Thursday, April 12, 2018

Blind Item #2

This former tweener turned adult singer is headed for a quick rehab stay. Right now it is hush hush because she doesn't want to admit she slipped. Hey, at least she is doing something about it and knowing her, that crazy excuse she gave will go out the window, but it might take a while before she does reveal it.


  1. Demi makes sense since she just cancelled part of her tour. I'd think Selena, but does Enty add actress to her?

    1. Yeah I think since she did the woody Allen film(and Enty usually throws shade at it lol)

  2. I hope she's getting actual help

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. +1 TLT, production issues, not enough coke to fuel the fire?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Enty should get props for calling this one with only a foreign journalist's tweet out there before.

  7. +1 on Demi, especially after the press wave about her "so many years clean" posts on social media not long ago.

  8. Demi. She's been off the wagon for a while i think.
    This girl has some serious demons.

  9. Relapse is a part of recovery no biggie. But shafting her poor fans with almost no notice was pretty crappy.

  10. There was a pic of Demi recently that 100% looks like she's holding a glass of beer. She claims it was "Redbull".

    Never have I seen Redbull served in a Pint glass like that.

  11. @brayson87 Completely agree

  12. It'll give Demi some new rehab material to talk about in her interviews... I swear, all she ever talks about is her past downfalls and current "flaws". Does she even release new music, or do other projects? We'll never know!

  13. Sounds more like demi than selena.

  14. A "quick rehab" isn't going to help much. You need to commit. IJS

  15. @Xanadu It'll give Demi some new rehab material to talk about in her interviews... I swear, all she ever talks about is her past downfalls and current "flaws"

    I just left the 12 step movement after 27 years(most of that time sober) and not for nothing a good majority of the people in their every conversation tends to become about "sobriety" and the "past" and how the "steps" and everything else attached to "the program" solve everything in life.
    I felt like the last few months after leaving I was literally deprogramming.

    Not everyone in there is culty but for example soemone said above "relapse is part of recovery" no it is not, you either are or you are not.

    The biggest issue comes for people who are immersed in it who do fuck up, then they spend more time trying to cover it up and have a guilt trip that just makes the so called "relapse" worse so you have to "bottom" out where most people I have known who never did any "program" who fuck up, do their less than a week run and just get back on with life.

    For a celebrity who has been propped up based on their addictions and attachment to the AA mantra it is even worse I would imagine aknd of course she is going to feed that image in interviews, people get more love when they are felt sorry for. But she is really stuck in between a rock and ahard place, hell she even has one of those stupid slogans tattooed on her feet. Talk abotu painting yourself into a corner.I feel bad for her more for getting too sucked in and wearing it on her sleeve. Honestly that is part of the issue with 12 step movements today, most forget the anonymous part and act like a scientologist when someone is not towing the line or god forbid got sober outside the program because that must mean they are dry or will relapse and die.

    Rant done

    1. The story of the founder of AA is pretty interesting. He clearly didn't apply any of his steps to his own life.It works well for some and having a routine like that is good, but for others it still doesn't get to the root and also always living in the past just ends up leaving people in limbo. I've seen many people go through this cycle, I was an art therapoth at a veterans recovery center. Good luck to anyone going through addiction out there.

  16. @Nelson Muntz - I'm also involved in the community and I don't disagree with you.

    I think one of the biggest harms AA does is tell people that if they have one drink (once sober), they will immediately descend into the depths of substance abuse and consumption they were at before.

    It doesn't have to be like that. A relapse can be a few nights out drinking and the realization one loves it far far too much to continue down the seductive path.

    Anyway - yeah I feel sorry for celebrities who choose to declare their sobriety in public. We live a long ass time and lots of us in the recovery community fall down from time to time. I'd hate it if the world was notified everytime I relapsed holy crap I don't even tell my mom.

  17. Come on people! When a blind like this appears on a day when a celeb matching the description denies that she's fallen off the wagon the blind is about them. This is Demi. You can figure out most of the blinds just by googling some of the clues or just checking the Daily Mail.

  18. Anonymous4:14 PM

    STOP CANCELING YOUR TOURS SINGERS! That is SO annoying. I mean, yay! They are getting help but it causes so much trouble for so many people.

  19. There are more than four celebrities right? Why is it always the same people?

  20. I don’t think it’s either Demi or Selena . I think if it was either of them enty would mention would’ve mentioned they are actress also.

  21. I think it is Demi cause she makes such a big deal about being clean and even has some kind of rehab foundation, she was just on Dr Phil for an entire episode a few weeks ago, so it would make her and her org. look really foolish

  22. This is probably Demi. Assuming her slip was either a drink or binging and purging because she’s been getting a lot of hate lately. After she made that comment about loving Cardi B, Nicki fans started hating on her hard and posting some really messed up shit on Instagram and then South American fans were saying shit after she had to reschedule her tour and then there was all that meet and greet drama she had to deal with. Honestly girl should stay off social media, it would probably help her stay sober. People are nasty when they can hide behind a screen.



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