Monday, April 30, 2018

Blind Item #25 - Daytime Emmy Awards

This host/producer told a 20 year old server last night that 20 was far too old for the host/producer. That pretty much jibes with his whole 18th birthday program where our host/producer has an assistant who seems to only search out teens on Instagram about to turn 18 who live in LA or willing to come to LA and want to visit the set of the show on their birthday in hopes they will have sex with the host/producer. Considering the assistant makes it pretty clear what the deal is in advance so the host/producer doesn't get angry at the assistant, then you basically have someone who is paid to troll for underage teens. Yes, they do wait until 18 for actual sex, but still.


  1. Blech.... that's all I got.

  2. Seacrest, OUT!!! (...of the closet).

  3. A fellow commenter suggested I put the full, unedited statement from @Himmmm here about what’s been happening behind the scenes at CDAN. It appears from Himmmm’s twitter that the crisis has been averted for now, but it’s still an important and scary read. I’ll post the 6 parts below. Stay safe everyone.

  4. PART 1

    From all 4 Himmmms to All CDAN Commentators:

    Let me please explain to you exactly what you are doing here - as politely and respectfully to you all as possible: you are causing serious REAL WORLD REAL LIFE problems for people who are NOT any of us 4 Himmmms. Okay? Can you understand that tiny concept. Someone NOT part of us is in danger - because people in the comments and other PUBLIC boards have thrown names around like bean bags. Just yesterday, we had to get our attorneys and their investigators involved; to contact the FBI and the State Police CID in a certain state. We have a team of 4 former federal agents and A.U.S.A.s working for us. Why? Because this fetish-parlor game for guessing our identities as spilled over into the real world.

    There is a seriously mentally impaired stalker on here. This man is also a hyper-militant who is proud of displaying his automatic weapons; AND HIS THREATS AGAINST PEOPLE on his other profiles. This man set up 6 fake profiles on Blogger just to stalk on CDAN. He hacked and fraudulently stole a stranger's ID, photos, and account. He started 3 new Twitter accounts to harass and bully and attack us there (according to our Twitter Rep working with our attorneys). Why? Because in his mentally impaired condition - he believes that some innocent man whom we've never met (on the other side of the country) is one of us Himmmms. So that deranged man not only stole his ID, he began contacting THAT MAN'S CHILD!!! And taunting his innocent daughter!! Then started funneling messages to us on Twitter taunting and saying disgusting attacks to us.

    Luckily, Google/Blogger have been tracking this lunatic for many months - including his online visits to disgusting and violent websites. THAT IS A DISASTER & TRAGEDY WAITING TO HAPPEN! And all for what?.....Huh? To kill us? Or an innocent man and his family?? All because some damned internet wannabe sleuths wanted to play a parlor game? Guess our ID? Well fuck that. We WILL NOT have that on our hands or conscience. Let me tell you ALL something - and get this straight - THIS IS VERY SERIOUS WHAT WE DO. And we do it FOR FREE to provide YOU PEOPLE with entertainment, fun, or just diversions from your lives. But NONE OF THAT is worth someone dying, being stalked, harassed, bullied, or having nightmares over.

    We WILL pull the plug on this so fast your head will spin. WE WILL erase every post - every comment - and NEVER REVEAL ANY of our blinds, stories, or ANYTHING. We will disappear into the fucking ether from which we came like a fucking wraith in the mist! In a flash. If you all continue to play these games in PUBLIC we will do it. NOT because we're afraid of being outed - but because there's so much more going on behind the scenes than you can imagine! Do you think the 100 or 200 comments here are all the people who read this site?? Not even 1% of unique viewers even comment here. But THEY READ EVERY WORD YOU WRITE. None of us Himmmms got into this for glory or publicity we assure you of THAT. We did it all as a chance to share our memories; to right some wrongs and help those who have no voice; and to even bring some snark and gossip to you.

    But no - that's not enough?? Do you think you win an award for hurting us? Will you get a cookie or gold star for outing us?? NO - you won't. You'll feel smug and superior for a day or two until you get spammed trolled and DDoS attacked into dust by an army of super-fucking-pissed people who will blame YOU for running us off. And then? We'll have THAT on our hands too. Another person injured. We don't care if you wanna guess, play games, name every name in the fucking LA-Orange County phone book. Go for it. Go crazy. Cream yourself doing it. BUT PLEASE DO IT IN PRIVATE!!! That is the ONLY fee or toll we've asked you to pay - is to just please take your games elsewhere. Do it on DMs, or chats, or your own emails.

  5. it seems that most (if not all) people in hollyweird are disturbed and sick in the head.

  6. PART 2

    THIS IS A PUBLIC FORUM. It is UN-MODERATED. People cannot be blocked. Enty switched years ago to a new server because of similar garbage and someone else got hurt over it. So he went with a moderated forum. But he assumed there were enough mature, respectful ADULTS who could just follow ONE simple fucking rule. JUST ONE simple rule - to please not out any IDs here in public. GUESS THE SUBJECTS OF THE BLINDS. That's all ANYBODY asked of you. That's the only favor we asked in exchange for all this FREE content - the free entertainment - the freedom of expression in an un-moderated blog. THAT is why people don't get banned here. Enty trusts you guys/gals to at least not hurt anyone and damage them IRL. But you get so fucking carried away and get so smug, being cute and funny - your lust to be "famous" for 10 seconds - that you forget WE ARE REAL PEOPLE. WE ALL WORK IN THE INDUSTRY. And if we cannot bring our stuff to you anonymously? Then we cannot at all.

    I know you may say - "well, they've practically outed themselves" or "they give us so many clues" or "they share so much on Twitter it's obvious"...and yes, we do. But we've never posted ourselves as a guess. We've repeatedly, and politely - asked you not to do it in public. In the comments. It's not a challenge people. The main Himmmm you all obsess over guessing? Is NOT a fucking celebrity. Never been papped. Worked on tons of movies, records, videos, shows - but NEVER taken credit. Has a waiver from WGAw and guilds to allow him never to receive credit under his real name. Why? Because he doesn't WANT to be famous - thus he is NOT. At least by name. Even a movie base don his life didn't use his real fucking name. He's been besieged with offers for radio shows, podcasts, books - and turned them all down. HE DOES NOT WANT FAME FROM HIS NAME. He just WANTS to share his works with you. Share his life and our life experiences. To bring you moments of behind the scenes enjoyment or targets of critique. FROM OUR REAL EXPERIENCES.

    But you all go batshit crazy trying to figure out who he is and who we are. Like the rest of us - it is no big deal to discover really. We knew we were taking a chance revealing our private stories, but figure YOU...all of YOU...were mature and respectful enough to respect ONE SIMPLE WISH - Don't do it in public. But what you did is 10000 times worse!! Because YOU started posting WRONG NAMES. Of INNOCENT PEOPLE who have ZERO to do with us. We even had to come in here and deny those. And still you persist.

  7. Himmmm said...PART 3
    These long blinds? They are real. Our gossip blinds? We verify them. But if we post under our names? Then that's all we'll ever get asked about in any interview ever. It'll effect our real lives, relationships, and damage us. NOT TO MENTION these crazy, nut-jobs, and dangerous REAL PEOPLE OUT THERE who read this right now. They are NOT safe people - and they will NOT accept that fact. They will not seek treatment and will not back off. We've been polite with them. They continued. This is like if Mark Chapman had internet to stalk John Lennon BEFORE SHOOTING AND KILLING HIM all because he heard things in his head or read them in a book!!! THESE PEOPLE EXIST AND ARE REAL. And we bust our asses and risk our necks and reputations for what?? To bring strangers FREE entertainment. 
    We don't want fame and don't need money. We have never got a single penny from this, and in fact have LOST MONEY and time away from our jobs and families and free time - all to bring this stuff to you!!! Just as Enty has. These ads here don't cover the cost of running the site. Enty is a real lawyer working his bacon-sized ass off to do this FOR YOU. He's not getting rich blogging from a fucking YACHT with Instagram girls dancing around his fat ass okay?? And neither are we. But when a disabled veteran we've never met - and his young daughter whose never visited this site - when THEY have to be protected, to have FBI agents come to their FUCKING HOUSE - all because of THIS SITE and some dangerous mental case?? THAT is where WE draw the line. 
    So keep pouring that fuel on this fire. Keep playing your games. See how much damage you can do to people in real life. Have fun. But when you wake up tomorrow and we're ALL gone?? We'll hope you feel satisfied. And I hope Enty will give YOU a special post - to give YOU the attention you crave. To post YOUR real information here for the world to see and let YOU genius guessers then know the pain and suffering others went through. 
    Yes, we HAVE given clues and hints at our identities. It was never to TEASE you or egg you on. It was not a dare. It was to establish our positions relative to the stories at hand. Our IDs are not that mysterious, and we HONESTLY don't care if you guess them. JUST NOT HERE IN PUBLIC PLEASE!!! If we wanted our names out in public - we'd post it. Go private with your game please. But most of all PLEASE STOP THROWING NAMES AROUND THAT HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP TO US. We obviously have enemies and people willing to do bad things to others who they think are us. We have always considered you ALL friends. Family even. We do not care if you want to be critics of our writing; the length of our posts; or the content of our stories. Any writers accept that. But the blind items and stories are not about guessing US. Yes, we are roles in them because we write that way. Because these are real and happened to us - so they are first person.

  8. Mario he a producer though?

  9. PART 4
    We can even look over those disgusting, hurtful comments talking shit about us "being fake" and "bullshit" and "not real" when talking about a best friend/brother's death - losing a father - and losing an unborn baby all in the span of MONTHS. That really happened. A suicide nearly followed it too. And all that pain and tragedy was given to you - and you MOCK IT? Call it "fake"?? Good GOD - have some humanity! Would you walk into a funeral service and start yelling "FAKES!" and demanding the mourners and families ID themselves and PROVE to you - a stranger - just how we knew the deceased?? Would you do that? Because that's what this is. 
    We've had crew members from that movie, and other family members too - to contact us via email and twitter. TO THANK US. To even laugh and say they NOW know our ID - but WILL keep it secret. And to warmly recall the times we spent on that project. Just like our big concert story in London. All that was true. Remember the pop star lady with us? The part of the story about the limo ride? The dress? Let me ask you - WOULD YOU FOLLOW ON TWITTER and REPOST and TWEET and JOKE AROUND with SOMEONE WHO SAID THEY FUCKED YOU IN A PUBLIC STORY that's been read over 400 THOUSAND times, IF IT NEVER HAPPENED?? Huh? Our Twitter is public. Check it out yourself. She's right there, joking and tweeting with us. Because she knows who it is, and knows it is okay. Or would you possibly - if YOU were that pop star - realize yes, exactly who it is - have a laugh and "naughty boy for kiss and tell" moment. Then continue on being friends as you have over the years? Would you do all of that if it were "FAKE" and "BULLSHIT"??
    6:37 AM

  10. Himmmm said...PART 5
    I don't know. In fact, I don't know much anymore. I guess what we do isn't enough for you. I guess you will never be satisfied will you? Maybe we should've never come back. Maybe we should just yank the fucking plug from the wall and say hell with it. Too many people getting hurt or stand to get hurt. Right now - as you read this - it is costing us TENS OF THOUSANDS of OUR DOLLARS to pay our lawyers, investigators, and digital forensics technicians to work with the FBI and State Police to stop a possible killer who is already a federal criminal for computer fraud/ID Theft/Hacking. We have already paid for that target of his - that innocent man's lawyers and security needs. But just like playing Whack-a-mole...even after he's locked up and we sue him into oblivion? Ten more smart-asses will pop up. And more newbies will jump into this site and stir shit up again. 
    We don't care what you do in private off-site. It's a free country and we support free speech. Just for the love of GOD people - take it elsewhere. Do you really HATE us that bad?? Have we come barging into your homes and offices and mobile phones FORCING YOU to read our items? Has someone put a GUN to your head? Or do you think you're entitled to come here, to a free site, just to bitch and rip us to shreds?? And for what - to feel superior? To prove to strangers you don't even know how clever you are? Well if that's your rationale? Then shame on you. Shame on EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU WHO DO THAT. It's disgusting. If you can only feel superior and get your fucking nuts off by hurting others? Then YOU are a monster who is no better than the monsters we risk our asses to out around here. Why not use your superior detective skills on THEM?? Why not go after these bastards raping and killing and destroying these kids the same way we are doing by risking ourselves?? Out those people - not the ones who BRING YOU the info!! How fucked up is that? 
    You DO realize this site is Free right? It's not required for class or work. If you cannot control your impulses to throw names out for the AUTHORS of the stories? For even a day or two? Then there's medication for that shit. See a doctor. Damn people. 
    6:38 AM

  11. Himmmm said...PART 6
    We have been NOTHING but supportive, polite, and friendly to everyone on here. Even those who have been critics, ripped us a new ass, disparaged our works/memories, and even mocked us outright. But we can take that. We're adults. But attacking us personally? Calling us LIARS? Bagging on us after pouring our hearts out in an emotional true story?? Do you not think we have feelings? We read every word you write. ALL of you. Your warm, kind, and supportive - even funny - comments really make us feel good. The critical comments, we accept rationally. But when the fuel gets doused and lit - and people go BATSHIT frenzy over guessing us? It's too much. Calling us LIARS is too much. We know you're trying to troll us into revealing ourselves. We resist. But you also are RUINING IT for all the other thousands of readers and disrespecting THEM who enjoy the stories. You're shitting on all those people who like and care about it. 
    Just scroll back up and realize the trail of destruction you are blazing. Yes...YOU. Each of you super-sleuth wannabes with your "Oh I don't care it's just too juicy I can't resist tee-hee" lack of impulse control. Look at what you've done. The last long list of comments here - are ALL about guessing US and zero about the story. That's a trend leading to destruction and harm. IN REAL LIFE. Because when you guess publicly, people like Bill A.?? And put his name here - that shit gets indexed to Google. And comes up in searches later. And suddenly, poor Bill is swamped with people taunting him about being Himmmm. We even commented that WE ARE NOT BILL. But people continue. 
    Throwing names of INNOCENT PEOPLE out here for fun - not considering that mentally unbalanced or dangerous people may be looking over your virtual shoulder. And they hear voices telling them Himmmm is "eating pizza" and raping kids in basements. And those voices tell them to load that AK-47 or AR-15 to "save the kids". Because others on 4chan or LSA have convinced them a special prophet told them to be the savior. So they take some name YOU WROTE in the comments - with a mission to save babies and kill the Himmmm. And that deranged lunatic goes and shoots up someone's house, or kills someone's daughter. Then we hear it on the news. Then it all comes back to YOU for playing a disgusting game in public that has real world implications. And that blood...will never wash off your hands, or your souls my friend. You will carry it with you until your death - and into the afterlife. Nor will it was off of ours. We will ALL be complicit in it. And for what? For fucking what? Fun and games on a free site? 
    Well we won't be party to that. So enjoy yourselves. Have your fun. Shit all over us all you want. Because we won't be here. Nor will any of our posts (and your comments) because we will have Enty wipe the entire site clean of every trace and word. Delete our Twitter. And never return. And you can be happy, as can everyone else. All our reveals - all the work we've been doing behind the scenes with abused actors/actresses, and helping expose corruption, and our blinds AND THEIR COMING REVEALS - and all the actual fun and big events we've been planning? All gone. It will vanish. Then you can go back to your Housewives blinds all you want. Feel proud. 
    We're so done with all this that it's not even funny. As if we need any of this added stress, cost, time, worry, or effort. We tried to bring you joy, laughs, secrets, love, and share the deepest parts of our lives. Sorry it wasn't enough. Take care friends, sorry for all of this. And sorry to disappoint you fucking assholes who couldn't leave well enough alone. So sorry you didn't get your fucking FREE money's worth. Thanks alot. Way to go. Enjoy your weekend friends. We won't.
    Best wishes to you all...yes, ALL of you;
    All 4 Himmmms
    6:55 AM

  12. Keep it going - all Hmmmms and Enty. Expose all you can, in the best way possible. I'll read. And remember. And know where to spend my $, and more importantly, where to NOT spend it. That's the only way I have of getting back, but if enough do it... (I've missed a lot of movies/ shows I'd have likely enjoyed - but I'm not going to line those people's pockets any longer... I'll just read, and paint, etc. instead !)

  13. Sorry that this was long & off topic, please scroll on if not interested.

    1. Thank you. I haven't had a chance to read these. I'm a long time lurker.

  14. Himmmm’s twitter updates since have been positive:

    We're fine dear Shosty. It's breathtaking what an entire badass power law firm + FBI + digital forensic technicians can accomplish, especially when ISPs & warrant-issuing judges are so accommodating. Even on weekends. No worries - all is well for all.

    They're okay. Now. But tragic that people get so obsessed they don't realize the damage they can ignite because of making mentally ill & dangerous people feel empowered. (Note there's a diff between mentally ill vs. mentally ill & dangerous).

  15. Thanks for sharing these. One bad apple ruins the whole bunch. People are so fucking ridiculous. Hope the psychos don't ruin it for the rest of us. And I sincerely hope SandyBrook and Tricia13 are okay, especially if they are effected by any of this.

    1. Would anyone mind giving me a very condensed, "non real identity revealing/guesses given" cliff notes version of what led up to this? And what happened with Tricia"Sherlock Holmes"13 and Sandybrook? I've only read this site in an addictive manner(tho still interrupted often) for the past new year or so, and occasionally casually checked it out in the preceding few years, when real life tragedies made reading here just too much of a real downer

  16. Scary.4 real. Thanks everyone..

  17. SMDH People these days want so hard to be right and in the know, this is what happens. I saw the BS from the last Himmmm blind in the comments and am not surprised by their reaction. Especially appreciated the response to all the 4chan BS as well. People, in reality, can fall way down the rabbit hole and lose all sense of what is real.

  18. Sal, thank you for sharing Himmmm's feed. 🙏

    1. Ditto, @Sal. Thanks for sharing that here and also the positive follow up tweet.

      The sad thing in today’s discussion about @Himmmm’s post (aside from the horrific implications of what’s been happening to some poor family because of a nutter on CDAN) is that most of us here HAVE been strongly suggesting that the extremist rhetoric, accusations, and guessing of identities beyond the scope of the BI isn’t welcome.

      While I do think @Himmmm could have done better in not sounding as if they were trying to put blame on ALL of us (since most of us DONT do what apparently set this stuff into motion), I view the post as what it looks like: unloading in an impassioned moment on a serious topic, and it’s hard for anyone to do that while taking time out after each sentence to be sure of its precise targeting and phrasing.

      Because damn, whose worst nightmare isn’t it since Pizzagate for some conspiracy weirdo to decide you’re a bad guy and show up with an AR-15 to dispense “justice” at you and your loved ones or customers?

      Show of hands time. How many of us have been accused here of being:
      -paid shills
      -defenders of pedophiles
      -actual pedophiles
      -sock puppets of other paid players
      -disinformation agents
      -Other labels that could convince a vigilante it was their duty to dispose of us

      Who’s to say who is believing those accusations against any of us and would seek to act on them? There’s a reason we have a justice system, flawed as it is.

      And a reminder, to all of us posters and readers as well as the @Himmmms, who I both like and respect, us little folk here for the gossip and back and forth don’t have @Himmmm’s protection or resources.

      So while I’m glad things worked out there, let’s remember that MOST people are good people. And if you believe someone is otherwise, it is NOT your job to dispense justice.

      If you have any respect at all for the laws and essential processes of your country, whichever it is, use those processes. They’re there for a reason.

      There is no such thing as “perfect” justice unless that’s part of your religious afterlife. And if it’s part of your belief system, then trust in that and let the afterlife process dispense the justice.

      Love and light,


      *Again, I have no more issue with actual Satanists in general than followers of any religion. It’s just another belief system that puts individual humanity on a higher level than most other religions. But the stuff “satanist” has become code for with conspiracy theorists is hair-raising.

  19. Wow. I started following about 5 years ago.Enjoyed most of it except the part on the Chesters and the Hmmmm's Come to Jesus paragraphs. Really sorry to see this. We've got way too many people living on the net and not real life. There are those Nut jobs who will hurt people if they are set off by something and those spewing vomit after something horrific happens inthe news. It's ugly.
    To all the Hmmmm's, whereever you are and whoever who you are- thank you. I was hooked from Day 1. It's opened my eyes to Hollyweird and I enjoyed the blinds. I'm just some regular working class chick out here in America with no agenda. Please take care. Stay safe. 🍻🍻🍻 If I could buy you all a round I would.

  20. Sal, thanks for sharing that, I'm not on Twitter so didn't know all this (I know Sandy shared a little yesterday but this is much more detailed)
    HIMMMM, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this shit. And now innocent people as well... SMDH.
    I love all your stories and will be sad but understanding if you choose to pull the plug.
    Much love to you all!

  21. Sal, thank you for sharing.

    To all the Himmmmmms and Enty and all other contributors - thank you for what you do. I am so sorry for what has been happening and I hope these posts will help commenters be more careful, and thoughtful, in the future. Stay safe and know that you are greatly appreciated.

  22. Interesting .... but please go on guessing random unconnected ppl for the perps and victims in these blinds cuz we don't care if a mental case whacks an innocent celebrity discussed in the forum.

  23. Dear Himmmm, I barely post on here but I'm popping up for the first time in years. I'm SO VERY SORRY you all had to deal with this fiasco. Thank you for all you do and have done in the past. Dear Sal, Thanks so much for posting.

  24. You’re welcome. The Himmmm’s full statement as copy and pasted above was originally posted at the end of the comments on the final part of the Brandon Lee story here on CDAN. If you revisit that part of the story and read the comments some of them are incredibly cruel regarding showing respect for someone pouring their heart out about a real life traumatic tragedy. Others are very blasé about throwing possible Himmmm names around. So I can understand why the Himmmm’s felt the need to issue the statement. Unfortunately underneath the statement a few jackasses continued to mock Himmmm’s words. That’s why I felt that it deserved to be seen, most of us here are good people and here for the right reasons. Himmmm was specifically speaking to the trolls and identity sleuthers from the Brandon Lee story. But I think it’s important that we all know the impact and implications for Enty, Himmmm and all involved in this site behind the scenes.

  25. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Thanks to Sal for posting!

    I only suggested it because the Himmmm's seemed hurt yet wanted to be heard but not everyone is going back to a blind from a week ago.

    I apologize to those who think I suggested Sal hijack the thread.

    Carry on.

  26. Sorry Nan, I didn’t mean to hijack the thread. I made the decision to post here and I take full responsibility for anyone who has any complaints. I just felt it was something important that needed to be highlighted. Hope it hasn’t caused you any problems Nan. xx

  27. maybe if you turned someone into the cops once in a while rather than making a game of blind gossip posts, stuff like this wouldn't happen.

    1. It is possible to do both, you know. How do you know they haven’t reported to the authorities?

    2. @Matt

      If you read their post, you’ll see they clearly state they DO work with the authorities on this stuff.

  28. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Sal, it's all good. I wanted you to hijack the thread so the Himmmm's plight would be heard. I was trying to take responsibility for telling you to post here :)

    Sorry to the posters who really wanted to guess about the daytime sicko producer.

  29. While we're at it, can we also stop naming Dancing Boy when his blinds come up? He's literally just a regular guy who knows a lot of people and has been through some serious shit. His blinds are never about guessing who he is, but the assholes and non-assholes he posts about.
    There's a reason he uses a pseudonym on here and in his aspiring film projects.
    /end rant

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. @ All 4 HIMMMMM and the Big Man himself, I am sorry you are having to go through this. I have been here for YEARS (since before Coke Mom)I never really cared to find out who you guys were because I was having too much fun reading what you wrote. I will be sorry to never read anything if you leave. I think you guys are great. I have tried to listen to you and not put my money to support the people you tell us when someone's actions are reprehensible. Money talks! Wishing you better days ahead. Thanks for all the great stories and blinds.

  32. Tricia was around at least on Friday, at least from what Google has indexed. Maybe she's on vacation or just wants to give a few more people a chance to get blinds first. Hope she's alright, though.

    As someone still incredibly new to CDAN I'd be really disappointed if the Himmmms are done, but it's not like I can blame them or expect that to have any weight on their decision if they're out for good after the Crow blind. Retiring Himmmm as a "brand" (eugh, sorry) might be for the best, but I'd hope they at least still feel safe enough to forward information to Enty if it's fun or direly in need of being exposed.

    (I mostly skim, unless it hits a nerve and I feel like I might want to chime in, so I had no idea how vile that had all gotten; I still remember it getting a little heated about the three dueling "wildest night" blinds. I feel like keeping arm's length and a little plausible deniability is just a good way to approach CDAN in general. I'm about as far away from any major entertainment industry as possible, and I consider that in my plus column. That said, I've been online long enough to know crazy motherfuckers are nooooooooooooo joke.)

    Anyway, best wishes from another nobody; do what you need to do.

  33. Thank you Sal, I read his/their post early this morning after a busy weekend offline and was floored and thought it needed to be seen in a more up to date prominent position because where it was posted would surely be missed by many. I am always late to read everything here so I was sure the majority didnt catch his 6 part post.
    And thanks Himmmm for your kind words on twitter ;-)

  34. Thank you, Sal for posting this!
    Thank you to all posters, who “agree to disagree”, the ones who are respectful & kind to other commentators & Enty+the Himmms

  35. Thanks Nan :)

    To anyone saying that Enty and the Himmmm’s should be reporting to the police not posting here, I think one of the points of the statement is that there ARE things going on behind the scenes that we don’t yet know about. Evidence is needed to bring these perverts down, sounds like the Himmmm’s are working on that. It’s not as easy as calling the police and these people getting arrested and thrown into jail! They are surrounded by protectors and enablers, money, corruption and power. These crimes have been happening for years, the perpetrators have been operating for years. There are people inside law enforcement often involved in keeping these crimes quiet. It’s a complex house of cards. The Himmmm’s have stated that they are dealing with some of these situations and will reveal more when they are able to.

    For anyone worried about the Himmmm’s not posting anymore, they have clarified on twitter that the current situation with the stalker has been resolved and that they will continue posting here. It’s just important that we don’t discuss their possible identities or throw names around in public.

    1. Law enforcement agencies(and the implementation/philosophy of their policies) in and around Los Angeles were originally founded and organized for the sole benefit of the burgeoning area and industry's top moguls,power-players, and their benefactors/investors imho. Now, of course I don't think in the modern day that the various LA LE entities are so easily classified as across-the-board/top-to-bottom in the pocket of the Hollywood industry's 1%'er elite powers, but considering just how long it takes an entrenched institution's guiding attitudes and resulting actions to fundamentally change, I'm always flabbergasted when a commenter thinks a majority of the truly complex, criminal and horrific blinds presented here have such a trite, basic and justice-assuring solution as simply "going to the police" and filling out a report with not a single thought given towards any mitigating context.

  36. Anonymous5:49 PM


    Having someone wrongly accused of being a pedophile on a blind (someone is always wrongly accused in the guesses because they can’t all be right) doesn’t cause REAL PROBLEMS to REAL PEOPLE?

    Look, someone is raking in money from all the pop-up ads on this site. It’s not a public service. It’s a for-profit business and Enty and the Himmmmmms don’t name names because they’d get sued if they did. So they want us to guess names. And some producer/director/actor accused of being a child molester could just as easily find him/herself stalked by a raging lunatic, right?

    You can’t have it both ways. Karma is a bitch.

    If Enty and the Himmmms and so forth know someone is a child molester, they should call the police. Offer to testify. Provide the details and names of witnesses. Not play “guess the pedo, but don’t guess who we are.”

    Hiding the accuser is keeping the real criminals out there doing their evil. Because the accusers don’t have to come forward, when doing so might result in the criminals being locked up instead of “outed” on a website.

    I don’t want anyone stalked by a lunatic, but these blinds are not going to go away because Enty is making big coin off those ads. This is a business and “guess who it is” is the business model.

    1. The pop ups are attacks on the site. Enty doesn't make money on them, and wants them gone.

    2. "Hiding the accuser is keeping the real criminals out there doing their evil. Because the accusers don’t have to come forward, when doing so might result in the criminals being locked up instead of “outed” on a website."

      This statement is so lacking in any kind of true, logically-sound critical thinking and is so opposite as to where an honest, objectively based line of reasoning should lead a rational mind, that it almost qualifies as sarcasm.

  37. Sal, thanks for posting those. I caught some of this on Twitter the other day but apparently not the whole thing. It's a scary world we live in.

    Enty & Himmmms, I've been reading this blog for 10 years now though I rarely comment. I truly enjoy what's been shared over the years and I'm sorry that what was once fun for everyone now seems to be taking a toll. It's my hope that this site doesnt go away, but if it does, as a real person on the other side of this screen name, I completely understand.

  38. Himmmm - via an intermediary - posted (without anywhere near as much irony as it required)

    Let me please explain to you exactly what you are doing here


    Certain occupations attract certain personality types. The "gossip" has long been understood to have a personality that craves inflicting harm upon other humans as a means of personal gratification. It is a form of sadism and other pathological features are typical of the gossip.

    Sadists often lack insight into their own character - it is part of why they are sadists. This big post complaining that a stalker happened to latch onto someone in their world and therefore the evil that dwells in online gossip fans, (but never never, of course, the gossips and their enablers themselves) must be remonstrated against.

    You are posting on a site which deals in gossip. This means the infliction of dismay and harm upon people is the POINT of its existence. The gossip of this site is heavily laden with exploitation of the confidences coming from rehab/additiction recovery meetings. People who need to save their lives by steps that include candor with others are being cruelly abused by their intimate life facts being spread about on pages of this and other gossip sites. That the gossips who do this deny they are exploiting in that manner is a clever ruse that they carefully camoflauge by claiming confidentiality of their "sources" (a rather perverse turn about of the idea of confidentiality) or by engineering their data collection to disguise what they are doing, but it doesn't mean they aren't doing it.

    That gossips heavily focuses upon people whose substance abuse problems to gratify themselves by inflicting torment upon means there will be predictable instances of domestic violence and other aggression stirred up by the gossips activity. It is NOT only people who have the misfortune of attracting a stalker who have something to fear because of the existence and operation of gossip sites.

    Gossip sites like this one prey upon vulnerable people struggling with the different life that homosexuality is in a toying way that the gossip might like to claim is either harmless or beneficial. But consider how it was not to long ago that a tragic suicide was embellished by this site to make it seem like an astonishing clever murder, one that highly experienced forensic examiners wouldn't pick up on. The claim was made that defensive wounds on hands proves this. The actual autopsy posted on line showed that the man had wounds on his wrist consistent with a suicide attempt that got him a full 30 day psychiatric detention, and NO defensive wounds on his hands. Sadly, young homosexual males have an elevated suicide rate, but this fact is made little of in the quest to seek vengence against someone by implying the suicide was a murder serving the interests of someone the gossip has a pathological hatred of.

    Your passionate statement goes about 1/4 mile down the road it needs to a go a full mile down. You need to consider how and why you participate in a site run upon the premise that pathological gratification of desires to inflict dismay and harm on others is "fun", so long as people afflicted with a gossip addiction are seeming to enjoy it. Reflect on your life.

    1. Your nickname is now "Adam Schiff" and CDAN will likely find out why some day

    2. @Aimless are: pathological gratification

      I’ve noticed that many of us here are here for the mystery-solving aspect rather than the gossip aspect as portrayed in your “type.”

      I’ve also noticed that those here for the mystery-solving or human interest are also the people who tend to speak up when things are becoming excessively cruel or bloody.

      So here’s to the best of CDAN. Niceness may not get many replies, but it does get noticed and I think it keeps a lot of us here who would otherwise go away.

  39. I am not commenting on the Himmmms.

    I want the Daytime emmy BIs revealed - all of them. The soap fan sites go overboard regarding the actors, and occasionally the writers and E.P. it's all positive. How about some reality.
    thanks ENTY - you rock!!

  40. So, to be clear, outing victims of atrocities and folks who don't feel safe coming out as gay, a-ok, outing those who tell those stories for "entertainment" and "fun", wanting people to guess, thereby re-victimizing and being complicit in future abuses by not reporting actual crimes, bad and irresponsible. The lack of self awareness would be laughable if it weren't so scary. Are you born a shitty humans, or is there something in the Hollywood water?

    1. Exactly. I appreciate your and ME's viewpoint above. It's also interesting to me that no one seems really bothered by the overt sense of superiority in the Himmm's post, and that everyone is cool being talked down to in such a matter. If we could all be just a little more intelligent and important like some fuckstick on the Hollywood scene, then maybe we could wrap our tiny brains around what they're trying to say in the 42 paragraphs it took to say it. The letter reads as if some daranged, hospitalized narcissist wrote it on a broken typewriter. Hope it's a fake, as it's fucking ridiculous and whoever writes like that with the psychiatric random capitalizing and self importance needs to get a fucking grip.

    2. I meant to say Aimless Spectator and ME

    3. @Dumblesnore

      It’s possible to not appreciate the superior tone (though hey, it does look like they footed the bill on this one that cost enough to pay my mortgage for a year, which is fair enough) while still agreeing with the core message which is to not thoughtlessly endanger people in a time when vigilante “justice” is on the rise.

      Your post honestly makes you come across as part of the problem. Himmmm is human(s). Poke a person with a sharp stick often enough to draw blood and odds are that person will not be at their most eloquent when they explode.

    4. I've enjoyed your posts. I will stop you in accusing me to be a part of any "problem" when I've never given two fucks about who Himmmm is and I've never guessed at it. I read this site when I'm going to sleep at night, keeps me from watching more dumb ass shit on TV. I stand by my thoughts that the deranged postings above are narcissistic, accusatory and hypocritical. If they don't want to post, then don't, I nor many others in here I imagine, will lose any sleep over it.

    5. @Dumblesnore

      Thank you. I’m glad you’ve mostly enjoyed my posts.

      I respect your point of view re: the tone of the Himmmms’ rant. It did come across as condescending, among other adjectives which don’t reflect well on themmmm.


      The point of view I’m coming from is one of, er, forensic linguistics, I guess, and trying to remember that everyone behind every post is just a person. Wealthy or poor, conservative or liberal, eloquent or “points for trying, eh?”

      That rant from an account otherwise known to be eloquent came across to me as regrettably unfiltered in its impassioned tone. It’s not the first post like that I’ve read from otherwise reasonable people and I doubt it’ll be the last. I try to take a deep breath on those and consider the core issue or upsetting topic while trying to set aside the hyperbolic flourishes.

      It’s not always possible for someone in a highly emotionally charged situation to “get a grip.” This is in no way bashing you or your opinion on the topic. I’m just trying to explain my reasoning for why get a grip seemed like a not so helpful response.

      Having said THAT, I also recognize how hard it is not to respond to a post that comes across so arrogantly superior in so many places, whether intended or not, with justified offense.

      I do a lot of reading and posting here when I’m trying to sleep or can’t sleep, too. Glad I’m not the only one.

  41. I don't care who Enty, Gunman, Mr. X, and Mr. Hedge are. I'm tired if people saying they should call the cops. For all we know, this has been done but no justice was served. These blinds is their way to get some justice for others.

  42. Anonymous6:24 PM

    If the Himmmmms stop posting, they’ll have to change the name of the site to lol.

  43. Long reader, sometimes commenter...I was away for the weekend so I missed all this but just caught up and wondered if Tricia was getting trolled :(

    Hoping everything is ok.

  44. You’re welcome :) Sorry to everyone for my going o/t and interrupting this blind.

    Hoping Tricia is ok too, she’s certainly had more than her fair share of stalkers and trolls on here.

    Goodnight all (nearly 2.30am in my part of the world!) No more spamming from me tonight! ;)

  45. Dear Enty and Himmmmms, I love you guys and pray that you stay. I am one who takes the secrets you reveal and share them online, helping these children the best I can.I have probably only commented once or twice, especially not lately because there were some very odd posters running up the boards, but I read. I pop over a few times every day. Your work is not unappreciated, nor is it unnecessary. Au contraire, you guys know how important what you do is. You ARE making a difference, and you will see it plainly one day soon if you guys just hang in there. I'm sorry for whatever happened, that people were put at risk and you guys have to foot the bill, because commenters want to put on a show and impress people online, who if they met IRL they wouldn't even want to know. But hopefully the chastisement you gave them will be enough. I just feel bad for you guys. This is a damn shame. A damn shame. To commenters, shut your pie holes and keep comments focused on the blinds!! Way too much me time being posted... we don't care who thinks who is an awesome guesser! This is about the BLINDS, not YOU GUYS!!!

    1. ... and nobody cares what you pray for, nor did anybody ask 4 ur advice

    2. And nobody cares what u think JF

  46. To the Himmmms and Enty, this is exactly what I feared would happen. I could not understand why people were obsessed on this particular blind, to uncover the author. There are a couple of comments that seem only to exist to "win". I suspect there will be comments here that will continue this. Good luck and stay safe.

  47. I hate it when people try to guess the himmmm's...they don't bother to read the comments that say it is verboten.The scariest thing he said was that we who comment are only 1% of the readers here. I don't like the anonymity...always post as myself...I wonder if others would make such careless guesses under their real names. smdh.

  48. Long time reader, first time commenting. I enjoy and respect CDAN, and would hate to see it go, but agree none of this is worth innocent people getting hurt. Hope things start looking up soon. Thank you for all you do CDAN.

  49. Say safe Enty, Himmms, and anyone else being targeted. If someone stopped posting out of fear I hope they are able to contact someone here to let us know they are safe.

  50. Last thoughts... Enty & Himmmms are right! Some of you have no idea what this website is really doing; it is way more than celebrity gossip. Some of us come here for very specific purposes that have nothing to do with gossip banter. So we weed through reams of bs comments, alot of them very unkind and unnecessary, to glean what has recently become less and less wheat in a whole bunch of chaff! If you don't have eyes to see what is going on, if you don't have ears to hear what I'm saying to you, then just sit the eff down. If this website closes right now it will be a tragedy. When crazy people, trolls and shills show up everyone needs to IGNORE THEM, NOT ENGAGE THEM!! And remember what Enty & Himmmms said, they are doing alot more than gossip. They are giving us pieces of themselves that they can never get back. Pieces of their hearts, pieces of their souls. There is a reason why. Even if you don't understand it, you should honor it. They are probably some of the bravest souls I've ever seen. I am eternally thankful. Thank you, Enty & Himmms. Peace and love be upon you, and everyone you hold dear. Be well. Please stay. The End

    1. Exactly right. Many of us are here because we KNOW way more is going on behind the scenes & we support anyone who is exposing what has been hidden for so long. I get it that people want to figure out who all the players are. I did figure out one of the 4 based on the Crow blind, but it made me even more protective of the HIMMMMS because they have wayyyyy more at stake in this than we do.
      So thank you, Enty & HIMMMMS. We love you & have massive respect for all you do. Thank you for letting us be a part of it.

  51. Jesus Sal, wow I had no idea - thanks for putting those up!

  52. Welcome to the internet.

  53. Wow! I was not aware of any of this! I think I have been following CDAN for almost a year. You're right. Based on the comments sections, I might know who some of you are. No worries about me doxxing you. None of us would want our identities out there. I understand if you have to end the site. Thank you for helping shed light on the pedos.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I have always been pretty polite to everyone I have encountered and always try to be kind. What I have to say is honest. There are unstable and mentally ill people all over the world. I’m sure a lot of us have known that personally. Before he died, my brother made my life a living hell. You (all) are blessed that you have the tens of thousands of dollars and access to the FBI to protect yourselves. Not all of us are that fortunate.

  57. I started reading right after the Weinstein thing broke and I read an article about cdan. It is fascinating. I have noticed that since the end of October, some comments have become increasingly hostile, petty & vicious. Some are downright frightening. It's like a group of trolls descended like an invasive species within a month....then had baby trolls. All the old timers have commented about it repeatedly. I have wondered where Tricia is too. I know there are some folks with multiple accounts who've popped up to harrass her strictly out of jealousy. Geez! Just cuz someone got up earlier than you and posted sooner doesn't mean you didn't know the answer too. I love it when everyone on here works together and pieces a puzzle together. I've hated seeing so many threads devolve into hate filled screeds screeds. So many are posted specifically comments for shock value. I agree with @needtoknow that it is best not to add fuel to their fires. They'll go away if no one feeds them. It's difficult not to engage though.....I love a good troll smackdown. but I think the upset they cause arouses them.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Guys you have all been duped buy a guy named Talley Griffith. He lives in Stuart VA. Half of the commenters in this thread are his alternate accounts, such as Sal.
    Did any of you actually read his long rant? Does that seem like a rational human being? Does that seem like someone Robert Downey Jr would be secretly posting messages with? There is no way that the genius who created one of the best movies of all time (Boogie Nights) is posting cryptic messages about pedophiles and cults on a poorly designed blog.
    You see Talley wanted to make it big, he tried but it didn’t work out....
    At some point in or around 2006 Talley created Himmmm. He started throwing around these crazy accusations in the comments of CDAN. It had the desired effect and people started to notice. There was much speculation about who was Enty and especially who was himmmm and Talley loved it. Even if it was his alternate personality, a fabricated identity built on fabrications, he finally felt famous. But this is the Internet, he got sloppy. He was private messaging young ladies and using his new found “celebrity” to get these young ladies to send him dirty pictures. He left many clues and some sleuthing individuals figured out who he was so Tally disappeared for awhile.
    Well Tonya, Oops I mean Enty was seeing his traffic slip and in turn so was his profits (hardly a living). I think they thought most people would forget, and to be honest I’m surprised no one else has brought this up because there is plenty of evidence if you look.
    So Friday I activated a twitter account and simply asked him why he does this. Surely there must be other things he could write about. He is accusing people of things that goes beyond celerity gossip. If this were true and he cared so much surely with all his fbi connections and celebrity status someone would listen. I just want to be clear, no one threatened him, I don’t own a gun, I don’t view hate sites; Im not a right winger. I would be happy to screen shot my question and his 2500 word crazy man rant of a reply. I assure you I wish this guy no physical harm, but I do think it’s time for Tally to come clean before one of you real sickos on here decides to be a vigilanti and take out Steven Speilberg or something.
    Look at his twitter account and his post about his private jet. He contradicts himself and says pilot is a woman multiple times but then refers to her as a he. Also, image search the images in that post. He did not take those pictures. That’s a Saudi jet.
    Don’t be sheep. Think about it....does it really make sense that these celebrities sit around online half the day posting on CDAN and twitter?
    Delete the twitter Talley and scrub your comments of I will be contacting some reps for certain celebrities that might actually sue you.

    1. So, what’s the verdict? Did you call the reps? Read up on your “outing” it’s been a thing since 2012. I have to agree that it’s definitely a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Especially when the only blind in the story is the author.

  59. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Back to thread: Daytime Emmy producer host has to be Brandon McMillan? Was there with his preggo gf but known womanizer?

  60. I read that long rant. Untold internet irony meters exploded on that one. if someone didnt get hacked, they should say they were.

  61. Some advice to the mods. From someone who has been doing this a long long time. Make any guessing of any of the writers a blockable offense and delete the comments.

    I see there are two trolls posting here. Both either directly or indirectly working for or supporting the perps that are being outed. They should be blocked too.

    A simple flagging scheme should allows the vast majority of us who appreciate your hard work to help you weed out these people. Add a flag button at the bottom of each comment which will allow us to help you moderate comments that abuse the site. Anyone abusing the flagging should also be blocked. New fake accounts are easy to gate.

    As someone who knows how the bigger game is played I really really appreciate all the good work you guys are doing. It has been a very serious part of the research I have had to do before moving on a predator who has groomed and raped vulnerable teenagers for decades and although an industry noname has connections / very good friends that most certainly are names and who overlap with a number of the names of perps that have popped up here. Names all of you will be familiar with. I need to know as much as possible of who knows who, who is likely to help, etc and work out the best way of dealing with likely the response for if / when it goes to the local prosecutors office.

    To those idiot posters who keep going on about why not give to law enforcement the info alluded to here by the the blind authors - you dont have a f*cking clue. Not a clue. These are really nasty cases. And its a lose lose situation for anyone trying to help the victims. Even more so than domestic violence cases. It a huge world of hurt for everyone involved. So you move very slowly and very carefully, trying to get the current victim out of harms way, and then work out the best way of neutralizing the predator. The best solution to the situation is usually not jail but the perps suicide. That solves the problem. Once and for all.

    So Enty and the HIMMMMS keep it up. If nothing else you will have helped to put at least one predator out of circulation. And to protector yourself with the minimum amount of work add a flagging scheme to comments. With a proper setup it should remove all problem comments with only a quick scan once or twice a day of flagged comments as maintenance.

    I think I speak for most of us here in that we would gladly do our bit by flagging malicious comments to keep you guys safe and secure and to keep this very valuable site going.

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      It’s an unmoderated blog

  62. Umm...Tallywhacker? Wtf! I don’t know who YOU are but I sure as hell know that I’m genuine! I haven’t got the foggiest what or who you’re ranting about with alternate accounts. I’ve been a lurker here for years and comment occasionally, I read Stranger Things Have Happened late and saw the Himmmm’s statement. I copy and pasted it here. The end. Anyone can go back to that thread and read it for themselves. Please stop throwing around false accusations and BS.

  63. We are all HIMMM.

  64. The bread and butter of this site is playing with other people's lives. The nature of being left to guess the bad guy and not being direct allows for the fucking up of many potentially innocent lives....and now they are shocked it was turned back on the accusers? You think people are just going to sit back while it is speculated they have done horrible things, have their lives sent down the path to ruin and there is no consequence? You think the truly guilty aren't sitting guessing about the Himmms the same way? For every 1 person publicly guessing in the thread, you have a thousand sitting at home coming up with the same guesses. The only way to stop the unstable is to stop the blinds, you can't be so shortsighted as to not understand that.

  65. Man, I have been doing a ton of traveling over the last cpl weeks and missed over a week of CDaN blinds. I was stressed about missing them but convinced myself that the world will continue without my studying daily blinds. But I was right to be stressed. Geez I missed the stuff going on. From now on, if it takes me until 2:30 in the morning to get through the daily blinds...

  66. Sign, right? I was in the hospital for two days last week (no biggie, just concussion/eye injury) and when I got out I stayed off all electronics to rest my eyes. Caught all up yesterday and realized I missed a ton of stuff in just a short week.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. I follow a simple rule: your site, your rules. So I don't have a problem with not identifying the writers here.

    But regarding the recent 10-parter, I'm not sure what else could have happened. The main characters were guessed on part 1, leaving the author as the only mystery. He included many personal details that couldn't help to identify the others in the blind, but only himself. Honestly, I thought he wanted us to guess him, or at least was okay with it. I'd think anyone in the industry who was familiar with the situation would immediately know who he is, and therefore know he's involved in this site and everything that implies.

    I appreciate the desire to tell the story, and it was very well written. I'd say maybe it should have been posted somewhere else, or not posted at all, but naturally he wanted to share it with people who would appreciate it. Sometimes the Internet just sucks and there aren't good answers.

  69. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Wow, the Crazies have showed up in full force today

  70. I believe CDAN is doing a great service. Exposing Hollywood monsters that have been destroying lives for years - of course the monsters don't like it. Please do it anyway.

    As for those outed, messing around, drug abusers, etc., don't go into a public industry and expect your private life to be private. Hell, you can't work at Cracker Barrel without being outed/discovered - you think you can be a Hollywood/Music star?

  71. I didn't read the comments for those H blinds (although I enjoyed them all). I keep thinking of grade school when some kid would steal the teacher's chalk, or draw dirty pictures on the wall with crayons, and it would be like: one or two of you are ruining it for everyone. So, it turns out, even the cynics were wrong. Life isn't like high school, or even middle school. Life is like grade school, but without recess.

  72. I can't believe don't have more meaningful things to so with their lives. Sad.

  73. Eh, I didn't come to CDAN for the Himmmm's, but I appreciate their posts and respect their desire not to have their identities publicly discussed. It's pretty obvious those posts came from an emotional place, I'd be pissed off too.

    I wonder who the six profiles were, I've noticed many names no longer popping up.

    1. @Brayson

      I’m glad I’m not the only one wondering who the six are!

  74. @SaintPat


    Blaming posters here for the behavior of a stalker is fucking vile. The Hmmm Dudes need to get over themselves. If they don't want people guessing, to treat them as sacred objects, then they can start their own cult.

    In fact, we only have their word that this disabled military vet, with a young daughter naturally, was stalked or harassed, or that their influence brought the calvary in to save this vet. Yeah, again, those Hmmm Dudes are A-MAZ-ing.


    "Some of you have no idea what this website is really doing; it is way more than celebrity gossip. "

    That's certainly what the Hmmm Dudes, Mr. Hedge, Enty and the Enterns would have you think. Nice protection fantasy they've built for themselves.


    Interesting and plausible. Paul Thomas Anderson and RDJ certainly would NOT be posting here, for any reason. That many believe otherwise is only another sad sign that PT Barnum had it right.


    "no one seems really bothered by the overt sense of superiority in the Himmm's post, and that everyone is cool being talked down to in such a matter."

    Not bothered by it, because the Hmmm Dudes certainly aren't superior and can't talk down to Moi, but noted.

    Also noted, how easily everyone accepts the blame and responsibility for the actions of one stalker. Of course, the Hmmm Dudes spent a mountain of words up there convincing the readers that this was the case.

    I ain't eating that bullshit.

    @M E

    "he nature of being left to guess the bad guy and not being direct allows for the fucking up of many potentially innocent lives....and now they are shocked it was turned back on the accusers? "

    Thank-you too! What the fuck did the Hmmm Dudes expect, in other words? Everyone is going to treat them like sacred cows?

  75. Lord, this is all getting super dramatic. :-|

  76. I got two cents I'd like to add:
    1. Dear Himmms, don't threaten to leave, just DO IT. If your mission to entertain the masses is not accomplished or has been subverted, just drop it. You look childish and whiny.
    3. This whole website has gone to crap in its weird pursuit of alleged pedophiles, cults or rings. I think most of the content is bullshit. Take for example the blind revealed as Avicii. Poor guy killed himself, yet this asshole Enty had to make up a conspiracy with pedophiles etc.

    To the person called Lynn Tarot: are you kidding me? Is that what you're thinking of this site: public service? This is slander pure and simple. Not harmless gossip, just vile disgusting slander

  77. I come here to read blinds and reveals. Now I just go to the DM because it's the same crap written here. I have commented twice. Once at a guess and once on a blind about Calvin Klein. Here is the problem with the HIMMMM blinds. First of all the stories are deplorable. Of course we are going to try and guess who the people are in the blinds. I could care less who writes them, but yea, there is a risk that someone may guess who the author is. So basically, we can guess who the awful people they are writing about, but now who the author/s are? Being threatened is 100% no bueno! The authors of these HIMMMM blinds are more concerned about being outed rather than being concerned about the horrible things that happened to the people that are the subject of their blinds. Why? Are they lies and now they are being outed. Are people starting to know who the subjects of their blinds are and they are getting pissed off? IDK. I also don't care. I never read the HIMMMM blinds because they are too long and sound like total fiction. Also, this is the internet. You are going to get trolled by the trolls, it's how it goes. It is total and complete slander if not true and total complete crap that the authors think they deserve to stay anonymous. You are putting yourself out there. You are asking for mentally unstable people to react as well as us "normal" folk who just want to read it. Complete trash. Absolute entitlement.If those stories in the HIMMMM blinds are true and they are witness to some of the disgusting things they write about, why did they not do anything about it? Yall need to calm down. It comes with the territory. Deal with it or stop writing them.

  78. Anonymous10:58 AM

    4chan strikes again.

    That site needs to be nuked from orbit, just to make sure. I used to consider them a good service to humanity, for attracting and isolating the whackjobs and asshole trolls onto one site, and containing them there, but the last couple of years has seen them decide they're internet detectives and some sort of deranged social justice warriors...demented, sad, scary social justice warriors, who have some severely mentally and emotionally impaired posters among them. This happened with the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, with their nonsense leading to someone going to a pizza restaurant with a gun.

    When Dan Schneider's fall came out, I peeked over there, and yep, they were taking credit for it. Half of them seem to be just antisocial assholes who encourage the more insane among them to take their crap offsite, and they latch onto sites like this one, especially unmoderated forums like this. The other half seem to be people with severe personality disorders and mental/emotional issues.

    So, I'm not surprised that the lunatics and assholes there are latched onto revealing people here, because that's what they do - ruin it for everyone, because it's funny to them to be the biggest asshole, or they're insane/borderline.

    I've noticed certain posters are suddenly gone, and it wouldn't surprise me if they're related to what the Hmmmms posted about. I've seen this before - when 4chan shows up, this is usually what follows. I'm seeing some comments in this thread that are blatantly from people from 4chan, doing what they do best, being huge gaping internet assholes.

  79. For the record. My full name is Vera Cruz. I could care less if you know who I am cause I'm just a reader of the blinds. Also - with all of your FBI hookups "FBI and the State Police CID in a certain state. We have a team of 4 former federal agents and A.U.S.A.s working for us." Why don't you all just send the FBI to the people you claim have done such horrible things you witnessed. What in holy hell did you expect was going to happen when you wrote those HIMMMM blinds? Who thought this was a good idea? What happened to the fun short blinds and fun reveals? Such high drama! I hope everything is better now and the people/person threatened gets some peace and is left alone - but you HAD TO KNOW this was going to happen. Honestly.

  80. What is interesting is that all the most negative comments seem to come from people who have no direct personal experience with the various parts of the biz, movie, tv stage, music, etc They are just no nothing outsiders, gossip rubber neckers or worst of all, "fans" whose sum total of knowledge of how the biz works is what they read /see in the various media outlets. Kneepad dross. Basically zero information people. Plus we have the various shills and trolls working for the various perps and low lifes that pop up in blinds.

    But the people with direct experience of the various parts of the biz all nod knowingly as nasty blind follows nasty blind. We all have our own stories to add to the ones we had heard of before they were mentioned here.

    There are always good people in the various parts of the biz but on the whole its a zero morality cesspit where the small minority who commit unspeakably horrible crimes get away with it because of the passive collusion of the majority. And then we have the f*cking fans. I have no problem with the general audiences but over the decades I've become increasing contemptuous of the 5%/10% who are fans. Fanatics. Very high maintenance, not worth the time given the low income return on time, usually with personality problems, and who seem to congregate with extra vigor around some of the more odious names in the business. And are vicious in defending their idols no matter how despicable their idols crimes are. Even after proven in a court of law.

    I can understand why people in the biz look the other way when terrible things happen. Because any "brave" decision, a decision made on moral principles, is normally a career ending one. But fans are in many ways the single biggest facilitators of the predators and scumsbags who do so much harm. Because its fans who make it so there are rarely any downsides to doing these terrible things. No consequences. Groom and rape children. To fans this does not seem to matter. Remember that the next time you hear someone praise a Roman Polanski or Woody Allen film. That person is just as much a facilitator of child rape as the film company execs trying to defend revenue streams and valuable i.p.

    Have the wrong political opinions, like DW Griffith or Leni Rosenthal, and you are excised from history. Groom and rape children and you get a standing ovation at the Oscars and the Cannes Film Festival. With the fans baying the loudest.

    Thats the way the real world works.

  81. Sorry got the numbering wrong:
    HIMMMS, if you don't want people to guess your blinds, don't post them anymore. And for Pete's sake, take responsibility for your own crap. If someone does get hurt because of your insinuations, you're responsible, not some poor deluded nutjob who takes your bullshit seriously. I think the Himms got threatened with litigation and they are scrambling now. Serves you right

  82. "Remember that the next time you hear someone praise a Roman Polanski or Woody Allen film. That person is just as much a facilitator of child rape as the film company execs trying to defend revenue streams and valuable i.p. "

    Hogwash. Enjoying a movie is NOT the same as rape of child abuse. What, not enough child rapists around for you to condemn? Gotta lash out at others now who might offend you with their viewing choices?

    Screw you. I'm going to love The Pianist no matter what and consider it ours now, not Polanski's, to enjoy. He lost all connection to it after it was released. Same with Woody Allen or any other director. Leni Riefenstahl you mean? Yeah, a propagandist for sure but have you seen her films? No other woman has been so influential on the composition of the moving form in cinema. So, are you going to call out all the directors who have used her techniques as well?

    If Polanski or Woody Allen ultimately end up vilified or incarcerated, I'm okay with that. But I'm not going to be denied the enjoyment of their work.

  83. Hey Talleywhacker, the big question is though are you a fascist/left winger?

    This whole site is for entertainment value only.

  84. Kind of the same with Michael Jackson. If it had been proven that he was indeed a pedophile, would his music still be as iconic?

  85. Yes it would. The Italian writer Elena Durante refuses to reveal her identity or give interviews. Her reasoning is simple - her writing belongs to the public now and she has no connection with it after publication. Ultimately, artists become inconsequential after their works are released except as a convenient heading. Worshipping any of them is stupid as is shaming anyone for enjoying their product whomever they are.

    Is that the correct use of whomever?

    1. @plot, sadly, it is not correct. But kudos for your attention to detail.

  86. The Himmmmms thing is just one long con.Remember all the Satanic Panic conspiracies, the Franklin S&L conspiracies, Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set? Complete bullshit. As is Pizzagate, Chemtrails, Samsquanch, the Shroud of Turin, Freemason conspiracies, Luciferian rights at Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones shenanigans, the Clinton Body count conspiracy, and the idea that every male celebrity (except for your personal favorite) is in the closet.

    So many of these conspiracies are all variations of older conspiracies. The paedophile ring/Satan conspiracy is just a reformulated Blood Libel conspiracy with Hollywood people substituted as a euphemism for Jews. Before you know it, we'll be told that Bryan Singer made Matzoh from the blood of sacrificed Goyische twinks. I don't dispute that he probably drugged and raped them, but let's not take it too far afield lest we ruin people's lives based on irrational age-old fears

    I'll concede that there is probably some hanky panky in Hollywood, there always has been, but power and money seem to encourage humans to accede to their most debauche wishes no matter their vocation.

    Of course, the true believers will tell me that I'm a Sheep and that I need to take the red pill or whatever.

    1. @Poppymann, you're the true believer.

  87. the thing I dont get about the Hmmm thing, is that the blind in question was a story about their spouse and the spouses brother. If you make your wife and brother in law the subjects of a blind, and ask people to guess them, you kind of cant get angry if people are guessing who you are, its not that hard with wikipedia and such .

  88. @eff whatever
    No political leanings really...they are all the same aren’t they? I’m a middle aged business owner that with a mental disorder of sorts. I tend to be a bit obsessive about things. I got here like a lot of people, I read somewhere that Robert Downery Jr was posting on some blog. I couldn’t believe it from the start, especially when I read the posts he was putting out there. I’ll be honest, for about a day or two I thought maybe he really was RDJ, but my obsession kicked in and I started digging. I found out who Himmmm really is decided to ask him in private about it. You guys have all seen the rest. He went fucking nuts. He started bring up stalkers and vets and kids. That’s all bullshit. He knows he’s caught. Think about what he is doing....he is basically accusing people of the worst acts you can commit to another human being with no proof. I might be a little crazy but I assure you there is a real nut job on here reading this shit that is going to hurt someone. That’s not right. Everything he posts is a lie. He tried to become a cop and they wouldn’t have him so he started a blog just to bad mouth his local police department. If you read back on the comments today you can see who his alts are. He has a writing style that is distinct. Stop being sheep and realize you were duped. Copy his images from his twitter and paste them in a reverse image search and you will see that the pictures he claims are of his key are old pictures that have appeared on other sites as well.
    Talley, you have until midnight to close your twitter page of I am going to forward all this information to a friend of mine in the legal department of CAA and see what they think of you posting this garbage about their clients. You know how to reach me if you have something to say....

  89. "they are all the same aren’t they?"

    No they are not.

    But do what happens in the Talley vein when it all comes to a head.

  90. @plot, the scary part happens when worship turns into obsession. Look at what happened to John Lennon, Rebecca Schaeffer, Selena, etc. There are many, many unstable people out there, and even in here. People laugh off some of the comments or scroll past them, but when you see the same person with multiple personalities continue the same tirades it gets not only tired but cringe-worthy.
    I am not sure what is going on with the Himmmms and Enty but maybe it is more than they are letting on. I had mentioned a while back about a poster who actually confessed to a murder. The old timers knew exactly who I was speaking about. It was probably about eight years ago that he had been posting. There was a woman who claimed to have been (I think) an ex-wife of Enty's and was out to sabotage him. Her name will come to me later on. I don't blame people for being concerned.

  91. @plot

    You are very much part of the problem.

    If this was a Jerry Bruckheimer or his ilk who make blowing up lots of shit blockbuster movies we were talking about then their private life is pretty irreverent to their work. But as both Polanski and Allen are very much of the auteur school of directing they make a claim to a great moral authority in their works. And it precisely because they make this claim of moral authority that their despicable private life is very relevant. Their artistic statements goes way beyond hypocrisy and makes them into perverts in the truest sense of the word. Their private acts not only undercuts the authority of their works but utterly invalidates their works. Makes them worthless.

    It may be not be quite so obvious from US anglophone media appearances but having watched both of them on the French media, especially during Cannes week, I have nothing but contempt for their complete personal depravity and utter artistic bankruptcy. Especially the way Allen has become such a media whore. A complete reversal of everything he said in the previous 30 years.

    As for Riefenstahl. The greatest women director and one of the greatest directors ever. She invented large chunks of the film grammar of so many genres. But instead we get Eisenstein glorified. A second rate hack with third rate ideas but with the right politics. Then we have DW Griffith, the guy who invented modern films. So many embarrassments at so many levels. All political. For a start we have the fact that most pro KKK president ever had a White House Premier for Birth of a Nation. And he was a Democrat. Good old Woodrow Wilson. An even worse president than James Buchanan.

    As I said, if it were not for those 5%/10% who single themselves out as hardcore fans the biz would be a far far less morally bankrupt place. Because then their would be consequences. Just like everywhere else.

  92. @lutefisk

    I was here 8 years ago, believe it or not, probably not posting much though. I tend to back away from people making personal revelations on anonymous boards so that poster was probably skipped.

    It's not the concern that is insulting. There are loonies all over the internet, people out to do horrible things. This has been true since the Usenet days, and believe you me, in the early Bush1 years there were many instances where online activity bled out into the real world.

    What is insulting is that everyone else should be blamed for the activity of stalkers and 4chan (probably.) The blame I put on Enty and Hmmmm Dudes is that they drew in this crowd, deliberately, and then blame us Disqus folks for the aberrant behavior.

    Yes, there is some scary escalation of concerning behavior on here lately. When the site accuses so many celebrities of murder, child abuse, rape, brutality and incest, ultimately that is going to attract the kind of people who will take it all very seriously or entertain themselves by contributing to others taking it seriously. But that is not me, and it's not you, and it's not even most of the fun posters here. The broad stroke condemnation by Hmmm is too much.

  93. @MusicDSPGuy

    Eisenstein wasn't a hack.

    So you have no problem with those who laud Riefenstahl and imitate her even though she was a good Nazi. Good, neither do I.

    "both Polanski and Allen are very much of the auteur school "

    So? When they are done with a film, they are done. We take over. It becomes ours, not theirs.

    "they make a claim to a great moral authority in their works."

    Um, no. I don't know a single auteur who claims any sort of moral authority at all. Bergman comes close but that is far more philosophical authority.

    It still doesn't matter. Caravaggio was a horrible person all around, murderer and probably a rapist. We have his works. He's long dead. Wagner was a racist shithead. Doesn't matter. He's dead. The works all live now solely for us. Even if the the author of a work is alive, he no longer controls his works once they are published. They are all ours to hash over, admire, hate, whatever. His part is finished.

    "I have nothing but contempt for their complete personal depravity and utter artistic bankruptcy"

    Then don't watch their interviews, since nothing they say matters anyway. If you want to feel some delicious Outrage!, though, that's all on you.

  94. @Han

    All of the above.

    Love and light to you, too. Your posts are of great import around here.

    1. @plot Thank you. I try to be a usefully contributing member wherever I go. :) And yes, you used whomever correctly.

      I’m still thinking about the auteur/moral authority thing. The closest I can think of would be authors like Mercedes Lackey and Anne Rice who go nuclear on fan fiction featuring their characters because only their works will ever get them right and seeing them portrayed otherwise is an offront. Or something. Not that that topic has been discussed to death or anything.

      On the main topic dujour, I just wish more people would remember there are humans behind the keyboards, whoever they are, and that ideological disagreements are not the beginning, middle, and end of who a person is. And a person with a differing political view is not a bad person out to destroy the world.

  95. @plot, I comment each time Enty/CDaN gets ANY publicity that the nuts come running to see what's going on here. Some stay, some leave, many bring their psychotic multiple personalities with them.
    Most of the original readers no longer comment, but still read the posts. I took a few years off from commenting because I found the commenters who took over at the time were just too much for me.
    I agree that we should not all be thrown into the same pot. Enty does not often read the comments but he does have a grasp on who is posting. By the way, Himmm/Himmmms had been commenting way back in the beginning, then kind of vanished until a few years ago. I think if we all stop engaging the trolls and stop chuckling at their comments perhaps they will lose interest and find another bridge to crawl under.

  96. @HH314
    " I think the Himms got threatened with litigation and they are scrambling now. Serves you right"

    I am speculating the same thing. That rant was a classic blame-shift of epic hypocricy. But the salacious blinds that produce 'wrong guesses' still continue where I would have thought legal self-protection might have changed that. It didn't.
    Maybe changing things is like an admission of guilt so they double down on the free "maybe/maybe not fictional" speech? Maybe it was just that one series of posts?
    I guess it's wait and see if all the posts disappear or things turn 'fluffy' for a while or we hear of actual litigation. It certainly won't be any fault of the readers/commenters!!

    *I am here because I like puzzles, not gossip in particular. This puzzle the last few days is one with too many missing pieces for me.
    It's definitely fishy.

  97. @Plot

    "Even if the the author of a work is alive, he no longer controls his works once they are published. They are all ours to hash over, admire, hate, whatever. His part is finished."

    ....except The CREATOR receives $$$ every time you buy/stream a polanski/woody Allen flick.

    And that $$$ allows them to continue their depravity. Positive public perception allows them to keep getting deals despite their UNPUNISHED CRIMES

    I'll concede your point about after death...But if we ever want justice during an "auteur's" life, we have to recognize that it is the public's consumption of their "art" that allows them to live their criminal lifestyle...

  98. @plot

    What about authors in the midst of a series? Like George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones. He's published many books in a series, subsequent books modify the original work. So he still does control his work to some degree. Until it's completed @least

    Or those that modify public perception after they finish a series (ie: JK Rowling's statement that she intended Dumbledore to be gay)

    That isn't to say the public can't interpret things differently from an author (Ray Bradbury intended Fahrenheit 451 as an indictment of tv, but It's widely viewed as re: censorship).

    But its kinda obvious that living authors/creators dont totally lose control of their work/relinquish intellectual property once it's published.

  99. @Talleywhacker
    I would be happy to screen shot my question and his 2500 word crazy man rant of a reply.

    I would very much like to see your screen shot. Hopefully you'll see this. I believe there are a number of Himmmm's tweets missing. TIA

  100. Wow. That escalated quickly! :)

    I have know idea what @Talleywhacker has against his target. There seems to be a deep grudge of some sort.

    What really confuses me is why do all these naysayer-posters even come to this blog site and read it? if you hate it and disrespect it so much, just spend your time and energy on a different website.

    I'm not shilling for anyone, I just tend to avoid websites that I don't like and only go on websites I like. Why don't all of you who hate this site just leave and enjoy your life?

    1. @cowbell

      I’d guess they stay either because they feel a “moral duty” or they’re 4chan-like trolls who gain pleasure in causing others unhappiness. Just based on the type of posts from the hate-posters.

  101. Everything talleywacker wrote is the truth. TG has posted here since the site went online. When he started playing up that he was RDJ it got alot of attention and people started digging. A long time poster who knew his identity spilled the beans and he went away for awhile. This was about 5 years ago. Enty sold the site shortly after all the PR from mainstream press reporting RDJ might be posting here. The redesign and new tone of the blinds caused a mass exodus of original readers. Site goes back to original layout and Himmmm returns to a new audience. Some original readers/posters also returned. Those that know the truth decided to clue you all in. On his Twitter Himmmm was bragging about the oral skills of a Grammy winning singer, being friends with Syd Barrett, having a close relationship with Dorothy Stratten, winning James Hetfield's car in a bet, etc. And that's just what I saw in as many posts. TG is a habitual liar who's fantasies involve real people. Think of the stuff he's said repeatedly about Chris Cornell's wife, etc. Not to mention the time he posted an actresses phone number in the comments section. His game has gone on long enough. He needs to stop before he gets in real trouble.

  102. TallyW, I'm 100% with you, (I remember that original sleuthing way back when and it all jived and did lead to that guy - I picture car racing involved or something of the like) however, I didn't think the original guy had come back to reclaim the name. I just thought it was a new creative hired writer, using the same name (for the new group that possibly bought out the original Enty - or so it seemed at the time) with yes, some Hollywood inside knowledge thru some means to make some nice fan fiction or (insider) fan fiction that we would all enjoy. Not altogether made up. Shit.... I worked on 6 features (behind the scenes) back in the early 00's and I know enough to write some stories that would ring true and be verified but I'm nobody. Anyhow, I'm really disappointed this person (himmmm) had to pull this sanctimonious tongue lashing over-the-top stabby rant...regardless of the truth. The point could have been made with a lot more class and tact and realization that they are every bit a part of the problem and VERY hypocritical. However, having said that...guessing people doesn't kill people...cray cray people kill people. Nobody forced cray cray dude to do any stalking. If you don't like the ramifications of getting bit......don't feed the INNOCENT animals and please don't yell at innocent people when you do get bit. Especially when they are doing what comes natural on this site every f'n day ffs.

    1. @wahoowifey

      Your well-written response made me realize my initial reaction to @Himmmm’s impassioned posts was feeling like an innocent dog who had been kicked for no reason at all.

      I suspect the goal was to make the perp/s feel guilty but the majority feeling seems more like a bunch of dogs at the dog park all looking at That Guy in hurt confusion and a bit of wariness. That Guy May have been bitten, but WE didn’t do it, and kicking at us and shouting “bad dog!” while we’re just chasing each other around, chewing clues, barking up trees, and playing tug of war isn’t going to chastise the dog who bit him. It’s just going to make the rest of us approach a formerly friendly figure more warily, if at all.

      If you don’t like dogs, don’t hang out in dog parks. And if you don’t like people guessing at clues, a BI site might be the wrong hangout for you.

      Then again, That Guy could always realize he was having an epic bad day and come back with a frisbee or tennis ball and eventually it all smooths over and everyone goes back to having a good time. (Butt sniffing and humping legs included for Count).

  103. If these hmmmmmm people are so connected with the FBI and law enforcement then take your pedophile acvusations to them and not here. Claiming you have all these powerful connections can blow pedophile rings to shreds. Look what one porn star is doing to the President.
    For Enty and the hmmmmmmms to post stories on the internet and not go to the police makes them enablers and accomplinces.

  104. @ Han Naim - I almost included "slap on the nose with a newspaper" in my comment somewhere I swear.....but you nailed it too!

  105. @LucidDreams

    One detail that makes the whole Hmmmm Dudes universe crumble, for me, are the details in the screed above about their relationship with the FBI and it's technicians. Sorry Dudes, but no matter how rich, powerful and connected you are, it is NOT the FBI's job to fill you in on any details of an investigation. In fact, it is their job to keep anyone involved away from the investigation. The FBI will NEVER use evidence collected by independent sources, they back it up themselves first...which takes months or years.

    No citizen has the abilities to intrude on FBI investigations the way the Hmmmm Dude is claiming in his rant. The FBI is NOT at the beck and call of these Hmmm Dudes and answer to them in any way that would disclose the information Hmmm claims to know in his rant.

    So, if people still want to believe that the Hmmm Dudes are Paul Thomas Anderson, Kiefer Sutherland, Robert Downey Junior or any other Hollywood figure who likes nights of drunken bacchanal where women pee themselves or vomit, go right ahead. Just realize that the Hmmm Dudes have printed things that would genuinely hurt people, really hurt them personally, no matter if they are celebs or not. Would Anderson, Sutherland or Downey do that? On a gossip board? Hurt their friends and the women they hook up with through tales of humiliation?

    Simple request - don't blame those of us doubting this whole farrago. We won't take your Hmmm away from you.

    1. @Plot not to mention that this stalker madness was wrapped up nice and neat in a little package in 48 hours. How convenient! That was fast work. So, our very busy FBI jumped right on an Internet threat (because there are millions of those made a day) and they also caught the guy in less than a week? Yea, I highly doubt that. Only fools who expect everything to be solved by the end of the episode would believe that. I have trouble even believing the FBI would get involved and put man power into this other than maybe taking a report (if that), let alone putting some task force on it. The whole story reeks of a some drug addict’s delusional thinking. The story ends with the Himmms coming to the rescue of a vet and his daughter. Yay, the glorious, perfect Himmms save the day once again! How sweet! They are so amazing and patriotic to boot. They should get a Presidential Medal of Honor! GMAFB with this absurdity 😒. Who believes this shit?!

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. Very well said plot!!!!!

  108. @Talleywhacker

    "Can I just also reiterate that there is no stalker"

    Probably not, but there is definitely no injured vet with a daughter. On the one hand, Hmmmm Dudes castigating anyone outing them. On the other, they release details of an alleged victim on a big forum.

    Quite the asshole behavior there. Am I wrong?

  109. “Himmmm” wants you to believe Talley is the vet and his daughter is the daughter.

  110. Aaaaaah! I see now. ty!

  111. @Talleywhacker
    I don't understand why you feel all that is necessary but do what you have to do.
    I'm sure the legal dep'ts of studios/agencies/publicists know all about cdan/enty/himmmm.
    As far as your research into where he lives, you're about 15 years behind.
    After reading the lengthy rant, did it occur to you that might have been a bit unhinged?
    And yes, I do think he thought you were one of the 'trolls' that have been harping on his posts and his response was a culmination of frustration.
    I wouldn't take it personally.

    1. All valid points. I’m just pushing his buttons.
      Mary, you know him outside of CDAN?

  112. @mary

    We've had our differences so let's put that aside for a moment.

    What concerns me (and I'll project that onto TW perhaps wrongly) is that whomever Hmmmm is, he is hurting people. It may not be people we like or connect with, being rich celebrities and all, but his posts are meant to humiliate other people (especially women.) Supposing Hmmm is some well connected scion of HWood, who does that? No really, not even the most disgusting VIP in HWood takes to a gossip site to write out 50K words to humiliate his peers and past hookups.

    Let's also look at the ways Hmmm has stretched reality to cover his bases -

    He/they have an unusually intimate relationship with the FBI, one enjoyed by NO OTHER PERSON in the USA. The FBI exists as an independent agency (something that is deeply frustrating to Donny Moscow currently.) It's job is to withhold information, not share it with the likes of a Hmmm so he could write about it on line.

    Hmmmm isn't noted on the credits of any of the important films he has put into production, or saved from disaster, or been the script consultant on (for Paul Thomas Anderson, no less, who would probably sacrifice one of his 4 kids rather than consult someone who writes as badly as a Hmmmm.) Doesn't that sound convenient to you? Is that how you imagine HWood works? Does someone with no official credit on a film earn himself one more or less work? How do the unions feel about that? Does that claim even make a bit of sense?

    Hmmmm says this site doesn't make money. Bullshit. Looking at the ads on the site, Google is sending some of their best accounts here, the premium package for the highly trafficked sites. That means a lot of money is generated here for someone.

    Those are just a few of the annoying conflicts with reality in Hmmm's 6 part rant.

    "After reading the lengthy rant, did it occur to you that might have been a bit unhinged?"

    That seems to be the whole point for many of us.

    "harping on his posts and his response was a culmination of frustration. "

    Or fear.

  113. I also love how NO ONE ever brings up the disclaimer (in fine at the bottom!!!! It's been there from the beginning people!

  114. @Manuel

    Hmmmm's claims in his rant are that the stalker behaviors happened outside LA. Also,FBI is a federal agency, not the local LA cops who are as corrupt as they come, no doubt.

  115. Very interesting. I'm seeing the work of several real pro's here. Very XX Committee stuff. Very professional. Very slick. The cross support is particularly impressive.

    I'd be interested to know which management / publicity teams are paying the bills for your work. Who exactly is involved in this very calculated work of negative publicity management / opinion shaping. Although you put a lot of work in getting the tone right and sounding plausible as disinterested members of the public its still easy to tell the difference between genuine posters who are being negative and the paid pro's who are working hard to undermine / destroy the reputation of the principals. Once you know how the game is played. The use of very plausible details combined with more general attacks is particularly well thought out. If pretty standard in deflection / disinformation pieces.

    To the baffled outsiders let me explain. There are some very professional operators involved in this thread using some very well know professional techniques to deflect, distort and reputation destroy. Way too slick and calculated to be purely disinterested third parties. I've seen hints of this before but this has been the most blatant outing so far for this type of operation.

    Which is very interesting in itself. Probably one of the smaller fry got rattled but might be something bigger afoot. Who knows. There is way too much signal in the noise here for a lot of people with a lot to lose. And a lot to hide.

    1. Whatever you whatever you say “Himmmm”.
      What happened to the post about your private jet? You are a phony Talley.

    2. @MusicDSP

      Name names or you’re just part of the racket.

      Having been called a paid performer on this site many times in the past, I’m sick of the “everyone who takes his view is being paid.” Why? Because I could really fucking use the money, and it pisses me off to have to deal with the stress of dismissed out of hand as a paid actor without actually being a paid actor.

      And regardless of political proclivities, I doubt I’m the only one who feels this way, so there is no way I’m condoning posts from anyone ratcheting up the “paid posters” hysteria.

      Are there paid posters? Sure, if the internet job boards are anything to go by. But are they a majority here? I seriously doubt it.

    3. @Han
      MusicDSP is the one known as Himmmm, just like Justsayin, Do tell, and More cowbell. Just ignore Mr Griffith. He’s grasping to hang on to this con. Maybe he can write a real story sometime about how he failed in show buisness. This is just his way to make a little money and get young pretty girls on Twitter to talk to him (and send him nudie pics).

    4. @MusicDSP 👏🏻👏🏻 Well played, when all else fails accuse others of being paid posters, trolls, or the people you’re trying so hard to fight against.

      When you’re busted what else can you do? This tactic has been being used for years against political movements to discredit them as having no real support. Because no one could possibly be questioning your story or be against you, right? Everyone who comes here must believe everything you say and couldn’t possibly find any fault or holes in your stories, right?

      Please, people rarely use paid posters on the Internet. They usually use bots and those are easy to spot because they post the same comments, memes, or links over and over again. Troll farms do exist but don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’re that important. Those are almost always based in foreign countries; which makes them very easy to spot due to their awful grammar and poor grasp of the English language. Unfortunately for you, your critics have good grammar and a better grasp of the English language than most of your supporters, your accusations have no merit. Try again, you lose.

  116. @Talleywhacker

    I read that "operatives" post the same way. it made me think of something I came across on TG doing some scriptwriting for WB in the 90's for Deep Blue Sea. He is initially credited (it seems), but then the final script was completely rewritten and the whole movie changed from high tech espionage to 'normal joe' and sharks. Ouch.

    From the movie's wiki:
    "Kennedy's screenplay, which had already been re-written by several writers at Warner Bros., was presented to Donna Powers and Wayne Powers, who turned it into the film's final script.[4]According to Wayne, "The movie became essentially what we wrote. The draft we were first presented by [Warner Bros.] was much more of a military espionage, high-tech action movie, grenade launchers, that kind of thing. We wanted our team to include more blue-collar types and not to have weapons to fight back, to play it more as a horror film."

    See the inital credits here:
    and here:

  117. @MusicDSPGuy

    I'd be interested to know which management / publicity teams are paying the bills for your work."

    Not a very interesting way to avoid the issue of Hmmm's clear bullshit in his screed. Can you explain why he would indulge in so many fabrications?

  118. Okay, so at this point you're enjoying shooting fish in a barrel.
    When is enough, enough?
    So he went off. You don't know if it was only Tallywhacker that pissed him off. There were other posters who were slamming himmmm too.
    We don't know what happened. We only have Tallywhacker's version of events and that may only be part of it.

    What I noticed today is a few repetitive naysayers glomming onto a few blinds that may or not be true, but they were all in.
    Enty is a person. Himmmm is a person and there may be others who add their 'blinds'. And guess what, there may be people who would rather one of them use the first person to convey their stories, too.
    Why shit on everything posted, or should I say, anything you don't agree with or find suspicious, instead of taking it as it comes and reading it or not.
    If it's fanfiction, so what. If not, it could be someone's truth. Ease the fuck up, already. Thank you.

    1. @mary lamb wah, wah, wah Enty & Himmm are going to get their feelings hurt 😢. Yet they don’t ever give that same consideration to any of the people they make false accusations against. People guess people are pedos, murderers, etc. on this board all the time yet have you ever seen Enty or Himmm come on here to say “Nope, wrong guess”. There are a ton of people here who believe Spielberg, Geffen, and Lucas are pedophiles with no credible accusations or even hint of that whatsoever. Is it possible? Sure, but where’s the proof of that? There has never been a reveal about any of them but they are constantly guessed in pedo blind items. People talk about them as if they are so sure they’re pedos and can’t wait until they’re busted. Based on what?

      Enty and Himmm could be pedos too. Who’s to say they aren’t? I can start making those accusations and why are my insinuations or accusations any less credible? I actually think they are because they seem so obsessed with pedophilia and seem to know a lot of intimate details about how these child sex rings work. Who would know all of that and all the players unless they were involved themselves? I’m convinced they’re part of it.

      The point is, you can’t start asking for considerations you’ve never given others, once the weapons you use have been turned against you. What you put out you will get back. They’ve put some shit out into the Universe and it was bound to comeback at them eventually. They play a dangerous game and they expected to only burn others and never get burned themselves. Sorry it didn’t work out for them that way.

    2. Look at that fat guy from Nick, Himmmm started rumors years ago that he was a pedo and now mainstream media has referenced back to those accusations in their articles. Knowing what we know about himmmm is it fair to say he has destroyed another persons life for entertainment and for web traffic?

  119. @mary lamb

    "Enty is a person. Himmmm is a person"

    No one is disputing this.

    " there may be people who would rather one of them use the first person to convey their stories, too."

    Hmmm strongly implies that the source of one of his blinds, and many of his comments, is Paul Thomas Anderson. Do you really think a director/writer like PTA would allow Hmmm to write up torrid tales of anal sex, car chases, women vomiting and peeing, allowing Hmmm to demean ex-girlfriends ON A FUCKING GOSSIP SITE????? Really????

    Do you think that Brandon Lee's sister would allow her romantic life to bleed onto this site? Pregnancies and all????

    You think that Hmmmm is a really good guy for using the stories of veterans (there have been several) to virtue signal and yet again save the day, be the hero of yet another story of the amazing and marvelous Hmmm who is loved by all?

    You believe an old starlet, or in the recent blind some friend of Kim Richards, would reveal to Hmmmm, exclusively, a murder occurred...told to him in a Trader Joe's no less?

    COME ON!

    It's painful to have one's bubble burst, but the bullshit is now way to thick on this site. The ultimate lesson of every blind is Hollywood is EEEEE-VIL and Hmmm and Enty are white knights. Fuck that. No really. Fuck that. It's not even funny and blinds are now deliberately written to hurt people - you know REAL people the likes of which you defend above.

    1. @plot I don’t know about you but I always discuss murder in the aisles of grocery stores whenever I run into old acquaintances.

  120. @plot, there is a disclaimer on the page. Everything is about getting clicks. The more controversy, the more clicks, the more advertising revenue.
    People need to let go of all of the conspiracy theories. While I am not doubting there is some truth behind them, most are set up for discussion. Same thing with the trolls. They post, and get responses to their posts. $$$

    1. @lutefisk I think the problem is that a lot of people here take it all too seriously and completely ignore the disclaimer. They believe every word and every guess as if it’s true. They believe the absurd Himmm rant that he was working with the FBI to catch some stalker and wrapped it up in 48 hours and caught the guy like some hero. They believe all this murder, intrigue, and bullshit which can be dangerous. There are some that have truth to it but even those have embellishments.

      He was right about Harvey, to an extent, but people fail to remember that he also painted a lot of Harvey’s victims as whores and willing participants which was incredibly harmful to them. He got credit when in reality he painted it as a casting couch deal when he was raping women. He got credit for Kevin Spacey but he missed the child rape part, a key part in all of this and the whole time was just painting him as a closet case guy when he was a rapist. He painted Toback as “casting couch” stuff when it was rape. He never painted any of their victims as unwilling participants, which is a key detail if you actually have the inside scoop. He pretended to have the inside scoop on Cornell and was supposedly good friends with him yet he said it would take a “miracle” for Soundgarden to get back together right before they got back together and a whole host of other shit they just got wrong.

      Btw, the Himmms have played this “you’re causing harm with your posts” bullshit before when someone outed them as Talley. When someone gets too close and outs them as the fraud they are they go back to the same old playbook. This time they amped it up to include the FBI but it’s basically the same thing. Check it out

  121. @lutefisk

    I'm aware.

    The Blinds have always been more interesting for the discussions about them, rather than the BIs themselves.

  122. Okay, knock yourselves out beating a dead horse.
    No bubble to burst. What I do know is that much of what's posted has truth to it, in the movie and music business. I've worked in both.
    Enty does have friends in the industries and people like to talk.
    Is it all true? I don't know.
    As far as the pedo rings and conspiracies? As you've seen, posters like Schneiderisnext and others have connected the dots. Don't forget that a conspiracy only takes two.
    What I do know is I don't HAVE to click on responses in my email and watch people high-five themselves and buy a round of shots to celebrate someone having a meltdown.

  123. Mary lamb: the 2 best uses of the internet are Porn and Meltdowns, Amazon is #3.

  124. "What I do know is that much of what's posted has truth to it"

    Then do share.

    "I've worked in both"

    I doubt you are alone here in that.

    "Enty does have friends in the industries and people like to talk."

    Old Enty seemed to. This new one, since 2012 at least, has been faking it. He even uses the wording from the original sites he takes his BIs from.

    "posters like Schneiderisnext and others have connected the dots"
    That is if one believes that biological agents need no special tending and can be transported in a simple carry-on. The connections are fucking ridiculous, straight out of "24" narratives.

  125. @Count Jerkula
    Ziiing! I'm a fan, unofficially.

    You remind me of someone I know.
    He is incredibly clever and observant, if often crass about it. When out, you could set a timer for him. A 5 beer timer. After that, box him up, take him out - before every last person is offended in the most vulgar ways. It all would just fall out of his brain, unedited. But he is soooo funny!

    He teaches elementary school. Go figure.

  126. Anyone notice that the archive links on the left do not contain any "Daytime Emmy" posts now? In fact, I think all of April 30 may be gone (at least on the archive menu). Obviously not erased since it's still here for me to post on!

    Anyone else with a desktop page see the same thing?

    1. Thanks Sher.

      Those links go by the week, you can open/close em by clicking the arrow next to the date.

  127. @Original Unknown Skeptic, I totally agree with you about readers taking the posts too seriously. They are often very ambiguous and could fit many people. That is a big problem. People will twist and bend the facts to try to make them fit someone who may fit 1/100th of the "clues." Then everyone runs with that person, ie: Steven Spielberg, or John Lennon/Paul McCartney.
    Sadly, there are a lot of sickos out there. I am sure Enty and The Himmmms have more connections than any of us and do receive information that the public doesn't know about. However, people seem to forget that "Enty" is short for Entertainment. This was a blog started to entertain the readers. I don't believe everything posted is supposed to be 100% truthful. Again, a lot is fluff and filler.

  128. @jerkula

    I was finding that page just fine yesterday with the side link (opened to the correct dates). Dates before Apr 30 and after Apr 30 are there. It take so fricken long to load that I'm loathe to check it again.

    Dancing Boys ones are still there!!! (in case anyone was worried)



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