Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 4, 2018

Once again, if you are female and sign with the management company of this permanent A list singer, she better not see you as a threat. She signs acts she considers a threat and then makes sure your career ends in a dumpster fire. This duo recently saw that in action first hand.

Beyonce/Chloe X Halle


  1. But they’re kids. How the hell does she see them as a threat?

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Those hornes on Beyos head must be natural.

  2. Probably like Tyra and that bullshit ANTM.



  4. Are they pizza fans too, Bey & J?

  5. I'm confused, aren't Chloe x Halle doing very well? I seem to hear about them a lot. What is the "dumpster fire" in reference to?

  6. Here's a hint to musicians that get approached by Bey and Jay as managers: Don't sign with them!

  7. They are doing well... Both on a show that just got picked up for another season (also great btw) and they have been doing performances, including cochella. I dislike Bey as much as the next, but this blind isn't true.

  8. But they're doing well so I don't get the purpose of this blind.

  9. If she does this to Ibeyi I'm gonna have to get violent. Fortunately for them I think they have a somewhat separate audience, certainly a separate core audience, so she may not consider them a threat.

  10. This is such a weird blind. It’s clearly a lie, those girls are everywhere and have been steadily getting more and more opportunities.

  11. They are talented girls & probably would be successful on their own but they wouldn’t have a fraction of the opportunity & exposure they do without Beyoncé’s backing. This is a silly blind.

  12. At first I thought that thirty-something Beyonce might see younger, up-and-coming talent as a threat, but if said talent were to sign with Beyonce & Jay-Z, said talent would be making them money. Where does the "see them as a threat" part of this come in?

  13. I did notice that their careers have been kind of stagnant, Jay has been doing this to JCole for years, that's why he put his own career in his own hands. Sad

  14. Oh and her sister completely sabotaged SZA's video so there's that

  15. Beyoncé's performance at coachella was the best performance of the year maybe of the decade as far as her genre of music. Almost two hours, non stop, costume changes. The hbc dancers and drummers. Dancers of all sizes. The woman sang opera at one point, flawlessly. She is Tina turner and mj wrapped up in one. Her conspiracy theory attackers from looney toons trumptastic Alex jones type sites get crazier and even more looney. Being one of the people in America who dares to not bow down to racist anger infested trump types. The reason Donald Trump had those Russian hookers pee on a bed that president Obama and his wife slept in is because Trump holds insane, bizarre grudges against anyone who stands up to him in any way. These Russian run bot farms know who's on Trumps hit list and start online smear campaigns. Beyoncé is one of those people. Notice how there was alot of blustery talk between Trumpski and his main man Puty but when push came to shove and sanctions against Russia were on the table, Comrade Trump backed the fuck down. It was all bluster. I love to see someone who is so loathed by Trump cult weirdos go from strength to strength. Continuing to rise to the occasion as a phenomenal performer. May the truth prevail and may these evil trump/Putin cultists slide back into the slime from which they rose.

    1. Seriously. The LAST thing we think about when considering Beyonce is TRUMP. take yo fucking meds

  16. @Halloweenie, what in the ADD incoherent mess was that about?

  17. Thank you Mike M - how anyone can read that document and still deny 9/11 wasn't an inside job is beyond me, that thing is chock full of SCIENCE and FACTS.

    Anyone who wants to crow "conspiracy!" should read it first and then speak. Contempt prior to an actual investigation of the facts is a fool's charge.

  18. I like Beyoncé fine, but her fans are often over the top. Some of them work in the media: both the Hollywood Reporter and the New York Times regularly embarrass themselves with mash notes disguised as reviews.

  19. So much for supporting others. Still, if you pick up a snake you can't be surprised when it bites you.

  20. I spot three paid posters, when do the rest of us get a check? ;)

  21. Brayson87 I thought Taylor was the snake?

  22. @Brayson - whaaaat???

  23. Chloe x Halle are on Grown-Ish, but I don't know how well their music is selling. I haven't heard much about the album since it was released. At least the show has been renewed for Season 2. The blind doesn't say their career is a dumpster fire NOW...perhaps that's coming if they become too popular. Signing popular acts might make Bey money, but I'm sure she's not a fan of competition. If I was Cardi B, I'd watch my back. Beyonce doesn't like anyone getting shine except her.

  24. I call BS on this one! Bey's career is not in a place to be threatened by anyone. In fact, she would have even more power by putting on amazing artists, so I can't take this one seriously!

  25. Yep, Beyonce shaking her rump at Coachella was a great big anti-Trump protest statement, did you hear that folks? Maybe the harder she does it the higher the chance that Drumpf finally gets impeached and maybe we can take out his boyfriend Putin while we're at it...double whammy! Then Hillary can rule over both countries (with Queen Bey as her Queen Vice President)!!112



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