Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Blind Items Revealed - Revisited

This was revealed in October of last year.

April 24, 2017

Why yes, that was that married A list mostly movie actor in Vegas this past weekend enjoying the attention of two women who sell bottles in a night club. Apparently our actor didn't even have to pay for their services. They were happy to go to his room with him for free.

Channing Tatum


Brayson87 said...

Comrade Detective!

longtimereader said...

When even the hookers are giving away freebies..c'mon enty please name the club(for research purposes only).

MichiganMama59 said...

StarFu*&(%s have been around forever

IanPhlegming said...

"Our D-I-V-O-R-C-E becomes final today
Me and E-V-E-R-L-Y will be goin' away
I can live with the fact that you swing both ways
'Cuz I love the fame, it will be pure H-E double-L for me
Oh, I wish that we could stop this D-I-V-O-R-C-E...."

Carrie said...

Nice reveal a year before the divorce announcement. I'm going to point this out to people who say this site is full of it.

Unknown said...

Oh, so a divorce gives it context. I couldn't figure out why this was a story. I'm just a guy, and women have come back to my place for free now and then. Any good-looking man with fame above the level of drummer in a local bar band should be able to pull that off several times a week.

Anonymous said...

A year later. Really?

Ernie McCracken said...

I'm guessing there were dozens of other willing women/instances in which CT took advantage during his marriage. If you're being offered free candy everywhere you go, strict diets are hard to follow.

J said...

You mean he'd rather be bumping new young chicks all the time than riding bikes with his wife to the yarn store in the village?

Amartel said...

Why is this guy famous? He looks like he was assembled by committee at the blandlab. He's toyed with so many gorgeous women and now he's married to a goddess and cheating. Maybe she's cheating, too, who can tell with these people. My issue is why is this guy even in the position to do so in the first place.

Brayson87 said...

@Amartel, because Comrade Detective is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

He got game don’t be hatin’

Amartel said...

I look at this guy and I just wonder what sort of satanic transaction led to this slab being famous. I do. I can't help myself. I know diversity is important and one person's boring fat-faced douchecanoe is another person's entertainment joy. So fine, I will review the evidence.

IanPhlegming said...

Is part of the Big Picture plot to undermine American culture not just promoting "Diversity" but to actively denigrate white culture? One of the ways of doing that would be to promote white movie stars who are totally bland, have no screen presence and are just bland meh charisma-free slabs of meat, like Channing Tatum.

The biggest white hero that's slated to appear this year is Han Solo, in the Star Wars franchise that has already marginalized and/or mocked all its white heroes (turning Luke Skywalker into a bitter clown, for example) starring a completely miscast loser (who was "discovered" by Steven Spielberg) in the titular role. Han Solo, the best character in the entire Star Wars universe, will be nullified. One wonders just how happy Kathleen Kennedy will be about that.

Meanwhile, on a separate cultural front to undermine classic established American icons rooted in rebellion and iconoclastic behavior, I just read that Shaft in the new "Shaft" movie reboot is going to be a FBI agent, not a private detective. That's even more funny than it is pathetic.

Sass71 said...

@DDonna I appreciate the homage to Ms. Wynette ;)

Amartel said...

Interesting theory, DD. I think it's that the era of the movie star is over. So they get these cut-outs that are meant to be inoffensive to everyone. I also think many nonwhite actors are pretty bland, too. Like Bland Panther. I haven't seen many movies lately but I went to see that and I walked out in embarrassment. The dialogue was so stilted, like it was written for small children. The acting was crap. The behind the camera stuff, costumes, artwork, music, etc., the stuff that can't be faked, was good. Everyone was falling all over themselves praising the great all-black movie but unfortunately it just did not live up to the hype. Basically, a lot of our entertainment fare is recycled pabulum and the dwindling B.O. numbers show it.

Orville said...

So what happened to all the Channing Tatum bisexual rumours? People said online when Channing was a young stripper he used to bang dudes. Next, there were rumours he also had sex with guys in Hollywood. Tatum is NOT the best looking guy in Hollywood but I doubt the women care. he is rich, young, and famous so I can see hookers doing him for free. As for the wife, I think this is something women will probably NEVER understand. Some men even though they LOVE their wives want FREE PUSSY. Yes, I know not PC to say but straight men want VARIETY. They get bored fucking the same woman everyday and want something new. There is a difference between LOVE and SEX but it seems ONLY MEN understand this.

Brayson87 said...

"She's a capitalist. Calling her a prostitute is redundant."

IanPhlegming said...

> Basically, a lot of our entertainment fare is recycled pabulum

I think this is by design as well, a macro-societal programming strategy to keep people from thinking originally, to keep them locked in the past and the way things were/are.

There is a great shift in human consciousness happening, and there are dark forces doing all they can to retard it. Hollywood and establishment entertainment media is a huge part of this retardation of human consciousness IMHO.

Nubian princess said...

Not true. He went to the same high school my son goes to. My sister also dated another stripper (ugh,long story) who danced in the "B" team ie.. Not as good as Channings group. Yes not gay, total dog, but I digress.

Fifi LaRue said...

Channing Tatum is nothing special. However, his wife, Jenna Dewan, is spectacular.

Mango said...

@Amartel - No kidding about Tatum. In "Step Up" he was a pencil-necked dork, and I can't unsee that. He's some grandmotherly casting agent's idea of good looking.

Nubian princess said...

He's a great dancer, with a great body. He won't cure cancer, or win a Pulitzer. But he can move. Not everyone can do it. It's ok.

Unknown said...

Only freebies if you're Channing Tatum!!!

MissD said...

Why does Perez keep on stealing blinds from enty? smh

orangesoda said...

I think every celeb has a gay rumor out there. Are there pics? Are there dudes talking about their delicate buttholes in DM? If there's no proof, I think it's fair to assume that the guy that's labeled as an adulterer that jumps from one whore to another is exactly that - a sleazy adulterer that jumps from one whore to another.


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