Thursday, April 26, 2018

Blind Item #4 - A Reader Blind Item

Taking a page from that permanent A++ celebrity who is always in the news, and likes to talk in superlatives even when they don't apply, this studio chief as well as a major actor just talked up a project that in the current environment probably shouldn't be made. Apparently there have been talks behind the scenes about publicly embracing the A++er, because maybe if you're just that outrageous you can steamroll all the inevitable criticism.

And given the back and forth phone calls with that former editor and adviser, don't be surprised to see a campaign of disinformation against both the movie's box office competitors and its detractors.


  1. Replies
    1. Well Kanye and the Kardashians have watchec the Roseanne numbers and decided they're happy taking a chunk of the base in the 30 states he won, so.

  2. +!Tricia 13, I got Trump, then a blank

  3. Because he's HUGE!!

    1. Hahah... me too... I was thinking maybe It’s a movie about his life or something...

  4. This makes my brain hurt a little. But Tricia is on to something...

  5. Only Trump is Trump. Pretending to embrace him and imitate him would be obvious and sure to backfire. So here's hoping they try it.

  6. Why shouldn't it be made? What's the subject, mass shootings?
    Who is the studio exec? Sounds like someone known as bring brash or unlikable maybe.

  7. There ya go Tricia! It seems like a little propaganda is something Trump would want to create.

  8. Hey .This is written pretty darn well.
    Not bad at all 👏

  9. Bannon for the last one probably.

  10. Anonymous7:40 AM

    The project being Tarantino's Manson murders movie? DiCaprio and studio chief Tom Rothman were chatting it up at CinemaCon this week.

    1. My thoughts exactly. It has a sex cult-y element, too. Not a great look.

  11. Paramount head is Tim Ginapoulous— actor could be anyone and yeah could be topical with either mass shootings/or the MeToo movement...some exploitative topic

  12. Although Matthew McConaughey is one of the most famous actors in the world, he may have isolated himself from some of his more liberal Hollywood counterparts after commenting on gun control this week.

    Speaking at the CinemaCon Theater-Owners Convention on Monday, McConaughey warned a room full of people about the dangers of overzealous gun control.

    1. Muslim protester in Pakistan died after inhaling fumes from burning American flag. Bwahahahaha!

    2. Haha....

      For a troll, this is actually pretty funny. +1

  13. The Tarantino movie sounds right - shouldn't be made in the current environment maybe not so much due to the movie topic alone, but how it meshes with Tarantino's own looming issues.

  14. I was going to guess James Woods for the actor because it sounds like something he'd do.

    But I think @Melvin has it!

  15. I'd like gun control for dual nationals, what do you think CDAN?

    1. @Geeljire

      That is a good idea. Canadians & Europeans cannot own personal firearms. All the foreigners I have spoken with tell me America has a strange obsession with guns. So now I am thinking why would someone with dual citizenship, a foreign resident, or a naturalized citizen want to own personal firearms.

    2. Europeans what a Nice broad generalisation. You have 28( after Brexit 27) different gun laws in Europe since this is a national rather than EU competence.

      There are EU countries where you can have a gun ( several even) but you need to register them, be licensed ( exams)/ have a permit and shoot at a gunrange force minimum number of times each year.

      So there goed your theory.

      Also the shooting incidents in the US ( frequent ad they are) are not perpetratef by Canadians nor Europeans.

      Your measure would do zilch to solve the problem.

  16. I don't know, it sounds like a Trump movie. Otherwise who is the A++er they'd publicly embrace? And the last paragraph seems like a campaign reference.

    1. That’s what I thought.... the Paramount dude is fairly conservative I think and ?Actor is harder to pin-could be anyone ,not necessarily a supporter.
      Maybe Andy Garcia?
      Definitely not Alec Baldwin 😂

  17. Yuge!

    So who is the studio chief/major actor?

    If this is about Trump, it will go as well as Battlefield Earth.

  18. They say the first rule of spying is not to get caught.
    It's actually "always seek a more profitable arrangement"

  19. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Another thing with Once Upon A Tim In Hollywood....DiCaprio and Rothman were saying it was one of the best scripts they've ever read. They were be hyperbolic to the max on it.

  20. Summary:

    Inspired by MAGA, studio chief and major actor seek to make a quick buck off red state audiences.


    Inspired by MAGA, studio chief and major actor seek to make a quick buck with murder-porn based on real events.

  21. Who would you guys cast as John Podesta and James Rothschild in the Pizzagate movie?
    How about David Brock?

  22. I'm annoyed by people conflating "gun control" with "take away everyone's guns" - the two are NOT the same.

    1. Thats all repugs though. They think the slightest infringement on their right to own guns will surely result in ALL guns being taken away.

    2. Um, because "shall not be infringed" is explicitly stated in the constitution!?!?!!

  23. I don't think it's a Trump movie. It's saying someone in Hollywood has a project -- presumably something too far along to shelve -- that could bring a backlash for being insensitive or politically incorrect these days (which could mean about anything, but the Manson movie is a good guess, since he surrounded himself with girls willing to do anything for him). So they're thinking of taking a page from Trump, and instead of apologizing and trying to downplay it, play up the offensiveness, selling it as "Hey, we're just acting like our president, what's wrong with that?"

    Which is fine as far as it goes: apologizing is never the right move. But ballsy won't work either because while Trump has spent the past few decades establishing a reputation as a man who speaks his mind whether you like it or not, their industry was bowing to every PC commandment and preaching at the rest of the country to do the same. They can't sell it.

    If they actually reach out to him personally to try to get him on board with some sort of endorsement....that could get really fun, but I don't see it.

  24. Graydon Carter for the ex-editor

  25. I hope the Manson movie is good. Needs lots of drug fueled hippie orgies and graphic portrayals of the murders. If there aren't 2-3 edits to get it to R, and the rubes aren't up in arms over it, then Quentin didn't go far enough. Needs to feel grimy, too. Like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

  26. David Brock has no parallel since Margaret Hamilton died.

  27. The film ends with a scene of Quentin digging up the graves of the victims and raping their corpses, movie magic.

  28. A++ seems to fit Trump better than anybody.

    Editor/Advisor probably Steve Bannon. He has Hollywood connections, produced a few movies, mostly meh to very bad.

    Studio head and actor? No idea, but like him or loath him, Trump is already large than life. I don't see how anybody could pull off that role, especially playing it straight.

  29. I was thinking Trump and Mel Gibson?

  30. Manson was a fucked up guy
    And also a scapegoat

  31. No better journalist than David McGowan in the past two decades.

    1. He is a journalist
      These other "journalists"
      Simple whores and mercenaries with a martyr complex

  32. Who would you cast as the character of "Jeb" in my new screen play "St. Charles?"
    It's a dark comedy.

  33. Thank god you guys were able to decipher this and come up with guesses

  34. Anyone ever head of Oannes Seb-Bast Bacchus?
    G minor, no less

  35. "These other "journalists"
    Simple whores and mercenaries with a martyr complex "

    Right, because you would know.

    I doubt you've read the work of many journalists to surmise such a thing.


    2. Some are set up in the Somerset Maugham suite

    3. Hey Mr. PLOT
      Is that the cause of your surprise?
      Bonus track: 3436 in Gematria

  36. Trump spoke to Sylvester Stallone this week.

  37. Stallone playing Trump? The definition of creative casting!

    1. +100 hop in for the utterly bizarre thrill ride

  38. @DDonna, agreed, he was great. It was sad when he passed a few years ago. For selfish reasons, too: I was really enjoying his series on the Lincoln assassination. I'm still not totally sold on his moon landing theories, but I think he was spot-on on the rest.

  39. I'm a European living in the US (permanent resident) and I have my CC and own several semi auto rifles as well as handguns and shotguns. Why? Because I can. Because I enjoy shooting. Because I, as a competent gun owner that isn't restricted from owning a gun and have gun safety training, have every right to defend my family, my property and myself.

    Most people from foreign countries with strict gun control simply do not know anything about guns. Same for the anti-gun lefties that think banning AR15s will somehow stop mass shootings. I used to think this way too until I was actually trained. Every time I actually have a conversation with my friends back home about guns (the ones that are willing to listen, not the ones that just SKREEEEE! when I try to share my experience with them), they seem to get a much better understanding and show great interest. Several anti-gun lib friends have gone to my CC teacher after being robbed/threatened/shot at. As you can guess, we live in a very liberal state which is why there's such high gun crime.

    Everyone deserves a right to protect themselves, their family and their homes. Luckily I've never had to bring my weapon out but I can honestly tell you that I feel much, much safer in a room full of trained gun owners than I do surrounded by pro gun-control fanatics.

    Cases of armed citizens stopping would-be mass shooters don't make the news, unfortunately.

    1. Please ask the other Europeans to stop trying to tell us what to do here before we have to cross the Rubicon of the Atlantic and do it ourselves.

    2. Thank you and welcome orange soda!!!

  40. The new Weistein movie

  41. I think ENty should describe Trump as "that A++ list celebrity that has small hands"

  42. Every gun owner says they are a responsible owner.

    Every gun owner says they are the good guy owner.

    Every gun owner says it's just a hobby.

    Until it isn't. And they aren't.

    To my mind, every gun owner is a threat.

    1. Then feel free to move to another county that better allogns with your "feelings" plot 😂!

      America will never be disarmed, so deal with it and STFU

  43. And we will lovingly and thoughtfully consider what is in your mind, plot

    *eye roll*

  44. You can always count on Plot-TWISTED for the Deep State talking point! "Every gun owner is bad!" LOL.

  45. It's not to your mind, plot, it's to your feelings. If you used you mind to research guns and learn about them you might learn that orange soda is correct.

  46. Oh so I have to become a gun expert cuz people want Muh Gun?

    So you and other are forcing me to embrace your fetish? Forcing me to do research?

    No thanks.

    I'll take anyone owning a gun as a threat since I really do not give a shit about the particulars of guns.

    1. I, for one, don't have a fetish to research.
      But you should talk baby talk to really drive your point home.
      Also, wtf did that last post of yours *even mean*???

    2. "So you and other are forcing me to embrace your fetish? Forcing me to do research? No thanks."

      "I really do not give a shit about the particulars of guns"

      Sounds to me like you're unwilling to listen to others or hear opposing opinions....

      ...but demand that others respect your ideas

      Dialogue > Monologue

  47. Does anyone think since we r in the era of remakes hes trying to pitch a black version of family ties where the eldest child is a republican?

  48. My point, plot, is that people who fear guns generally have no idea how many responsible gun owners there are, how many defensive uses happen, and so on.

  49. "that people who fear guns generally have no idea how many responsible gun owners there are"

    No, we can just see it nightly on the news or read it daily on news sites.

    It's not fear. Quit projecting. It's outrage.

  50. Um, so is "well regulated militia" which so far has not been in evidence by the Muh Gun folks, though perhaps allowing their toddlers to play with their handguns is how they interpret "militia".

  51. "America will never be disarmed, so deal with it and STFU "

    Proving my point that Muh Gun folks think their twisted interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is the ONLY Amendment.

    Freedom of Speech be damned! All that matters is Muh Gun!

    "feel free to move to another county"

    I've lived in several, thanks.

  52. Plot, you obviously know absolutely nothing about guns so there's no point in discussing any of this because you'll keep keep skreeing about how guns are evil. I work with guns. My husband is a federal approved shooting coach. I doubt any of this will stick with you though because your mind is so stuck in your own narrative that you're incapable of even humoring a different opinion.
    I've lived in 6 countries and I'm under thirty. I feel the most safe here because I can defend myself. I didn't even vote Trump. But yeah, sure. People that own guns are evil, yadda yadda.

  53. "you obviously know absolutely nothing about guns"

    Except that they lead to a huge amount of the destruction and violence in this country, nah, nothing.

    "so there's no point in discussing any of this"

    Yet you respond.

    " My husband is a federal approved shooting coach"

    So a Good Guy Gun Owner...until he isn't...because everyone thinks they are a Good Guy Gun Owner...until they aren't.

  54. "People that own guns are evil"

    No, they are a threat due to owning a gun.

    Way to spin the argument into a distant universe. Can't argue my point?

    1. Everyone is a threat. Either embrace that fact and be a threat yourself (not threatening, but a threat), or be a victim.

      I'd be fine with gun control if it wasn't actually gun redistribution. Gun control inevitably leads to the rich confiscating weapons from the poor and middle class. The rich always want guns to be protected. Why should the poor not be afforded that same right?

      It's an attempt to regulate technology that can be machined in a garage with hand tools. So the cat is out of the bag and has been for centuries....

      Not to mention, recent Islamic terrorism via van/auto attacks demnstrate that running people over is as fatal as guns. Should those be banned next because @plot realizes that every car could theoretically mow her down?

      Maybe we should ban airplanes next because of 9/11
