Friday, April 13, 2018

Blind Item #5

This foreign raised permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee is filming a project right now with a couple of A/A+ listers and had it stipulated in her contract that she was to be provided the largest house while filming on location.


  1. Costars Reese/Meryl

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Def Kidman since she won the Emmy for the role

  3. That is so lame - "biggest" doesn't always necessarily mean "best," so it just makes her come across as super petty.

  4. Wow. If it's that important to you, go out and get it yourself. No??

  5. It’s not really petty, it’s all about ranking and perception, which is everything in Hollywood. This is just another creative application of that dysfunction.

  6. She would probably say she did "get it herself," by having the clout to demand it and get it.

    It's no wonder these people so often latch onto hip political causes to try to make themselves look serious.

  7. Replies
    1. @Michigan So Trump’s ridiculous status-seeking gold-soaked penthouse and obsession with having the biggest and best everything is perfectly reasonable, but an award winning actress putting a status rider for creature comforts while on location in her contract is “lmao liberals”?

    2. You're missing one key element: paying for it yourself!

  8. @michiganmama It's human nature. In the corporate world, it's all about the size of your office and how close your parking space is to the building. I've seen perfectly good offices have false walls added to them because they were deemed "too big" for the rank of the occupant. I have a window and by God nobody is going to take that from me!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. @michiganmama59 lmao... i like to call them 'champagne socialists'.

  10. Kidman and Theron look like the bitchiest people in Hollywood.

  11. +1 Poppymann The few times I’ve had to work in an office environment, I saw some crazy stupid things go down with office power wars. Big time “dick” swinging. Hate the game, not the player IMHO

  12. Depends how many kids she's bringing with her.

  13. This is BEYOND first world problems. In this time when women should be supporting each other an actress is going to front her co-stars by demanding a bigger house? How about demanding all the female leads get digs befitting the gender traditionally making far less than men in entertainment?

  14. Ooh FOREIGN RAISED does smack of Kidman. She was BORN In Hawaii so while we think of her as Australian she was actually born on American soil.

  15. Ya'll should see what goes on at the Pentagon, everything being owned by us, the US public.

    Generals make their secretaries sit and work on their office furniture in the hallways whenever renovations or painting is done. Otherwise, anything of better value gets whisked away.

    1. You could say that most places though. Plus, Generals (and there are few) came up through the ranks just like everyone else and took plenty of shit themselves. Besides, Generals don’t dictate the budget which allows the secretaries a different space to work. They also don’t most likely have little say in renovations as well. At least the Generals I know.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Apparently I don’t proofread . Say that about... and also most likely ( and that’s even a little questionable)

  16. easy peasy -- Kidman

  17. They should take it out of her salary.

  18. Well it is logicall that she has the largest house I suppose because she has young children who will probably visit, the other two women don't. Is it really in the contract or simply a fact that Enty twisted into a blind for click bait.

  19. @Yikes

    Oh I don't blame the generals at all! It's a funny anecdote that is talked about in DC where we imagine those secretaries fighting off furniture grabbers in the Pentagon hallways.

    You are correct, this extends beyond the Pentagon furshur.

    1. Agree. Mismanagement of money is epic. And renovations are a ugly necessity . A sewer pipe exploded over my husbands desk. A sewer pipe. Not when he was at the Pentagon but another important duty station.

  20. Maybe kids + planning to have friends/family visit?

    I've seen luxe set trailers rejected because there were taller ones by a few inches nearby.
    I've seen a star wear a brand new set of TOTL Nikes every day and throw them away every single shooting day. For two months straight.

    Sure it's petty, but show business is built on many petty things.
    Perception and ranking and all that matters- not IRL, but in the hothouse, micro analyzed insane asylum many of us call home.

    A lot of this stuff originates with agents and managers, too.
    They have multiple agendas and competitions to satisfy.

    1. Gee, I hope at least he donated those used Nike’s to charity in the end...
