Saturday, April 28, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 1, 2018

This A-/B+ list comic actor who is usually found on television says he exaggerated a life condition in order to get paid as he put it. He says he deserves an Oscar for what he pulled off.

Tracy Morgan


  1. What he deserves is a kick in the junk.

  2. Ok... Maybe if someone chooses to do that, not a good idea to brag about it?

  3. Never enjoyed his entertainment and like him even less now

  4. What a fool!

    Wal-Mart may NOT pay employees that well, but they have excellent lawyers.

    It's better to keep your mouth shut, dumb-ass!

  5. Absolutely loved him on 30 Rock! Not so much on The Last O.G. He seems "off."

  6. And if any of that was under oath, perjury!

    Never dare a lawyer to sue you. Especially big corporation lawyers with lots of staff and resources. He just invited them to launch an asset recovery case based on his self admitted fraud.

    Not smart, Tracy. Not smart at all...

  7. Ill-gotten gains will always come back to haunt one.

  8. Just to add, if his comments weren't a violation of an NDA (or if they didn't make him sign one), then the lawyers who drafted the settlement were so incompetent, they deserved to lose all that money.

    Somehow, I'd bet otherwise....

  9. I’ll take a different direction here and speculate that TBI May have something to do with his spectacularly stupid statement.

    That or macho posturing to dispel perception of him as frail, damaged, or different. He’s been known for his puffed up toxic machismo for years.

  10. Considering the sh*t wal mart did to him, they deserve it and more.

  11. He's an ass, and he's NEVER been funny. I hope Walmart goes after him like they said they would. They never should have given that much up to begin with.

  12. Wow. Pretty harsh against Tracy here... Remember Walmart did almost kill him, killed his friend and probably fucked up Tracy's body and brain permanently. They screwed up and should pay, regardless whether the victim tells friends it wasn't that bad. Fuck Walmart.

  13. According to the blind, Tracey exaggerated his medical condition. I believe it. I stated my reasons in the comments section of the original blind post.

    The survivors of the deceased deserve that money, not Tracey.

    I am not saying Tracey was not injured and deserves zilch. His actions make it obvious he exaggerated.

    I want to know how a person who claims to have TBI & physical injuries resulting in severe permanent disability can drive a Rolls Royce, walk without a cane, remember lines, and currently act on his own television show.

    Man, I want to see his medical team. I suffered a head injury but he is doing better than I am.

  14. Idiots. "Walmart" did not almost kill Tracy Morgan. There was an accident with an overtired truck driver, which if anything indicates only that Walmart nearly killed one of their drivers.

  15. @Cee Kay

    Yes. I think Walmart tried to blame the driver but the driver's defense argued Walmart's policies led to him (and obviously other drivers) to drive exhausted. Obviously the judge bought this because Walmart is the one that paid out.

    I feel sorry for the driver. I have known truck drivers. A lot of companies have policies similar to Walmart.

    Jack knifing and harming others are the the trucker's worst nightmares. I hope Walmart paid something to the driver.

  16. Is this the accident or the transplant? The accident was quite severe. There was a fatality and Ardie Fuqua was severely injured.

  17. Signs of a traumatic brain injury. He hasnt been himself since the crash.

  18. +1 Han Niam - I think the accident is making his say all this wacky stuff. (At least that's what I'd say if I were him and they try to come after him...)

  19. What, Black people can't make jokes?

    He's joking openly about it, and its funny.

  20. To hell with Walmart, oh well

  21. Sorry but he might have said this as a joke but it’s very clear he didn’t exaggerate his condition. He was in bad shape for a long time and you could tell that he was very slow still when he first came back. I think he still isn’t quite the same but he’s improved over time.

  22. Well he is an actor. I guess he was exaggerating the depression part? The physical injuries were real.
