Friday, April 27, 2018

Blind Item #9

Apparently this disgraced producer has passed the $500K mark in what he has spent on sex in the past six months. Often he is seeing three or four different women a day. 


  1. It says women, so def not Singer.
    +1 Harvey.

  2. But Harvey said his ass was broke!😶

  3. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Harvery....never gonna learn

  4. Russell Simmons?

  5. He doesn't have to be spending his own money. Just think of all the people who might be paying him to keep his mouth shut and not drag them into his mess. It would be unreported income, so he could still be officially broke.

    1. Unreported income could land his ass in jail, which is where he needs to be. Don't fk with the IRS.

  6. Harvey's broke as in, "I'm about to be sued by multiple people so good luck finding my money".

    1. Exactly. His ex wife was recently trying to get her hands on some of that money before it’s all gone. Judge said no.

  7. Paying hookers instead of preying on hopeful starlets IS an improvement

  8. Harvey is old and fat. Can he really get it up for 1 or 2, let alone 3 or 4, women a day?

    1. @Charles Fromage

      Harvey likes to perform oral. I've seen photos of him with herpes sores on his lips.

  9. I hope the whores have good health insurance cuz I hear Weinstein has herpes. Condoms don't protect against the virus.

    1. That's is important to know @TW! Those poor women!

    2. @Sd Auntie

      Yes. I feel bad for Weinstein's victims. I feel bad for the whores because (usually) they are just trying to make money to pay bills and such. They probably think they are doing a public service by servicing Harvey. I pray no one catches anything from him.

    3. So you feel bad for them but not bad enough to not call them names ?
      Interestingly, I have a fondness for oral sex AND get coldsores- but I do not have genital herpes.. Can you tell me how you make that automatic connection?

    4. I actually got the cold sore virus from my first gf who had them
      But I've never ever had the other (thank God )

    5. The cold sore virus is a form of herpes. If you perform oral sex whilst having oral herpes you can give that person genital herpes and then they can pass it back to you later. Nasty little f'n virus.

    6. @rosie riveter

      1. According to the dictionary a "whore" is a person who is paid to perform sex acts.

      2. The blind says Weinstein is paying these women. Therefore they are whores.

      3. At least whores get paid.

      4. There are many different kinds of herpes zoster and herpes simplex viruses. Chicken pot is herpes zoster.

      5. Post Cards From The Edge is correct. Cold sores are caused by a specific type of herpes virus. Someone with cold sores could pass the virus on to someone else, thereby causing herpes in that person's genital area.

      6. Genital herpes is caused by a specific herpes simplex virus. A person performing oral sex on an infected person could end up with genital herpes in their eyes, on their face, in their lips, and inside their mouths.

      7. Whenever possible doctors perform c-sections to deliver babies when it is known the mother has been infected with herpes in the genital area.

      7. Unfortunately herpes viruses are easy to pass along. Condoms do not protect against it. The virus lives inside skin cells so an unlucky person could contract herpes from skin to skin contact.

    7. (1)Thank you, yes everyone knows you can pass it from mouth to genitals
      (2)so long as we're just calling a spade a spade can we be sure to call out women who are,say,fat?

      "Hope that huge woman has better life insurance, fatties die sooner"
      "Well she IS fat. Why would anyone pick her for the role ?"

      We should just start doing this for all facts and correct, literal definitions

    8. @TW You got #6 & # 7 wrong.

  10. I hope he gets a cozy cell next to Cosby. I normally never condone this, but the punishment seems to fit the crimes, they do like fat bastards in prison.

  11. And trying to get in contact with Rose McG! His months in “treatment” have clearly done nothing.

  12. How do these people have the time and energy for all the sex, cheating, hooking up, etc? I love sex as much as the next guy but after a day or two of banging multiple super hot women I'd get bored with it and want to get back to being productive. Especially if I had to pay for it!

  13. Anonymous1:50 PM

    @tanzi... I cant believe people actually pay for sex lol

  14. @Charles - That's what I was wondering. I don't doubt that this is HW but how does his fat ass manage to get four boners a day? Viagra? Molly? He's definitely too fat to be a meth head.

  15. Craziness. Whomever it is needs to see a shrink. If you spend 500k on gambling or blow, everyone would agree you have a problem. Not sure why that much on hookers would be an exception.

  16. Craziness. Whomever it is needs to see a shrink. If you spend 500k on gambling or blow, everyone would agree you have a problem. Not sure why that much on hookers would be an exception.

  17. I read he once masturbated into a potted plant when his female companion refused his advances. If this was good enough then, why not now? Would sure save $$$ and not leak to the tabs!!!

    1. Leak. I see what you did!

    2. @becksterc

      Weinstein is a sexual predator and wanted to humiliate his victims. He may force the prostitutes to perform sexual acts they had not agreed to do.

  18. Look for the guy with an empty wallet and a raging hardon.

  19. "You know what this site needs? More amazing quotes!" -- No One. Ever.

  20. friend of mine got herpes when a man with a cold sore went down on her for oral sex

    when she told him he said, "huh, that happened with my last girlfriend too!"

    I was so pissed off on her behalf.

  21. HW been selling off a lot of assets.
