Monday, April 16, 2018

Blind Item #6 - ACM Awards

This A list celebrity who probably didn't have the kind of past few months that she wanted was hitting on a married record producer and knows he is married and didn't care.


Unknown said...

Lindsey Von

TLT said...

Lindsey Vonn for S&G

Thia said...

She might have had better luck if she wasn't wearing that awful yellow dress.

CJ said...

...that awful yellow dress.

Think of it as warning coloration that tells prudent guys to stay away.

Brayson87 said...

Guy was probably wondering why that forsythia bush was talking to him.

Neil said...

@Brayson Lol....or indeed, wondering why she was even in attendance.

Alana said...

Why no blinds about Carrie Underwood? I thought she looked great despite all the hype she put out about potentially not looking the same????.

pinot grigio said...

Did Vonn not have access to a mirror??! And why was Carrie so celebrated, is she a domestic abuse victim? It just seemed weird to me!

Brayson87 said...

@pinot, someone had a great quote about how nowadays words like hero and brave get tossed around like salad.

And yeah the general assumption is that her man beat her face in.

MichiganMama59 said...

@Brayson - PERFECT

ckpsjp said...

I'm glad for Lindsey that she got the night off from guarding my grandma's toilet paper rolls to attend the ACM's.

Anonymous said...

@Brayson87 Hahaha. Forsythia bush, hahahaha!


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