Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Blind Item #3

This one named A/A- list singer was joined by her a-hole boyfriend in using a homophobic slur against a drunk guy in West Hollywood. The a-hole boyfriend also said he wanted to beat up the guy to teach the homophobic slur a lesson and that others should do the same thing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Probably at Vanderpump's...

  3. Straight guys are weird. It's okay for your girlfriend to be bi, but not ok for some random dude you don't know.

  4. Not sure it would be at Pump. That kind of word wouldn't go down anywhere in Weho.

  5. What did they think he stole their coke too?

  6. But Halsey's been a guest judge on Drag Race. Seems quite contradictory.

  7. There are also pics of Halsey in Hawaii today in the DM . It may not be her, unless it happened last week.

    I hope it is not Kesha...

  8. Kesha would NEVER do that.

    Also take that A out of A/A- real quick if this is halsey lol

  9. Whoever it was just another stellar "star" moment. Good lord people need to grow up.

  10. What's sad is that there are so many one named singers with a-hole boyfriends that the best clue we have is "West Hollywood" :(

  11. If this is G Eazy this is disappointing considering his mother is A LESBIAN and he has written about her in his rap songs. I guess for these straight guys it is ONLY OKAY for women to be gay or bisexual but not gay men. Also, what is a straight guy doing in West Hollywood EVERYONE KNOWS that is the gay district of Los Angeles.

    1. They accept homosexual women since they have sex with them...

  12. G-Eazy would’ve been identified as more than just “a-hole boyfriend”

  13. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Wasn't Halsey on Drag race recently?

    1. She was a guest judge. RuPaul should read her for filth.

  14. Is "Gay" only a sexuality, or is it a culture too?

  15. This is not just homophobia, heterosexual men like to show how heterosexual they are. Realize that the aggressions happen mostly close to their girlfriends, they want to show them that they are straight. It's ridiculous and funny (on this side)

  16. Haha I wear a tiny leather jacket and slick my hair back circa 1950 to look tough. Unfortunately I only weigh 76 pounds...

  17. Haha I wear a tiny leather jacket and slick my hair back circa 1950 to look tough. Unfortunately I only weigh 76 pounds...

  18. G-Eazy would’ve been identified as more than just “a-hole boyfriend”.

    Undeniable point there. So we're back to "A/A- list singer" because "a-hole boyfriend" just doesn't narrow things down at all ...

  19. When gay men stay callillg each other this "homophobic slur" I will care if someone else does it to them too.

  20. I feel like these two are gonna be a never ending fountain of hideous blinds. Halsey' a cool chick, perhaps she needs to dump him. Or... or... and this is was more likely: his team is dropping these blinds themselves in order to get people to take interest in them as some kind of bonnie and clyde rebel couple. Listen to the lyrics of their song together. * eyeroll * very rebellious kids. Lol.

  21. This seems to be the way this site now runs: "Enty" posts a blind and immediately someone rushes in and posts [guess] within seconds of the posted blind, then everyone chimes in to crucify [guess] until someone posts, "Hey wait a minute; [guess] doesn't fit because facts."

    Meanwhile, the takeaway for most of the readers and posters of that blind is, "Guess is a piece of shit!" Nice going.

  22. A lot of butthurt fags on this site. It's just a word. Get over it, Snowflakes. This bizarre need and desire so many of you yanks have to be offended by any and everything is frankly quite pathetic.
