Friday, April 06, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 31, 2018

Once the parents of this foreign born A- list tween actress find out that a supposed friendship with a family is more about replacing the parents as management more than anything else, I think you will see the "friendship" end in a second.

Millie Bobby Brown/Kardashians


  1. Can we have one child star that doesn't get completely messed up? Is that too much to ask?

  2. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right ...

  3. Why on earth would she cheapen her brand like that? I don't believe this one...

  4. Anonymous8:28 AM

    You in danger, gurl. Runnnnn

  5. So she'll end up with a new face, butt, and bust by the time she's 19?

  6. Oh, Millie, NO. Your parents may suck but don’t jump on to that boat!

  7. > don’t jump on to that boat!

    Yacht, but yeah.

    Remember when blobby, overly pale, super-creepy Patton Oswald (whatever happened with his wife, really?) introduced Stranger Thing's 14-year old Finn Wolfhard as “an actor born with the greatest porn name ever”? At Comic-Con, loaded with kids? It's not just Millie.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Peter North is the best porn name ever. Everyone knows this.

    2. @Ddonna
      That's gross.

    3. I would argue Buck Naked best male porn star name.

    4. Peter "Beer Can" North!

      That's a blast from the past (no pun intended).

      We are both from the same city.

  8. PMK keeps trying to stick her fingers into anything she can.

    Run, Millie, RUNAWAY!


  9. I love Millie and hope someone in Hollywood can look out for her since her parents apparently don’t.

  10. @DDonna whatever happened to Patton's wife? He killed her of course, (directly or indirectly what with their house the police found full of prescription pills in unmarked bottles everywhere) then finished her true crime book that she had been working on- the perfect camouflage. I'm positive he has more skeletons than that in his closet.

    1. Long time reader. First time posting only because I have known Patton for decades. He did not kill her with anything but negligence. He can be absent minded and self absorbed but her death almost destroyed him. Stop saying these things. There are others in this circle of comics that need to be put in there place but Patton is NOT one of them. A silly reditt theory about something that happens to people in this country every day is not proof. Leave the poor guy alone.

    2. Destroyed him lol he got over it mad quick by marrying that has been who sits on Twitter all day tweeting directors complements hoping they'll hire her

  11. No, Peter Steele (RIP) had the best porn name ever.

  12. @DDonna yeah, his wife Michelle McNamara had one of those fatal drug mix deaths - the cause of which was withheld from the public for months. Is there a link w/ him saying that anywhere? That's extremely fucked. I just listened to the MFM with him discussing his late wife's book and he does an excellent job of making his grief for her very, um, relatable/believable.

    This is interesting, though:

  13. Here's a link to a rundown on the sexualization of all the "Stranger Things" kids, including creepy pale blob widower Patton Oswald's "porn star" comment at ComicCon:

  14. Rod Horn is the best...

  15. Rod Horn is the best...

  16. That sasquatch family will stop at nothing to get into acting.

  17. Anonymous12:21 PM

    No child should ever work in the 'entertainment business', including commercials; modeling; network tv and film. One leads to another. It's not worth the risk.

  18. There is a diver on the US Olympic team named Steele Johnson. That is a contender for best porn name.

  19. Ddonna again showing what kind of person she is. Oswalt made a bad joke and that's fine. Sadly his wife died from overmedicating. Contrary to popular belief he didn't finish her book, he wrote the Afterward. Two journalists completed her book based on her research and early manuscript.

  20. Horrible to see all these kids who have no one looking out for them, only leeches, liars and losers.

  21. How on earth can anyone ever look at the Kardashians and think they want to emulate that? Perhaps if you have no talent and just want to become fame whores they are an example to follow but Millie Bobby Brown can act. She does not need any of that crap. I really cannot understand it.



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