'm hungry.

  16. some ham and mustard in there with the cheese

  17. I like good old white bread, slathered with butter on the outside, thick chunky slices of cold Brie on either half and a gooooood amount of orange marmalade on top of the Brie - slap'em together, and fry in a cast iron skillet, flip it over and fry a little longer. Remove and immediately cut in half diagonally.

    In college, we lived on day-old (50-cents/pack) hot dog or hamburger buns, and Kraft American cheese folded in half (for hot dog buns) and fried; open'em up and spread mayo and a few onion slices.

    Later in culinary school, it was as simple as layering a skillet with every cheese available - hardest on the bottom to the softest on top - put under the broiler until almost black and blistered, then slide out of the skillet and onto (rejected/unacceptable) bread and topped with class-made bread and butter pickles.

    Glad I'm not lactose-intolerant!

  18. Swiss on thin seeded rye with real butter. Served with my homemade tomato soup. Yum.

  19. No idea, but my kids swear they are. (I'm probably being conned so they don't have to make them themselves.)

    I use sharp cheddar, jack, and bacon, butter the bread first and put butter in the pan.

  20. lolz cheese is great but where can we talk about Khloe


    we need a thread

  21. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I upped mine to a grilled ham and cheese. Lots of butter, toasted golden brown. Cheese melts and bonds to the ham, which I pre-grill in the pan to get it nice and warm when it meets the cheese.

  22. any bread you like topped with cheese, chillies and slivers of garlic, cures any cold you might be suffering from stone dead. Repeat every four hours.

  23. Never much cared for grilled cheese. Kind of boring really.

  24. What is this mayo-on-the-outside tomfoolery? I'm throwing a flag.

  25. Tillamook Sharp Cheddar

  26. I put worcestershire sauce on mine, and no you cant have any it's all mine!

  27. It depends. My favorite is a Brie and apple, but they’re kind of a pain to make, so I usually just stick to extra sharp cheddar which is fine by me!

  28. Gruyere ,tomato and Dijon on a baguette...
    Avocado if you really wanna paaaarty🎁🎊🥂

  29. What, no bacon Enty?

    Real butter and white bread are the key for me!

  30. Provolone, Gruyere, White Cheddar, and Havarti with sautéed thyme and shallots on sourdough grilled w/butter and finished in the oven. 20 minute process... best grilled cheese ever.

  31. Buttered white bread and velveeta. I’ll add some ham if I’m feeling really fancy.

  32. Blech. Keep your mayo. I do like to open mine up after it's done and put in some tomato and ham though.

  33. Provolone, pan grill, butter the outside of the bread with Amish roll butter, serve with nice warm marinara sauce to dunk it in. Yummy!

  34. Quality cheese*, fresh bread, cultured butter on all sides of the bread, and frying the slices open faced in a covered frying pan just until the cheese melts and putting them together just before serving. A sprinkle of good salt on the outside before serving, and away we go.

    Bonus if I have a few extra bits of cheese I put those in the pan too for crunchy fried cheese on the side.

    *Fontina, Gruyere, Gouda, Brie, or at least name brand kraft slices for the nostalgia.

  35. @ Dena - Mayo is easier to spread on the outside (bread doesn't tear). I've used mayo, I've used butter, but never butter and mayo.

    I spread butter (must be softened) or mayo on two pieces of bread, grill both slices buttered side down. Flip one over, add cheese, and put the other slice of bread on it, grilled side down on top of the cheese and then grill each side. The result is a sandwich that is grilled inside and out.



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