Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 5, 2018


At this after party, this former A list mostly movie actress who has stumbled and bumbled her way through one horrible television show after the other for the past decade or so who is going through a crushing divorce broke down several times. There is a lot of love for her and last night people took turns lifting up her spirits. It was a great thing to see.

Alicia Silverstone


  1. It ain't all bad all the time. Chin up Alicia!

  2. What a shame I used to have a massive crush on her when I was a teen (before clueless)

  3. I knew she has a show coming up on Paramount but I was thinking has she really done much TV? I looked and her Wiki lists FIVE unsold pilots.

  4. Sad. Hope she finds a way out of the dark.

  5. Just chiming in with more support for Alicia.

  6. "So if you're lost and on your own
    You can never surrender
    And if your path won't lead you home
    You can never surrender
    And when the night is cold and dark
    You can see, you can see light
    Cause no one can take away your right
    To fight and never surrender
    To never surrender"

  7. Any advance reviews of her new Kyle Richards series "American Woman"?

  8. I've always liked her and wish her the best. Just wanted to add that. It's only Hollywood, Alicia. You have far more value than whatever that town can offer you. Hold on to your soul.

  9. I love Alicia, always have. Wishing her the best.

  10. Dear Alicia, remember Benicio del Toro's line at the end of Excess Baggage:

    'What makes it a view?'


    Keep buggering on, as Churchill used to say (am sure he didn't mean it literally...).

  11. whats the scoop on her divorce? Wasn't she the one who gave her bab y masticated food?? LOL

  12. She seems genuinely sweet. Hope things get better for her soon.

  13. 42 years old. damn. pure Mother roles from here on.

  14. She seems like one of those who always has her heart in the right place even if others find her a little weird now and then. I hope her cheering squad continues and may they always be within range.

  15. The stars have spoken and said we adore Alicia but screw you Stacy

    1. @Fancy

      Stacy made her stance clear years ago. She can lie in the bed she made.

      Alicia is getting as much support as she is because she’s BEEN supportive and genuinely nice.

  16. I have always liked her. Good to hear there are some nice ones left in that industry.

  17. 💛💛💛💛💛💛

    The first film I ever saw in a cinema without adult supervsisioon had Alicia in it. i wish her happiness.
