Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Mr. X

They're on much, much better terms now but once upon a time the parents of this A+ singer and that TV talk show hostess weren't so chummy. The host, in her previous hosting medium, had insinuated on air that the singer had an abortion while she was still underage and that she had flings with that pervy R&B singer and that one named producer/singer/rapper. The parents eventually found out about this and directly called the host threatening to sue and have her blackballed. No such lawsuit was ever filed but as a consequence the singer never appeared on her old show... however there's been whispers that the singer and her husband are open to appearing on the host's TV show. You know, since she is on their payroll now.


  1. Replies
    1. RKelly/ Pharrell and maybe Katy Perry? Can’t be tay tay lol

  2. Bey and Jay, parents being Tina and Matthew Knowles?

  3. R Kelly and Diddy or Timbaland?

  4. Wendy must really have dirt after all.

    1. Yep... she even knows rappers who have HIV. One I know of is a white rapper who’s mentally unstable. He tried to have the girl that gave him the disease roughed up by thugs he pays to do his dirty work including supply his drugs.

  5. Matthew Knowles was just on Wendy's show, so could be. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mathew-knowles-beyonce-solange-elevator-fight_us_5ac2548ce4b0a47437acba49

  6. This is definitely worded to be Bey and Jay. Go Wendy

  7. +1 Montana, Wendy was like crack for some listeners back in the day.

  8. Speaking of crack, it was that notorious cracked out Whitney Houston interview that launched WW into the stratosphere and got her on the road to her talk show.

  9. I'll believe this BS when I see it. Mr X is trying to sell it hard

  10. Definitely Wendy and Beyonce. I totally remember her on the radio talking about the “alleged” abortion too.

  11. This is laughable that it has anything to do with Beyonce. There is literally NOTHING Wendy Wiliams can do FOR Beyonce.

  12. "Beyonce is not innocent - she had an abortion at age 18. She was pregnant by her ex, Lindell who resides in Houston, TX." So the underage part is wrong.


  13. It'd be nice if they appear on her show and embarrass the shit out of her by bringing up the Method Man thing. Or ask her about her defense of Chris Brown. Or ask why she thinks Terry Crews was stupid for bringing up what happened to him. Wendy Williams is such a piece of trash.

    Just to remind everyone: She publicly announced Method Man's wife's health issues all over the radio even though it wasn't her business and he and his family wanted to keep it private. She also spread a rumor that he was screwing his wife's doctor while all this was going on. Don't believe me? Take it from Method Man himself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du1UViOs4Hk

    She is a terrible, terrible, terrible person who will use anyone she can to get ahead, and has absolutely no shame.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. C'mon, Mr X.... even you have to laugh at the BS you come up with. Beyonce hasn't done a TV interview in 6 years & I highly doubt that she'd start by going on Wendy Williams of all shows. Wendy would literally do nothing for her or help her in any way.

  16. It's Wendy, but I don't know who the singer is.

    I don't think it's Beyonce at all

  17. There was a previous blind about bey using the casting couch to get ahead in the early days so yup, she's not so innocent.

  18. The singer actual fits more Aaliyah than Beyonce. Aaliyah was with R Kelly and there were rumors of her with Timbaland but it says her and her husband. I grew up listening to Wendy on the radio and she was 100x as savage.

    1. That's what I was thinking too. It's known that Aayiah married r.kelly and the parents had it annulled due to underage. But the way it's written I'm thinking its Bey and Jay, because it doesn't say pedo or deceased

  19. +1 Nick Rivers - I grew up listening to Wendy on air here in NY and it boogles my mind how much she is liked, if not loved by the masses now. If you really want some good stuff, on youtube there are clips of Whitney going in on her, Judge Matthews, Mariah, etc..

    As far as what she can do for Beyonce.. Tidal. As successful as she and Jay are, Tidal is still a joke and may still be cash strapped as reported back in December. Imagine seeing a sponsorship from Tidal on WW - what's that? Something better than Spotify? (yeah, right) Free 30 day subscription for all Wendy viewers?

    -A while back there were issues with people wanting to cancel their subscription to Tidal but were still being charged even after receiving deactivation notices.


    1. Nah, Wendy wouldn't help them with anything, especially TIDAL. Beyoncé, who hasn't done a Wendy interview in almost 20 years, much less ANY TV interview in 6 or 7 years, suddenly decides to go on Wendy? Not Ellen or Fallon or Colbert, but Wendy? I don't buy it. And I really don't think Wendy is "loved by the masses" at all. Hell, I think a good chunk of her viewers probably don't like her that much to be honest but just watch because they're interested in her messiness.

  20. WW has got balls to gossip. Her train wreck life is full of glass walls.

    The only people who like her are ex Sally Jessie Raphael bitches.

  21. Geez, Beyawnce is in her mid 30s, I think she can make her own decisions without mommy and daddy running interference.

  22. Stupid Question:
    So I have been lurking/commenting since last October, and I know Mr.X and Mr. Hedge are nom de plums of Enty sources...But is there a link to something that might give a better breakdown of who they are in relation to Enty? I was able to screenshot Himmmm's description of the 4 of them...But have yet to find info on the others. Thank you!

  23. Carters' shills notwithstanding, ww knows where some of the bodies are buried.

  24. On her radio show Wendy would spill everything. Could be anyone she and master p had an issue over comments about his son.

    She s insinuated lots of things in regards to Wendy.

  25. Jay Z. isn't really "one-named."

    1. @Cocobean

      Jay-Z is considered one name because of the hyphen.

      If it makes you feel any better he is also known as "J-Hova" & "Hova."

  26. Beyonce, r Kelly, Jay-Z aka HOV


  27. She wanted to be aaliyah when trying to go solo so aaliyahs exes I guess...old news

  28. Wendy has toned herself down. She was must listen when she was on the radio because she didn't give a F**K, not one. And yes people complained about some of the things she revealed on air but to my knowledge, and I could be wrong, she has never been sued by any of these people.

  29. Anonymous10:01 AM

    wendy williams. smh. i suffered thru a few minutes of that glop show once, at a lunch counter. Ruined my appetite and I walked out.



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