Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Another Victim

In the past, I have written a few times about my friendship with this former A- list mostly movie actress. This is not really about her, but someone very close to her. My friend has so many personal demons it is tough to keep track of them on a daily basis. One of those demons is this person close to her. I believe he is responsible for the death of someone else I knew who was trying to get her head right when he screwed her over for the second time. My friend and this actress were filming a movie back in the day when the person close to my friend raped this actress when she was an early teen. He repeatedly raped her for a month, almost every day and forced her to do more and more degrading things and used his power to threaten her with getting her kicked off the movie and also threatened that he would spread rumors about her unless she gave into his demands.

That was just about the end of her acting career. Oh, sure, she tried for a couple years more, but she was a shell of a human. About a decade later there was a reunion of the people on the movie and she did show up for an interview. The person close to my friend was there too and this time he not only raped the actress again, but also threatened to kill her. He also injected her with heroin before raping her even though she told him she was trying to get clean. In fact, she had been clean for almost a year after staying in rehab for six months. He tied her to the bed and shot her up. He then raped her for 12 hours straight.

She then never could stop using in an effort to rid herself of the demons he caused and ended up dying at a very young age.


  1. Brittany Murphy as the victim?

    1. Alicia silver stone/Breckinridge Meyer for asshole?

    2. Or maybe her agent(person close to) could be a brother etc

    3. Maybe Kirsten Dunst as former A list with the close person (brother?)She and Brittany shot Drop Dead Gorgeous together..

    4. very 1st name that came to me

  2. Hmmm is this Brittany Murphy?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Jeremy Sisto\Alucia Silverstone\Brittany Murphy\Clueless?

  5. Whoever this piece of $h!t is, there will be a corner suite in hell waiting for him.

  6. Brittany Murphy still did a lot of acting after Clueless. And she was 22/23 when she filmed it.

  7. Brittany wasn't really and "early teen" in filming clueless. And she did decently well for most of the decade after that film. I'm not sold that it's her.

  8. Did Brittany Murphy live long enough to see a Clueless reunion?

  9. Brittany was 18 when her career essentially started with Clueless. Doesn't fit an early teen whose career only effectively lasted a couple more years.

  10. Brittany Murphy was 17 when Clueless was filmed, is that considered "early teen"?

  11. Oh, I looked at her age wrong. I wouldn't call 17/18 early teen.

  12. I feel like I should know this one, but I can't figure it out. It's going to drive me nuts. I don't feel like it's Brittany Murphy though.

  13. Brittney Murphy did a movie called, "Family Prayers" when she would have been a younger teen,

  14. My thought is Thora Birch as the A- actress, and Ashleigh Aston Moore as the deceased. Movie Now and Then.

    The rapist could be anyone.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Wasnt Ashleigh Aston Moore in a move with Christina Ricci too?

    4. Oh duh nevermind Ricci was in Now and Then

  15. PKelly, I was JUST about to post that. Nice find.

  16. I think @pkelly491 has it right. It fits perfectly.

  17. Yep, she was 14 when it came out and didn't do much after.

  18. @pkelly +1 except A- actress Christina Ricci

  19. Whoever this is it makes me very sad for them. I wish they had reported the person to the police.

  20. If that's the movie PKelly it's Christina Ricci\Devon Sawa\Ashleigh

  21. I think you got it with Ashleigh. Who is the guy then?

  22. Is the "person close to her" her father? Always heard those creepy stories/rumors about Thora Birch's dad who managed her career.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I still think the A- actress is Thora. Enty has posted stories with her before. And her father is potentially the man in question, he is an ex porn star who is her manager, got her fired from a gig off broadway a few years ago for being overly concerned about a "back-rub" that her daughter was getting as part of the production.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. It makes sense there'd be a "Now and Then" reunion because of its theme, of course, and also all the famous women involved. This is very sad.

  27. "My friend and this actress were filming a movie back in the day when the person close to my friend raped this actress when she was an early teen."

  28. +1 pkelly, anyone have any luck on finding the about a decade later reunion?

  29. Omg I never heard of this poor young girl—quick google and all I can think is omg- she was such a lil girl at the time of that movie....ffs. And yes that’s burchs pervert Father-the reason she is/was so traumatized...... why can’t you just bring them
    Down Enty?

  30. Anonymous10:40 AM

    There WAS a Now and Then reunion...20 years later in 2015. 8 years after Ashleigh Moore died. Not her. I was just researching it.

    1. I thought that but the reunion mentioned happened at the decade mark which would’ve made it 2005, only 2 years before her passing

  31. Can't find anything on a reunion but the timeline makes sense. Film was released in 1995, and AAM passed in 2007, so reunion would have been 2005/06. Can't even find anything with an interview with AAM.

  32. If it was Devon Sawa I feel like it would have mentioned how Christina Ricci worked w him again.. for that reason I like thora birch

  33. Anonymous10:44 AM

    NOT AAM. The reunion took place AFTER she died. Proof.


  34. Melvin, there could have been more than one reunion. You don't only have ONE high school reunion. The 10 year one could have been more private/personal between the cast.

    and your attached link doesn't really even show a "reunion" rather than just interviews with Thora and Devon reminiscing on the film.

  35. Devon Sawa was also like 15/16 when the film was filmed. Not saying that someone that young can't be guilty of something like this, but it definitely seems like it is worded more like someone older and in a position of power.

  36. Also, as an aside.. thora has an interview in ‘the Gaurdian!’ Has an interesting comment toward the middle end, she talks about people wanting her to shut up.. hmm

  37. Anonymous10:51 AM

    @pkelly did you not read the part about there being a screening?

    And Google Now and Then 10th Anniversary Reunion, there are no hits.

    There was no decade later Now and Then reunion. I tried to make her fit. She doesnot.

  38. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Yeah, Devon Sawa was in no power position on that film. He was a B list teen heartthrob at that point. He couldn't get anyone fired.

  39. Other ideas for the deceased actress-

    Dana Plato
    Bridgette Andersen

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  41. I thought of Amanda Peterson as a possibility but she doesn't fit.

  42. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Horribly misogynist fiction.

    It is frightening that women are reading this sordid fiction, and finding it 'entertaining'.

  43. Until someone comes up with a better answer I'm going to think the interview/reunion were private or for a very small group, and not easy to find on the internet. Or it's a red herring of some sort, and there was some other event that brought Thora and her father together with AAM.

    The rest of the blind all fits too perfectly. Enty has made it known that he has a good relationship with Thora. Her father is a creep. Timeline works. AAM disappeared off the planet and died of a heroin OD. But I'm willing to hear a better answer.

    1. The reunion could have been a small picture in a magazine or a tiny appearance on a daytime talk show. Rosie o'donnel was in that movie so maybe something on her talk show, the view or her podcast.

  44. If Thora Birch is the friend,her Father is definitely the rapist. It is someone close to the actress,not a former friend or costar. The blind refers to a ten year reunion, it doesn't say it was a big deal.

  45. Bridgette Anderson?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Familial relationship would explain why the former A- list mostly movie actress never turned in the rapist close to her.

  48. Bridgette Anderson was in a 1985 movie called Fever Pitch with Ryan O'Neal

  49. Ryan O'Neal is listed under "Special Thanks" for Now and Then. No idea why.

    1. Along with Ali McGraw. I'm wondering if they used a scene from Love Story in the movie. Idk cause I've never seen Now & Then.

  50. I know all the “known” stuff about Thora’s dad, but what secret stuff would make people think he did this?


  51. What Happened to Thora Birch? (Her Creepy Dad Did)

    1. Eh, sure he’s a dick, but it’s a huge leap. It could be him though.

  52. '...raped her for 12 hours straight'? Come on. Obvious BS blind.

  53. It has to be Ashleigh Aston Moore. There was a reunion of the Now and Then cast a decade after the movie. She was fourteen when she did the movie. I would guess the friend is Christina Ricci. Devon Sawa then.

  54. Probably him wanting to watch, direct, and control his own daughter's sex scenes, even after she was no longer a minor. That screams creep/sexual deviant to me.

  55. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Is Enty known to be friends with any OLDER actresses, ie people in their 60s-80s? Maybe we aren't looking back enough on the day

  56. Never mind my Sound of Music suggestion, I don't think anyone died young.

  57. This very nearly made me cry. I had to take some deep breaths. Frank Castle needs to move to Los Angeles.

  58. @totaji,Thora's Father demanded tho be on set watching his daughter during sex scenes,and threatened to kill the assistant director. She was fired from the film. This is what he does in public.

    1. +1
      Where there is smoke, there is fire

  59. This is incredibly sad. Now and Then also starred Demi Moore: I wonder if she the friend of Enty who has her own demons? (I’m sure something similar has been mentioned before.)

  60. Came here to say exactly what Auntie Kate said-- +1 for sure!

  61. Ashleigh & the Birches is a fair guess. Everything seems to fit, but I was trying to think back further, like Tatum O'Neal. Couldn't make it work though.
    Nobody else has come up with someone who fits the bill, I think this is it. Other names were mentioned, but just names and no mention of film/ co-star/ rapist, etc.

  62. Enty has for years written some of these type blinds in an overly salacious manner. We occasionally need to call him out on it.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wow she did a film with Brittany Murphy and Michael Douglas. Creepy

  64. What were some of the degrading things she was forced to do? details enty, the devil is in the details.

  65. Skye was only 7 or 8 at the time of the Patriot filming. Not an early teen.


  67. Sorry for your friend. Who's the creep? Odd things can happen...

  68. Not condoning anyone's behavior, but maybe she should have quit the movie? I'm not trying to victim shame, but we are talking about over a month and a reunion 10 years later. If my boss pulled me in his office right now and tried to rape me, I'd quit and call the police.

    1. Are you a twelve year old girl?

  69. Megan Connolly- first film with Russell Crowe in "The Crossing" in 1990... Puts her at 15-16 years old.

    Died in 2001- heroin overdose.

    Just can't find any mention of a 10 year interview. Still looking.

  70. Danielle Spencer being the 'friend'- married to Russell Crowe.

  71. @Audie

    Good guess too. Especially with the news breaking today re: Crow and Spencer. That being said, I don't think there's a world where Danielle Spencer was ever A- list. Also, I would really think that the rapist is blood-related to the A- actress.

    Enty talks about the A- actress relatively positively. I can't see him doing that if it was the Crowe/Spencer situation where they were married for DECADES after the rape(s).

  72. I'm not even gonna try to guess this.

    This guy's time is coming.

  73. Definitely not Devon Sawa, as from what I've heard from personal accounts, he's actually a great guy IRL.

    I'm leaning towards the Crowe guess, as Enty/Hmmmm often posts blinds that are related to recent news, and Crowe has def been in the news cycle lately (as someone has already pointed out.) My favourite example was a blind about a 80's tv celeb who was an abusive asshole, and people guessed Don Johnson (Enty posted the blind on DJ's birthday. Ha!)

  74. Former A- list actress sounds like Tatum O’Neal. So far the only actress I can find that she was in a movie with that died is Alexa Kenin, but she doesn’t fit.

  75. Thora Birch is the shit in GHOST WORLD.

    This blind just makes me angry.

    1. +1 Raging bunnies. Why is this man ALIVE????? WHY??? Horrible

  76. Tell me why you oppose the death penalty again....?

  77. Amanda Peterson - Victim

  78. I don't think Brittany Murphy fits. She made numerous successful movies well into her adult hood - Little Black Book, 8 Mile, Happy Feet, Sin City, Don't Say a Word, Girl Interrupted, etc.

  79. Christina Ricci as the former A list. Vincent Gallo as rapist

  80. Is there any way we can rethink Amanda Peterson for this blind? I found this bit in an old US magazine article:

    "During an interview with The Doctors, Peterson's mom, Sylvia, revealed that her daughter was raped when she was just 15 years old, something she never felt able to talk about, and which "affected her forever.""

  81. Also, "Can't Buy Me Love" had a mini reunion at the Nu-Art in 2011, about 14 year after the movie came out. I'm not sure if Amanda Peterson was there or if she had been interviewed about the reunion. She didn't die until 2015.



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