Monday, April 23, 2018

Blind Item #7

One of the children in this big reality family has been forced to undergo almost a year of gay conversion therapy after he came out to his family. They are now trying to find him a wife.


  1. It is a Duggar. I can’t remember his name right now.

  2. Hearing stuff like this hurts my heart.

  3. Diggers, no surprise

    1. I believe the acceptable spelling is Digga's

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ - Anonymous Black person

  4. Everyone knows that to convert teh geighs, you gotta soak em in cold water for a few hours while showing them nude photos of Geraldo.

  5. Another conversion therapy victim who will perpetrate a fraud by getting married to a woman while sleeping with men on the DL.

    1. Every participant in interracial couple YouTube channels

  6. This family is crazier than the Kardashians / jenners (mostly Kylie lol) was unaware of the existence of these people, what madness

  7. I wonder if the therapy worked.

  8. I feel sorry for the mouth and the anal sphincter of the wife to be

  9. So much for accepting the people you love.

  10. Yeah? Good for them. Whether gay conversion works or not depends on the kind of homo issue they're dealing with. Is the kid prison gay? Gay for pay? Gay for the day? If he's been socialized into liking cock then there's hope, and just like any other sexual hangup for sure he can be shown the joys of a nice shaved pussy and a big pair of tits. Unfortunately if the gaydom is down to low testosterone exposure in the womb then there's no hope and the kid will be back to sucking on the baby gravy maker before you can say Praise Jesus.

  11. I’m going to guess the Bates family...

  12. Personally, I'm so straight that I frankly don't understand what women see in us dudes. For the life of me I cannot understand how you babes are not all lesbians.

    And, while I haven't put it to the test, I'm pretty sure there is no training, or brainwashing, or any other nonsense therapy that will change that for me.

    I have to assume that there are gay people out there that are just like me in this but reverse. This "conversion therapy" has got to be wasted on such a person unless you are happy with a result where you shame someone into trying very hard to be what they're not. I wouldn't call this a "conversion".


    It turns out there is an entire third class of people. Those that can bat from either side. We call them bi-sexuals.

    For these people, "conversion therapy" (which I take to be some form of religious programming) can actually convince such a person to bat from the more conventional side.

    So, I figure there are "successes" from this sort of thing depending on how you define success.

    But something I rarely hear in these discussions is that, while there are bi-sexual people that can maybe be convinced to bat "straight", I cannot help but suspect that this sort of thing is totally useless when applied to an actual gay person.

  13. Who suspects that VP Pence is a closeted gay man? That's a new one.

    1. I think if he is that closet door is never opening, as he'd combust with the self hatred he exhibits.

    2. Just hateful liberals think that

    3. It's not new. This has been said for the last two years on gossip sites (not just this one).

    4. Your an idiot. Why be hateful when it’s not needed. And I’m sure u tell yourself you’re the justified one.

    5. Hello? Who doesn’t.

  14. don't know who it is 'cause i don't watch 'reality' tv...but whoever it is that's terrible. i am a Christian and love God and Jesus and have a LOT of faith but i am not a religious nut. religious nuts like this guy's family are NOT doing the will of God OR Jesus because God MADE people the way HE wanted them whether that's 'straight', 'gay', 'bi' ...whatever...people like this make the world mistrust and hate those of us who are just as much believers in God or Jesus as the right wingnuts and i resent that God and Jesus and FAITH have been hijacked by these wingnuts and political parties. God made this young man this way so LEAVE HIM ALONE is my message to his family. I have all I can do taking care of my own life and trying to please God with my own life much less try to 'fix' anyone and everyone else like these 'religious' fools do. I have a feeling all of THEM will have a lot of explaining to do to God someday so they need to take care of their own souls and lives and stop trying to run everyone elses. JMHO. Good luck to this young man. GOD loves him just the way he is.

    1. +1000000 God loves us all no matter our "sin". FWIW I do not believe being gay is a sin but a lot of other Christians so which is why it's in quotes.

    2. If you're a Christian than surely you have read Romans 1:28-34. God is pretty clear on this one

    3. Actually start at verse 26 to get the full picture

    4. Do you just skip over Sodom and Gomorrah?

  15. Josiah is already engaged, so the last sentence doesn't really work for him.

    1. I am thinking John David..I have heard a rumor JBoob is finding him someone to court.

  16. That's too bad. Well get married, divorced , RUN FAST and far away from your folks. Be honest to your bride too and Hollyood will welcome you with open arms. Ka-ching..

  17. Josiah is engaged BUT he did spend a whole year at a quasi-military style fundie reeducation camp. No one knows why, though many suspect the obvious. Josiah became engaged immediately after leaving the camp, to another girl who broke it off. Wise move.

    The current statistical research suggests that the more older brothers one has, the greater chance one will be gay. Weird (and I expect any day to have it debunked.) That means there are a ton of little howler monkey boy Duggars,that have a basketball team of older brothers, who fall within these statistical parameters.

  18. Getting a Divorce is The Worst thing you can to in Duggerland. Worse than gay.

  19. This is why conversion therapy need to be banned, it's just abuse of a child, even the grown men and women who go as adults are normally from controlling families and have lead very sheltered lives. These parents are setting their child up for a life time of misery and self hate it's sickening. If this is one of the Duggar boys I hope he escapes their evil clutches, Michelle sister is gay hopefully he can turn to her for help. They are such a fake family with fake morals.

  20. Who thinks Pence is a closeted gay? Uhhh... anyone who knows anything about gays? I live in NYC and have a shit ton of gay friends (I'm a straight woman) and Pence SCREAMS closeted gay if you ask me.

    It's his uptight rigidity, his perfectly coiffed hair and face, his hatred of gays. Only the deeply closeted seem to hate the gays so much, it is a proven fact. Seriously. Google it. Fact.

    So if he's not a closeted gay, why does it bother him so much? And why does he look so uptight?

  21. @plot

    I recall it has to do with the antibodies the mother forms in a male pregnancy.

  22. I'm sure this is a Duggar, but I don't know which one. Josiah has been engaged for a little while now, so if it was him, this is OLD news, enterns. I wonder if he came out to the family and wanted conversion therapy, "to save his soul" or whatever whacky $h!t they believe. If so, that SUCKS. If he came out without wanting conversion therapy and said "this is who I am", then I have massive respect for him, because he will know better than us just how insane his parents are. I wish he'd leave the compound, but I'm sure Jim Boob holds control to ALL the cash the kids earned when the show was popular. He's a monster. That family is 50 shades of F'ed up, fo' sho'!

  23. I see. So living in NYC makes you specially qualified in determining whether a person is gay or not. What ridiculousness.

  24. I bet Muslims never come out of the closet

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I know a few and they are not out but most certainly active. Check out that crazy elderly gay serial killer in Canada it looks like most of his victims were Middle Eastern. Lots of gay men in Afghanistan, Egypt and Pakistan . C'mon folks, surely you jest🀣

  26. @Sher

    That's it, thanks. Perhaps I need to do a little research there.

    @Mischief Girl

    There are plenty of adult and teenaged Duggar boys who aren't married and show no plans of hurrying to be married. It could be any of them.


    Everyone knows that at least one Duggar simply has to be gay. That is probably not wish fulfillment either. Or maybe it is.

  27. Pence is absolutely a closet case.....and the only people who believe conversion therapy works are those who are struggling with their own sexuality....IMO

  28. Pence couldn't get as high as he is,without having his ass reamed by superiors.

    Thats how the CIA, Bohemian Grove, the Freemasons operate.

    He has been outed as a Lucifarian Pedo, those two victims have since been killed.

    Many homosexual men admit yo being abused as a child. Groomed. Milo is a classic example.

    I think they should all have therapy to discover the cause of their homosexuality.

  29. I think Pence is hot for being elderly.

  30. That family is so religious, that even if any of them are gay, they will hide it forever. It really isn't that uncommon for super religious men to marry women even though they secretly like men.

  31. This is absolutely heartbreaking.

  32. Thinking this is John David.

  33. @ Lucretia, kind of hard to get therapy if you are born gay, don't you think?

    I have also seen the study that proposes the more older brothers one has, the more likely the younger brothers may be gay.

    My personal experience is that homosexuality is largely genetic. Innate. It's how you're born, and it would be incredibly difficult to truly change yourself.

    My grandmother had six children with two men. Of her sixteen direct descendants, four of them are gay, and they are sibling pairs born to different paternal lines.

    Daughter #2, born to Husband #1 - had a gay son + daughter who originally identified as heterosexual but eventually came out as gay.

    Son #1 & Son #2, born to Husband #2 - gay

    These 16 descendants include some who died young, are too young at present to know their orientation, or were developmentally disabled and no preference/orientation was known or stated. So it's possible there are more. YMMV, but
