Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Blind Item #1

One is an A- list mostly movie actress from a former franchise all of you know. The other actress is A-/B+, but who all of you know. The picture has been cropped to hide some identifying information on the jacket. There were two shots of tequila behind them and an arm around the waist. Silverlake in February. Amber Heard is not one of them.


  1. Kstew-Amber Heard???

    1. Ah ok no Heard— MRod?

    2. What a funny blind....lol .Inlike the convept

    3. In the race to be first you failed basic reading

    4. Yeah...
      In order to be a douche for no reason whatsoever “sjgmoney”, do you fail basic ,perfunctory-people skills? Or are you still in 3rd grade sitting alone at the lunch table ?

  2. It says "Amber Heard is not one of them".

  3. Dakota Fanning and K Stew

  4. or Drew Barrymore

    Kristen Stewart, Drew Barrymore Flirting?
    Gossip Cop-Mar. 27, 2018
    According to NW, Barrymore has been helping Stewart prepare for her role in the upcoming reboot of Charlie's Angels, which is being directed by Elizabeth Banks. Barrymore produced and co-starred in the first two big-screen installments of the action comedy franchise, based on the 1970's TV series.

    1. So now Hollywood is rebooting movie franchises that were reboots of TV shows? Ugh.

    2. Imagination & originality are dead. Dead af.

  5. KS is the biggest player in Hollywood right now.

    "Shhh, baby. It's not like that. You know you're special, girl."

  6. After months of negotiations, CBS on Monday was prepared to make an offer for Viacom — at less than the New York parent of MTV, Comedy Central and Nickelodeon is currently worth, The Post has confirmed.

    The expected offer, called a take-under, is seen as just an opening gambit by CBS boss Les Moonves and the final price may move higher.

    The tougher issue, those close to the situation said, was hammering out who would head a combined company — both controlled by ailing media mogul Sumner Redstone’s National Amusements.

    It has been determined that Moonves will lead the combined entertainment behemoth for two years, sources said.

    On Monday, CBS’ shares closed down 1.3 percent, to $50.71, near a 52-week low. That gives it a $19.4 billion market cap.

  7. I cant get past my horror at the floor to focus on the ppl. ;) uggg

  8. I don't know if it's kstew but if it is, looks like someone has a personal vendetta against her for sending this sneaky pic. Give the girl some space and let her explore her sexuality without voyeuristic intrusion. She's probably getting crap like homophobia or bi-erasure. Whoever sent this is out for blood.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      calm down. nobody cares.

  9. Oooh, Geeljire, that answers part of that blind.

  10. Am I wrong to think given prior comments, this could be Ellen Page & that whole WTH was it? X-Men? Not sure on the blonde.

  11. It doesn't say foreign-born, but Ruby Rose & her gf broke up so maybe her with KStew.

  12. Replies
    1. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/four-for-friday-its-about-time-himmmm.html?m=1

  13. Enty's comment/hint from FB about this: https://www.facebook.com/Crazy.Days.and.Nights/posts/2137268889621896

  14. My eyesight is so bad I can't even make out what's going on in the picture to understand the meaning of the blind. :/

    1. A beautiful act of Tay Tay

    2. Though i can make out the dirty floor with cigarette butts everywhere. Eek!

  15. This is juicy especially when you read the facebook post Thia put up above. FINALLY a really juicy blind!

  16. Could also be Kate/Bella Thorne who had that rating here for some bizarre reason... and her ever changing hair was blond recently

  17. Lol Kstew can't help her cheating self. Men, women, it doesn't matter. She's gonna keep whoring it up.

    1. There's sex positivity
      And then there's baggage

  18. I love the Drew guess but I don't think the blonde here is here. But that WOULD be unexpected.

  19. I wonder if this is Cafe Stella in Silverlake. I did a quick search and someone left a comment that the food is excellent but it was disgusting how they allowed smoking in the enclosed patio.

  20. What is "the identifying information on the jacket?" The name of an in-production movie?

  21. For some reason I can't get it to open so I can see--what is it a pic of? Someone help!!!!

  22. Enty's hint says it will change how you think about someone. How about that person -- could this be Megan Fox? Or Goop?

  23. Looks like the blond(?) is on a cel phone.

    The floor is littered with cigarette butts!

    I thought you could NOT smoke in bars in California.

    In Las Vegas, you can only smoke in the Casino -- NOT the restaurants or anywhere else.

  24. K Stew for the franchise actress (Twilight) but the blonde must be a big deal. Someone not known to the public as anything but straight.

  25. From the description of the blind, I think the brunette woman is KStew. The other woman is the one that will surprise us. On Facebook Enty made it seem like it was a big deal. So someone that we don't like, or who we wouldn't expect to be necking with KStew. Someone who has a distinctive jacket. Drinks and smokes.

  26. Someone who has a distinctive jacket. Drinks and smokes.

    Just a social observation ... it seems like all the crazy whacked-out bimbos are smoking cigarettes these days. Is this a trend?

  27. KStew kissing a woman surprises no one,same for many guesses. So maybe a married woman, wild guess,Cate Blanchet?

  28. I cand understand the image at all. Nothing makes sense, but the first impression i get, is... the blonde thin hair looks like Renee Zellweger.

  29. Aww new love, it warms the heart. On the other hand, two women getting drunk on tequila and making out is not exactly hoisting the rainbow flag, more like every night in college. Which is exactly how they'll play it off no matter the truth.

  30. I feel like I've been to this place. Just because I hate her, my guess is Taylor Swift as the blonde.

  31. Defintely K Stew and her nuns w/ guns hoodie

  32. Replies
    1. Oh I'm slow on my Sapphic news
      There might be chromosomal reasons for that

  33. "Amber Heard is not one of them." is different than 'Amber Heard is not either of them.'
    This may be written very cleverly.

    1. Hahah love it! Then sticking with my first guess😜

    2. On what planet is that different? Some of you are D U M dumb.

    3. Sjg: have you ever helped your uncle jack off a horse?
      Or have you helped your Uncle Jack off a horse?

    4. Hahahah!!!!😂😂

  34. Chloe Sevigny and K Stew? Or K Stew and Drew B?

  35. Just looks like kstew and Stella to me

  36. I'm throwing Emma Watson in the ring for the woman on the left. The hat looks kinda like the one Emma wore at the concert she and Chord Overstreet were first seen together.

  37. Kinda obsessed now.

    Ok-sticking with Dakota Fanning as the first guess. Her parents live around Silverlake and she is blonde. There was also a blind about the two of them being romantic in the past.

    Second guess-Dianne Kruger-simply for hair colour and rating that Enty always gives her. They also just finished filming that JT LeRoy movie together in LA.

  38. Kristen Stewart and Portia de Rossi?

  39. Location is Tenants of the Trees

  40. Lovin' that kind of blind, but these chicks are boooring, whoever they are LOL.

  41. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I like the concept but is it really necessary to crop the picture to hide info? I mean, picture don’t lie, if unaltered.

  42. K-Stew and Evan Rachel Wood. Wood was renting a house in Silverlake earlier this year.

  43. ERW or Amber Heard wouldn't change the way we think about them. They are openly bisexual...

  44. So... will we get to see the whole pic when this blind is revealed?

  45. Not to knock anyone's guesses, but would K.Stew kissing Ellen Page, Ruby Rose, Portia de Rossi, Amber Heard, Stella Maxwell or Evan Rachel Wood shock anyone? Not really. It's not Taylor because Enty said she's an actress. Drew Barrymore wouldn't even really surprise me because she's always been a free spirit. This has to be someone completely shocking for Enty to make such a big deal out of it here and on FB.

  46. I have a feeling it is Blake Lively...

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I based my guess on the actual post, not on whatever was written on Facebook.

  49. This explains the Stella and Bella Hadid rumors in the UK.

    Definitely KStew, but I'm going to go with Kaia Gerber. Tequila shots means squat unless someone is in recovery or underaged.

    1. Isn't her dad part owner of a tequila company?

  50. @lucy exactly, none of the people guessed so far would be surprising, worthy of being discussed in the tabloids for a long time.

    Blake is a good guess. We don't like her and she isn't allowed out of the house usually.

    Elizabeth Moss ?

  51. Hasn't Evan Rachel Wood always been sexually fluid though? I just don't find that too shocking but maybe I've been reading this site for way too long and nothing surprises me anymore.

  52. @Chug ChooChoo - thank you! I just feel like there's someone we're not thinking of. Blake is a good guess and that would certainly be shocking, you're right! I know Elizabeth was married to the SNL guy (can't think of his name) and Enty claimed there was some crazy-creepy stuff going on in the marriage and she wanted out. I forget exactly what it was but it almost bordered on abuse, if memory serves.

  53. @LiluDallas - if it is tenants of the trees...omg, I just read the reviews for that place on Yelp. Have you ever been there?

    1. Nope, just went google image searching and recognized the chairs in the photo. Lol. I read the reviews too!! So bizarre.

  54. @ChugChooChoo - Re my Blake guess. Thank you for explaining why, when I couldn't get my brain to translate my hink into actual words. lol

  55. I don't care for Kstew, but I can get into this kind of blind for sure

  56. Kristen Stewart just got all the Women in the industry?

  57. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Kristen and either Emma Roberts or Ashley Benson. Looks more like Emma though.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. seriously, now, what IS the big deal?

  60. KStew and Emma Watson makes the most sense. Emma's new hairdo looks like this

  61. @sandybrook - GREAT call! Now THAT is salacious and un-obvious! Brilliant! Enty could even be referring to Emma with the franchise being Harry Potter. I think you got it!

  62. If it were Emma and K-Stew, wouldn't both be labeled as being in a former franchise that you all know?

  63. Good God, it looks a really dirty place! Why would you go there especially being a celebrity. And how do you make out at such a place, I would spend all my energy trying to keep myself from vomiting!

  64. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Kristen hangs out with both Emma Roberts and Ashley Benson. There were similar pics of her in NY a few months ago with Ashley. But my guess is still Emma- think that would be a bigger surprise. Only other realistic option I can think of would be Chloe Grace Moretz.

  65. Enty is hinting on Twitter.

    Not Drew Barrymore (think younger) Not Bella Thorne or Paris Jackson. This will change your perception of them forever.

  66. Is there some blonde who is known for being conservative or bible-thumping which this could be? Because otherwise, it's Hollyweird, and Hollyweird has a reputation for being pretty open to things.

  67. Again, call me jaded, but I don't think Emma Roberts would be shocking either. If you read this site, you know she's wild, unpredictable and crazy. I think Sandybrook got it.

  68. Wasnt there a blind a few weeks back where someone was gonna try and reach out to KStew as they thought it might help their career with a bit of lesbian action. Pretty sure the blind was about Emma given her career is essentially stalling.

    1. I remember that.
      I’m thinking Reese Witherspoon for some reason.

    2. Lindsey was mentioned as part of that.

  69. @Nemo - Funny that you ask that because Enty has insinuated that Emma is very conservative. Supposedly on the set of This Is The End, she was horrified at the pranks the men were pulling on each other and the language they used. Her whole reputation is built around the prim and proper English rose who came from a wealthy family and went to an Ivy League school. Almost like a younger Natalie Portman.

  70. Where does everyone see blond? I see brown and brown, just two different shades of it.

  71. @filmfanb - was that Emma Roberts or Watson? I didn't see the blind, but it would certainly fit!

  72. Thanks for the hinty.

    Yeah I don't think we have it yet. Emma wouldn't really surprise me either and I think she'd be described differently.

    @nemo could be someone religious who isn't supposed to be drinking. Are there any Mormon actresses? Very conservative Christians? Bl

    Someone squeaky clean..... the youngest Olsen sister? A Fanning sister? Arya from GoT?

    God I'm just throwing out names irresponsibly now, halpppppp

  73. @Nemo - My thoughts as well. Someone 20-30, blond, conservative, and very heterosexual with their image. Emma Watson definitely fits.

  74. Kristen stewart hangs out with stella maxwell a lot in silver lake, if you google Kristen Stewart Silver lake

  75. What about Jennifer Lawrence for the blonde? Enty hinted on FB that she's younger than Drew but older than Bella Thorne. She also has a reputation for being crass, talking about the D. Maybe thats why he says our perception of her will be totally changed.

  76. I just think Emma Watson would also be a "former franchise all you know" rather than just "who all you know."

  77. If it were Jenna Dewan, it would explain her split with Channing Tatum. I can't think of a single person in Hollywood that would be shocking enough to change my perception forever. Unless Lizzie Maguire or Hannah Montana were real people. 😂

  78. But what about the jacket...maybe it's from the blonde's clothing line?
    That would be a dead giveaway right? Loving the Emma Watson and Blake Lively guesses though.

  79. Enty did say that. One is an A- list mostly movie actress from a former franchise all of you know (EMMA WATSON). The other actress is A-/B+, but who all of you know. (K.STEW)

  80. Sorry Lucy, yes Watson. Im trying to find the blind.Could be wrong. But it kind of looks like her.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. @filmfanb - very interesting! Maybe this is all planted PR to recessuitate Watson's career then?

  83. @Lucy the blind I was looking for was about Pattison, that said I wouldnt be suprised if she went in this direction

  84. Ah ok, I see now, Watson would be the first actress described and KStew the second.

    Tabloid fodder because HP and Twilight stars getting together. Fandoms would go wild.

    I like it.

  85. As if anyone is surprised that KStew is cheating on her partner ... again?

  86. Kristen Stewart and Ashley Benson ?were photographed together a while ago!

  87. So Enty said on Twitter it would change our perception on THEM forever. KStew cheating with another woman aint suprising....unless its someone they hate.

  88. Is the jacket from a fashion firm the actress is representing, and the logo is the back?

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Ok, going with the "would change the way you think about her" angle, Candice Cameron??

  91. The picture's blurry, does this help? I see the girl on the left having very dark, shoulder-length brown to black hair. Her bangs are pointing up above the hoodie and some of her hair rests on her right shoulder. She's facing straight forward. The girl on the right is leaning forward and around the front of the first girl, kissing her. She has short light brown hair with blonde highlights and it's pulled up in a loose knot on the top of her head, or a faux-hawk. (Very compatible with Kristen Stewart's look.) So who has dark, shoulder length hair?

    1. Agree. It looks like the person on the right (KStew, probably) is the kissER and Long Dark Hair is the kissEE.
      I’m going with Lea Michele as the kissEE. She needs a career kickstart. Badly.
      KSTEW & LEA MICHELE (semi-final answer🤷🏼‍♀️)

  92. We are ignoring the obvious: Enty posted photographic evidence!

    Looks like someone was sitting in the upper level of the establishment & snapped the photo. Wouldn't be surprised if Enty took the photo.

    I'm gonna guess Jessica Simpson as one of the women.

  93. The blonde could be JLaw. She was on Stephen Colbert last night making a fool of herself again.

    1. @T.W., if it's Kristen, I hope she has better taste than Jennifer Lawrence.

  94. I think the identifying information is on the jacket of the woman who IS NOT KStew. The other one. OMG I would fucking love if it was Candace Cameron. Not sure if the rating fits. She could have a hockey jacket on.

  95. @Lucy the blind was actually about Emma going after Pattison, given they used to be co stars on Harry Potter. I dont know, KStew never struck me as desperate for anything, he indie career is going pretty well right now and it suits her. Emma cant seem to make a decent move anymore.

    PS. Thanks :) Gandolfini was a big crush of mine. But thats a whole seperate daddy issues story :P

  96. @chug Yeah, either that or something with the fuller house logo? I feel like from the description, it has to be someone REALLY surprising. The hair totally works for Candace also. Most of the names guessed wouldn't be too big of a deal.

  97. The pic was taken in feb, why only release it now? Looks like whoever took it tried to blackmail the parties involved and they didn't bite hence the leak.

  98. @lucy kstew isn't really known for being media-savvy. She's oftentimes described as publicity-eschewing so I doubt those rumors came from her camp.

    Anyway, just to be different I'm going with rooney mara.

  99. Julie Bowen is older than Drew.

  100. Reese is about the same age as Drew, so probably not. That would be kind of shocking though.

  101. I win because I actually know who they are. Sorry to burst the gossip bubble but this is KSTEW and her longtime GIRLFRIEND Stella Maxwell. The hoodie on KStew is recognizable because she's been papped in it many times. (once revealed, it will serve to make you belive the blind is credible) But the face of the blonde woman can't be seen (how convenient) so they'll just tell you it's this or that young popular actress, whichever would get more clicks, when it's just Stella Maxwell who is KStew's gf.

  102. Enty's twitter hint was that it isn't Drew Barrymore, Bella Thorne, or Paris Jackson. This hint was related to the kissER (who would be the "bad girl" of the two). We had already guessed that the Kisser was KStew. The fact that Enty is still giving hints related to the Kisser makes me think that maybe we got it wrong, and it is not KStew.

    Either way, the KissEE could still be older than Drew, based on his hint.


  103. What about Taylor?

  104. Looks to me that the person on the left is in a brown hoodie, hood up - so probably Stewart for that one.

    The other one? Who would be "shocking"? The ones with the most preachy image don't shock me. That's like being shocked by gay pastors.

    Maybe Hilary Duff? She said she was straight but also said...
    "I'm not gay; I'm straight. I'm fully straight. I don't have any feelings towards women except they're beautiful. But I don't know! Put me in the position and then I might…"

  105. Millie Bobbi Brown ?

  106. The pic is from February, so it would make sense if it were Emma Watson who is suddenly publicly smitten with Chord Overstreet. I'm guessing since it took a while to get out, the person in the photo and/or their team know if its existence.

  107. .... Robby and jennifer??

  108. .... Robby and jennifer??

  109. The girl on the right: Rooney Mara has been wearing a black sweatshirt for a long time and wears hats that look like this. This would be shocking because everyone thinks she's dating Phoenix.

  110. First time poster here, and about a month ago Nick Hoult, K Stew and Ashley Benson showed up in a dive bar with a few other people in my hometown of Long Beach. By the end of the night K Stew and Benzo were making out hardcore. Also Stewart payed for the drinks and didn't tip well.

  111. Not likely, I know, but it WOULD be shocking if the one in the hat were Megan Markle.

  112. I don't really see Emma Watson as being conservative. She seems pretty far left, actually, if you're talking politics. As far as behavior she's kept her image pretty clean though.

  113. Just watch to see who shows up doing pap walks with heavy PDA in the next few days that should lead to the answer

  114. Ok, I'm jumping on the kstew/ashley benson train. Especially after googling pics of Ashley and the comment from thockey up above.

  115. Going by hair and what I can only imagine would be so scandalous, I'm going with Jenna Dewan and J-Law

  116. The hair colouring of the female on the left reminds me of Drew Barrymore's but I don't think this is her.

    I'm SO curious about the identifying info on the jacket Enty cropped out

  117. Emma Stone?
    Elizabeth Banks?
    Whatever.. girls just wanna have fun! So let them. It's their lives, their choice..

  118. To jump on the Ashley Benson bandwagon, I think she is probably the girl beneath the girl on top of her. Check out this photo (like below) of Ashley in early March. Her hair look exactly the same. Also, I think she may be wearing the same jacket in the Enty photo. Look how the jacket bunches up near the shoulder when her arm is bent:


  119. "link" below, not "like." :)

  120. Or it could be Emma Roberts. Below is a link to a photo taken of her this March. She obviously smokes, so it could be her cigarette butt on the patio. But KStew smokes, too. I would love it to be Emma Watson, but I never see her in anything but high-fashion clothes.


  121. Just to be different, Sarah Michelle Gellar as the blonde?

  122. I like how even with a photograph people make ridiculously off the mark guesses.

  123. Black jacket and hair look a lot like what Cara Delevigne was wearing at Tenants of the Trees on January 30 (check out the second picture in the link). But who would be surprised by Cara making out with a woman? https://twitter.com/Caraimages/status/826406743865511940

  124. Blonde is Scarlett Johansson 😀

  125. This is simple math: time x tequila = sexual flexibility. Could literally be ANYONE.

  126. @Sal, so remind me who you think the young ladies are.

  127. Well @filmfanb let's go - did you know Gandolfini in any way? What is your fascination in bringing him into any blind discussions?

    You want to know about him? Then let's go... he was a great actor & devoted to his family. Every cast mate LOVED him. He would do ANYTHING for his colleagues or more importantly his crew. He was LOVED for great reason. You could NEVER find an actor who led an iconic cast & crew the way Gandolfini did it. he loved & was loved. You could count on him in every way... But he also loved to party. And would become another person. Won't go into it here. But I can say that I first hand dealt with it. And it wasn't pretty. Haven't written one of these "reader" blinds - but if you all want to hear, I will do.

  128. Meanwhile LOOK at the photo - Kristen is NOT involved. She doesn't remotely resemble either of these ladies.

    Besides the fact it's much more fun..

  129. Kristen is obviously the blonde here. Take a look at her recent pap pics. So we're looking for a brunette as the other actress. Definitely one with a lob/shoulder length hair.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Christina Ricci and KStew?

  133. Kstew/Shailene Woodley?

  134. What about Kristen Bell? That would change how people think of her, for sure.

  135. Let's assume the first actress franchise is Kristen Stewart. According to Enty the second isn't in her 40's nor early 20's.
    What about Elizabeth Olsen for the A/B we all know? She was in LA in February.

  136. KStew and Mandy Moore?

  137. To be different, Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis

  138. Looks like K Stew and J Law

  139. K stew and Stella max

  140. I am starting to think that @truestory is right and that this is KStew and her girlfriend Stella Maxwell. Enty or the reader is trying to play this off as a scandal in order to create buzz around whatever actress he is going to "reveal".

    Look at the pics from the DM last night of KStew and Stella, and Stella's very identifiable jacket.


  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. Late to the party, but the blonde on the right is KStew. That's not in question. She's from a franchise everyone knows. Nothing anyone finds out about her is going to shock anyone, since she's cheated with both men and women. So it's the other woman, around 35 or younger who has a straight-laced image that would be the shocker.

    So who is it? A married woman most likely, since K's kink is cheating with someone who's already in a relationship. I know who it's not. It's not Emma Watson or JLaw. It will never be Cara Delivigne, she can't stand KS because she cheated with St Vincent and broke up SV and Cara.

    Jenna Dewann Tatum? Kai Gerber? Demi Lovato? Selena Gomez? Whoever it is, it's not the first time KS has cheated on Stella. She hooked up with a reporter at Sundance last year and with another woman in LA as well.

  143. an A- list mostly movie actress

    a former franchise

    shailene woodley


  144. K-Stew 'Fears Emma Watson Is Trying To Steal R-Pattz'
    Sep 28, 2010

    Emma Watson defends K Stew after affair with Rupert
    Feb 9, 2013

  145. Sorry Brad, but KStew has no interest in Pattinson. I doubt she will ever be seen with a man again. She has a preference and it's not for men. He's avoided her for the past 5 years, he has no interest in her, either. Plus, everyone knows Emma Watson has zero interest in Pattinson and he in her. That story was a joke. They simply presented an award together at the Golden Globes, it wasn't a date.

    Emma and KStew aren't friends. They met once at TIFF when they both had films there. She was asked once about KS's affair with Rupert and she said she felt sorry for the way the media had treated her, that's all. They also have no contact.

    As for Shailene Woodley, I'm not sure I'd call her A-list. That and the franchise are referring to Twilight. Shailene's franchise tanked, it didn't span 5 hit films the way Twilight did. This blind is definitely about KStew and some probably married woman who is not out.

  146. So I am guessing will to the sly reveal in the other blind by Enty, this is K-Stew and Chloe Moretz

  147. So Chloe Moretz for the actress with the franchise Kick Ass (looking at B Beckham's instagram there is a reference to a sellout robot) and I guess the reference to Amber Heard refers to Lily Rose Depp (her ex-boyfriend walked around with a Lakers tee-shirt haha)

  148. "Tenant of the Trees responds to drugging allegations"


    Yelp reviews are fantastic

    "Man fuck this place. You're a small bar next to a Jersey Mike's - stop acting like some exclusive Hollywood club. It's embarrassing.

    Waited on one side of the door for 10 min (behind lots of other people) before the bouncer finally told everyone that wasn't a line and no one on our side was getting in. We moved to the opposite side and they shut the door and told everyone in line "no ones getting in right now".

    I guess they forgot to add "unless you know one of us" because they proceed to let random people who just showed up in immediately.

    15 minutes later, they announced there were 2 private parties and no one was getting in without being on the guest list. Maybe next time let everyone know before they waste almost 30 minutes standing for nothing?? Also, we had friends in the bar celebrating their birthday who weren't one of the 2 private parties - how the fuck did they get in, then?

    Felt ridiculous for giving a place notorious for rude ass staff and countless accusations of drugging drinks and racism a chance. Should've known better."

  149. Should lesbians across the world be high fiving!?! I certainly am and I have no clue who these people are.

  150. KStew and Cloe Moretz. There are other photos of them in a well known troll site.

  151. https://www.celebdirtylaundry.com/2017/kristen-stewart-dumps-stella-maxwell-for-chloe-grace-moretz-new-love-interest/

  152. that article link above is from last year so..
    anyways her and stella are still together.
    So who was this person she supposedly hooked up with at Sundance? and another woman as well?
    And Stella knows about that, lol.

  153. Did Enty reveal this blind or was it a fake like I said because the people in the photo are KStew and her girlfriend Stella Maxwell?

  154. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Ashley Benson being one of them! Pretty Little Liars being the series....

  155. Rachel McAdams has a place in silver lake and that would be surprising



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