Sunday, April 29, 2018

Blind Item #3

This former long running network show is in reboot talks. Quiet ones. Very quiet. Apparently this back in the day A+/A list mostly movie actor turned serial A- list mostly television actor is not very well liked by his former co-stars and don't want him pressuring everyone for his role back.


B626 said...

Rob Lowe

andrea said...

West Wing and Rob Lowe

Anonymous said...

I hope this happens. Loved this show!

T. W. said...

Rob Lowe is currently on Code Black so that could explain why the talks are hush hush.

Redhead66 said...

i did enjoy the west wing... however, i hope they keep it interesting and not just a big political bashing hour....

Do Tell said...

I understand that Veep is ending this year, but Designated Survivor is a hit and still on the air. How many White House shows does TV really need?

parissucksliterally said...

Enough with the gotdamn reboots!

Sara, Making It Work said...

This just sounds like a bad idea. But I know a lot of people that will be happy.

Sara, Making It Work said...

No more House of Cards either.

AIP said...

Yep, something with Rob Lowe in it, but I don’t care about the programme.

Unknown said...

Yup. Rob Lowe.

plot said...

Political/spy shows bore the shit out of me (except The Americans.) Reality is so much more interesting.

annieroo said...

I really enjoyed West Wing, but if the reboot is anything like the mess that The Good Fight series 2 is, then I shall not be watching. When you are selling overseas you do need less vitriol. Johnny foreigner doesn`t understand the in jokes.

TheShadowKnows said...

Lost and the guy that played Jack

IanPhlegming said...

Not at all interested in WW reboot. First couple years were great but it got increasingly ridiculous the longer it ran.

plot said...

Like I said, WW bored me like so many political shows, so I only saw sporadic episodes. The loss of Rob Lowe seemed to have a negative effect on the overall series (but I couldn't stand President Bartlett and wished he was less prominent.)

Mahogany1 said...


Jen Ty said...

I think Veep is over because JLD is just ready to move on.

arvilc said...

30 Rock/ Alec Baldwin

T. W. said...

I never liked West Wing either. I don't like fictional TV shows making political statements either.

Having said that, I think the only shows that deserve reboots are shows that didn't get a fair shake the first time around. Jericho and Friday Night Lights are two examples.

T. W. said...

@Ervin Thompson

Can't be Martin. Talks of a possible reboot have been in the press since last year.

Orville said...

I think this blind about Patrick Dempsey from Grey's Anatomy I hear he is a real asshole in real life. Shonda Rhimes and Ellen Pompeo I hear cannot stand the man. When Dempsey character died on Grey's the ratings the next season went up! Pompeo also blasted Dempsey in her Hollywood Reporter essay earlier this year she says he did not want to work with her to get equal pay.

plot said...


Oh god yes!

filmfanb said...

There have been talks of 30 Rock and they said they would know by May if this will happen.

Marlin said...

I loved West Wing but totally not interested in any reboot. It was a liberal bent back then, can only imagine how santomonius it would be now. I hate entertainers telling me how I should think. Also I can’t really imagine ANY person besides maybe Richard Shiff from west wing being the least bit likable in real life. Especially Rob Lowe.

Marlin said...

PS. I also am sick of reboots and reality shows. For Pete’s sakes, have a new idea!

Fifi LaRue said...

Reboots are awful. Used to have appointment TV for the first Will & Grace. Now, a decade later, with Karen's high squeaky voice it is most difficult to understand what she's saying. And, I don't care. Watched it once. No more.

Unknown said...

@Redhead66, zero chance of that, I'm afraid. Political bashing would be the reason for bringing it back, and there's no way they'd be able to restrain themselves.

It's kind of remarkable how out of ideas they are. There are still some new ideas on TV, but nearly all the big-budget movies now are based on Things We Know.

Dusty Fairy said...

I loved Jericho!

Connie said...

Yes, more Jericho, please!!

SW said...

Is Rob Lowe difficult? I’ve never heard that before. Anyone have specific examples or is this just a general feeling?

kiki71 said...

@ TW. but that isn't how it works. They won't reboot a show that ended up canceled. The whole point is to capitalize on the initial fan base and established success. Not saying they shouldn't give FNL another chance but for numbers folks it makes no sense.

Lovino said...

I love a good show whether it is a new one or a re-boot. However, how does Rob Lowe escape the pedo label when he was on videotape with underage girls? Some news stories even aired a bit of the footage to show that it was Rob Lowe.

T. W. said...


FNL initially appeared on NBC, was cancelled, brought back, & cancelled again. Another network did pick it up. It is no more. I was trying to make a point that just because a long-running show was popular does not mean it deserves to come back.

Ana Maria said...

Seinfeld, with Jason Alexander as the not liked actor

Moosh Writes said...

The "Quiet ones" hint is making me think The Office, after John Krasinki's success with A Quiet Place. Not sure if he'd be referring to him or Steve Carell

Anonymous said...



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