Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 5, 2018


When this permanent A+ list mostly movie actress was asked a #YouKnew type question, the actress said, "We're done here," and walked off.

Meryl Streep


  1. Sanctimonious creep.

  2. I love that she got called out on this to her face.

    1. Same. Cant stand the nauseating worship of this wench.

  3. Guess she didn't trust her acting skills.

  4. Kudos to the person who said something

  5. Love to know who the reporter was who asked.

    Hey, Meryl, or The Meryl Protection Team, that might be exploring here: I will never see another of her movies. I skipped "The Post" because of SS mostly, but would've skipped it for her, too.

    She did such a nice job portraying Thatcher, too. Humanizing her even as word was beginning to leak out about all the pedophiles Thatcher covered up for in her cabinet. I'm sure Meryl could relate.

    I tell everyone what a hypocrite she is. I remind them that she's a great actress, so you can't believe anything she says, and if they believe he denials about HW, they are fools.

    Meryl Streep is scum. Absolute bullying, cowardly, disgraceful scum.

  6. Hopefully this will be the ever-present albatross around her neck.

  7. The perp is Harvey. Not Meryl. She may have not said anything but is a victim of the power structure too, being a female. And btw, her performance in The Post was the best of the year, regardless of her accused culpability.

    1. So she does speak up for those being raped but she can sure speak her mind on trump? Sorry but no... that’s not flying with me

    2. What are you talking about Shawn? Meryl has been one of the most powerful actresses in Hollywood for decades! She's not some oppressed victim, unless you assume that JUST because she's female she's weak! Is that what you're saying? Did you let your misogyny show through accidentally?

    3. Really, Shawn? “Victim of the power structure” GTFO with this patriarchal BS. You think Meryl Creep hasnt flexed her own “power” to get what shes wanted? Spare me

  8. Rules are for the little people.

  9. Laying it on a little thick there, Shawn.

    1. He’s learned all about “the power structure” from his Gender Studies 101 professor

  10. Nobody is upset at Meryl for not saying anything. They're upset at her for obviously lying about having no idea that this stuff was happening with Harvey, especially since she was so sanctimonious about Trump the year before (the same year she gave Casey Affleck a standing ovation at the Oscars). The hypocrisy is just gross.

    1. Agreed. If she hadn't commented on either, her reputation wouldn't be in shreds now.

    2. Love that your post Brian, thank you!!!

  11. Not really, I would say the comments prior to mine are molasses thick compared to mine. I’m just supporting someone I greatly admire. Am not deluding myself that she did what she did. But again, she is not the perp we should all be pointing to. For every actress, there’s a dozen powerful men who not only don’t say anything, but silently endorse Harvey.

    1. Maybe you shouldnt greatly admire people you dont actually *know*

  12. She's done worse than not say anything, there are multiple blinds.

  13. It's possible to condemn her AND other people instead of going the #NotAllMeryls path

  14. she's just mad because no one tried to get on her ugly ass.

  15. I'm done watching you or paying to watch you in anything anymore, Meryl.

    *walks off*

    1. right there with you.
      *flips hair and also walks off*

  16. She's a privileged hypocritical elitist brat. End of story.

  17. Harvey's a God, Shawn. A GOD!!

  18. Replies
    1. Tell that to Meryl Shawn. Those are her words about Harvey the GOD

  19. Well clutch my pearls I had no idea! 😕

  20. What a crusty c*nt...

  21. Fuck Meryl Streep 💩

  22. She was also first to her feet for Roman Polanski when he won the Oscar for "The Pianist."

    The fact she is a hypocrite and a monster does not make her "god" Harvey Weinstein any less a monster.

    The fact she's fled to an already popular HBO series shows that her bankability is in trouble. No more Oscars for Meryl.

  23. I have not had anything against Meryl Streep over the years. The recent Weinstein stuff might change that, although I'm not focusing on it. But with her name coming up, I looked at her filmography recently and found that the last ones I saw were the Deer Hunter, Manhattan, and Kramer vs. Kramer. I haven't boycotted her intentionally and was surprised to find that I have done so for almost forty years.

  24. She supports pedophiles and I'll never watch another of her movies again.

  25. Yaaa #weallknewitwasher. Lol.

  26. @shawn McGuire. Bull crap! Streep is and has been the most powerful woman in Hollywood for decades. She CHOSE to turn a blind eye for her career. If she wasn’t so sanctimonious and arrogant I could maybe give her a pass. She she IS and I WONT. Like a previous poster, I will not pay to see any of her films ever again and skipped the POst for that very reason.

  27. DDonna Tarttty's excellent comment makes me wish, once again, that CDAN enables "like" on comments.

  28. They're all equally guilty, they're all equally degenerate. I can't stand bottom feeding sycophants preening on the laps of their overpaid, loathsome celebrity masters crowing about how "they're actually victims, bigot!". These people, at best, see you as a amusing pet monkey.

  29. I think she's degenerated into a hack, and for such a revered actress she can't convincingly play humble when she wins an award.

  30. Oh that's shocking. Meryl.

  31. Why don't people understand that unless you quote, or at least namecheck the poster you're responding to, nobody knows who you're talking about with a response like "right there with you".

  32. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Humans are hopelessly flawed.
    never meant to be icons.

  33. mercy prosperity! I'm betting you know we are intrinsically flawed, but not hopelessly. Totally correct about the icons part. Or idols, for that matter.

  34. She leapt to her feet for Roman Polanski and right then, I was done with her.

    We loved Little Big Lies in our house. I mean loved, loved, didn't-want-it-to-end, loved. Renewed for second season and we cheered. Meryl attached: "I think we're done here."

  35. Wasn't there a blind here a couple of years ago about Streep sleeping with all of her leading men? Some old timers might remember that.

  36. She has always been an asshole and someone called her out for it. Heck, I knew Harvey was dirty, so I am sure she knew.
    Yes, there is a blind about her sleeping with all her leading men and that is one of the reasons she hates Dustin Hoffman and why she let all those rumors about him run rampant. Rumor has it that he turned her down.

  37. Yuuuuup, Meryl has always been a dickhead

  38. Meryl is that rare woman who did have enough power to say something...and didn't.

  39. Anonymous8:39 AM

    @Ddonna: No, i'm sticking with 'hopelessly flawed'.
    We think of ourselves first.
    We are oblivious to people who live in the dirt.
    We quickly change the subject, back to the Angie's and Jen's.
    I do believe there's a few angels around, put here to do good, living minimalist existences. Precious few.
    Humans are not icons.

  40. Lotta strong feelings on here lately. Seems the bot culture has infiltrated. Lame.

  41. "bot culture"?!? Laughable. She is a vain, insufferable, sanctimonious, beyond arrogant CEE U NEXT TUESDAY, whose ego driven hubris has very likely brought her career to an end. It's definitely circling the drain, no doubt about that.



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