Monday, April 02, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 21, 2018

Probably the greatest child star of the past generation or two, he made it all the way to A+ list as a child. He saved a lot of his money, which is a good thing. He can't really get work at acting any longer, mainly because of his constant struggle with drugs and his penchant for being drunk every day by the early afternoon because he says it keeps him from using harder drugs if he is drunk or passed out from drinking.

Macaulay Culkin


  1. That is depressing. To bad he can't spill on who the molesters are. You know he could name names.

    1. Do you think he was lying when he defended MJ?

  2. At least he isn't attempting to kill himself. He's depressed and has no motivation to do anything, so that is usually the next step.

  3. I thought he was doing better. He looks better. Here he is on Fallon in March

  4. Roseanne Barr mentioned in her interview with Howard Stern that Macaulay was in the running to be DJ and the studio wanted him but she got a bad vibe from him and thought he would be a problem emotionally, (and making it clear she knew she would be the biggest problem for the show)

    1. But she doesn't get a bad vibe from Trump...

    2. And you didnt get one from Hill...

    3. Bill AND Hill both creep me the eff out! Oh, and let's not even get started on Huma and her darling Weiner the penile slinger husband! What a joke they all are

  5. Why would she want Culkin instead of the original DJ, Michael Fishman? This revival seems to be going with most of the original cast - unlike, say, The Brady Bunch Movie.

  6. Oh, Culkin was considered during the original casting in 1988. Fishman said so himself in a recent interview.

  7. Yes sorry that was in 1988, she said she chose Fishman since he wore a bow tie to the audition (she liked that) and basically looked just like her.

    The studio wanted Mac not her and she said no. Which was the start of her coming off as "difficult".

  8. Michael Fishman is actually the second DJ. The pilot episode had another kid play DJ but he was replaced because he and Sara Gilbert didn't get along.

  9. Awww the last sentence saddens me. That's not a life...that's a self-induced temporary coma. He's a good actor. I would like to see someone take a chance on him and him proving everyone (including himself) wrong.

  10. I did the same thing to stay off heroin when I first got clean. I'd just drink like a fish, and I'd never have the energy to go out and score. However, after doing that for a few months, I kicked the booze, and started working out every day and everything got so much better. AA and NA people don't like to hear it, but I still drink on the weekends sometimes, and I've had a lot of success just focusing on being moderate and clean off drugs.

    Hopefully Macaulay can do the same.

    1. That's hard to do! Happy to hear it

    2. Good for you! It’s a tough road - whatever works for you.

  11. Was it confirmed for sure that the French radio interview he did was a fraud? I assumed it was, nobody could track it down in reality (it was in French), but nobody's gotten a denial from the radio station or Mac himself either, that I've seen.

    You know that poor man has seen some horrible things in his life.

  12. He’s done a few podcasts lately and sounds good, he talks about his issues and sounds healthy, talks about drinking wine and doing art. He has his own podcast now but it’s pretty disorganized and not easy to listen too- but I tried:) he does talk about John Hughes, MJ and his lady friend- Brenda song but not by name. He says he’s doing okay... he disses trump. He talks about the abuse from his dad. Pretty brutal guy:/

  13. I wasn't aware of that, SarahElizabeth. Thanks for the update.

    1. The Marc maron wtf interview was good with him, the Anna Faris is okay. She is just not a good interviewer imo... or a good guest either. But the info he gives was worth a listen...

  14. I have a soft spot for Mac- I’m a few years older but Uncle Buck is still a favorite and my son loves Home Alone:)

  15. Self-medicating with alcohol never ends well, it's only a temporary fix.

  16. Hugely sad, but it doesn't have to be over for Mac. If he's got his money, at least, he can continue to live and learn and get the help he obviously needs. Maybe write. Maybe teach. Def get out of NYC, LA, or anyplace else that triggers him. He's still alive. That's a good thing. And F his abusers HARD.

  17. MC breaks my heart. He was such a sweet little boy, but his parents never saw anything but dollar signs.

  18. If you were takin it up the tailpipe from MJ at 10 or whatever, you'd probably be a mess too.

  19. My heart breaks for what this poor kid, and many like him, have to go through in Hollywood. MC was sexually abused and his parents more than likely knew about it, but let it happen because of their greed.

    Just look at Drew Barrymore. This girl was in rehab at an extremely young age and no one wonders why?

    Just look at the destruction left in the wake of Dan Schneider.

    This is huge and it needs to stop. The industries are nothing but cesspools; actors, singers, any celebrity that gets to a certain level of fame will need to "pay for it in some way". These people have been lied to and tricked into a horrible system of lies, greed, money,and blackmail.

  20. Awww... give the guy a break! I will ALWAYS root for Mack. Probably because we’re roughly the same age, so I’ve always followed him. He sounds great on his podcast— a little bit of an odd duck perhaps, but witty, funny, and super smart. Dude has lived a life.

  21. I saw a lovely thread on Twitter today, where a camp posted an April Fools saying MC was going to be star camp counsellor this year. It got RTd and MC ended up responding with a jokey “OMG, someone booked me”! The camp said they were sorry, it was just a light-hearted prank and it ended with MC saying for them to DM him to see what he could do. Alcoholism (let alone any other addiction) is a daily struggle and I wish him the best.

  22. Kulkin did name some names, I'm sure of it.

    But with MKULTRA mind control programming, the children are hypnotised or put into a different personaly or alter, when they are abused.

    When they go back to their primary personality, they have no knowledge of what has happened to them.

    The CIA developed this so spy's couldn't give information, even if they were tortured.

    It would take an MKULTRA deprogrammer to access the alter personalities and their memories.

    This is risky, because they usually have a suicide program, so that they will kill themselves if they get close to revealing info.

    Most MKULTRA victims have no idea of what they have been through. Or that they are a programmed victim.

    Victims are programmed to love their programmer/abuser.

    Very filthy.

  23. Here's the link to the French radio interview. It was yanked off the air within hours of it broadcasting, but transcripts and translations still exist.
    I don't think it was a hoax. It just got censored by the sick "powers that be".



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