Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blind Item #4

That married former state politician turned federal official in the news I wrote about in the last couple weeks about cheating on his wife is trying to get the woman to sign a NDA. Thing is though, he has nothing to offer her money wise because she has way more money than him. The split was nasty and she wants revenge.


  1. Well, this should be popcorn worthy, at least.

  2. Let it be Pence...

    1. https://instagram.com/p/BhZk0BSlH-M/

  3. Bad split with the side piece, "such a rookie move, it's almost painful to watch."

  4. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Scott Pruitt. Was AG of Oklahoma until he became the director of the EPA. Has been in the news for the last week or two because of his rampant corruption.

    1. Hey, that’s a good guess. I’m half awake so I’ve got nothin but popcorn. Could the affair be with the owner of the condo he got a sweetheart deal on renting?

    2. @MKL for the good guess. Warned y’all I’m not fully awake yet.

    3. Anonymous7:49 AM

      The stunts that Pruitt is pulling are obscene even by DC standards.

  5. Pruitt?

    Explains the mysterious apartment and the break in by the Secret Service. It also partially explains why Pruitt has demanded a private jet, a huge SS detail way beyond his government grade - that is costing us many millions to follow him to places like Morocco...

    ...SPEAKING of which, Pruitt held over the entire team and his security in Paris an extra day and night (costing us more money) for no discernable reason after the Morocco trip...

    ...Speak of which, the Morocco trip was taken for no official reason other than to allow Pruitt (and a huge posse) to take a vacation and to sell Morocco on a US energy company. Say, does that sound like government business to anyone?

    1. I want your brand of coffee, @plot.

  6. Weiner has nothing left to lose on the infidelity front. Think current.

  7. Weiner was never a federal official. He was an elected official. This sounds like Pruitt.

  8. @Han

    Yeah, I'm overindulging at the moment. Good call. Also late (as always) to a meeting.

    Pruitt is a HUGE mess of corruption at the moment.

    We don't want Donny firing Sessions and moving Pruitt to the AG. So Pruitt's ship is mighty leaky at the moment.

  9. If you think Pruitt is bad, make sure you really want all the rocks turned over.

  10. Yep Pruitt.

    Breaking news -

    "White House homeland security adviser Tom Bossert is resigning, the White House confirmed on Tuesday. There was no indication that Bossert planned to resign in recent days. On Sunday, Bossert was one of the administration's prominent faces on news shows discussing the administration's possible response to the alleged Syrian chemical weapons attack."

    Wonder what happened there ....

    1. Every "Syrian chemical attack" has been a false flag perpetrated by the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, or ISIS.

      After all these years and propaganda videos, you've all forgotten about poor Khokha!

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      I thought that whole mess had to do with the dueling pipelines? One through Syria and one through Turkey?

  11. Could this be Giuliani? While never "officially" a federal official, he was acting as the cyber security adviser to Trump.

  12. He actually fell behind on that $50/night condo rental. Talk about being broke.

  13. Yeah Geelijere...as everyone knows, you peaceful muslims would never kill, slaughter, maim, rape, blow up or gas one another.....it's not as if it's literally THE ONLY thing you do, day in and day out.

    1. Study up, son: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2011/10/25/the-doenmeh-the-middle-easts-most-whispered-secret-part-i.html

  14. @Chug - that was part of the Bolton shake-up.

  15. 1. I'm all woman

    2. I don't need to read some obscure propaganda news outlet, nobody else but you knows - and for good reason

    3. Nobody slaughters more muz than other muz. Doesn't matter what you say, what links you post, or how much you deny it, it's a fact, which is evident to everyone.

    4. And the only reason muz slaughter one another so much, is because you already got rid of everyone else and all the other minorities in your cesspits

  16. LMAO! Only a muz would come here, act outraged about Hollywood pedophilia, and then suggest to someone to read a 'holy book' written by a PEDOPHILE. What kind of a 'religion' worships a man who in his late 30s married a 6 year old and slaughtered his way through dozens of countries? And then they call Scientology a cult...

    It'a funny how upset you get on an internet gossip site, over kids being illegally abused in Hollywood, while your religion finds it perfectly acceptable to legally abuse millions of children, every single day, everywhere all over your countries.

    So since you're such a stereotypical muz hypocrite, why don't YOU go read something that wasn't written either 1400 years ago by a pedo, or jihadist internet propaganda for inbreds.

    1. You realize that's a slander and I realize you have no familiarity with any of the material.

    2. I like your response Geeljire, very calm and restrained in the face of dark trolling. The person you are conversing with lost their "argument" some time ago.

    3. My mind literally just exploded over this exchange. Right wing anti-Semite vs. right wing Islamophobe. And here I was, thinking all racially charged hate was the same!

    4. Pence is a Lucifarian Pedo.
      Victims that spoke out have been killed.

      Is Syria a false flag?
      Of course it is, just like the school shootings and 911, Las Vegas. Goal, gun removal.

      If you want to talk about pedos and liars, search Talmud Torah pedophillia.

      For Jews, its perfectly OK to rape a girl from birth and a boy from three years of age.

      Its a nasty shock.

      The Lucifarian Pedo evil comes from the Jews, who learnt it from the Egyptian Royals.

      The source of MKULTRA.

      Search Jews ritual sacrifice passover goy children blood drained.

      Its the real reason that Jews were banished from 142 countries.

      Read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

      Read the oaths of the Jesuits, the oaths of the Freemasons.

      Then search Ritual Satanic Abuse along with the above groups, and any religion, charity, government
      And royal family.

      Its totally sick.

      To tell the truth is just anti-lies.

      Whit your at it, research LGBT pedophile.

      Sex change surgery pedophile.

      Research sodomy mind control MKULTRA.

  17. Is it Greitens, the Missouri dingdong who took pics of his hairdresser mistress tied up and blindfolded and then tried to blackmail her? Talk about a mess

    1. Greitens is the Governor of Missouri, not a Federal official.

  18. Its Pruitt. Former State politician turned Federal official, not politician.

  19. Still a dingdong

  20. It's Pruitt and his former aide/mistress, Samantha Dravis.

  21. Jesus Christ armegeddon must be close I'm with Marlo! Get him!!

  22. I wish it was Pence because of the obvious (watching judgey people throw stones . . . ) but I am not sure I get a vibe from him that he would seek out another heterosexual relationship outside of his marriage. So let it be Pruitt. But I have to ask the wealthy women what she was thinking? And really, I am not sure he has to worry about an NDA, who would want to own up to that?

  23. "Wonder what happened there ...."

    Bolton happened there, a war monger who wants to bomb the ever-loving shit out of Iran, N Korea, Syria...where ever he thinks we best put on a show of might to fix everything, like Clint Eastwood does.

    Bolton labels anything and everything a false flag that doesn't agree with his fantasy version of events...sort of like DDonna and bored on these boards.

    Tim Bossert was aware of how tricky dealing with our allies is, and unlike Donny Moscow and Bolton, finds alliances to be a requirement of government.


    "I'm all woman"

    You're all full of shit, that's for sure. How's the tipple today? Still hallucinating about being British?

    "What kind of a 'religion' worships a man who in his late 30s married a 6 year old"

    What religion worships an instrument of torture and death as a badge of membership?

    1. Seriously, @plot. I want the brand name and variety of that coffee.

      Especially since I just spat my coffee all over my phone screen laughing.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Must be Pruitt. Maybe he was cheating with the wife of the wealthy lobbyist? I hope she buries him.

  26. Pruitt is all kinds of sleazy. Lol they had to kick him out of the condo and change the locks..He has nothing to offer

  27. @plot

    Good to see you in fine form today

  28. poor lonely spinster plot, still living in make-belief world, where I'm none of the things she wishes she were, especially married. doesn't get much male attention in the real world from real men, so she has to do with barely-attention from strangers on a gossip site

    Geelijere: what exactly is slander? Mohammed didn't marry 6-year old Aisha when he was in his late 30s, and he's not worshipped as the 'perfect man' within Islam and hence muslims worship a pedo? Pedophilia is not rampant and totally legal in dozens of muslims countries, where little girls are married off to 50-year olds, or raped women and girls are executed for being raped?
    You have nothing to say becasue you're not talking to tin-foil-hatted mentally slow plot here. I am not afraid to say that I deeply dislike Islam, and for very good reasons, like every decent person should. There is nothing redeeming or admirable about this cult, which brings only misery, war, death, abuse and squalor with it, anywhere it goes.

    And Islamophobia is a word invented by fascists, and used by cowards to manipulate morons.

  29. "I'm none of the things she wishes she were"

    Drunk? Addled? Self pitying?


    You believe that to be an insult?

    "especially married"

    Nah, someone saw fit to marry me. His reasons for that are as mysterious to me as to you. Imagining the liberations of spinsterhood crosses the mind often enough, though.

    "he's not worshipped as the 'perfect man' within Islam and hence muslims worship a pedo?"

    Don't know much about Islam do you little lamb? No human is worshipped in Islam, not even Mohammed. That's kinda the whole point of Islam - humans are not god. They are not perfect.

    Didn't pass that comparative religion class? Too busy with the drink and flat backing for any boy stumbling out a bar hoping one would marry you?

    " I am not afraid to say that I deeply dislike Islam"

    Yet that bravery doesn't extend to any examination of your own death cult. Go ahead, let yourself be defined by your personal cowardice, then. You can deeply dislike any religion, especially those you can't change. What about your own? That's the only one you have any power over. Yet you seem to tremble, like a jailed lush with the DTs, at the thought of criticizing THAT.

  30. ALL of the greatest countries on earth are Islamic. Oops, I meant shitholes....

    Fun exercise:
    Review the lists of best places on earth to live and the worst.
    Identify the shared characteristics of each list.
    Wake up.

    I know, truth hurts your precious little brain.

    1. @Southern

      My favorite trait in common shared by the “best places to live” is the steady decline in organized religion and belief in an organized religion’s cosmology.

      Also most of them have healthcare covered for all.

  31. And?

    Whatcha gonna do about it? Whatcha CAN you do about it?

    Maybe not let our own country be taken over by theofascists of our own variety to single out who matters and who doesn't and rule accordingly? You know, work for legal and government structures that PREVENT us from becoming Pakistan or Kazakhstan or the Philippines? On guns and steroids?

    Whatta you think? Where does your power lie? Voting for a Yankee Douchebag who sees the government as his personal bank account and any attacks against him are against our country (which = pure fascist thinking, btw?)

  32. فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ يُضِلُّ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَيَهْدِي مَنْ يَشَاءُ

    “Verily, Allah sends astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills.” [Faatir, 35:8]



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