Thursday, April 26, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 19, 2018

This B-/C+ list reality star from multiple shows in the same network family was at an event today and absolutely no other celebrities knew who she was. By the third time trying to explain it, she just gave up and introduced herself by name.

Corrine Olympios


  1. Maybe she should have her Google images results handy and introduce herself that way.

  2. I'm with the celebrities on this one.
    Who is she?

  3. She's a reality show nobody, so nobody (especially actual celebrities), should know who she is. She was on one of those Batchelor type shows.

  4. @poppyman the chick from the Bachelor Pad that the producer said was raped b/c she was popping pills and one of the guys went down on her in the pool. B- is a VERY generous rating to me, no?

    And thankfully I don't want that one, but it was all over the place.

  5. I've never been a celebrity, so I'm puzzled as to how you introduce yourself without using your name. Do they actually do a Troy McClure thing, like, "Hi there, you may remember me from such nature films as 'Earwigs, Eww!' and 'Man vs. Nature: The Road to Victory'"?

  6. I did a google search just not and still don't know who she is. I guess that she dated that Kardashian butt bandit bff? Are we supposed to know her because of that?

  7. Her 15 minutes are long up. She was nothing more than a spoiled brat Bachelor contestant who thought she was a star.

  8. She should have said "I was that chick on the Bachelor who had a nanny for myself"
