Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Blind Item #4 - Mr. Hedge

This artist married to a celebrity with many lucrative side gigs revved up his social media presence very recently.  It is all a ploy to get side deals himself.  A desperate A-list CEO signed up almost immediately as this artist's first customer. 


  1. Definitely Yeezy. Who is the CEO?

    1. Isn’t Elon the currrent desperate CEO?

  2. "Business people promote their businesses to get more business."

    Good blind.

  3. My guess is the CEO of whatever pharmaceutical company that makes lithium.

  4. Yeah a black person who likes Trump must be insane. Shit libs are the best!

  5. Sometimes the blinds seem like random thoughts. More of an opinion than a blind.

  6. I wondered if Kanye's "I really love my Tesla" tweet was paid for.

  7. Kanyawwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn

  8. @Just sayin: Excellent catch!!! Kudos!!

  9. Actually,smart move on Elon's part,Kanye's rant is making headlines, Kanye is taking lessons from Kyle,remember Snapchat? Excellent find ,just sayin'.

  10. Oh and now the weekly sh!t on Musk/Tesla blind, at least we're getting these out of the way on the same day.

  11. This is actually a semi-smart move on kanye's part. Those suburban MAGA voters have $$$'s to spend.

  12. He's a fn joke. That marriage won't last much longer. I think he's off his Prozac again and maybe popping his other pills again. When he had that breakdown at his show and cancelled the tour he was drinking, smoking weed, on vicadin, and some other pill that's similar to ex and he had admittedly gone off his Prozac without telling her and since has said he had an opioid addiction. After he was on that hold in the hospital he didn't go home for awhile and lived in a hotel she told him if he didn't straighten out it was over and she has all her assets on lock and key completely separate of his. I hate her but she isn't dumb and isn't gonna let his problems tarnish her brand. If they are still together in 3yrs from now I'll be shocked

    1. IIRC wasn't it a big deal if he WAS on drugs? Wasn't that why they said it was mental illness? Due to his cancelling shows and insurance covering the venue losses. Now he's saying it was opioid addiction and not mental illness. Mmmmm ok....

  13. Kanye saw how much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Rosanne and her revived show is making being pro-Trump, so he's jumping on the so-called political"controversy train". Take none of these entitled assholes seriously.
    How long before he is dead or in jail????

  14. I cannot emphasize strongly enough what a bad mix opiates and anti-depressants are. I'm so serious -- don't do it no matter how good they make you feel. On a dime, suicidal thoughts can take over in a way that feels very rational, logical, commendable. I've seen it happen more than once.

    Kanye on twitter today, talking about how he and Trump both have "dragon energy", is so reminiscent of Charlie Sheen during his Tiger Blood/Winning episodes.

    1. +1 @just sayin

      That’s who I thought of, too. Kanye seems more than manic with his latest round of promotion. Whatever is going, I hope he gets it worked out and finds his peace.

      As for opiates and antidepressants, I admittedly had no problem with the (prescribed, more than once) combo, and there was one especially actute episode where I was taking a fair amount for legit pain management. The only problem I had was staying awake and I mostly felt like crud. Even the somnolence was less nasty than my spirinolactone experience.

      Then again, I haven’t had any addiction issues or problems stopping opiates once they’re no longer needed aside from the utterly foul gastro side effects. I could be an outlier.

  15. He's manic, no mystery, probably got off his mood stabilizers. They're probably chasing him down with a car battery right now to jumpstart him back to reality.

  16. Elon's in trouble. I respect what he's done. The car is amazing.
    But his top talent is jumping ship... not good, Maverick.

  17. Published reports claim Kanye is out of control. From what I have read he is having a psychotic break.

  18. Oh please, we thought Kanye was crazy before all the Trump shit.

  19. My daughter and I were talking about Kanye earlier this evening and she said it seems as if he's in a manic state right now (I hope that's the right way to describe it).

    I also read a post on Twitter that said he'd lost 9 million followers.

  20. The Kartrashian Kurse stays winning...
