
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Blind Item #6

Ever wonder why some viral celebrities are featured on this online tabloid and some are not who appear more popular. Well, this online tabloid promotes those who can be directed to a record label owned by the same corporate umbrella and the owner of the tabloid takes a taste of what they earn.



  1. TMZ and Harvey I guess and Time\Warner I think?

  2. Isn't TMZ waning? Certainly their luster is gone. I thought I read an article in the past month that talked about the downfall of traditional gossip sites.

    1. Down the Tubes since
      Max Hodges split
      I’d watch him read the phone book

    2. Haha was that the one with the long hair? I can understand that lol

  3. Yeah the luster is gone plot they basically do the same schtick all the time. The DM apparently has a TV show now too and I think they do gossip way better than whatever Harvey does. Harvey also has a tendency to beat a story to death, especially if he's the only one covering it.

    1. Dm show is better and less annoying to me lol for some reason the format of tmz show annoys me. But the dm also has more details

  4. TMZ used to be essential and now they are known corporate propaganda and I don't pay attention at all. That was what killed MySpace when NewsCorp bought it, and TW is killing TMZ. Something will come along to replace it.

  5. yes enty, I did in fact wonder why their pages were full of bullshit rappers with bullshit stories. thanks for sharing. site is garbage and Andres art is shit too lol

  6. is this why tmz pushes the 'catch me outside howbowdat?' girl so much?

  7. tmz has been garbage for the longest time

    1. As well as the awful people in the comment section.

  8. Even though it's completely obvious that the Daily Mail accepts money for exposure...

    Even though it's political stories are skewed to favor The Powers that Be in Murdoch fashion...

    Even though it has it's many so-gross-you-have-to-look entries (oh god and those puzzles)...

    Even though it doesn't edit for facts or even practice general good editing..

    The format of being about to quickly scroll through the stories for a cursory glance at general gossip is unbeatable. TMZ is so clunky (checked 19 blocked ads or trackers on the front page alone), Radar isn't updating much these days and eliminated commentary, and People is People and who bothers anymore. So the DM wins until something better comes along.

  9. What annoys me about DM is that the articles in their sidebar aren't in chronological order, as you'd expect them to. To make sure you don't miss a new article, you have to scroll all the way down to the end of the page. But there's probably a system behind the seemingly random order of articles. It's actually a clever way of exposing people to as many ads as possible.

  10. TMZ has gotten boring and the Live show is weird. Too many Kardashian stories, Bieber everyday

  11. Gossip is not about facts per se- Daily Mail is just more amusing though everyone knows it is mostly crap. They get the most basic facts wrong. DM= Murdoch HL=Trump so less than six degrees of separation there. TMZ=KTrash and yawn.

    Once Harvey threw in his lot with the KTrash clan it was downhill from there.

    1. @Jen Ty

      1. Who/What is HL?

      2. Don't forget, the new owner of the company that publishes The National Enquirer is a personal friend of Fuhrer Trump.

  12. And that one hour live show? Why?

  13. I do not like TMZ or the DM show. MTO is crap and is slowly turning into a shock porn site.

    Why can't we have the good old days when magazines wrote about the Bat Boy and Liberace's watermelon diet?

    1. I miss following the antics of Bat Boy. I was an avid Weekly World News reader as a teen.

    2. @Elizabeth S.

      The Bat Boy's life is more real than the Kartrashian's.

      You can still read about Bat Boy on their website. You can also purchase back issues.

  14. In the last few days, I've noticed something weird about the DM comment section. Some comments can only be upvoted, not downvoted. When I click on the 'red arrow' symbol, nothing happens. The button seems to be disabled. With other comments, everything works fine.

    I wonder if it's a technical problem, or if there's some kind of manipulation going on, like an algorithm identifying positive comments and disabling the red arrow button for these.

  15. I would not be a bit surprised by that, truffle. I don't read the comments, since so many of them read fake to me, but if the DM can sell a package to a celebrity that includes only positive votes, that would be par for the course.

    I've noticed Ivanka's fashion choices are not the third article anymore. For a while after she quit, Hope Hicks took that spot wearing Ivanka stuff. Wonder when the check will clear to put them up there again.

  16. The Daily Mail has never been owned by Murdoch. He owns its rival, The Sun. But otherwise I agree with the consensus that there are not many good gossip sites out there. Too much paid placement.

  17. this has absolutely nothing to do with this blind, but I just wanted somewhere to put it out there - anybody else still thinking about this Avengers blind, and how three actors 'with fires' brewing. two have contracts up and are leaving anyway, but one still has more movies on his contract, so they'll have to kick him out (fire him).

    one of those three (whose contract is up) was easily identified as RDJ since he was the only one involved in the announcement.

    since they've already filmed infinity war and the next sequel back to back (so theres nothing left to shoot), plus the two having their contracts up, the only remaining issue would be the actor w/more movies left (PR issue when the next film, sequel to most recent, comes out in 2019).

    I thought RDJ was a good guy and possibly one of the Himmmms on enty's site? so its confirmed he has some controversy thats gonna come out...wonder what it could be?

    RDJ and Hemsworth have their contracts up and im guessing hemsworth is the 2nd 'fire', and for the 3rd....jeremy renner? josh brolin? benedict cumberbatch?
    part of me thinks it is cumberbatch bc in the Weinstein emails, I dont doubt his Weinstein-sanctioned marriage (same as Fassbender/Vikander) will come to light and it will look bad. but still, is that really a big 'fire'? I think of offensive scandals when I think of somethign meriting a 'fire'/controversy so to speak.

    original blind: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/03/blind-item-10_6.html

    "There are many reasons being floated for the push of the massively major action adventure fantasy movie from That movie company. One that is not being discussed is closer to the truth. Yes it was moved because of the foul mouthed movie and the solitary hero movie. Yes, it avoids the problems with the fans and online spoilers but those haven't bothered That movie company before. Three of its actors have fires that can't be held off forever. Two are set to leave after this movie. The third still has movies on his contract. Push the movie and contain the fires. Then let all three out at the same time and hope the third one is lost in the noise over one and two. It has worked before. One was even in on the promotion of the pushing of the date!"

  18. avengers: infinity war / marvel / deadpool 2 / solo: a star wars story / marvel / RDJ, hemsworth, ? / RDJ, heamsworth / ? / date change of avengers to this past friday / RDJ, Hemsworth, ? / RDJA

    (guesses for above blind in order)

  19. Those 2 comments about the Daily Mail being owned by Murdoch are weird. Opposite is true. I like the Daily Mail, they write things no one else will, like Cosby's Playboy Playmate who committed suicide in the sixties with strange satanic symbolism.

  20. Did everyone see Himmmm’s 6 part statement at the end of the comments on the final part of the Brandon Lee story?

    1. @Sal T

      No, I did not see. Was it important?

  21. Couldn't this simply be media takeout. If Beyoncé and jay z own Wendy Williams they can own the person that runs that site and pay him a cut to direct the same audience as Ww to their record label.

  22. @Fancy Fel

    mediatakeout changed their name to MTO News. They are turning into a shock porn site.

  23. TMZ HAS sucked for a very long time and the tv show is horrible.
    Bunch of whiny, yuckily dressed weirdos.

    Now the guy on DM show is hot. And their stories are not the same old bs. I like that show.

  24. I believe the DM listings on the left side are paid placement which is why they don't shift chronologically, as someone else hinted at with the Ivanka & Hope Hicks stories. The Kardashians also get similar placements/treatment.

    And interesting on the Upvote-only comments, that has got to be a thing for sure.

  25. TMZ never met a minor league rapper it didn't like. Harvey has a bigger black fetish than Kris Jenner. There are days when the whole page is nothing but one black thug after another. If I want that shit I'll read MTO.

    1. @Andy

      They want our melanin because it has benefits. The movie "Get Out" has some truth to it. Even the kinks in our hair has biological benefits.

      You might like to visit Dr. Laila O. Afrika's site and read his book on African Holistic Health.

  26. Some gossip websites went downhill because the bloggers became sexually involved with celebrities.
    For example, there was a gossip site focused on Atlanta celebrities which had great info especially about reality TV series. Well, one day, the posts sounded biased toward a specific reality TV star. Next, the great info stopped being posted while negative posts about the reality TV star increased. Eventually, it was discovered that the person running the gossip site was sexually involved with the ex-husband of the reality TV star.
    Another gossip site had a downward slide after the owner had sex with her favorite singer with whom she was obsessed.
    BTW, I love when the exact same item including the exact same misspelled words shows up on several different gossip sites.

    1. @Lovino

      Juicy! I wonder if the first site was Straight From The A.

  27. Harvey Levin is a joke.

  28. TMZ is almost all stories about rappers I have never heard of, nor care about.

  29. I'm just waiting for Prince Charles to appear on the front of the Daily Mail, dressed in his mother's bridal veil.

  30. @T.W

    PART 1

    From all 4 Himmmms to All CDAN Commentators:

    Let me please explain to you exactly what you are doing here - as politely and respectfully to you all as possible: you are causing serious REAL WORLD REAL LIFE problems for people who are NOT any of us 4 Himmmms. Okay? Can you understand that tiny concept. Someone NOT part of us is in danger - because people in the comments and other PUBLIC boards have thrown names around like bean bags. Just yesterday, we had to get our attorneys and their investigators involved; to contact the FBI and the State Police CID in a certain state. We have a team of 4 former federal agents and A.U.S.A.s working for us. Why? Because this fetish-parlor game for guessing our identities as spilled over into the real world.

    There is a seriously mentally impaired stalker on here. This man is also a hyper-militant who is proud of displaying his automatic weapons; AND HIS THREATS AGAINST PEOPLE on his other profiles. This man set up 6 fake profiles on Blogger just to stalk on CDAN. He hacked and fraudulently stole a stranger's ID, photos, and account. He started 3 new Twitter accounts to harass and bully and attack us there (according to our Twitter Rep working with our attorneys). Why? Because in his mentally impaired condition - he believes that some innocent man whom we've never met (on the other side of the country) is one of us Himmmms. So that deranged man not only stole his ID, he began contacting THAT MAN'S CHILD!!! And taunting his innocent daughter!! Then started funneling messages to us on Twitter taunting and saying disgusting attacks to us.

    Luckily, Google/Blogger have been tracking this lunatic for many months - including his online visits to disgusting and violent websites. THAT IS A DISASTER & TRAGEDY WAITING TO HAPPEN! And all for what?.....Huh? To kill us? Or an innocent man and his family?? All because some damned internet wannabe sleuths wanted to play a parlor game? Guess our ID? Well fuck that. We WILL NOT have that on our hands or conscience. Let me tell you ALL something - and get this straight - THIS IS VERY SERIOUS WHAT WE DO. And we do it FOR FREE to provide YOU PEOPLE with entertainment, fun, or just diversions from your lives. But NONE OF THAT is worth someone dying, being stalked, harassed, bullied, or having nightmares over.

    We WILL pull the plug on this so fast your head will spin. WE WILL erase every post - every comment - and NEVER REVEAL ANY of our blinds, stories, or ANYTHING. We will disappear into the fucking ether from which we came like a fucking wraith in the mist! In a flash. If you all continue to play these games in PUBLIC we will do it. NOT because we're afraid of being outed - but because there's so much more going on behind the scenes than you can imagine! Do you think the 100 or 200 comments here are all the people who read this site?? Not even 1% of unique viewers even comment here. But THEY READ EVERY WORD YOU WRITE. None of us Himmmms got into this for glory or publicity we assure you of THAT. We did it all as a chance to share our memories; to right some wrongs and help those who have no voice; and to even bring some snark and gossip to you.

    But no - that's not enough?? Do you think you win an award for hurting us? Will you get a cookie or gold star for outing us?? NO - you won't. You'll feel smug and superior for a day or two until you get spammed trolled and DDoS attacked into dust by an army of super-fucking-pissed people who will blame YOU for running us off. And then? We'll have THAT on our hands too. Another person injured. We don't care if you wanna guess, play games, name every name in the fucking LA-Orange County phone book. Go for it. Go crazy. Cream yourself doing it. BUT PLEASE DO IT IN PRIVATE!!! That is the ONLY fee or toll we've asked you to pay - is to just please take your games elsewhere. Do it on DMs, or chats, or your own emails.


  31. PART 2

    THIS IS A PUBLIC FORUM. It is UN-MODERATED. People cannot be blocked. Enty switched years ago to a new server because of similar garbage and someone else got hurt over it. So he went with a moderated forum. But he assumed there were enough mature, respectful ADULTS who could just follow ONE simple fucking rule. JUST ONE simple rule - to please not out any IDs here in public. GUESS THE SUBJECTS OF THE BLINDS. That's all ANYBODY asked of you. That's the only favor we asked in exchange for all this FREE content - the free entertainment - the freedom of expression in an un-moderated blog. THAT is why people don't get banned here. Enty trusts you guys/gals to at least not hurt anyone and damage them IRL. But you get so fucking carried away and get so smug, being cute and funny - your lust to be "famous" for 10 seconds - that you forget WE ARE REAL PEOPLE. WE ALL WORK IN THE INDUSTRY. And if we cannot bring our stuff to you anonymously? Then we cannot at all.

    I know you may say - "well, they've practically outed themselves" or "they give us so many clues" or "they share so much on Twitter it's obvious"...and yes, we do. But we've never posted ourselves as a guess. We've repeatedly, and politely - asked you not to do it in public. In the comments. It's not a challenge people. The main Himmmm you all obsess over guessing? Is NOT a fucking celebrity. Never been papped. Worked on tons of movies, records, videos, shows - but NEVER taken credit. Has a waiver from WGAw and guilds to allow him never to receive credit under his real name. Why? Because he doesn't WANT to be famous - thus he is NOT. At least by name. Even a movie base don his life didn't use his real fucking name. He's been besieged with offers for radio shows, podcasts, books - and turned them all down. HE DOES NOT WANT FAME FROM HIS NAME. He just WANTS to share his works with you. Share his life and our life experiences. To bring you moments of behind the scenes enjoyment or targets of critique. FROM OUR REAL EXPERIENCES.

    But you all go batshit crazy trying to figure out who he is and who we are. Like the rest of us - it is no big deal to discover really. We knew we were taking a chance revealing our private stories, but figure YOU...all of YOU...were mature and respectful enough to respect ONE SIMPLE WISH - Don't do it in public. But what you did is 10000 times worse!! Because YOU started posting WRONG NAMES. Of INNOCENT PEOPLE who have ZERO to do with us. We even had to come in here and deny those. And still you persist.

  32. Himmmm said...
    PART 3

    These long blinds? They are real. Our gossip blinds? We verify them. But if we post under our names? Then that's all we'll ever get asked about in any interview ever. It'll effect our real lives, relationships, and damage us. NOT TO MENTION these crazy, nut-jobs, and dangerous REAL PEOPLE OUT THERE who read this right now. They are NOT safe people - and they will NOT accept that fact. They will not seek treatment and will not back off. We've been polite with them. They continued. This is like if Mark Chapman had internet to stalk John Lennon BEFORE SHOOTING AND KILLING HIM all because he heard things in his head or read them in a book!!! THESE PEOPLE EXIST AND ARE REAL. And we bust our asses and risk our necks and reputations for what?? To bring strangers FREE entertainment.

    We don't want fame and don't need money. We have never got a single penny from this, and in fact have LOST MONEY and time away from our jobs and families and free time - all to bring this stuff to you!!! Just as Enty has. These ads here don't cover the cost of running the site. Enty is a real lawyer working his bacon-sized ass off to do this FOR YOU. He's not getting rich blogging from a fucking YACHT with Instagram girls dancing around his fat ass okay?? And neither are we. But when a disabled veteran we've never met - and his young daughter whose never visited this site - when THEY have to be protected, to have FBI agents come to their FUCKING HOUSE - all because of THIS SITE and some dangerous mental case?? THAT is where WE draw the line.

    So keep pouring that fuel on this fire. Keep playing your games. See how much damage you can do to people in real life. Have fun. But when you wake up tomorrow and we're ALL gone?? We'll hope you feel satisfied. And I hope Enty will give YOU a special post - to give YOU the attention you crave. To post YOUR real information here for the world to see and let YOU genius guessers then know the pain and suffering others went through.

    Yes, we HAVE given clues and hints at our identities. It was never to TEASE you or egg you on. It was not a dare. It was to establish our positions relative to the stories at hand. Our IDs are not that mysterious, and we HONESTLY don't care if you guess them. JUST NOT HERE IN PUBLIC PLEASE!!! If we wanted our names out in public - we'd post it. Go private with your game please. But most of all PLEASE STOP THROWING NAMES AROUND THAT HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP TO US. We obviously have enemies and people willing to do bad things to others who they think are us. We have always considered you ALL friends. Family even. We do not care if you want to be critics of our writing; the length of our posts; or the content of our stories. Any writers accept that. But the blind items and stories are not about guessing US. Yes, we are roles in them because we write that way. Because these are real and happened to us - so they are first person.

  33. PART 4

    We can even look over those disgusting, hurtful comments talking shit about us "being fake" and "bullshit" and "not real" when talking about a best friend/brother's death - losing a father - and losing an unborn baby all in the span of MONTHS. That really happened. A suicide nearly followed it too. And all that pain and tragedy was given to you - and you MOCK IT? Call it "fake"?? Good GOD - have some humanity! Would you walk into a funeral service and start yelling "FAKES!" and demanding the mourners and families ID themselves and PROVE to you - a stranger - just how we knew the deceased?? Would you do that? Because that's what this is.

    We've had crew members from that movie, and other family members too - to contact us via email and twitter. TO THANK US. To even laugh and say they NOW know our ID - but WILL keep it secret. And to warmly recall the times we spent on that project. Just like our big concert story in London. All that was true. Remember the pop star lady with us? The part of the story about the limo ride? The dress? Let me ask you - WOULD YOU FOLLOW ON TWITTER and REPOST and TWEET and JOKE AROUND with SOMEONE WHO SAID THEY FUCKED YOU IN A PUBLIC STORY that's been read over 400 THOUSAND times, IF IT NEVER HAPPENED?? Huh? Our Twitter is public. Check it out yourself. She's right there, joking and tweeting with us. Because she knows who it is, and knows it is okay. Or would you possibly - if YOU were that pop star - realize yes, exactly who it is - have a laugh and "naughty boy for kiss and tell" moment. Then continue on being friends as you have over the years? Would you do all of that if it were "FAKE" and "BULLSHIT"??

  34. Himmmm said...
    PART 5

    I don't know. In fact, I don't know much anymore. I guess what we do isn't enough for you. I guess you will never be satisfied will you? Maybe we should've never come back. Maybe we should just yank the fucking plug from the wall and say hell with it. Too many people getting hurt or stand to get hurt. Right now - as you read this - it is costing us TENS OF THOUSANDS of OUR DOLLARS to pay our lawyers, investigators, and digital forensics technicians to work with the FBI and State Police to stop a possible killer who is already a federal criminal for computer fraud/ID Theft/Hacking. We have already paid for that target of his - that innocent man's lawyers and security needs. But just like playing Whack-a-mole...even after he's locked up and we sue him into oblivion? Ten more smart-asses will pop up. And more newbies will jump into this site and stir shit up again.

    We don't care what you do in private off-site. It's a free country and we support free speech. Just for the love of GOD people - take it elsewhere. Do you really HATE us that bad?? Have we come barging into your homes and offices and mobile phones FORCING YOU to read our items? Has someone put a GUN to your head? Or do you think you're entitled to come here, to a free site, just to bitch and rip us to shreds?? And for what - to feel superior? To prove to strangers you don't even know how clever you are? Well if that's your rationale? Then shame on you. Shame on EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU WHO DO THAT. It's disgusting. If you can only feel superior and get your fucking nuts off by hurting others? Then YOU are a monster who is no better than the monsters we risk our asses to out around here. Why not use your superior detective skills on THEM?? Why not go after these bastards raping and killing and destroying these kids the same way we are doing by risking ourselves?? Out those people - not the ones who BRING YOU the info!! How fucked up is that?

    You DO realize this site is Free right? It's not required for class or work. If you cannot control your impulses to throw names out for the AUTHORS of the stories? For even a day or two? Then there's medication for that shit. See a doctor. Damn people.

    6:38 AM

  35. Himmmm said...
    PART 6
    We have been NOTHING but supportive, polite, and friendly to everyone on here. Even those who have been critics, ripped us a new ass, disparaged our works/memories, and even mocked us outright. But we can take that. We're adults. But attacking us personally? Calling us LIARS? Bagging on us after pouring our hearts out in an emotional true story?? Do you not think we have feelings? We read every word you write. ALL of you. Your warm, kind, and supportive - even funny - comments really make us feel good. The critical comments, we accept rationally. But when the fuel gets doused and lit - and people go BATSHIT frenzy over guessing us? It's too much. Calling us LIARS is too much. We know you're trying to troll us into revealing ourselves. We resist. But you also are RUINING IT for all the other thousands of readers and disrespecting THEM who enjoy the stories. You're shitting on all those people who like and care about it.

    Just scroll back up and realize the trail of destruction you are blazing. Yes...YOU. Each of you super-sleuth wannabes with your "Oh I don't care it's just too juicy I can't resist tee-hee" lack of impulse control. Look at what you've done. The last long list of comments here - are ALL about guessing US and zero about the story. That's a trend leading to destruction and harm. IN REAL LIFE. Because when you guess publicly, people like Bill A.?? And put his name here - that shit gets indexed to Google. And comes up in searches later. And suddenly, poor Bill is swamped with people taunting him about being Himmmm. We even commented that WE ARE NOT BILL. But people continue.

    Throwing names of INNOCENT PEOPLE out here for fun - not considering that mentally unbalanced or dangerous people may be looking over your virtual shoulder. And they hear voices telling them Himmmm is "eating pizza" and raping kids in basements. And those voices tell them to load that AK-47 or AR-15 to "save the kids". Because others on 4chan or LSA have convinced them a special prophet told them to be the savior. So they take some name YOU WROTE in the comments - with a mission to save babies and kill the Himmmm. And that deranged lunatic goes and shoots up someone's house, or kills someone's daughter. Then we hear it on the news. Then it all comes back to YOU for playing a disgusting game in public that has real world implications. And that blood...will never wash off your hands, or your souls my friend. You will carry it with you until your death - and into the afterlife. Nor will it was off of ours. We will ALL be complicit in it. And for what? For fucking what? Fun and games on a free site?

    Well we won't be party to that. So enjoy yourselves. Have your fun. Shit all over us all you want. Because we won't be here. Nor will any of our posts (and your comments) because we will have Enty wipe the entire site clean of every trace and word. Delete our Twitter. And never return. And you can be happy, as can everyone else. All our reveals - all the work we've been doing behind the scenes with abused actors/actresses, and helping expose corruption, and our blinds AND THEIR COMING REVEALS - and all the actual fun and big events we've been planning? All gone. It will vanish. Then you can go back to your Housewives blinds all you want. Feel proud.

    We're so done with all this that it's not even funny. As if we need any of this added stress, cost, time, worry, or effort. We tried to bring you joy, laughs, secrets, love, and share the deepest parts of our lives. Sorry it wasn't enough. Take care friends, sorry for all of this. And sorry to disappoint you fucking assholes who couldn't leave well enough alone. So sorry you didn't get your fucking FREE money's worth. Thanks alot. Way to go. Enjoy your weekend friends. We won't.
    Best wishes to you all...yes, ALL of you;
    All 4 Himmmms

    6:55 AM

  36. @T.W As per Himmmm’s twitter things are in hand now, but I still think it’s worth everyone reading and taking into consideration.

  37. Somehow totally missed this the first go round and appreciate the repost.

  38. You’re welcome :)

  39. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Sal you should probably post this on today's last blind item so people can read it. I personally never go back to blinds so I would never have known he responded so vehemently.

  40. Good idea. I have problems posting on here due to constant reloading issues, but I’ll try.

  41. @4Himmmms As you noted, this is a public, unmoderated forum, so WHAT THE HELL DID YOU EXPECT?

  42. @Sal T. Thank you for posting 4Himmmm's comments in full. I didn't realize this was taking place. Hope everyone is ok.

  43. So, you have comments about The Daily Mail not being part of the Murdoch empire, but no-ones notices that Time Warner doesn't own Warner Music anymore. Time Warner sold the business in 2003. The Warner Music Group now belongs to some Ukrainian-British-American billionaire. Films released by Warner Bros., the film studio, may still get a soundtrack on Warner Bros., the music label, due to deals in place, but there are no financial ties between TMZ and Warner Bros. Music.

    Also, I find it quite rich that the HIMMMMMs complain about being stalked. They reached the point of no return in my eyes when one of them posted what amounted to Oscar nominated writer and director Paul Thomas Anderson writing 5,000 words about how he was that close twenty years ago to caressing a drunk Jaime Pressly's peachy ass. It was so obvious that the guy who wrote that wasn't PTA (especially when you've watched his recent output, he's not very much into humblebragging) but at best some Hollywood wanna be player who had heard some story about him and was very happy to spend some time in the shoes of a real player.
    Which is, by the way, how the whole system works. Almost everybody in Hollywood will pose as somebody with credits and achievements, which is one of the few ways not to be drowned among the hundreds of eager rivals they're in competition with for a gig or a part. Checking true talent would be too difficult and time-consuming (and it often requires talent for the judge...), if your posing is convincing enough, you deserve a shot.
    Well, maybe not the guy who posed as PTA, as his style and his writing skills had nothing in common with him. Or any real professional writer.

    That's the guess that makes the more sense, and is the likeliest. RDJ or PTA were never HIMMMM. The guys are most likely assistants or minor writers who pose as bigwigs, and have fun doing it. It may not be as thrilling being RDJ as it sounds. You have to spend three or four hours a day at the gym just to stay in shape. But suggesting that you're RDJ and having dozens of people suddenly very kind with you? For any minor player in the industry, it's a dream come true.

  44. @Angela

    What PTA BI??? I must have missed that. The writer chose the right guy to imitate as PTA is notoriously private and doesn't even give interviews - nothing will contradict the writer, in other words, as the Hmmm Dudes choice of using dead people to embellish their blinds follows suit.

    How about the Hmmm dudes giving out details of this allegedly stalker victim's life...being a injured vet with a daughter (VERY noble)...while complaining about on line stalking. That's kinda rich.

    I don't give a shit who the Hmmm Dudes are but this rant sounds an awful lot like ones given by cult leaders or politicians when they are criticized or their cover is blown. Threatening to take all their toys and go home, expecting the true believers to cry in repentance, is a known method for control when cornered.

  45. It was published in February.


    I love how the BI throws Fiona Apple under a bus (the description could be by somebody else, but "flash in the pan A list singer who defined that heroin chic look of her time", damn...) while asking us not to guess who her famous boyfriend was.

    Some sample of PeeTA's style:
    "They "share everything" she assured me. Besides, it would be great inspiration for me to write another great movie. "Don't be such a total pussy" said Blondie. So somewhere between rationalization and inebriation I did what any young hetero man would do in this situation. I turned into a dog, and decided to go for it. Like Clark Griswold in a swimming pool, I lost all morals and decency. But holy hell they were gorgeous. Life's short. Go for it. That's my creedo. "

  46. This makes me feel really bad. I've never been interested in outing any of the Himmmmms, but would occasionally post guesses about films or subjects of blinds. I appreciate this site for the ways in which its opened my eyes to Hollywood. I would never want anything bad to happen to any of them. I read the multi-part blind about the loss of a friend and cried, as I could feel something resonating so deeply the first time I saw that film. I dont know any of these people but I remember feeling so sad at the loss. I'm sorry that it's been picked apart. Hey 4 Himmmms, I appreciate what you do. Your story about your friend touched me and I thank you.

  47. Sweet Jesus! No wonder I skipped that BI - another drunken night out with an Hmmm that all seem to be remarkably similar, gorgeous girls with their clothes falling off, fights in bars, psychos chasing them in specifically named cars for all, cops instantly apologizing upon recognizing the luminaries before them (really? PTA is recognizable? to whom?), Hmmm saving the day, the subtle reminders by participants after years have passed.

    I don't know PTA but why would he attach himself to this garbage -

    "Not a little, but the entire back of her dress was soaked in the puddle. Ten gallons of urine. Wet, she drunkenly peeled it off and slung it over at me until I heard...THWAP!"

    Sounds awfully Himmmmish.

    For a person who knew Fiona Apple and loved her at all, this blind treats her like crap in more than one paragraph. Hmmm deserves a royal Fuck You for that. But I've often noted how female actresses, singers and directors are objects of scorn and humiliation here on the regular, which is why these people congratulating Enty for being in the forefront of MeToo should read all these blinds with a more critical eye.


  48. @Madame_ovary

    There are two possibilities.
    Either the people behind the alias are indeed getting stalked, or they pose as other people and they don't want these other people to make public statements and deny they ever wrote on this site.

    The HIMMMMs are most likely some industry scions. One of them was supposed to be related to Andy Griffith, with a few credits on IMDb. That's enough to make a start, and maybe a living, in the business, as an associate producer on indie films or second unit assistants, this kind of stuff. Then, you meet a few stars over the years. I knew a production designer who tried to make a dent in Hollywood. He or his wife could tell stories about Eastwood, Nicholas Cage or Brian Grazer. He knew Grazer because he had dinner at the same restaurant and had noticed his habits. That's not a big deal.
    That would also explain, in addition to what you wrote, why Paul Thomas Anderson is a perfect fit for them, because he's one of the few guys (like JJ Abrams) who had moderately successful parents but has made a career that owes very little to nepotism. So, we have a bunch of minor players in the industry, due to their connections, who like to remember their frat boys years and to pose as bigger fish than they are. Yes, women do exist to take their clothes off when drunk and give the good guys a boner.

    Because of your message, I went back to the February thread with "HIMMMM" and read the last comments where he had replied to me (near the end of the first page). The guy is a dick who's happy to have the last laugh at the expense of a nobody like me. It's bad to make it explicit that he is Paul Thomas Anderson, but it's fair play to belittle your ex, have this long, untrimmed macho fantasy and shut up people who challenge it. His good friend Pynchon would also side with him. The story could indeed be based on an incident that was rumored to involve PTA or that PTA told friends years ago. But the embellishments are definitely the work of some guy who thinks that The Hangover is the greatest film ever...

  49. I went back and read your posts on that blind with the responses by one Hmmmm Dude.

    First, your writing is exceptionally clear and I would not have guessed English is not your native tongue. I figured you were either in the legal field or in research related academia. At any rate, your abilities are certainly better than any of the Hmmm Dudes, while at least one professes to write for a living.

    Second, I'm inclined to think the PTA blind isn't even second hand. Sure, some biographical identifiers were thrown in which makes me suspect it even more of being a complete fabrication. The blind is too similar to all the others that start with a phone call, then a bar, then a fight over some girl, then a chase, then a possible hook up or the lady at least her clothes fall off and she vomits or pees, then the authorities show up to threaten then kiss their asses, then people sleep, in the morning hero Hmmm drives everyone home, and for years after the participants wink and nudge each other. Yeah, that's how every PTA movie goes, too.

    Three, oh MY! A friend of Pynchon! Well ain't THAT the golden ring for every bright boy in college lit - to make friends with old Tom...who is famously reclusive. Oo La La! Wonder how our boy interprets the parabolas of Slothrop or the traveling mechanical dog.

    Four, yes, the person who responded to you on that blind could definitely amuse himself by kicking Fiona Apple. His supporters seemed to enjoy mocking you as well. What a champ, this guy. Unlike his exclamations in the credo above, he does not take criticism well which is why I doubt the injured vet with daughter story, too. He's using that persona to build sympathy for himself and not lose his loyal gang here. The 6 part credo reads more panicky and desperate to me than angry for that fantasy injured vet father. There is no vet and no personally on-call FBI agents and technicians that answer to Hmmm (which shows how little the writer knows about FBI procedure. The FBI would never update someone like Hmmmm on the nature of a crime or investigation, even if he was involved. Their job isn't to keep Hmmm apprised of anything.) There is just a guy who is furious and a wee bit scared that his credibility is fracturing.

    Five, BOY does he like cars! None of the Hmmm Dudes' stories are without the mention of various types of cars, which makes me suspect this is one dude not many.

    Six (and final because I have to catch up on the news), there is a template for all the Hmmm Dudes' stories and a pattern of research. There are phrases the HDs use which are duplicates from other Internet sources which the HDs imply are all their own with phrasings such as "we friends called him..." or "I knew him to..." to imply originality and deeper connections rather than cutting and pasting from IMDB or an biography on line. Then they fill in their repetitive storyline (call, bar, fight, case, girl in scant clothing vomiting or peeing...) with these details (Kate Beckinsale speaks three languages, Jamie Pressley posed for Playboy.)

    Thanks for pointing me to the February BI and your responses, You done good work there and acquitted yourself well, which I think really infuriated someone.

  50. "The blind is too similar to all the others that start with a phone call, then a bar, then a fight over some girl, then a chase, then a possible hook up or the lady at least her clothes fall off and she vomits or pees, then the authorities show up to threaten then kiss their asses."

    Well, yes, what we get is basically a Benny Hill chase with "Yakety Sax" covered by Mötley Crüe. Shame that nobody in edit thought about pressing the Fast Forward button.

    Also, when "Inherent Vice" was released, there were a lot of Paul Thomas Anderson interviews. He made it clear that he wouldn't talk about his relationship with Pynchon.

    "Just don't ask about whether he met or talked to the famously reclusive Pynchon; you'll simply get silence."


    Cut to three years later, where "Paul Thomas Anderson" shares a story told by his good friend Thomas Pynchon, just to win an Internet debate with some random hater...

    What's next? "No, I won't say I'm Paul Thomas Anderson and that's not true that I broke up with heroin-chic icon Fiona Apple because she found me in bed with Estella Warren, as some report. I won't say that it was because I got genital warts due to Estella's anal warts, and Fiona found out later she also had some. But I remember that Estella was followed by a 1976 red Stringray when she arrived at my place for a $3,000 session."

  51. Because of posts of yours, pointing me to Hmmm quotes like that, my approach is now to remind people that PTA, RDJ or Kiefer Sutherland would certainly NOT humiliate their friends or past loves that way on a public forum. Not even a player "hidden from view but very powerful" would say things like the above, ever, especially if they are still connected to the larger Hollywood maze of associations.

    His seeming concern for children seems to have hoodwinked many through a natural repulsion of child abuse. Belittling that wouldn't be helpful but I hope people see the other side of this entity, which seems to enjoy the humiliation of women.
