Saturday, April 28, 2018

Blind Item #8

Pretty interesting goings on at the multiple condos in Florida that trace back their origins to that permanent A list musician/singer. Multiple Instagram models installed there with a family member acting as a supervisor???. All kinds of businesses registered to the condos which are being occupied by women who seem to all have contact information in their Instagram bios. They also appear to be having visa issues. This is one big hornet's nest, that if opened, could bring everything into the open. Oh, you know who else is linked to at least one of the models installed in the condo? Yep, the "publicist" who was previously involved with the musician. 


  1. Ah, real estate shenanigans!

    Now that's my type of Blind Item!


    (Since I am NOT involved in Florida real estate, I have no clue as to who? what? or where?)

  2. It's probably Miami Beach David or Jupiter Island farther up the coast, but I have no idea

  3. Replies
    1. I remember something about Margaritaville branded condos/resort/community things in Florida.

      He’s probably permanent A for longevity and name recognition.

    2. Though the visa issues thing sounds more like the hotels converted to $cio living quarters around Clearwater. I don’t think those have to do with A list musicians though.

    3. And I forgot what world I was posting in this morning, apparently. Yes, this would probably be Vicki here.

  4. Julio Iglesias and Lenny kravis are the two Miami based musicians I know of

  5. I’m gonna guess the Karayiannis family just because 😬

  6. Oh this is definitely our humble widow, Vicky Karayiannis. Her lovely mother was just in Miami "visiting". One of the IG "models", allegedly their neighbor in Miami, is also linked to the woman Vicky's mother visits in Rome.

    1. Bring that bitch down! We are waiting here in Seattle!

  7. LOL, Vicky K who was the "Paris based publicist" prior to meeting Cornell? She's got skills, alright.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I thought it had been a while since we'd had a Widow blind.

  10. Now's as good a time as any to start exposing the widow for who and what she is, considering her continued insistence of pushing the addict narrative under the guise of "helping people".

  11. DJ DUI aka Uncle Nick the family member who is supervising?
    Come on, Enty - take a massive swing with a weighted baseball bat at that whorenets nest, let it rip!!! Chris deserves justice!

  12. I think you mean the Kariayannis family from New York, whose son Nicholas got off with zero punishnent for driving drunk and killing a woman. He and his old man run a Miami prostitution/money laundering/identity theft business, and his madam mother and escort sister unsuccessfully try to put a legit shine on the whole thing. Charming family.

  13. What about the friendship between the "model", Ella Kawalek (alleged ex-girlfriend of Leo Di Caprio) and the Karayiannis family, that girl spends a lot of time with mother-in-law and Chris's daughter, I find it strange that a 13-year-old girl get involved with an adult woman that way.

  14. Yes @Maria, the daughter is being prepared for the highest bidder, just like her mom scored Cornell.

  15. Florida? This all points directly to sandybrook. :D

  16. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Interesting.. I looked up who is Vicky Karayiannis and found this about their wedding .. “Their wedding featured agent Jeff Kwatinetz as Cornell’s Best Man, with Kwatinetz bringing his then fiancΓ©e, actress Brittany Murphy, to the wedding”..πŸ€”πŸ€”

  17. Anonymous11:23 AM

  18. Anonymous11:33 AM

    So..Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Britney Murphy and her husband Jeff Kwatinetz are all deceased.. πŸ€”πŸ€”

  19. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Also, Enty had a post from Originaly from January 2017- later REVEALED on July 4, 2017..
    “The best part in all this is that the current rumor is that he’s met someone else and will be dumping his current wife soon. What is even funnier is that his current wife and her family are so financially shady that the singer has no idea how badly he’s been ripped off. Yet. So its looking like karma is real and the wrongly accused former wife is going to be laughing her ass off when the details about the current wife and her family’s financial shenanigans come to light. It will get ugly too. The current wife and her family will not go quietly...”

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Also in same post.....”Not long after things were settled legally, the singer and the girlfriend finally got married. One of the attendees of the marriage ceremony also saw the true colors of the bride and expressed concern about her and her family’s shady vibe to people around the singer. Sadly, she died herself under mysterious circumstances later...”

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Wonder what was really in the leaked video that never saw the light of Day?
      ->”Clips from the Soundgarden star's 2004 nuptials to his wife Vicky, whose maid of honour was the late Clueless star, were said to have been put up for sale on a website.
      Cornell, who alleges the video was stolen, has threatened to sue the online ad site and even asked its owners to hand over the details of the person selling the tape, according to the New York Post.
      A source tells the newspaper, "The video features behind-the-scenes wedding moments, many of Brittany Murphy."...

  20. Jeff Kwatinetz is alive and well.

  21. Jeff K. is alive and he wasn’t her husband. That was Simon Monjack.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      πŸ‘πŸ». You’re right- her husband was Simon who was like 2 boyfriends after Jeff.

  22. @Mango-- he would def have to hire to get some hot action

  23. Yep, the widow Sicky Icky Vicky K. and her grifter gypsy family, importing girls from Eastern/southeastern Europe and other environs to work as sex slaves in the condos.
